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Anyone Have a Good Diet That Works?

In summary, Diane's sister has a PhD in exercise physiology and she recommends WW to be one of the only commercial diets that is safe, effective, and long-term.
Silver Member
I've been trying to lose those last "10lbs" after having my 2nd child a year ago! I recently tried this one low carb diet that I did lose 5lbs on but went off of it for 1 weekend and gained nearly all if it back! I'm just not having any luck finding a good diet that works and that I can stick to for long periods of time.:(

Thanks in advance for sharing!:)
Have you tried Weight Watchers? I'm very fond of it. AND you don't *have* to go to meetings. I do it on my own. There's another very good message board I use for that - it's great!http://www.healthdiscovery.net/
Definitely Weight Watchers!!! A friend of mine has lost 199 pounds on WW!!!!! It's a GREAT program :)
I third that! Weight Watchers is the best! You can eat what you want (just not as much as you might want) and you don't have to buy food, or remember not to eat this or that, or crave bread, etc. :p When I am following the program (ha ha - not so much lately) I do lose weight. I'd at least loose 1.5-2 pounds a week!

Speaking of which...I was supposed to start back on this program yesterday..... *sigh*
  • Thread starter
  • #5
I went online to read about WW. does anyone know what the Core diet is about or like? Is is better than the flex points. I'm all about not counting calories or whatever!
Core - you only eat the "core" foods (certain foods) much more limited than the flex plan - where you count points and have more of a variety. But for some people, like my friend, the core is what worked.
Six week body makeoverI just bought this to try and lose the weight I gained when I quit smoking. So when I get in I will let you know. Keep your fingers crossed. :eek:)
I'm a WW fan myself, but I only follow the flex plan, so don't know much about the core. I've been doing it for 16 weeks and have lost 32 pounds. You do have to track "points", but it's really not that hard, and opens your eyes to how much "extra" you eat every day. I like the weigh-ins and meetings - it keeps me accountable for my actions (prior to WW, it was too easy for me to say, "I'll get back on track tomorrow").

Good luck!

P.S. My sister has a PhD (and is a professor and program director) in exercise physiology. She has done extensive research on diet and exercise and believes WW is one of the only commercial "diets" that is safe, effective, and long-term.
I agree with your sister Diane. I know so many people, me included, that have done the fad diet thingy only to gain it back. Like Nurtisystem for instance. I mean get real - who wants to eat "their" food forever? You go off thier food, back to regular food and you gain it back.
With WW you can eat regular food, it just teaches how to control & manage what you are eating.
  • #10
'Suddenly slim' works! It's a 10 day detox. 4 years ago, I did this and then afterwords went back to my normal life then did it again a month later. I lost 30 pounds and didn't gain any of it back until I got pregnant. Even after my pregnancy, the pounds just melted off again. The 10 day detox is very intense and you have to follow it strictly, but it works......forever!
  • #11
Just curious - but what do you do for 10 days? I don't know that I would try it myself, since I'm a WW fan, but I just thought I'd find out what it requires!
  • #12
It's probably like the Cabbage Soup thing which is VERY unhealthly. Be careful of those diets that promise huge reduction in a short time. Although desired it is not good for you.
  • Thread starter
  • #13
vangogirl said:
'Suddenly slim' works! It's a 10 day detox. 4 years ago, I did this and then afterwords went back to my normal life then did it again a month later. I lost 30 pounds and didn't gain any of it back until I got pregnant. Even after my pregnancy, the pounds just melted off again. The 10 day detox is very intense and you have to follow it strictly, but it works......forever!

what kind of eating plan is it for 10 days? All fruits and veggies? I'm all for the short term ~lose big thing even if it's unhealthy I want results fast! These 10 lbs have stuck on me way to long!!
  • #14
Oh my gosh!!! I can't believe this thread was started.Just 20 minutes ago I decided that I needed to get information about WW. We have just moved and I have packed on a 10lbs in the process. Add to that another 10lbs that I already needed to loose. Eating out and getting out of my routine has really packed it on. I just got back into walking my 2.5 miles a day (had stopped during the moving process) but it just doesn't seem to be helping. I think I have hit a change in my metabolism as well. Just turned 37.:eek: I was thinking about WW and now I know that I should really do it. Thanks for the affirmations:D
  • #15
I am also a WW fan. It really is the best. I try to think of it as a "lifestyle change" instead of a "diet". A good friend of mine lost 109 pounds!! I lost 18 pounds, but that was 2 pregnancies ago.... My youngest is almost a year, so I really need to get back on the Points Countin' Train!! I only have about 12 pounds to lose but I just need to DO IT!! My clothes don't fit, I look 4 months prego and yet still, I reach into the bag of chips.... LOL :eek:
  • #16
Suddenly slim is a lot easier than the cabbage soup diet. By the way, has anyone seen that.....theres one day where you have to eat like 10 bananas.
Anyhow, it's not unhealthy. Its actually very healthy to rid your body of all the toxins its been holding. Your just reprograming. For instance, the second time I did it.....a couple days later I had mcdonalds and immediatly went to the bathroom. This diet you can eat pretty much normal. Anyone who is interested www.suddenlyslim.com There is a sample menu on there. Lots of veggies, beef chicken, fish, turkey, eggs, tuna....your basically cutting out all the junk and junky add ins. For instance, on the 10 day, no mayo. I tried the tuna with mustard......I don't reccommend that....yuk. But I had a shake for breakfast, shrimp ****tail and salad for lunch, meat and salad and veggies for dinner, and unlimited veggies throughout the day and night.(I worked 2 jobs then, 10am-6pm and 10pm-6am) AND LOTS OF WATER.
  • Thread starter
  • #17
sounds interesting! I may look into it more and try it! I can totally do veggies, meats and lose the addatives! Thanks for the info!
  • #18
Cindycooks said:
I agree with your sister Diane. I know so many people, me included, that have done the fad diet thingy only to gain it back. Like Nurtisystem for instance. I mean get real - who wants to eat "their" food forever? You go off thier food, back to regular food and you gain it back.
With WW you can eat regular food, it just teaches how to control & manage what you are eating.
I so agree! Please don't do any fad diets...they don't work and are too hard on your body! I have had great success with eating 6 small meals a day (just small portions, good nutritious food), and daily exercise (4 mile walk --2 in the morning and 2 in the evening) and some weightlifting 3x a week.

I went from a size 20 to an 8, kept it off for 3 years, and have recently fallen off the wagon. I know what I have to do, though, and PC has killed my regimine (all that great food!!). And I had back surgery which has made me change my weightlifting amount. So I have to get back on the walk & light weight training routine...oh yeah, and the SMALL NUTRITOUS MEALS!.

Look up Body For Life online it's bodyforlife.com. All results are different, and I definately didn't go that far, but the idea is there.

Good luck! Let's start a new thread to keep us motivated! :p
  • Thread starter
  • #19
vangogirl said:
Suddenly slim is a lot easier than the cabbage soup diet. By the way, has anyone seen that.....theres one day where you have to eat like 10 bananas.
Anyhow, it's not unhealthy. Its actually very healthy to rid your body of all the toxins its been holding. Your just reprograming. For instance, the second time I did it.....a couple days later I had mcdonalds and immediatly went to the bathroom. This diet you can eat pretty much normal. Anyone who is interested www.suddenlyslim.com There is a sample menu on there. Lots of veggies, beef chicken, fish, turkey, eggs, tuna....your basically cutting out all the junk and junky add ins. For instance, on the 10 day, no mayo. I tried the tuna with mustard......I don't reccommend that....yuk. But I had a shake for breakfast, shrimp ****tail and salad for lunch, meat and salad and veggies for dinner, and unlimited veggies throughout the day and night.(I worked 2 jobs then, 10am-6pm and 10pm-6am) AND LOTS OF WATER.

Thans for your info! I just ordered it! I will let ya know how it works out for me!
  • #20
www.sparkspeople.comThis website is totally free! You can put in your food for the day and it will calculate everything for you. My friend told me about it and there are all kinds of tools you can use on there including low fat recipes and all kinds of excercises. Its really great!

I lost 15 lbs in 12 weeks on WW. :D
  • #21
WW for me too....I lost 40 lbs on WW. I agree that it's one of the best out there! I started doing it just before they went to the flex points system, so I was on "winning points" but the two are pretty much the same thing. I'd say the biggest thing with WW is accountability (keeping a food diary to keep track of what all you eat each day) and portion size (yes, you can have the small piece of birthday cake but small is the operative word). Anyway, it does work and the meetings are very supportive and helpful. If you don't want to/can't attend the meetings, you can also do the program online.

Another great site (that list points for TONS of restaurants) is www.dwlz.com, check it out when you get a chance if you go the WW route.

Good luck!
  • #22
I figured I'd chime in too since weight has been a big struggle of mine. I'm a firm believer in WW. After having my son 4 1/2 years ago, I went on it and lost 50 lbs and ended up under my pre-pregnancy weight. :D I was 8 lbs from my goal and making lifetime and I got pregnant with my daughter. Losing the weight after she was born has been the HARDEST thing in the world! I went back on WW when she was about 2-3 months old thinking I was getting a jump on it since I didn't start after my son until he was 7 months old. It's probably because life is way busier with 2 kids and I rarely have time to exercise. Really it's because I don't make the time. I'd MUCH rather work on PC stuff!:)

But I feel WW is a tremendous program and it totally works if you work the program. I lost 25 lbs since starting this second time, but really lost motivation probably about a year ago and it's been a struggle to discover it again. I regained about 10 of the 25. I was SERIOUSLY considering Medifast because I was SO sick of the weight issues, but finally decided to give WW another SERIOUS try (not just half-hearted). I'm really glad I did. Not that I've been perfect this time around, but it's better. I really need to journal/track my points better and I KNOW I'd lose the weight more quickly. This week has been good so I'm excited to weigh in tomorrow.

By the way, I LOVE dwlz.com. I go there often and not just to look at the restaurant points values. I like reading their message boards and getting inspired. Her story is pretty amazing too.

I strongly believe that drastic and quick weight loss will NOT last (at least it wouldn't for me). Even though it seems slow at times, the 1-2 pounds a week is truly the best way to go. Good luck to everyone who's trying to stay on the wagon with whatever weight loss program you're doing. That's my day to day struggle....not falling off the wagon!:) But if I do, I try to get back on quickly. The funny thing is, I've found that the way I've set goals with my PC business and made those goals has helped me realize I can do the SAME exact thing with WW.:D
  • #23
WW is great when I follow it! I've fallen off this last month and need to climb back on the wagon. Sigh. At least I only have 10 lbs or so this time I'd like to ditch.

Becky, I used to post frequently on dwlz.com but stopped about 6 mos ago. What boards are you on there?
  • #24
heat123 said:
I've been trying to lose those last "10lbs" after having my 2nd child a year ago! I recently tried this one low carb diet that I did lose 5lbs on but went off of it for 1 weekend and gained nearly all if it back! I'm just not having any luck finding a good diet that works and that I can stick to for long periods of time.:(

Thanks in advance for sharing!:)

Do you work out? Taebo does the trick for me. I lost 50 lbs just by working out a few times a week. I work out 3-5 times a week for about an hour and just eat a normal balanced diet. Make sure you drink your 8 glasses of water a day.

Here is an interesting fact: Did you know that a pound on fat is about the size of a grapefruit and a pound of muscle is the size of an orange?

Now imagine that last 10 pounds again.;)
  • #25
My husband and I do Bill Phillips Body 4 Life. If you don't like to workout you could easily just do the Eating 4 Life plan. I've NEVER ate so well in my life. PLUS, he knows that everyone is liable to cheat so he adds one cheat day every week. He has 3 books out on the plan. The orginal B4L book, a B4L journal to help you keep track of your eating and workouts, and the Eating for Life book and cookbook in one. PLUS, a lady doc just came out with a book especially for women. It's either Body for Life for Women or Eating for Life for women. He even does a B4L Challenge where you enter your before pics and after pics and your story and he gives away a bunch of money to the winners. It really does work and the food is awesome.

I've also done Jenny Craig. I started the week BEFORE Thanksgiving and still managed to loose weight that week. I took off Thanksgiving Day and ate with the family.
  • #26
lisacb77 said:
WW is great when I follow it! I've fallen off this last month and need to climb back on the wagon. Sigh. At least I only have 10 lbs or so this time I'd like to ditch.

Becky, I used to post frequently on dwlz.com but stopped about 6 mos ago. What boards are you on there?
I can't say I post a whole lot but it's just her regular message board on there. I haven't even made my way around all of those threads. There are a ton! I really only discovered the boards 3-4 weeks ago.
  • #27
My husband and I joined a gym just after conference. I have been going everyday for the last two weeks, started out three times a week, but it was a pain to remember which days I was supposed to go, so I decided to just do every day. I haven't weighed myself, but I feel better and can tell that I'm moving in the right direction without losing breath going up steps, more flexibility. I used to wake up like a ton of bricks hit me and couldn't move, now I feel so much better. It's still early on, but I feel like, even if I haven't lost weight it has made a huge difference. I've only had one asthma attack since I started. I was in bad shape at conference with the humidity.
  • #28
Well I plan to get out today and walk my block and put out these cattys about to expire with a note to my neighbors! It's a start!
  • Thread starter
  • #29
bbauman07 said:
Do you work out? Taebo does the trick for me. I lost 50 lbs just by working out a few times a week. I work out 3-5 times a week for about an hour and just eat a normal balanced diet. Make sure you drink your 8 glasses of water a day.

Here is an interesting fact: Did you know that a pound on fat is about the size of a grapefruit and a pound of muscle is the size of an orange?

Now imagine that last 10 pounds again.;)

Actually I walk 2x a week for about an hour and I am going to start up yoga again next week! (I had to take time off from it becuase of my baby and no sitter) so I am excited to go back! So that'll be at least 3-4x a week of exercise! I have continued on this Cycle carb diet plan for three weeks and have lost 7lbs but on the weekends I tend to "cheat" and eat normal and not watch the carbs and gain 1-2 lbs everytime I do that! But it seems to be helping with my portion control now. I am not eating huge portions at each mealtime anymore, so maybe it's working just not "overnight". I've carried these extra baby lbs. for 4 years too long! I just want to be my "pre-prego" weight again! 3more lbs to go and 8 more until "pre-wedding" weight!;)

Thanks for all of your advice and input! It sounds like WW is a very popular choice!
  • #30
  • #31
Ok, I joined. I went yesterday and joined and then my mother called to say she wanted to come over to watch a movie. She brought all kinds of goodies and then today I have a party to go to so I have decided to read up today and start tomorrow. I walk 2.6 miles a day so I have the exercise down pat. Does anyone know how many points you can add if you exercise? Supposedly they don't tell you that till the 3rd meeting. I only want to loose about 15 lbs but I know that it can be harder if you only need to loose a smaller amount. I am a tall girl and I feel quit amazonish if I gain a few lbs extra. Wish me luck!!
  • #32
Laura, check out www.dwlz.com. It's a great resource for WWers!

There is an activity pts calculator on weighwatchers.com. I think it's on the free pg...not sure as I subscribe online.
  • #33
heat123 said:
Actually I walk 2x a week for about an hour and I am going to start up yoga again next week! (I had to take time off from it becuase of my baby and no sitter) so I am excited to go back! So that'll be at least 3-4x a week of exercise! I have continued on this Cycle carb diet plan for three weeks and have lost 7lbs but on the weekends I tend to "cheat" and eat normal and not watch the carbs and gain 1-2 lbs everytime I do that! But it seems to be helping with my portion control now. I am not eating huge portions at each mealtime anymore, so maybe it's working just not "overnight". I've carried these extra baby lbs. for 4 years too long! I just want to be my "pre-prego" weight again! 3more lbs to go and 8 more until "pre-wedding" weight!;)

Thanks for all of your advice and input! It sounds like WW is a very popular choice!

Sounds like you will be there in no time!! I do suggest getting off that diet though, and just eat balanced meals every day. The problem with dieting is once you quit you always gain the weight back, if you just eat a "healthy" diet you can maintain your weight better. Make sure you get your grians, fruit, veggies and proteins.

Weight loss was a huge struggle for me in the past. I went from a size 16 to a size 7.

Your right working out every day is almost easier. It's amazing how it changes the way you feel isn't it.
  • #34
bbauman07 said:
Your right working out every day is almost easier. It's amazing how it changes the way you feel isn't it.
It is. Its almost where I don't care if I lose weight because I already feel better.
  • #35
Have any of you tried the Arbonne weight loss products? I was reading about them today.
  • Thread starter
  • #36
AJPratt said:
It is. Its almost where I don't care if I lose weight because I already feel better.

I remember the good old single days when I could work out every day!! It felt awesome! However, With two kids= time and energy is really limited these days! I'm lucky to be able to get out as much as I do, at least right now! Hopefully when they are both in school I can find the time to go to the gym every single day!!!:rolleyes:
  • #37
heat123 said:
I remember the good old single days when I could work out every day!! It felt awesome! However, With two kids= time and energy is really limited these days! I'm lucky to be able to get out as much as I do, at least right now! Hopefully when they are both in school I can find the time to go to the gym every single day!!!:rolleyes:

I don't go to the gym. I can't afford a membership these days with 3 kids and a our family medical bills. I just get up a little early and work out. My 2 boys try to work out with me sometimes.

However you did say you are restarting yoga right? So you will be working out a few times a week. :)
  • #38
I caught a lucky break with the gym. It was the last day of free enrollment and the monthly fee is only $40/month. So, its affordable for me. I figure its an investment in my future. I'm going to write it off under my PC business. It may be a stretch, but to lift all those heavy containers you need to be in shape. LOL

And I don't have kids yet. We'd love a family and someone said it would be good for me to lose a few pounds before getting pregnant.

I weighed myself this morning and I lost 2 since last week. Its small, but I'm thrilled because I've made such a little change and I feel so much better, the weightloss is like a bonus. This past weekend I ran up my stairs and didn't need to take a break from being winded.
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  • #39
Good for you Brooke! I can't seem to motivate my self to do stay at home tapes! I have treid everything from Taebo, pilates to aerobics and cannot keep at them. I need to get out and exercise which walking has done wonder for me in the past 6 months I'd say! Plus Yoga really kept me toned so I am really looking forward to starting it again!

Great job Anne! You go! That's awesome that you lost 2lbs in a week, just by exercising more! Keep up the good work and hope you reach where ever you want to be before having kids!
Having kids really changed my body! But I'm on my way back to having a normal figure. (well as normal as it can be after kids and being 30 something).

anyways thanks for your stories and inspirations ladies! :O)
  • #40
Helpful weight loss measurement chartHi all! I thought I would post an excel spreadsheet that I created a while back to help me measure my progress in losing weight. I couldn't post the .xls file, so I zipped it up and am attaching the zip file containing the .xls file instead. Anyway, unzip the doc and then open it in Excel. Fill in the fields for starting weight and starting date (there are some other fields at the top that are optional, 10% target, weight goal, etc. - I filled in some sample data to help show what the fields should be). Then enter your starting weight for week 1. You can also track your measurements (upper right hand corner of the sheet). Each week, just enter your new weight and the amount lost is calculated for you. Average weight loss per week and total loss per month is also calculated. Fill in your measurements each month. The dates for each week and month are automatically filled in based on your starting date. The spreadsheet also has a second tab (look at the bottom of the screen) containing graphs that automatically show your progress in graph form (for those of us that like something visual).

Oh, and remember to MEASURE yourself!! Sometimes (especially if you are working out and building muscle) the scales won't go down but your measurements will!

Good luck all!


  • WeightLossChart.zip
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  • Thread starter
  • #41
vangogirl said:
Suddenly slim is a lot easier than the cabbage soup diet. By the way, has anyone seen that.....theres one day where you have to eat like 10 bananas.
Anyhow, it's not unhealthy. Its actually very healthy to rid your body of all the toxins its been holding. Your just reprograming. For instance, the second time I did it.....a couple days later I had mcdonalds and immediatly went to the bathroom. This diet you can eat pretty much normal. Anyone who is interested www.suddenlyslim.com There is a sample menu on there. Lots of veggies, beef chicken, fish, turkey, eggs, tuna....your basically cutting out all the junk and junky add ins. For instance, on the 10 day, no mayo. I tried the tuna with mustard......I don't reccommend that....yuk. But I had a shake for breakfast, shrimp ****tail and salad for lunch, meat and salad and veggies for dinner, and unlimited veggies throughout the day and night.(I worked 2 jobs then, 10am-6pm and 10pm-6am) AND LOTS OF WATER.

So my package arrived and I am starting it today! It's basically a No carb diet plan for 10 days! I really like the chocolate shake, it's very tasty! I hope it works for me! It should if I stick to it! Thanks for the info!
I also started yoga up again last week and it felt so great! My body should get toned again soon!

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