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My Recruiter Asked if She Could Have My Recruit.

In summary, Jamie's recruiter asked her if she could sign up under her because she wouldn't benefit her much right now. However, the long-term benefits for Jamie are more significant.
Hi! I'm not only new here, I'm a new consultant. I'm incredibly excited to be starting my business and for all of the positive support and feedback I've had thus far. I need some help sorting out a situation and hope its appropriate to post here.

To make a long story short, my grand opening show was yesterday. My soon to be sister-in-law decided she wanted to become a consultant. It wasn't a new decision it is something that she has been talking about since I became one. Her and I had discussed it then and she said she would wait until I did it, because that way I could recruit her. I called my recruiter yesterday after she did the agreement to ask her how we go about doing it online (I've had my consultant number for a week, so I'm very new), I didn't know the proper steps. Instead of telling me, she nicely asked me if she could sign up under her because she wouldn't benefit me much right now, but she could give me something like a bag or turnabout in exchange for my SIL because she is trying to earn points for a trip.

I'm at a loss for what to do etiquette wise. She talked to her a little and although I know I'm the one who helped my SIL make that final desicion I'm wondering if it is something I should consider doing? I do not want to. I set a goal, 1 recruit in 30 and I'm incredibly excited.

But my recruiter also gave me two shows that were booked from the party I signed up at, which I thought was incredibly nice. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Ummm, in one word - NO!That was just wrong of your recruiter. WRONG! I'm sorry, I should be more eloquent here, but what she did is sooo wrong. Do you need help with how to submit the agreement? There are plenty of us on here who could help you.Oh, and giving you those shows from the show where you signed - that's just common practice, so don't let her guilt you into anything by the fact that she did that.
Instead of telling me, she nicely asked me if she could sign up under her because she wouldn't benefit me much right now, but she could give me something like a bag or turnabout in exchange for my SIL because she is trying to earn points for a trip.

SHAME ON YOUR RECRUITER!!! :grumpy: In my opinion, she shouldn't have even asked the question! YOU recruited her, you get to keep her! It benefits you in PC Dollars! Sr. Consultant Title! Overrides! Just because your recruiter is desperate to go to Maui, doesn't give her an excuse to steal from you. (Now I should disclose that I haven't recruited anyone myself, so I'm not hung up on keeping/getting a Director level or anything.)

Stick to your gut, run your business the way that you want. Luckily, the beauty of this business is that it's yours & yours alone.;)
NO WAY!!!! DO NOT LET HER DO THIS TO YOU!!!! You do benefit from having someone under you, even if it's just one! How long has your recruiter been in business? You can log onto PC's main website and sign her up using your consultant number. Or mail her agreement in. I would call your director and talk to her about this situation, I'm wondering how many other people your recruiter has done this too!
Jamie, although I am new, too, I was shocked by your post. wow.

First, if your SIL signs up under you, it is an immediate pay raise for you. Your recruiter will get closer to Director or AD or whatever her goal is.

Second, it may be a more dramatic help to your recruiter to get those points, but in the long-run benefits will be more significant for you.

I listened to an mp3 earlier that showed how much one penny, doubled everyday, adds up to....I think it's important to keep the long term rewards of signing her yourself in mind. A tote, two shows, these are nice immediate gratification, but the long term results of signing your sister and working together can seriously outweigh that.

AND, really, it benefits you recruiter when you recruit someone, though again, the benefits are long-term.

Best of luck, and thank goodness for this site, huh?
SonyaVerrillo said:
SHAME ON YOUR RECRUITER!!! :grumpy: In my opinion, she shouldn't have even asked the question! YOU recruited her, you get to keep her! It benefits you in PC Dollars! Sr. Consultant Title! Overrides! Just because your recruiter is desperate to go to Maui, doesn't give her an excuse to steal from you. (Now I should disclose that I haven't recruited anyone myself, so I'm not hung up on keeping/getting a Director level or anything.)

Stick to your gut, run your business the way that you want. Luckily, the beauty of this business is that it's yours & yours alone.;)

Even if someone is "hung up" on keeping/getting director they need to do it themselves!

If your recruiter wants the points, she needs to recruit herself!!
  • Thread starter
  • #7
Thank you all so much. She wasn't trying to guilt me or force me though she did just say it was a thought she wanted to run by me but I was a bit shocked myself. I'm actually kind of questioning that I signed up with her. I know my directors name, but havent heard from her. I signed up on the 22nd of August, and had to attempt figuring out how to get my consultant number. Yes I love this site. I haven't posted except for this, but I've read a lot and found lots of great help just from other consultants posts. Thank you so much for your advice!
After rereading this I'm tempted to tell you to share with your upline what your recruiter is doing, this is against all ethics of the PC business!
Wow. Agree with everyone here. NO way. She just needs your Consultant ID # and can signup on PC's website. Have her do it with you by her side if possible so you can answer any questions (name, contact, ID #, etc) if you wanted.But your recruiter obviously either doesn't know what she's talking about saying it doesn't benefit you, or she's just selfish for the recruiting points for herself.CONGRATULATIONS for your first recruit! ;) OH, and when you get a recruit and she qualifies, you may get extra PC Bucks for it too! (not sure the qualification dates off hand- if she has to do the 30 days or within your 90...but either way, you DO benefit, especially if she qualifies with $1250 in sales in her first 30 days.)
  • #10
ChefJami83 said:
Hi! I'm not only new here, I'm a new consultant. I'm incredibly excited to be starting my business and for all of the positive support and feedback I've had thus far. I need some help sorting out a situation and hope its appropriate to post here.

To make a long story short, my grand opening show was yesterday. My soon to be sister-in-law decided she wanted to become a consultant. It wasn't a new decision it is something that she has been talking about since I became one. Her and I had discussed it then and she said she would wait until I did it, because that way I could recruit her. I called my recruiter yesterday after she did the agreement to ask her how we go about doing it online (I've had my consultant number for a week, so I'm very new), I didn't know the proper steps. Instead of telling me, she nicely asked me if she could sign up under her because she wouldn't benefit me much right now, but she could give me something like a bag or turnabout in exchange for my SIL because she is trying to earn points for a trip.

I'm at a loss for what to do etiquette wise. She talked to her a little and although I know I'm the one who helped my SIL make that final desicion I'm wondering if it is something I should consider doing? I do not want to. I set a goal, 1 recruit in 30 and I'm incredibly excited.

But my recruiter also gave me two shows that were booked from the party I signed up at, which I thought was incredibly nice. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Firstly, congratulations on deciding to own your own PC Business! And, welcome to the CS Community. :D

Secondly....to address your questions -
My first reaction to your post was UTTER SHOCK at your recruiter's audacity to even think, let alone ask for your recruit :eek::eek: - it actually makes me a little to mad that she would do such a thing!! Any new members you welcome to your team will be worth far more in the long run than any gift your recruiter could give you. And, it won't be just points for a trip that your recruiter will gain with your SIL as her recruit - she will make $$ in overrides every single time your SIL has sales & so much more. Your recruiter, IMHO, is trying to simplify the situation to the point of "snowing" you. :grumpy:

While there is etiquette about "taking a recruit" who has discussed the business opportunity with another consultant, if your SIL decided she would become a consultant once you did so she could be on your team, I don't think you would be breaking the etiquette rules. Ultimately, it is your SIL's decision as to whom she joins under.

All that being said, there are many others on this board with more experience & larger teams than mine - they may have a different opinion and/or be able to better advise you.

Again, congrats & I wish you all the best in your PC Journey!

  • #11
Not to mention you will get a 1% increase in commission and make 1% off of her sales also. Might not be much, but we all have to start our teams somewhere! It all starts with one :)

Congratulations on your first recruit!!!
  • #12
To say that her request is unethical is an understatement! (Although I can think of some good adjectives that describe her!) That your recruiter would even think such a thing, much less voice it is beyond belief. Don't let her take your recruit just because she's trying to earn a trip. You keep recruiting at this rate and you'll be earning a trip too!!

If she's hinted that you "owe" her for those 2 shows from the party you, don't believe her! Stand your ground and tell her while you appreciate she has a goal to earn a trip, remind her of YOUR goal of 1 recruit in 30 days and that your SIL waited to sign under YOU, not her! She should be jumping for joy that you met your goal instead of being such a selfish twit!

If you're not comfortable dealing with her directly, contact her upline director or Home Office for assistance. Personally I'd report her to Home Office then call her and tell her what I did! :-0
  • #13
Looks like I was posting my last one at the same time as everyone else. You likely can tell we are all jumping on your post so that you know unequivocally that your recruiter is wrong, wrong, wrong to even ask!

wadesgirl said:
After rereading this I'm tempted to tell you to share with your upline what your recruiter is doing, this is against all ethics of the PC business!

100% agree!
  • #14
I'm so sorry your recruiter asked this of you. That being said, welcome to pc & to cs! these guys & gals are the best cluster there is!!
  • Thread starter
  • #15
I really appreciate everyone posting! It makes me feel better about my decision! It's funny I actually found this site through someone who isn't even a consultant. lol She said "go here" lol.
  • #16
Two thumbs down for your recruiter. :(You have every right to keep your recruit. ;)
  • #17
I'm so sorry that your recruiter gave you such bad information. Actually, I find it upsetting. It's just wrong. If your SIL waited to sign up under you, it's you she should sign up under. Your recruiter didn't do anything more than most of us do in giving you the bookings. Those are your friends and family. They're a great start to your own business, which, by the way, benefits your recruiter.
  • #18
I'm as shocked as everyone else that your recruiter would even ASK! In fact, I have a recruit lead from a show that I've been talking to and when closing out the show the host decided to sign (had said no up to then). Now I am urging that first lead to sign with the new consultant. It's better for everyone!

As for the shows she "gave" you. They are your shows - your friends and family. Even if she kept them they might have done a small show or totally cancelled once they learned you were selling. They will want to help YOU not another consultant. Most of us "give" those shows to the new consultant to get the business going but really we know they're yours anyway.
  • #19
ChefBeckyD said:
Ummm, in one word -


That was just wrong of your recruiter. WRONG! I'm sorry, I should be more eloquent here, but what she did is sooo wrong.

Do you need help with how to submit the agreement? There are plenty of us on here who could help you.

Oh, and giving you those shows from the show where you signed - that's just common practice, so don't let her guilt you into anything by the fact that she did that.

My thoughts exactly!

COngratulations on your 1st recruit in 30 days! YOu are off to a great start. If I were you I would be finding another recruiter to work under. YOu can't trust her for advice on your business. IF she is doing this, I wonder what other shady things she is doing. I do not post here often, but I read a lot of posts and you can be assured that if you come here you will get honest answers and FABULOUS advice for your business. I wish you much success and luck! I am so glad you did not give her your recruit. THat is HUGE in your first 30 days and shame on her for trying to tell you otherwise!!
  • #20
WOW!! That is horrible! She shouldn't have asked nor placed you in an awkward situation! Congrats and Welcome to PC and CS. Also, a BIG Kudos on your 1st recruit. Of course it helps you to have a recruit....how will you get to 4 or more if you don't start with your 1st!?! Plus, if you SIL qualifies in her 1st 30 days, YOU get 150 Pampered Chef Dollars. You will be a Senior Consultant when she submits her 1st show, plus you get a raise! Lots of exclamations here, but I am REALLY bothered that she even asked.

I'm a director and I help with all my team's recruit leads...all the way down to the 3rd and 4th generation and never do I consider them as mine if they decide to join. In fact, I work with an indirect recruit plus her recruit and now my indirect recruits' recruits. My indirect recruit's recruit gave me 5 interviews in her 1st 30 days and 4 signed! She is about to promote to Director and never did I assume WIFM.

Anyone who you approach about the biz or bookings, anyone who is in your circle or from your shows are ALL YOURS. Whether your recruiter or director help you, they are still for you. Giving the bookings to you from your show is common and the right thing to do to help you get started, plus they are your friends and family. I agree with someone's post above....she wants trip points? Then SHE needs to get out there and recruit.
  • #21
:eek:a picture is worth a thousand words...
  • #22
Shocked! I'd never ask for someone else's recruit! She should be celebrating with you on your new teammate and success.

Congrats on your new recruit! Best wishes for continued success.
  • #23
Wow. Do not let her do this, it sounds like you have made up your mind anyway, and it's GREAT that you came here to get everyone's feedback. I'm just agreeing w/ everyone else as well, if she wants a trip, she's going to have to WORK for it like everyone else! I do wonder as well how many others she has done this to. Does she have alot of other people under her?
And in fact, it is WILL benefit her if you have someone sign under you! If she ever wants to go for director, you have to have 2 lines with people under them, so you could be her first for that, then she just works with the others on her team to recruit and it makes it all the more easy for her..but it sounds like she just wants to steal and trick other new, unsuspecting consultants into doing what is in HER best interest. How does she sleep at night? Thank heavens you didn't actually let her. A GIFT for a recruit??? PULEEZ. :grumpy:
  • #24
Like all others who posted, I'm amazed, shocked, and appalled that your director tried to "buy" your recruit through guilt and trinkets. She should be supporting your and encouraging you to have your own recruits. Shame on her.Congrats on the recruit and welcome to CS and PC!! Keep up the good work.
  • #25
Ummm NO!!!! Sounds like you have already gotten some wonderful advice. Have her sign under you and be done with it.
  • #26
So I was thinking more about this....and I just want to be sure you don't ever get misled. Make sure that when your SIL joins, it is through The Pampered Chef or YOUR website (if you have it). Do NOT sign through your recruiters website because it will automatically be under her. Once the agreement is submitted, NO changes can be made. Be sure that you and SIL review the info BEFORE submitting to guarantee it is under you and correct.

Fortunately you have this site, but whenever you have a problem or aren't sure if the info you're getting is valid, you can call solution center. They will assist you and most times walk you through everything.
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  • #27
I am shocked that your recruiter asked this of you. I just joined August 1st, and I made my $1250 this month and received the new fall products. good luck this month was wonderful for me and I have a possible recruit already. Don't give up and talk to your recruiter and tell her how you feel and if she does not respond well you can talk to your director. That is not a good taste to be left in your mouth after only being in business for a few weeks. Stay strong you will do great.
  • #28
I would not ask her for nothing else just call HO for all your answers this is just wrong.
  • #29
Make sure you are getting to know a lot of consultants cause your recruiter seems to have a poor business sense. Also, if you go to the Files tab and enter training you will find Scott's New Consultant Training #1.doc you will find some great help getting started even before you kit comes.
  • #30
Well, you''ve gotten some good advice here, and I think it goes without saying that we're all totally offended that your recruiter would do that to you. I'm so glad you asked!!!

That being said.... Did she sign yet?? :D Congratulations on getting your first recruit in your first 30 days!! That's so awesome!
  • #31
with 1 recruit, that makes you a Senior Consultant and you get a pay raise.. so how does that not help you much? in her words...
Sign her under you...
  • #32
So basically what your recruiter is telling you is...."My business is more important than your business!" Not only would I be annoyed, but you signed under her for her help and to work on building a "team". Not a very good recruit if she is selfish and is only in it for her.
Everyone always starts out with 1 recruit and builds up from there. If you worked for a corporation and was offered a promotion, why wouldn't you take it. It is Pampered Chef's decision to reward you "senior consultant status" and the perks that go with it.
  • Thread starter
  • #33
Thank you all again! I did sign my SIL up. I have 6 shows booked in September, one recruit, and possibly two leads. I'm very excited. I wish I could have found another recruiter because in all honesty I'm disappointed with the lack of training and preparation she has given me. I haven't even heard from the director, I called her once since my recruiter said she had bridal shower invites I could drop by and pick them up. I called her she rushed me off the phone and said she'd leave them outside for me. She said she had 50 invites (2 packages) and when I got them, one pack was missing 10. We have a team meeting tomorrow night and I'm less than thrilled to go because although my experience with my business seems to be going well, my experience with those above me, isn't. But I'm going to at least give it a shot and see how it goes. I believe my SIL and two possible recruits will be attending as well. Thank you all for your support!
  • #34
ChefJami83 said:
Thank you all again! I did sign my SIL up. I have 6 shows booked in September, one recruit, and possibly two leads. I'm very excited. I wish I could have found another recruiter because in all honesty I'm disappointed with the lack of training and preparation she has given me. I haven't even heard from the director, I called her once since my recruiter said she had bridal shower invites I could drop by and pick them up. I called her she rushed me off the phone and said she'd leave them outside for me. She said she had 50 invites (2 packages) and when I got them, one pack was missing 10.

We have a team meeting tomorrow night and I'm less than thrilled to go because although my experience with my business seems to be going well, my experience with those above me, isn't. But I'm going to at least give it a shot and see how it goes. I believe my SIL and two possible recruits will be attending as well.

Thank you all for your support!

If your experience with your recruiter and your director is not going so well, go above them! There is someone in your upline who would love to help you out! Look at your commission check and see who that is.
  • #35
Good for you! I hope your meeting goes well.
  • #36
Jami, congrats on such a great start! You can always come here for guidance, but I agree that you can also keep going up the line to someone who will be willing to help out & give you some training! ;)
  • #37
Glad you're doing so well! Try giving your director a chance...she may have been super busy with shows, team biz, life or any combo of the 3. At your meeting, tell her your goals and that you'd like to schedule one on one calls for personalized training....or see if there's a new consultant call training in motion.

If she can't, don't be upset. Instead ask who you COULD call for that kind of training. Make friends with the consultants at the meeting and see if you click with any of them for support and resources.

Keep doing well and try not to let your recruiter's request spoil a wonderful adventure. I know, easier said than done....

Wishing you and the team continued success!
  • #38
I have to say I am really DISGUSTED with her suggestion!!! As your recruiter she should be celebrating your success with you not trying to steal your thunder!!!!!! Report her to Home Office! If she is doing this to you she is doing it to others ... when doing so you could ask to be reassigned to her recruiter, do you really want to be under someone who right from the start isn't giving you the best information and treatment to start and make a success out of your business?

She really needs to remember that KARMA is not something to ignore and she will at some point get the same thoughtless behavior coming back at her.

Best wishes and good luck with your business and to your sister-in-law as well!
  • #39
You need to call Home Office and let them know, not only about the lack of support you're receiving from your upline, but about the lack of ethics your recruiter is using.
  • #40
I give you a tip of the hat for starting your own business and holding your grand opening show!!! :)
and a big, BIG wag of the finger at your recruiter for this shameful request! I would recommend that you sit down, research what you will get as a Senior Consultant (hooray you almost have your first promotion!) and then call her and nicely point out what you will get with your first recruit and say you are curious why, in a leadership position, she would want to snatch this away from you? Then sit back, close your mouth and let her stutter. This is not to sound mean, it is meant to have her think through her actions and let her know that she has been "caught".
  • #41
Wow, she has nerve. Absolutely NO! You will benefit immediately once you qualify! Good thing you asked here! Blessings on your new business! :chef:
  • #42
WOW!! How Rude!! I just recruited my first consultant. She was thinking about making the plunge before her show last week. She had a GREAT show ($900+). She decided to submit her agreement yesterday.

The next thing I did was print out all the receipts in P3 from her party (on scratch paper), grab the receipts I had, the checks, cash and door prize slips and went to her house. That show is now her grand opening. She has two friends who want parties this next month. Her door prize slips had a question "If today's host decided to start their own business would you help them out by having a party?" She had three YES answers and two MABYEs. Those leads are hers. With her party, she is less than $400 away from qualifying.

Yes, I "gave away" this commission, which was a good one, but I will get it back in spades over the long time. PC is a long-term project for me. A couple hundred dollars now is piddly over what she can earn for me in the future.
  • #43
Although this is a slightly older thread, I'm going to just put in my little opinion here.
Does that recruiter have any idea how to even build a team? Doesn't she know that having indirect recruits is good for her? Seems like someone needs a quick lesson in earning directorship.
  • #44
lt1jane said:
WOW!! How Rude!! I just recruited my first consultant. She was thinking about making the plunge before her show last week. She had a GREAT show ($900+). She decided to submit her agreement yesterday. The next thing I did was print out all the receipts in P3 from her party (on scratch paper), grab the receipts I had, the checks, cash and door prize slips and went to her house. That show is now her grand opening. She has two friends who want parties this next month. Her door prize slips had a question "If today's host decided to start their own business would you help them out by having a party?" She had three YES answers and two MABYEs. Those leads are hers. With her party, she is less than $400 away from qualifying. Yes, I "gave away" this commission, which was a good one, but I will get it back in spades over the long time. PC is a long-term project for me. A couple hundred dollars now is piddly over what she can earn for me in the future.
hooray for you, congrats on your first consultant!this is what I would like to do. I can't wait to do something like this. What a great way to start a business and set a model for your new consultant to follow, too!
  • #45
Here are the door prize slips I used. I got the intial information from someone another one but tailored it a bit. I think this will become my permanent door prize slip. I have several, but this seems to fit best. You will most likely need to rework this as I did it in an excel spreadsheet which I couldn't upload.


  • Prize Drawing Form with logo.doc
    171 KB · Views: 551

Related to My Recruiter Asked if She Could Have My Recruit.

1. Can my recruiter recruit my family member or friend?

Yes, your recruiter can recruit your family member or friend. However, it is important to discuss this with your recruiter and make sure it is something you are comfortable with.

2. Is it appropriate for my recruiter to ask for my recruit?

It is not uncommon for recruiters to ask for recruits, as it helps them reach their goals and earn incentives. However, it is ultimately your decision whether or not to give your recruit to your recruiter.

3. What should I do if my recruiter asks for my recruit?

If you are not comfortable giving your recruit to your recruiter, it is okay to politely decline and explain your reasons. You can also discuss alternative ways to support your recruiter's goals, such as hosting a show or purchasing products.

4. Can my recruiter offer me something in exchange for my recruit?

It is not appropriate for your recruiter to offer you something in exchange for your recruit. As a consultant, it is important to focus on building your own team and not rely on others to recruit for you.

5. How can I handle a situation where my recruiter asks for my recruit?

If you feel uncomfortable or pressured by your recruiter's request for your recruit, it is important to communicate your feelings and boundaries clearly. You can also reach out to your upline or the Pampered Chef support team for guidance and assistance.

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