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Was My Recruiter Being Tacky at My Party?

In summary, the conversation is about a party and the recruiter helping herself to one of the customers. The customer is upset because the recruiter was helping herself to the customer and also was helping herself to the other customers at the party. The recruiter should have been more careful about how she interacted with the customers and talked to the customer about the opportunity.
So I was having a party and my recruiter said she would come along to "help"...although this was my 3rd show...but that was ok....

Party went well ...she helped answer questions...helped cleaned my dishes and pack my stuff while I was doing check out in another room....however, she was also helping herself to one of my customers (Suzie) and gave her information about the business ....for HERSELF.....

A little back story....
When I signed up two weeks ago.. Suzie was hosting the show and my recruiter was the consultant...and this was the party I signed up at...so Suzie was my recruiter's customer before she was mine but was it a little tacky to corner Suzie about the business at my show?

(keep in mind also that Suzie is one of my best friends)

Thanks for you all's honest opinion!!!! :)
It would be to your recruiter's benefit to have her sign with YOU. That being said, they had probably talked before and while it was tacky of the recruiter to talk to her at your show, it is ethical for her to follow up with her about it.
BethCooks4U said:
It would be to your recruiter's benefit to have her sign with YOU. That being said, they had probably talked before and while it was tacky of the recruiter to talk to her at your show, it is ethical for her to follow up with her about it.

Good Call Beth. ITA.
I think you need to talk to your recruiter about this and tell her that although you're new, you think that if Suzie signs it would more beneficial to BOTH of you if she signed under you. She probably already knows this, but maybe she doesn't think you're ready to be a Sr. Consultant. Show her that you are.
I am sure she is trying to be helpful attending your show. Maybe you needed help in an area and help you out. I ALWAYS have a better show when I have someone observing, you don't forget to touch base about everything.
Ask you recruiter what her thought process was? she would definetely want you to recruit her.
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  • #6
Oh...I became a senior consultant in my first two weeks...ha I have had 2400 in sales in less than 30 days (and one more party tonight) so......not bragging but I am def ready to be a team leader!..haI was my recruiter's first recruit and maybe she felt a little threatened that I got one so quick? not sure...
Im just upset that she might have used the excuse to "help" me but rather to come and recruit ...because she knew Suzie would be there....
Thanks for your comments! (keep'em coming...ha...should I talk to her about this?)
ok, maybe she wanted to observe you because you are doing so well!!!
Yes I say talk to her!
Yes, you definately need to talk to her about it. She is your mentor and you need to explain how you feel and figure everything out.
Have you talked to Suzie about the opportunity? If she has already initiated the conversation I don't believe there is anything wrong with her following up. Did she really corner her or are you just venting?
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  • #10
Well Suzie's mother (when telling me about it later) used the word "cornered"...ha I don't really know since I was the other room doing check out.
  • #11
It sounds like your recruiter is inexperienced in helping people get started with PC, no matter how long she's been in business. Ideally when she signed you at Suzie's show, she would have mentioned to you then that Suzie was thinking about the biz ("hey, won't it be great to start with a friend"), or if she had not discussed it yet with Suzie, she would have told you a day or two after Suzie expressed interest. Yes, b/c Suzie is your friend, your recruiter should have passed her on as a lead to you. But this may be where the inexperience comes into play and your recruiter not seeing the bigger picture of growing a team. Best thing to do is put it all out on the table. Talk to your recruiter about how Suzie is your friend. You may want to talk to your director, too, who can help you with what to say to your recruiter. Talk to Suzie ("your mom said Sally Consultant was talking to you about the biz opp. I'm having a great time. What appeals to you about it?") and let the conversation go from there.
  • #12
Um, your party, your recruit lead. Even if this other consultant has talked to Suzie before it sounds like you two are friends. If I go to one of my recruits parties, I do help them for but THEM, not me!
  • #13
I agree w/ many above - your recruiter should have Suzie sign under you, even if it was her show that she signed you at. They all still fall under her anyway and if you do well, so does she! Besides, Suzie being your good friend, she could make the call to go w/ you over your recruiter. Is Suzie interested? or is this all in "what if" scenarios? may not matter after all but you could bring it up to your recruiter and say, I'm not really sure how this works, can you explain it to me?good luck and congrats on your quick success.
  • #14
In the end it's Suzie's call. She might choose to sign with the recruiter to avoid strains that she might think being in business with friends could cause or she might go with you because you are friends and that would be fun to do together.

Whatever, be careful what you say. You wouldn't want her to miss out on the opportunity by getting a bad taste over this.

I agree that you need to talk to your recruiter and to your director about it and I would also tell Suzie that you hear she might be interested in the business and see what she says.
  • #15
(((hugs))) I would definitely talk to your recruiter about this! I spoke with a potential lead the other day, then found out that she was a guest at a show of one of my current recruits ... and that my recruit had already spoken with her about the business opportunity. I still continued to cover the info with her, invited her to our cluster meeting that night (which she did come), etc. ... but I encouraged her to sign under my recruit, not me. I also called my recruit, told her that the potential was here at my house to place an order & expressed an interest in the business opportunity, told her that she was coming to the meeting that night & that I was encouraging her to sign under HER not me. It gave my recruit an opening at the meeting to welcome her and talk to her some more. The potential hasn't made a decision yet, but I will continue to encourage her to sign 2 steps below me. It doesn't matter to me if she's one step or 2 steps below me, she's still on my team & I still plan to support her in the same fashion. ;)Are you SURE that your recruiter is trying to take the lead for herself? She may just be answering questions for you. ;)
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  • #16
Yes, Sheila I'm sure...ha She gave Suzie information about the business with HER name on it... and did not mention it to me that she had talked to Suzie about it. So, what should I say to her? I just feel like anything I say will seem angry because, well I am....(not to the point of yelling or cursing..ha)Sheila can I sign up under you??? :)
  • #17
If your recruiter was the first person to talk about the business with this person she does have every right to sign her. She can choose to encourage her to sign under you (As a good leader she should) but doesn't have too. I'm surprised that your friend hasn't asked you questions and expressed a desire to sign under you. It's just like if a host signs at her party - we don't HAVE to give her the bookings we choose to - gets them off to a good start. Same thing here.bottom line - you need to talk to her and tell her how you feel -
  • #18
Why don't you first ask your recruiter about it? She would probably expect you to, I mean she is at your party and talking to your friend. She knows this will get back to you. Likewise with your friend, she is talking to your recruiter, you are on the same team, you would find out about it. I am a director and I go to my new team member's shows. I hand out any info I have be it mine or theirs but that person gets signed up under the new consultant. I am there to help them any way I can. We as directors are encouraged to do this. I would hate for others that are new to read this thread and think their recruiter or director is out to help themselves when that isn't the case. I don't know if your recruiter was or was not doing this for you but I think you should talk with her and your friend first before thinking the possible worst :) Congratulations too on your success, that's awesome!
  • #19
Well, I think if Suzie told her mother she felt 'cornered' she most likely wasn't much interested in the opportunity, so under whom she should sign may be a moot point, anyway. However, you can simply say to your team mate (I don't like the words 'recruit' and 'recruiter,' since we're not in the military! :p) "I heard from Suzie's mother you were speaking to Suzie about joining the business, while we were at her party. Since I was the consultant for this party, and Suzie is one of my best friends, I was just wondering, should Suzie decide to sign, if you were intending to have her sign under me -which would make me a Team Leader, and you that much closer to being a Director."
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  • #20
Sarah~ Suzie didnt say she felt cornered....suzie's mother said she WAS cornered....but I think Suzie knew what my recruiter (if I say team mate do you know that its who signed me instead of someone I signed? ....ha) was doing and it did make her feel uncomfortable because Suzie and I are friends and she was at my party...
Suzie is getting married and has a lot going in the next month or two ...I think she is interested but not yet.....she will sign under me if she does but this whole question I asked wasn't actually about whether Suzie would sign or not...it was more of the ethics of my recruiter.
  • #21
Well, I think since Suzie will sign under you if decides she wants to join, I would let this go. What's the point of talking to your recruiter? I think its more important to keep a good working relationship with her. I doubt if this will ever come up again. Talking to her could make things make a turn for an uncomfortable feeling whenever you are together, and that doesn't help anyone.

  • #22
mailgirl1978 said:
Yes, Sheila I'm sure...ha She gave Suzie information about the business with HER name on it... and did not mention it to me that she had talked to Suzie about it.

So, what should I say to her? I just feel like anything I say will seem angry because, well I am....(not to the point of yelling or cursing..ha)

Sheila can I sign up under you??? :)

Too late now sweetie! You'd have to quit for 6 months & start again. ;) But I would have loved to have had you on my team! :D

I think I read previously that you are her only recruit? She may not understand what other recruiters would consider etiquette in this situation. I do agree that your friend was her lead before you signed, but ... due to the friendship, I would personally hand the recruit over to you. Look at PC like a family and think about your friend's outlook on this too. Would she want to be your "sister" or your "daughter"??? What she wants plays into this as well. (((hugs)))

Just a side note ... I have no idea if this is an issue in your recruiter's mind or if she even knows ... but if you end up recruiting like crazy & become a Director, she has 2 months to catch up or she looses you & your team to the first Director in her upline. A Sr. Consultant/Team Leader is not allowed to continue to be above a Director. She might be scared that you will promote faster & bypass her???? Just a thought. ;)
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  • #23
Wow Sheila...I didn't know that!!! Directorship here I come!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))I have one myself and one considering it...if she does (not suzie) will I become a team leader then or when they both qualify?
  • #24
It seems noone knows that really happened, yourself included. There is something about this that is just not sitting right with me. I realize it's the internet and that always plays in to it- but starting off your own business and bashing your team mate doesn't work. You said she help out quite a bit, doesn't that say anything. Honestly, I do my recruits grand opening and the rest is coaching at meetings and phonecalls. Some don't even get that. I think maybe you should rethink the scenario.
  • #25
loreo said:
It seems noone knows that really happened, yourself included. There is something about this that is just not sitting right with me. I realize it's the internet and that always plays in to it- but starting off your own business and bashing your team mate doesn't work. You said she help out quite a bit, doesn't that say anything. Honestly, I do my recruits grand opening and the rest is coaching at meetings and phonecalls. Some don't even get that. I think maybe you should rethink the scenario.

I don't think she came on here to bad mouth or bash, she came to vent and see if her feelings are justified. We all benefit at times from having a place to come and get input, see if there's other sides to the story that maybe we aren't realizing, etc.

I agree that we don't really know exactly what happened. I'm not sure how I would proceed if this had happened to me. Do you ask the upline what happened or just ignore it and move on?

I think it's great when a recruiter or director take the time out of their schedule to come and help or be there as a support for their downline. It really is a nice thing to do. However, trying to recruit a guest at another consultant's party is tacky. No matter if she ethically had the "right" to continue trying to work with that guest about the biz. If it was her potential person first or not, that's not really the point. I think the bigger point is that she was moving in on a guest of another consultant's show. She could've called the guest another time, or waited till they were outside. She could've mentioned something to "mailgirl1978" about how she's been in contact with so and so in the past about the biz, but then that might've been an awkward topic to bring up. Maybe she didn't know how to handle it. Whatever the case, she shouldn't have approached a guest about doing business with her. That wasn't the appropriate time.

Some others have shared some great advice here. I'd say talk w/ your friend about it. Is she interested in the business? If she were to join, she has the right to pick who she is comfortable working with. Depending on their friendship it might be fun working together, or it might put a strain on the relationship. When people first start, they do tell us to recommend that they "recruit" a friend and have fun starting their businesses together. Just because you recruit someone, it doesn't mean that you have to feel like their mother and tell them what to do. You are there to help train them, give them encouragement, and help where you can. :)
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  • #26
Loreo~ yes I mentioned in my original post that yes, she did help and I was grateful but after what happened I felt like she did that just to "help" herself to Suzie since she knew she would be there. There are other things that happened and things that were said but I put out there the basics of what happened to get some opinions about whether my feelings were justified.
Since this is not sitting right with you maybe Ill give you some more details...(which in turn may seem like more "bashing" but these are just the facts.)
1. My recruiter has been doing PC for 18 months and I am her first recruit. She didn't even ask me at a party, I approached her to sign up.
2. I had my first recruit in two weeks and have another potential.
3. When I knew my recruiter was coming to "help" me I asked her to bring some of her things that I did not have yet ....(small things) ...and she "forgot".
4. She mentioned at my party, "Gosh, my recruit is doing better than I am..." when my total sales were approaching 1000.
5. I found out from Suzie that her first approach about the business was at my party, while I was doing checkout in another room.
6. All in all, I qualified in my first two shows with a total of $1400 commisionable sales. Some may not get the help from their recruiter and some may not even need it. ( I mentioned in my original post that she came to my 3rd show)

I didn't initially put that out there because I didn't want to seem tacky myself. I knew I would get opinions from both sides and that was fine, I welcome them! But to be accused of bashing my recruiter? I really didn't expect that.....now that you know more about it how does it sit with you now?
  • #27
It doesn't matter how it sits with me. You are going to have a long term working relationship with her- you need to talk to her, and if need be, with your director present. There is just a competetiveness feel about your posts- how much better you are doing compared to her. Each business is different - be proud of where you are at and work at having a professional relationship with her.
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  • #28
Thank you Amanda. I really hope it didn't seem that I was/am bashing my recruiter because that was not my intention! Yes, I'm angry but I'm gonna let this go because I don't want to let it affect my business. I will continue on having fun shows and hopefully keep on recruiting my little heart out! :)Thank you for ALL your opinions, I love this website...I have learned SO much!
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  • #29
Yes, Loreo...that's what I was afraid of when mentioning the facts...that it would seem as if I was competing with her and that is not it at all. In fact, I felt the very opposite...like my recruiter was feeling threatened by me. So apparently neither the basics or the facts sit well with you but that's fine. I value all opinions so, thanks!
  • #30
For your point #4, I do that all the time with my first team member! She is always doing better than me in sales, and I LOVE boasting about it. In fact, she just made her $15k career sales, in a little over a year!! That's a BIG Wahoo! I've been doing PC for 2 years now, and still need $4k.Ok, fine, I hijacked, but when I read your post, I just had to brag.
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  • #31
LMBO Sarah! Hijack away! I'm thinking we need a thread where we can all brag about ourselves and feel good about it! :)
That's awesome that you are happy for your first team member, I think that's how it should be!
A little bragging to do myself....I JUST SIGNED MY SECOND RECRUIT!!!! WOOHOOO!
I still have a potential sign up..she said she would talk more about it with me on Thursday...(my 30 day anniversary) Praying she will!!!! :)
  • #32
mailgirl1978 said:
LMBO Sarah! Hijack away! I'm thinking we need a thread where we can all brag about ourselves and feel good about it! :)
That's awesome that you are happy for your first team member, I think that's how it should be!
A little bragging to do myself....I JUST SIGNED MY SECOND RECRUIT!!!! WOOHOOO!
I still have a potential sign up..she said she would talk more about it with me on Thursday...(my 30 day anniversary) Praying she will!!!! :)

So jealous!! I've been chipping away at getting my potentials to sign and none of them do! Great job!
  • #33
Do you and your recruiter have a director or upline in the area? It sounds as if she is also very new to the Pampered Chef and could learn from a little more training. Perhaps one of you could request additional training by your upline, where both of you are present.

I also think that we are big people and if you feel she was not appropriate at your party with your friends and family, this should be discussed in a professional manner. You now own a business and you need to treat this as a business and be professional about your concerns. It is the only way that she will learn from the situation.

At the very least this is a learning situation for you. I always give bookings and potential recruits to my new consultants. You now have learned early how to train your new consultants to do the same thing.

Related to Was My Recruiter Being Tacky at My Party?

1. Was my recruiter being tacky by attending my party and promoting her business?

It depends on the specific circumstances and your relationship with your recruiter. If it was agreed upon beforehand and she was genuinely trying to help, then it may not be considered tacky. However, if it was not discussed and she was promoting her business without your consent, it could be seen as inappropriate.

2. Is it common for recruiters to attend parties and promote their business?

It is not uncommon for recruiters to attend parties and promote their business. They may see it as an opportunity to expand their network and find potential new consultants. However, it is important for them to respect the host's wishes and not overshadow the purpose of the party.

3. Should I have felt uncomfortable about my recruiter promoting her business at my party?

If you felt uncomfortable, it is important to communicate this with your recruiter. They may not have realized that their actions were causing discomfort. It is also important to set boundaries and establish expectations beforehand to avoid any potential issues.

4. How can I handle a situation like this in the future?

It is important to communicate openly and honestly with your recruiter. Let them know your expectations and boundaries for future parties. It may also be helpful to have a conversation beforehand about their role at the party and what is appropriate behavior.

5. What if my recruiter is also a friend?

If your recruiter is also a friend, it is important to have a conversation about boundaries and expectations in a professional setting. While it may be difficult, it is important to separate your personal and professional relationships to avoid any potential conflicts. Remember to communicate openly and honestly with your friend to avoid any misunderstandings.

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