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What Should I Do About a Host Who Only Wants the Discounted Products in the Kit?

In summary, the conversation is discussing a potential consultant who is interested in signing up for the discounted products in the kit, but may not be interested in actively working the business. The conversation includes suggestions on how to handle this situation, such as explaining the obligation to have a minimum of 4 shows or $1250 in sales and potentially having a three-way conversation with a director to "scare her off." However, it is also mentioned that the 4 show minimum is no longer a requirement and the consultant may still sign up for the discount. The conversation ends with examples of successful consultants who initially signed up for the discount but ended up actively working the business.
OK, so I have this host who wants to sign as a consultant just because the kit cost is such a bargain.
She doesn't particularly want to be a consultant...although 3 of her guests said they'd have a party if she was the consultant...she just wants the discounted products in the kit.
How do I handle this gal?
I would explain to her that she is obligated to have a minimum of 4 shows for PC. If she decides at the end of those 4 shows that the biz is not for her, she may go inactive. I would not say that they will want the kit back (which they don't), but don't let her think it is okay to be a kitnapper! Personally, I would not sign her up. Maybe you can talk to your director and have her do a three-way with you and her. That might "scare her off"!
I would sign her, but I would first let her know that when filling out the contract, she will be asked to have names and dates of her first 4 shows. I would give her two days to meet again with her 3 friends names with dates for their shows. The fourth show, could even be someone else, other than the 3 that would do a catalog show for her. Even if she never does anything after these 3, or even ever, she may later. She may really want to do shows later, or have a life change and finds she HAS to do PC, before the 6 months is up, and she would have the option to work her business, because she had already signed up.
pcchefjane said:
I would explain to her that she is obligated to have a minimum of 4 shows for PC. If she decides at the end of those 4 shows that the biz is not for her, she may go inactive. I would not say that they will want the kit back (which they don't), but don't let her think it is okay to be a kitnapper! Personally, I would not sign her up. Maybe you can talk to your director and have her do a three-way with you and her. That might "scare her off"!

Actually, the 4 show minimum isn't correct anymore. While they are asked to provide the names and dates of 4 shows, they've fulfilled their obligation when they submit $1250 in sales. 4 shows no longer "qualifies" them, it's just the $$ amount.

And, if she is agreeable to the fulfilling the $1250 in sales, then I would for sure sign her! I was one of those who signed just for the deal...and here I am 7 years later! I think there are a lot of us like that.
I know people who actually went to pick up the kit from a kit napper.
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She was very specific to ask me what exactly was her obligation if she signed, and I did tell her 4 shows or whatever it took to get $1250 in sales. I'll be calling her Monday to get any more orders for tonight's party...and I'm sure we'll be talking again. She did realize that she'd be expected to do parties herself. I told her I'd be at her Grand Opening...but I'll make sure she understands that she'll have to learn the business enough to complete the other parties. I also let her know about the benefits to continuing the business for 4 months--PC dollars, plus Kit Enhancement...so you never know, I guess. It just bugged me that she was talking about only signing up to get the products. (I re-read the consultant agreement--it doesn't say anything about qualifying as a requirement.)
My first recruit signed for the discount. That's EXACTLY what I said when I signed. That I would do what it took to stay active and keep the discount, but I wasn't planning to do it on a regular basis. I'm still not full time, but last month I did 6 cooking shows and gathered $175 in outside orders & put it in as a Catalog show to get another stone at 60% off! 2 Aug cooking shows, 2 Sept cooking shows + the 1 catalog show gave me $4,385.30 in sales last month. I just closed 2 of the 3 open September shows on the 2nd & submitted $1,500 in sales. And am headed over to close the last one now. I have 2 open shows from this last weekend that will close this week too. I still have a booth this month and more cooking shows on the calendar. How's that for "just doing it for the discount"??? LOLRecruit #1 just finished her 30 days and is ecstatic that she can MAKE a paycheck for doing Pampered Chef. She never thought about making income, she just wanted to get the discount. She's more motivated now. She has a catalog show open right now, did a cooking show yesterday & has another cooking show coming up on the 17th. I think she's going to turn out to be like me. Working a LOT more than she had planned to do because she thinks its fun too!!!Hopefully, your recruit will be the same. She'll do a couple of shows, see how easy it is to have fun & make money & love it! ;)
ChefBeckyD said:
Actually, the 4 show minimum isn't correct anymore. While they are asked to provide the names and dates of 4 shows, they've fulfilled their obligation when they submit $1250 in sales. 4 shows no longer "qualifies" them, it's just the $$ amount.

And, if she is agreeable to the fulfilling the $1250 in sales, then I would for sure sign her! I was one of those who signed just for the deal...and here I am 7 years later! I think there are a lot of us like that.

I'm one of those! I never intended on 'running' with the kit, but, I hosted a party, signed on and only intended minimal sales. Well, 3 years later here I am and last year lead in sales for my director's cluster.

So sign her! Give her all the help you can and you never know what will happen!
I too told my recruiter that I would do just 4 shows....I wanted the bargain, and I already knew 5 friends from my party who wanted to do a show. I was upfront and told my recruiter that I was ONLY going to do those 4 shows and be out. Here I am now...8 months later, loving PC, I met the 15K and met director qualifications!

So, let her know how to maximize the new consultant rewards...PCD means more free product. Be sure she knows she HAS to do those 4 shows, and see where it leads. You never know. Let her know you appreciate the honesty....makes it easier to support her.
  • #10
One of our NED's...drawing a blank on the name here, sorry, but I think it Patty or Patsy WAS a kitnapper. Had a Director savy and persistent enough to make sure that everyone who signed fulfilled their obligation, and kept on the now NED...I heard her story at NC a few years back...VERY COOL.

So, make sure she complete's her $1250...after that, if the business isn't for her, she'll know it...

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I sent the host an email this morning saying I could meet with her Wednesday evening to sign her consultant agreement, and she emailed me back asking about the 1250, saying she wants to know what she's getting into, but that she still wants the kit...so hopefully once she sees how awesome it is, she'll get hooked!
  • #12
I would DEFINITELY sign her! Let her know that once she meets the $1,250 in sales, her obligation is through...BUT that she will get MORE incentives if she achieves that in her first 30 days, and then if she continues to hit $1,250for the first three months of her business, she will get even MORE PC dollars that she could use for herself.

Most likely, when she starts getting her commission checks, she will see how cool it is, and will continue on, even if it's as a hobbyist consultant.
  • #13
My first recruit was a total kitnapper - never submitted a single dollar in sales. My second recruit intended to be a kitnapper, but when she understood what all the incentives were for qualifying in your first 30, etc., she decided to get all she could for free.

We had our cluster meeting last night, and my recruit, who is now in her 10th month, was 3rd in sales for the team. The surprise, that she was ONLY 3rd in sales - she has consistently been in first or second place. She's also less than $4k away from her $15k career sales.
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As soon as we can close/"process" her party, she's planning to sign up.
  • #15
Good luck! I hope she stays on!
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We talked today, and I think she's starting to get more and more interesed about actually being a consultant. 2 of her friends booked off her party, so I'll give her those bookings. My director offered to give her the catalog tote if she completes the online training. The gal asked me today what happens if she does 4 shows and doesn't do 1250 in sales (because she lives in an area where the show average will be lower)...I told her no henchmen would come to her house. She even said maybe she'd do 5 shows to get up to the 1250...and how surprised she is that so many people LOVE our products. I think she may end up surprising herself! She's signing on Saturday. :)
  • #17
$1250 qualifies her. 4 shows doesn't... Good luck with her. My 2nd Recruit was a former consultant who said she was ready but never sold a dime...then emailed me on August 28 and asked if I wanted to buy her catalogs she had left. I offered to in July....
  • #18
There are a lot of people who join for the kit only and end up loving it. It's easy to say yes, I want a deal. It's harder to make what seems to be a very long commitment. I really encourage those to work the system by doing a lot in the first 30-90 days so they get even MORE for the initial cost! Of course, while they are doing that (just to get the better deal), they are finding out if they love it as a business. Good luck!
  • #19
My newest recruit just wanted the value of the kit but when she got it and started training she fell in love with the business. I say sign her!
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She signed!! She emailed me with a few questions and ended it by saying she's starting to get excited, so I'm starting to get excited, too!
  • #21
How is she doing? Anything yet?
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Oh, I'm sorry to leave you hanging! I thought I had posted it!
She had her first show on the 23rd and had a BLAST! Her host wants to have a party in February, so she said, "Oh, I guess that means I can't quit after 4 shows, huh?"
She had some problems getting everything into P3 (hadn't learned the program yet), but she did submit a $400 show, which was awesome.
She's avoiding my calls...but she does have at least one more party on the books this month. I'm really encourging her to qualify in the 30 days. She has until the 23rd....

Related to What Should I Do About a Host Who Only Wants the Discounted Products in the Kit?

1. What are the ethical guidelines for recruiting at Pampered Chef?

At Pampered Chef, we adhere to the highest ethical standards in our recruiting process. This includes treating all candidates with respect and fairness, providing accurate and honest information about job opportunities, and avoiding any form of discrimination.

2. How does Pampered Chef ensure diversity and inclusion in its recruiting practices?

Diversity and inclusion are important values at Pampered Chef. We strive to have a diverse and inclusive workplace, and this is reflected in our recruiting practices. We actively seek out candidates from different backgrounds and make sure our hiring process is free from bias.

3. Are there any incentives for employees to refer candidates for open positions?

Yes, Pampered Chef offers a referral program for employees to refer potential candidates. However, this program is strictly monitored to ensure all referrals are based on the candidate's qualifications and not on personal relationships or biases.

4. Can Pampered Chef employees recruit candidates from their previous workplaces?

Pampered Chef values ethical recruiting practices, and we do not condone any form of poaching or stealing employees from other companies. We expect our employees to respect any non-compete agreements and not engage in any unethical recruiting practices.

5. How does Pampered Chef handle conflicts of interest in the recruiting process?

Pampered Chef employees are expected to disclose any potential conflicts of interest, such as having a personal relationship with a candidate, during the recruiting process. Our hiring decisions are always based on the candidate's qualifications and not on personal relationships or biases.

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