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"Welcome! Making the Switch to Pampered Chef - Advice Appreciated!

Welcome to the Pampered Chef world! It's great to see more men joining the ranks and bringing their unique perspective and skills to the table. Cooking is a fantastic passion and you'll find that it pairs perfectly with the Pampered Chef business. As for success, my suggestion is to persevere through the challenges and keep pushing forward even when it gets tough. And don't be too intimidated by the terminology or titles, everyone here is willing to help and support you along the way. Welcome to Chef Success and I look forward to seeing your success grow!
Silver Member
Just wanted to stop in and greet everyone. I am about to take the plunge into the PC world, and am very much looking forward to it. I am in the minority (in this case, meaning male!) and am a cop in my "real life". Cooking is my passion though, and I am lookng forward to venturing in this line of work.

Does anyone have any suggestions for success?
Welcome to our "virtual cluster". its great to seeso many guys joining the ranks these days.
Welcome to Chef Success!! This is a great place to be and I am so happy you found it so early on! There is a ton of info here and it could take you days to save files to use (it took me that long). You will get some great support here!WELCOME!!!!
Glad you've joined us! I hope you enjoy PC as much as we do! Please ask questions as well as sharing what you do here at CS.
Hi there PalmettoChef

Here is my secret for "success"

You must persevere when you feel like quitting, you must act when you are afraid, you must press on when you don't feel like you can!

That and since you are a cop, you could just arrest people for being stingy on their orders! :) LOL

Best of luck and welcome to the peanut gallery.
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Thanks guys, I'm pretty stoked about learning about a lot of this stuff. I think the most difficult part is in learning the terminology. There have been many threads I have read, only to go... "What?"

It seems like I know some of you already, just by reading what you post online. I very much look forward to building some relationships along the way, and picking the brains of those that know what's going on!

I will say I have been impressed so far by the individual that contacted me. I think her title was Independant Advanced Director? Anyway, once I filled in the request for information form online, my phone was ringing in like 10 minutes! But I am happy to say also, that it hasn't rung since! So I haven't been pestered with a lot of pressure type calls. Besides, I'm on night shift and I wouldn't be happy to be awaken!

It's been a pleasant experience so far, and I haven't even ordered my kit yet!

You may be a bit confused by some of the threads, because they have nothing at all to do with PC!:balloon:

There is a ton of great info on this site - and it's a good place to get questions answered. - but there is also a lot of fun here, so you will see that intertwined into most threads too!:D
PalmettoChef said:
Just wanted to stop in and greet everyone. I am about to take the plunge into the PC world, and am very much looking forward to it. I am in the minority (in this case, meaning male!) and am a cop in my "real life". Cooking is my passion though, and I am lookng forward to venturing in this line of work.

Does anyone have any suggestions for success?

Welcome! Good luck with your business.

My brother is a cop too! Not a Pampered Chef Consultant though.
hi and welcome!
  • #10
Welcome! You'll find very little pressure from Pampered Chef. They truly let you decide how to define success for your business.
  • #11
Welcome, You will go far with this business being that you are a minority. And it seems to me that the men in our upline do great. Goodluck!!!
  • #12
Welcome to PC and Chef Success! :) A cooking cop! What a great combo! :p
  • #13
Hi and Welcome to the PC and CS family! Good luck and ask any ??? if you feel lost or need help! Everyone here is always willing to help or assist in any way! We have a Ton of files to retreive here! Again good luck to you and congrats!
  • #14
Welcome! Chef Success is fun and educational. PC is the same!
  • #15
Welcome! ...and be sure to check out the police chasing the donut truck... ;)We're sometimes serious, sometimes funny, but all about getting things done.You'll love PC. I am a full-time mom, Systems & Process Engineer, AWANA leader, volunteer firefighter and EMT and many other things and I fit it all in. ...and don't be too impressed by the titles. Being under an Advanced Director is nice, but even the newest consultant brings good advice to the table. The key is effort and enjoyment not position. I'm sure you'll love Pampered Chef!
  • #16
Welcome! Sometimes its rough but Persevere and OVERBOOK!!!!!
  • #17
janetupnorth said:
Welcome! ...and be sure to check out the police chasing the donut truck... ;)

We're sometimes serious, sometimes funny, but all about getting things done.

You'll love PC.

I am a full-time mom, Systems & Process Engineer, AWANA leader, volunteer firefighter and EMT and many other things and I fit it all in.

...and don't be too impressed by the titles. Being under an Advanced Director is nice, but even the newest consultant brings good advice to the table. The key is effort and enjoyment not position. I'm sure you'll love Pampered Chef!

I totally agree with you Janet. I desparately want to make it to Director, but it won't change a thing for my customers. The only people who really give a hoot about our Leadership status are us! Ourselves and fellow consultants understands what it means (and may be impressed by it), but it doesn't change a thing for your customers.
  • #18
...And, Hi and welcome Palmetto Chef!! I'm sure you'll enjoy it here. We all try to be helpful. Although there are times we will disagree it is a great place to be!
  • #19
Think how boring this site would be if we all agreed all the time! :) Sometimes the disagreements are half the entertainment.
  • #20
PalmettoChef said:
Just wanted to stop in and greet everyone. I am about to take the plunge into the PC world, and am very much looking forward to it. I am in the minority (in this case, meaning male!) and am a cop in my "real life". Cooking is my passion though, and I am lookng forward to venturing in this line of work.

Does anyone have any suggestions for success?

Nice to meet you! Welcome to the fray.. as it were. A little bit kooky and a whole lotta informative.

Suggestions for success? Overbook... definitely. Have fun with it... don't take yourself too seriously.. LOL... oh, wait, that's my bit... ummm.. I don't know the hardest time I have is calling folks and really talking myself up... :rolleyes: still working on the success part myself. LOL
  • Thread starter
  • #21
I don't have a problem talking about me! It's what I know best! I'm a firm believer that there is a fine line between confidence, and arrogance. I think if you can define that line and maximize the results, then you can be successful in whatever you do.

(When I gorw up I want to be a motivational speaker! However, nobody cares enough about what I have to say to pay for it...)
  • #22
Hello FELLOW Chefer!You are officially a Cheffer! Suggestions for success huh? Well, find something unique about or for yourself and go with it. Tom Marston used to carry a bucket with a tool carrier on it and fill it with PC tools. And he wore a tool belt. Dave Meenen sings! (Wonderful tenor I hear told!)
Don Funt is the Don Rickles of the gang. They ARE TOPS! High up on the ladder. I am more the Don Funt kind at my shows. I get funny and make people laugh. I am a very part time PC consultant. But I enjoy what I do. And my hosts can attest to that as they keep coming back for more. I have even "stolen" a few people from other consutlants that they didn't like working with. (They actually came to me, I didn't go looking for them!)

Find your inner strength and work it.

Although the Cop thing may be an advantage. Something about a bachelorette party and a night stick!

Sorry I just had to go there!
  • #23
welcome PalmettoChef:) I think you'll love it here. And you made a brilliant choice in Pampered Chef.
Have fun with your new business. Hey-- you could hand out mini-catalogs with tickets.
  • #24
pampered1224 said:
You are officially a Cheffer! Suggestions for success huh? Well, find something unique about or for yourself and go with it. Tom Marston used to carry a bucket with a tool carrier on it and fill it with PC tools. And he wore a tool belt. Dave Meenen sings! (Wonderful tenor I hear told!)
Don Funt is the Don Rickles of the gang. They ARE TOPS! High up on the ladder. I am more the Don Funt kind at my shows. I get funny and make people laugh. I am a very part time PC consultant. But I enjoy what I do. And my hosts can attest to that as they keep coming back for more. I have even "stolen" a few people from other consutlants that they didn't like working with. (They actually came to me, I didn't go looking for them!)

Find your inner strength and work it.

Although the Cop thing may be an advantage. Something about a bachelorette party and a night stick!

Sorry I just had to go there!

Oh my... I just choked on air... LOL... :blushing:
  • #25
PChefPEI said:
Welcome to PC and Chef Success! :) A cooking cop! What a great combo! :p

When I read Marie-France's reply, my first thought was what a super website addy! Welcome to In the Kitchen with would remember that!

Welcome to our internet cluster! Good luck with your business.

My advice?

Get your first 30-60 BOOKED FULL, and then don't stop there! Too many newbies (me included back then...) find their first 6 or so shows, then stop calling folks. The better off you START your business, the easier it is to "keep rolling"!

Even if you are only looking to be a PT consultant, try to do as many shows as possible in your first few months...you are "training" yourself during that time! If you only do one show every other week, it will feel like you are starting all over again each time. If you try to do two shows per week for 3-4 weeks (again...even if that is quite a struggle) you will have your show down SOLID by the end of that time! Then, you can cut back to whatever type of schedule you would like to keep.

**This is ONLY a suggestion...not everyone wants/needs/can do this!

Another thing- if you are nervous, do the SAME RECIPE for your first 6-12 shows. That way, you can work on getting the terms/demo/party thing down pat without dealing with a new recipe each time!!

Ask away if you have other questions...everyone here is super helpful!
  • #26
I am getting ready to interview a gentleman who is interested in PC. How would that interview be any different than one with a woman.
  • #27
KellyTheChef said:
When I read Marie-France's reply, my first thought was what a super website addy! Welcome to In the Kitchen with would remember that!

Welcome to our internet cluster! Good luck with your business.

My advice?

Get your first 30-60 BOOKED FULL, and then don't stop there! Too many newbies (me included back then...) find their first 6 or so shows, then stop calling folks. The better off you START your business, the easier it is to "keep rolling"!

I think you mean the first 30-60 days booked full?! Right? Great advice though. You can always scale back on your own, but revving up is tough when the foundation isn't there!!
  • #28
Welcome PalmettoChef!!! I am also about to "take the plunge" into PC...in January, like you!! :) Right now I'm learning all I can so that I am more than ready to start off successfully come Jan.

My advice to you...fill your calendar as much as you can now, so you are rockin' and rollin' come your first 30 days. So far, I have 5 cooking shows booked, 1 catty show booked, and 2 more that want to book, just aren't sure when in Jan yet. I still have some more people to contact too! Also, a grand opening show seems to be a recurring suggestion. I'm doing one - I'm planning on inviting everyone - my neighbors, my husband's co-workers, old colleagues (I resigned from teaching last year to be a SAHM), family, friends, and anyone else I can think of - I'm hoping to fill up my house and get bookings...plus some much needed practice! :chef:

It's nice to meet another Cheffer who will be starting in Jan - we can share stories of our first 30 days! Oh, more advice, sign in late Dec - get your kit and practice, practice, practice (that's my plan). Plus, if you sign in Dec, you get an additional 30 days to earn your bonus pc bucks (your 30 days turn to 60) and then your 90 days turns to 120 to earn pc bucks. How great is this company?? :love:
  • #29
Hi and welcome! You're gonna love PC! I'm new, too. Just past my first 30 days so I have no advice other than read this site every chance you get. There's great information here and everyone's willing to share their knowledge. I have tons of files and info I've downloaded.

Oh, and stay away from the thread 'The Official Continuing Discussion of American Humor' unless you have nothing else to do but wipe your eyes from laughter. I wasted most of today reading it but it felt good to laugh so much. :)
  • #30
ChefJoyJ said:
It's nice to meet another Cheffer who will be starting in Jan - we can share stories of our first 30 days! Oh, more advice, sign in late Dec - get your kit and practice, practice, practice (that's my plan). Plus, if you sign in Dec, you get an additional 30 days to earn your bonus pc bucks (your 30 days turn to 60) and then your 90 days turns to 120 to earn pc bucks. How great is this company?? :love:
That's what I was going to suggest. Get some shows on the books for January (which is bonus points month for the 2008 trip incentive) and February (the double points period straddles the 2 months), and order your kit in December so you can earn more freebies. Then it will arrive in January, right before your scheduled shows.

  • #31
BTW, Palmetto... you've done good just by joining this forum BEFORE you started. I wish, sometimes, that I 'd found this place beforehand too. But I didn't and am making the best of it but you've done a great service to your strategy of success just by being among some great minds here.
  • #32
Newbies, tooHello all,

My wife and I are newbies, too. We signed under my wife because she is leaving her full-time teaching position to become the full-time "soccer mom". We were both looking for something to do together and, viola!, we found PC.

Honestly, my wife is a PC junkie. We pulled everything out of the cabinets that we knew was PC and, my oh my, we could've opened a retail store. Still, though, there were some nice things in the kit that we didn't have.

I joke around with my wife (Kelly) and tease her. I tell her she is the kind of cook that could burn boiling water. Seriously, though, we do enjoy being in the kitchen together. In a "past life" I used to manage corporate-owned restaurants. So, while not a professional chef, I do enjoy cooking and being in the kitchen.

I found this site before we signed up (end of October) and found that this site was one of the many positives we could use to help us along our PC journey. For our shows in November we used several of the ideas on here. I have to say, too, that we are blessed with a great upline Director. Whitney, if you're on here, thank you!

So, how do you talk about the PC opportunity to men? Well, as a former Marine I NEVER thought I would be involved with something like the PC. But, life does funny things to us. For me, working with my wife in PC is just that, time for us to work together. We enjoyed "doing" our shows. You know, the whole "When using the chopper just think about something your hubby did to make you mad!" My response, "Well, what did I do so wrong last night? You were really bangin away!?" It became sort of a comedy routine for us. At our grand opening show we asked for feed back while taking orders. Everyone told us that you'd never had known we were new to PC. Also, from my mindset, I enjoy the business side of things. I enjoy the challenge of setting up new shows, putting together orders, and of course, looking for that commission check! (Which, BTW, my wife and I earned back the money we invested in the business, plus some, with only 3 shows in November! Wahoo!)

We are taking things kinda slow until after the new year because Kelly is oh-so-prego. Our plan included catching some wonderful holiday orders (we we have caught and continue to catch) and then hitting everything full-speed in January/February, once she has the babe.

So, now that I've written my novel, it is a pleasure to meet all of you. I have been lurking around, so I know you better than you know me. I do, however, look forward to continuing to learn with all of you!

Orlando and Kelly Buck
  • #33
Hi Orlando and Kelly, and welcome! Congrats on your new business and your new baby. :)
  • Thread starter
  • #34
That's really the direction I'm going in as well. I'm a cop, and heard about PC a LONG time ago. Never thought I would look into becoming a consultant! But then, as my wife bought something here and there, I also thought it would offer us a chance to do something together, almost as a hobby. I am the "chef" of the house, always experimenting in the kitchen, with good results normally.Looking forward to the interaction with the wife in this... Should be fun!
  • #35
RebelChef said:
Hi Orlando and Kelly, and welcome! Congrats on your new business and your new baby. :)

Thanks Marisa! We are very excited about all the changes in our lives. This will be my 5th child, Kelly's and my 2nd. So, we're definitely well seasoned!:D

Palmetto, I think you guys will love the time together. Kelly and I enjoy the banter we have during our show. It is also great to work together on all the other stuff- closing the show, placing the orders, and, oh yeah, figuring out your commission! It feels great to make money together instead of it just being "your money vs my money".

Related to "Welcome! Making the Switch to Pampered Chef - Advice Appreciated!

1. What inspired you to switch to Pampered Chef?

Many people are drawn to Pampered Chef because of their passion for cooking and desire to turn it into a successful business. The company offers a supportive community, flexible schedule, and the opportunity to earn an income doing something you love.

2. How do you balance being a cop and a Pampered Chef consultant?

One of the great things about Pampered Chef is the flexibility it offers. As a consultant, you can set your own schedule and work around your other commitments. It may take some time management skills, but it is definitely doable!

3. What are some tips for success as a Pampered Chef consultant?

One of the keys to success is to be passionate about the products and the company. Share your love for cooking and the products with others. Utilize social media and your personal network to spread the word and host parties. Also, consistently attend trainings and events to learn and improve your skills.

4. How can I get started with Pampered Chef?

To become a consultant, you can reach out to a current consultant or visit the Pampered Chef website to sign up. You will receive a starter kit with all the essentials to get your business up and running.

5. What support and resources does Pampered Chef offer to its consultants?

Pampered Chef offers a variety of resources and support to their consultants. This includes training and development opportunities, a supportive community, and access to marketing materials and social media tools. They also have a customer service team to assist with any questions or concerns you may have.

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