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What should I do about this recruiting conflict?

In summary, the other consultant contacted the lead first, but the lead still decided to contact the prospective recruit. The prospective recruit asked the consultant for a ride to the meeting, and the consultant gave her a ride. The prospective recruit asked the consultant questions during the meeting. The consultant answered all of the questions. The prospective recruit and the director chatted after the meeting. The other consultant was not active, so the other director was making sure that the potential recruit got activated. The potential
Gold Member
I'm not sure what to do. I was contacted last week about a recruiting opportunity from a lady in my mommies group. She had asked a different consultant about signing up about a month or so ago and the other consultant never got back with her so then she approached me. I gave her the info told her the pro's con's etc. and invited her to our monthly hospitality meeting. Shew contacted me today and told me that the other consultant finally got back to her and is trying to set up an appointment between the prospective recruit and her own director. How should I handle it. Should I let it go because technically she did contact the other consultant first, or should I press on because If the other consultant had done her job, this prospective recruit would have never contacted me in the first place? I did all the work already.
I would let the prospective recruit decide. Technically the other consultant did have contact with the lead first, but it's still up to her to decide. I would probably tell the lead that since the other consultant talked to her first I wouldn't want to impose myself on her, but if she felt like she didn't mesh with the first consultant, that I would always be available to talk to her again. Let her know she gets to decide who she works with. From there, I'd let it go. If she called me back, great. If not, oh well.
the prospective consultant needs to decide who she want's to work with. She has every right to get to know both of you a bit before she chooses. If she chooses you she should let the other cons. know that she had not heard from her so contacted someone else. Other cons. may be miffed but it will teach her to respond quicker next time. If she chooses the other cosultant just let it go...
What is she wanting to do? I'd let her know that you're there for her should she like to continue. Does she know this other lady personally? Let her know that you'd like to help her get started.
My suggestion would be to honestly explain the situation to her...and let her know you fully respect and support whatever she decides. You already are involved because the original gal didn't (or wasn't able to) call back sooner. I hate seeing potential consultants caught between recruiters...but I also believe they need to know that once they sign with someone, that's it...no changing. Let her know you fully respect whatever decision she makes. :)
I agree with what they all said! It's up to the recruit.
  • Thread starter
  • #7
Sounds fair. It kinda sucks though. She would have been my 1st recruit. :(
Well, don't give up yet! :)You never know...talk to her and let her know that you're just following up to see how her learning about the business is going and if she would still like your help in getting started. Maybe she felt bad since she had originally asked the one lady, so she's going along w/ her. Just let her know her options and that if she is happy w/ the other lady that's fine, you just want to let her know that she needs to work w/ the person she feels is the right fit for her. No pressure, just information and support as she decides.
just remember to make it about "her" when doing your followup.

Chin up!

  • Thread starter
  • #10
Well, I did all my follow up. She still wanted to attend my hospitality meeting. She even asked for a ride. So I gave her a ride to the meeting and she asked me which about one of the directors and I introduced her. Apparently she had been talking to a director about joining that the other lady referred her too. I felt so stupid. I tried to not show my disappointment. I answered all of her questions during the meeting. Then I waited while her and the director chatted it up after the meeting because I was her ride. Apparently, the other lady wasn't active, so the other director was making sure that the other consultant got activated to sign the potential recruit. I felt used. (She lives 20 minutes out of the way) Then watching a director butter her up for someone else, knowing that I had brought her kind of made me feel a little icky about the whole situation. I have been doing this for just over 5 months and this whole situation left a really bad taste in my mouth if you know what I mean. If everyone would have been forthcoming, I would have been fine, but she had been talking to this director for the last few days and didn't tell me. She told the director she was talking to me, and the director told her to wait until the other lady became active to sign. I'm kinda upset how things were handled..... sorry if I prattled on a bit. This happened last night so it is still fresh in my memory. BTW.... the other consultant lives in Colorado, and we are in NC.
  • #11
What? Your hospitality director talked this potential recruit into signing w/ someone else on her team? Is that what I am reading? Not to mention the other recruit isn't even active right now? Is this right? I cannot believe this!
  • #12
I certainly wouldn't voice it to the recruit (because it will shed a bad light on YOU for talking about another consultant), but what kind of support does she think that she's going to get from someone who didn't follow up from the beginning? Does she think that the level of service is going to change? LOLIf she's not smart enough to see that on her own, you should probably just bless & release. Her lack of using common sense right now will continue in her career. By signing with the other consultant, she will probably be saving you a lot of headaches. ;)
  • #13
Look at it this way. If this woman is willing to deal with you in what appears to be (at least to me) an underhanded way, would you really want her on your team? My theory is that if they'll do it for you, they'll do it to you. I can understand your disappointment. As we say here, just bless and release.
  • #14
Look at it this way. If this woman is willing to deal with you in what appears to be (at least to me) an underhanded way, would you really want her on your team? My theory is that if they'll do it for you, they'll do it to you.

I can understand your disappointment. As we say here, just bless and release.
  • #15
Not cool on the part of these directors!!!

Again chin up and move on th the next one!
  • #16
...and maybe find a new hospitality group. Sorry this happened to you; I agree, the decent thing would have been for everyone to be up front. Please don't think this is necessarily typical of the business; most PC-ers I've met would bend over backwards to do what's fair. As Rae said, bless and release.
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  • #17
Thanks for the words ladies. I would love to help out with everything, I just felt used and very icky. I am still pretty new to this business and when I told my husband, he even suggested that I stop doing PC if the people I was supposed to be working with were like this. I don't know of any other hospitality groups in my area, plus my director is okay. The lady that recruited me moved out of state a month after I started so I have kinda been doing the sink or swim thing and I guess my nerves were still a little raw. I am going to let the recruit go, and hopefully I will find one who likes the products and the company as much as I do. :D
  • #18
Definitely find a new hospitality group! That is outrageous!
  • #19
I had something similar happen to me. I still get annoyed when I think about it. So I know how you feel. Just keep doing what you are doing and you will end up with great people on your team!

Related to What should I do about this recruiting conflict?

1. What is recruiting conflict?

Recruiting conflict refers to a situation where two or more organizations are competing for the same pool of job candidates. This can create tension and competition between the organizations, and can make the recruiting process more challenging for both parties.

2. What causes recruiting conflict?

Recruiting conflict can be caused by a variety of factors, including a limited pool of qualified candidates, a highly competitive job market, and similar job offerings from different organizations. It can also be caused by aggressive recruiting tactics or poaching of employees by competing organizations.

3. How can recruiting conflict be managed?

Recruiting conflict can be managed through open communication and collaboration between the organizations involved. This can include sharing information about job offerings and candidates, and working together to find mutually beneficial solutions. Setting clear guidelines and boundaries can also help prevent conflicts from arising.

4. What are the consequences of recruiting conflict?

Recruiting conflict can have negative consequences for both organizations involved. It can create a negative image for the organizations, damage relationships with candidates, and lead to a less diverse pool of applicants. It can also result in higher costs and longer hiring processes for both parties.

5. How can organizations prevent recruiting conflict?

Organizations can prevent recruiting conflict by having a strong employer brand and reputation, offering unique and attractive job opportunities, and maintaining positive relationships with other organizations in the industry. They can also establish clear policies and procedures for recruiting and hiring, and be transparent and respectful in their interactions with candidates and other organizations.

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