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What Happened at the Weigh-In on Biggest Loser Tonight?

In summary, during the first 20 minutes of tonight's episode of Biggest Loser, the teams were in the gym and Mike lost enough weight to keep everyone. The contestants were then taken outside for a challenge where they had to hold a ball on their laps while leaning against a wall. The winner would be responsible for matching people up for the next weigh-in, which would be one-on-one. The blue team is struggling due to an alliance formed by three members, and it seems that they may soon be completely wiped out by the black team. There is also tension within the blue team as they continue to vote out members who have lost significant amounts of weight. One member of the blue team has had weight reduction surgery and gained back the weight
Gold Member
Can someone please tell me about the first 20 mins of biggest loser tonight. I missed it b/c out signal wasn't coming in well. When I finally got it to come in good the teams were in the gym. What happened at the weigh in? If you could pm me so the west coast people don't get spoiled that would be great :)

I missed all of it because of cluster meeting UGH! In fact forgot about it until I read this thread, man and I missed the conclusion of the cliffhanger!!! HELP!!!!! LOL
Mike lost enough to keep everyone. However, they were all taken outside immediately for the next challenge. They had to lean against a wall in a sitting position with a small ball on their laps. The last one holding a ball won the responsibility for matching people up for the next weigh-in, which would be one-on-one instead of team against team.
Don't you think the guy the blue team eliminated the last time would have really helped out in these challenges? The way they are going they are going to be completely wiped out by the black team. It must feel terrible to lose so much, but they didn't play the game smart. The three have formed an alliance that is costing them.
Addie4TLC said:
Don't you think the guy the blue team eliminated the last time would have really helped out in these challenges? The way they are going they are going to be completely wiped out by the black team. It must feel terrible to lose so much, but they didn't play the game smart. The three have formed an alliance that is costing them.

I think that is very true - I thought so last night when they were talking about their alliance. There is going to come a time when they aren't going to have a choice, and they will all be gone.
Do you think Filippe and Sione will go back to Bob or stay with Jillian.
I'm kind of glad the sent the member of the blue team home last night, she was kind of a whiner.
ChefBeckyD said:
I think that is very true - I thought so last night when they were talking about their alliance. There is going to come a time when they aren't going to have a choice, and they will all be gone.

Right! Every time they have to vote someone out on the blue team the dad says "well I don't want to go home, so I think it's time for ---- to go home." Oh reeeeaaally? :) Don't they realize that winning those challenges and keeping people that lose big (for now) is important? I almost passed out when they let the guy go last time who lost a lot. I could picture him in these last challenges doing great. They forget in the end it's every man for himself.
Addie4TLC said:
Right! Every time they have to vote someone out on the blue team the dad says "well I don't want to go home, so I think it's time for ---- to go home." Oh reeeeaaally? :) Don't they realize that winning those challenges and keeping people that lose big (for now) is important? I almost passed out when they let the guy go last time who lost a lot. I could picture him in these last challenges doing great. They forget in the end it's every man for himself.

He said that exact thing again last night! Before, he used the excuse that he needed to be there for his son, but his son is on the Black Team now.

Plus, I guess I don't think that he is as deserving as some - I mean, he had weight reduction surgery, lost all kinds of weight, and then gained it all back, so my feeling is that what's going to keep him from gaining it all back again this time?
I didn't know that. Yeah, if they keep up with his reasoning "who can do it at home" he would win the Biggest Loser! LOL Wonder what the blue team would have done had they won the Day of Lux., the black did BAD! All I can say is if they lose again I don't feel sorry for them.
  • #10
Addie4TLC said:
I didn't know that. Yeah, if they keep up with his reasoning "who can do it at home" he would win the Biggest Loser! LOL Wonder what the blue team would have done had they won the Day of Lux., the black did BAD! All I can say is if they lose again I don't feel sorry for them.

I couldn't believe it as I watched the calorie count for all of the black team go up - and then when the drinking started too! I can't believe they won the weight challenge!

And yeah - for the dad, that's why he has that weird shape (the man-boobs times 3). It's because of the gastric bypass, and losing so much weight so quickly and then gaining it all back. I think if he wants to keep weight off, he's going to have to live at the Biggest Loser Ranch permanently.:rolleyes: I think they should be keeping the people who have the biggest chance of long-term success, IMO!
  • #11
ChefBeckyD said:
I couldn't believe it as I watched the calorie count for all of the black team go up - and then when the drinking started too! I can't believe they won the weight challenge!

And yeah - for the dad, that's why he has that weird shape (the man-boobs times 3). It's because of the gastric bypass, and losing so much weight so quickly and then gaining it all back. I think if he wants to keep weight off, he's going to have to live at the Biggest Loser Ranch permanently.:rolleyes: I think they should be keeping the people who have the biggest chance of long-term success, IMO!

YES!!! I'm sure when they look back they will want to kick themselves!! LOL on keeping him permanently, he could be the Biggest Loser mascot!!! Someone should invent a three tier man-bra for that man!! I can't watch him, it's hard....
  • #12
PamperedbyKaren said:
I'm kind of glad the sent the member of the blue team home last night, she was kind of a whiner.

I actually really liked Mandi. I thought she had the worst self confidence I have seen in a long time, so I did not considder her a whiner. Now Sione... um my 4 year old threw tantrums like that when he was 2! I mean get a grip!
  • #13
etteluap70PC said:
I actually really liked Mandi. I thought she had the worst self confidence I have seen in a long time, so I did not considder her a whiner. Now Sione... um my 4 year old threw tantrums like that when he was 2! I mean get a grip!

I thought that was ridiculous. He has treated Jillian with such disrespect, and pretty much ignored the fact that she was his trainer - and then throws a temper tantrum because he isn't getting "his turn" and runs off to Bob.

I was equally disgusted with Bob for coddling him. He is just encouraging the bad behavior.
  • #14
Yup..... exactly... I would not put up with that from my kids nevermind an adult!
  • #15
I didn't see Mandi as a whiner. I can't say she was a favorite of mine, though. I didn't like Filipe's tantrum, but I understood his frustration. He didn't want to change, then he was left alone. Add to that the fact that he probably felt guilty about the bad behavior the night before and he was being chewed out by the very person he was ticked at, and a confrontation was bound to happen. Jillian didn't seem to have a response to his complaint. I wonder if that will be addressed or if it got left on the floor of the editing room. I'm pretty sure the black team learned their lesson. When Tara didn't lose any weight at all, you could see them all starting to sweat. The fact that they had each revved their metabolism in the preceding weeks probably gave them some momentum in burning the junk they ate. The blue team is operating out of emotion instead of logic. As much as I appreciate Ron's struggles, he can't lose the weight the others can. Many, many people who have gastric by-pass surgery regain the weight within the first few years. If they haven't learned new habits, the old ones take over. I think his is an important story for that very reason.
  • #16
I think they should've voted Ron off. He is weak as a competitor. The poor Blue Team is full of weak people. I thought for sure they would win the weigh-in. I think Bob is right about the stress making Mandi hold onto the weight.

I don't feel quite the same way ya'll do about Felipe and Sione. I do feel like he needed to own his own weight loss and just do the work out or approach her in the work out room to ask for his turn. However, he did need to tell her how he felt in a mature way (not the tantrum fashion he chose).

I was in total disbelief at how off track the Black Team went with one day of freedom. That was shocking! Almost like they forgot they were being filmed. I mean HELLO!!
  • #16
I didn't like that she cried when she lost one of the first challenges with the messages from home as the reward, as if everyone owed her cause she had kids. Then during the challenge that she did win, she said to Cione (I think) "come on, I need this." I just didn't like that she felt like it was more important for her to win since she had kids. She was just always crying. This is coming from the personal trainer in me, I am more of a Jillian, shut up and work out :)- In the end though, she lost a lot and looks awesome and much happier.

As for Ron, I feel terrible for him and it must take a lot for him to get up there without a shirt on.
  • #17
Chef Kearns said:
I think they should've voted Ron off. He is weak as a competitor. The poor Blue Team is full of weak people. I thought for sure they would win the weigh-in. I think Bob is right about the stress making Mandi hold onto the weight. I don't feel quite the same way ya'll do about Felipe and Sione. I do feel like he needed to own his own weight loss and just do the work out or approach her in the work out room to ask for his turn. However, he did need to tell her how he felt in a mature way (not the tantrum fashion he chose). I was in total disbelief at how off track the Black Team went with one day of freedom. That was shocking! Almost like they forgot they were being filmed. I mean HELLO!!
I don't think you feel differently - I think he should have told her too, and tried to work with her...it's the childish temper tantrum and stomping off that I think was wrong. He didn't solve anything, and he wasn't trying to communicate to find a solution, he was just throwing a temper tantrum!Like I tell my 4 yr old - Temper Tantrums are never rewarded, and will never get you what you want.
  • #18
Did they do some heavy editing on the tantrum because when he told Bob about it he said he told her he couldn't work with her. Did I miss something? I don't remember him telling her that.

I don't think they can stay with Bob, can they? Isn't there also a competition about who's trainer wins because their trainee wins?
  • #19
I personally thought Black Team did not deserve to win the weigh-in after all they ate and drank. They were all acting very immature when they wouldn't even "fess up" to it too! I mean come on! They all ate and drank too much and then they act like children with "Don't tell"! What did they expect to happen with consuming 15,000+ calories? I do think it is interesting that Ron is running the Blue Team's votes! Course they are sticking together although it won't be long before they can't.Filipe is a baby. He told Jillian all along he could not work with her. I think we missed some on the cutting room floor of their conversations because I cannot see Jillian ignoring him for no reason. Bob has made a big mistake condoning his behavior. I am surprised Jillian has not confronted him! Filipe ate and drank way over his calories and then blames he poor weight loss on Jillian?? That is ridiculous!
  • #20
I can't remember for sure, but wasn't there a season when a girl had serious issues with her trainer and went over to train with the other team? It caused issues, but it was allowed and she did it. I can't remember if she stayed with the trainer for the remainder of the time or what though.
  • #21
she sitched trainers. I think she had Bob and switched to Jillian
  • #22
How funny that they couldn't "not tell" because Jillian already seemed to know the whole story even details of what they ate. LOL they had to come clean after that.
  • #23
Jennie4PC said:
she sitched trainers. I think she had Bob and switched to Jillian

If I remember right it was when "Kim" was a trainer and one gal really could not work with her (hated Kim BTW.. it was all about her not her clients) and she went over to Bob for training.
  • #24
I think Jillian shouldn't have said anything after their trip. Just give them a look that said "ok, we'll see. I know what you did." Then go bust their bE-Hinds in the gym. She KNEW what the outcome would be on the scale, and Tara's weigh-in said it all for them. The Guilt was the lesson-learned. And they shouldn't have won that weight in but only did because Mike behaved (course, he wasn't of legal age to drink!).Bob just wants to help people lose wait- he hates the whole politics of the game just as much as Jillian does. I wish they'd focus less on the drama sometimes though and show more practical things- like giving more Kitchen tips for weight loss and more REALISTIC exercise- not the ballistic workouts that no sane person would ever or could ever do at home. :D
  • #25
esavvymom said:
I wish they'd focus less on the drama sometimes though and show more practical things- like giving more Kitchen tips for weight loss and more REALISTIC exercise- not the ballistic workouts that no sane person would ever or could ever do at home. :D

I'm with you there!
  • #26
I think it was just the 3 girls that drank, I also agree they should not have on the weigh in it ould have served them right. The Black team really needs to lose, some of them are getting pretty cocky. But the way things are going now with blueteam getting rid of the strong players I dont see blue team winning much.
  • #27
The show is going to have to shake things up again to keep it interesting.
  • #28
Okay, so I finally watched this episode this morning. So many of you already have said what I think. I wish I knew how to do the multi quote things to tie in all the different responses.So, I thought the tantrum was a bit much. I could understand Filipe being upset and letting off some steam on her, but it was a little over the top in my opinion. But then I think about how a lot of these big, tough, football player-type guys can get like that. I do think it was odd that Jillian didn't train him that one day. I don't quite understand it. There must be more that had to get cut out when they edited things. I knew the guys weren't happy about the change, but I thought things were okay in the last episode. Maybe I'm forgetting something.Now that they've gone to Bob, I wonder what will happen. The guys need to have a heart to heart w/ Jillian and get things sorted out because it's affecting a lot of things.I find it weird how Bob a lot of times is all about the heart and not so much about the "game", but yet at that one weigh in he advised the team "Dane and no one else", for them to vote Dane off. That surprised me about Bob. And I don't think he should have accepted them back, it effects his Blue team to be training side by side with their competition. He should have stood up and said, Hey I feel for you guys, but you have to figure out what's going on and fix it. Take advantage of another great trainer, but communicate with her, etc.Now this Blue team has really shot themselves in the foot. This is not a smart alliance. Alliances are what you make to help win the game. Having Ron is a hinderance. They will always be at a disadvantage with him due to his health/injuries. They needed to keep Dane because he would've helped them win the challenges. Ron dictating openly that it was Mandi's turn to go just shocked me that they all just agreed with it! He should go, he can't contribute to the team, he will only win because they feel sorry for him and will never vote him off. Black will never vote him off because he's an easy opponent. I can't wait till the alliance breaks up.
  • #29
That wont be long since there are only so many left on the blue team if they don't mix things up again like someone said. Imagine if they do give them one other guy and they lose another challenge he will say that it's time for that person to go. Maybe that's his strategy to win or at least to stay as long as possible. LOL
  • #30
I couldn't believe Ron dictating who should go home.......and no one even questioned it. He needs to go.

Personally, I think they should split Filipe and his cousin up.

The black team sooooooooo did not deserve to win that weigh in. I felt like after all the celebrating they did after winning the challege....and coming that close in the weigh-in, that they should have all gone over and personally apologized to the blue team. I felt so bad for them.

Was anyone else doing cartwheels when Tara lost 0?? LOL. I was soooooooo laughing my fanny off!!! LOL.

Related to What Happened at the Weigh-In on Biggest Loser Tonight?

1. What is the first 20 minutes of Biggest Loser about?

The first 20 minutes of Biggest Loser usually includes a recap of the previous week's events, interviews with the contestants, and a brief overview of the upcoming challenges and weigh-in. It also sets the stage for the rest of the episode.

2. What happened at the weigh-in on Biggest Loser tonight?

During the weigh-in, contestants step on the scale to reveal their weight loss for the week. The team or individual with the lowest percentage of weight loss is at risk of elimination. In addition, there may be surprises or twists during the weigh-in, such as a team challenge or immunity, that can impact the results.

3. Can someone please tell me about the teams in the gym?

The teams in the gym are usually preparing for a challenge or workout. They may be working with a trainer, discussing strategy, or participating in a team-building exercise. The gym is a central location for the contestants to train and work towards their weight loss goals.

4. What happened at the weigh-in on Biggest Loser tonight that I missed?

During the weigh-in, contestants stepped on the scale to reveal their weight loss for the week. There may have been surprises or twists during the weigh-in, such as a team challenge or immunity, that can impact the results. Additionally, there may have been emotional moments or conversations between contestants or trainers.

5. Can someone PM me about the first 20 minutes of Biggest Loser tonight to avoid spoilers?

As a Pampered Chef employee, I do not have access to the first 20 minutes of Biggest Loser. However, you can try reaching out to other viewers or fans of the show to avoid spoilers. You can also catch up on the episode on the official Biggest Loser website or through streaming services.

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