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Warning- This Thread Talks About God and Creation...you Might Not

In summary, the movie is about a group of college students who are expelled from their college because they are Christians. Ben Stein, a former lawyer and speechwriter, made the movie. Some people in the movie were sad, some were humorous, and all were interesting. It is an interesting movie and I would recommend
Kitchen Diva
Gold Member
WARNING- this thread talks about God and Creation...You might not agree with my opinions, but they are just that, my opinions, and as Jennifer says, I might not agree with yours! :)

Okay, I had to share this with you guys...

I became aware of a documentary that Ben Stein (from Win Ben Stein's Money, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, former Lawyer and speech writer, and he does commercials) Anyway, I learned of a documentary that he made that is in theaters now.

I watched the trailer to the movie (the link is below) and I was very intrigued. Had it not been for my last minute decision to join the Air Force and become a mechanic- I was going to go to college on a voice scholarhip, but minor in Biology. Since I have a love for science this caught my attention, and because I know that so many of you on here are believers (either in God, or have a personal relationship with Him) I wanted to share this with you.

I went and saw the movie by myself on Sunday night and it was AWESOME! It was riveting, sad, chilling, heartbreaking, and good all at the same time. It really opened my eyes. It was sort of like The Passion of Christ, but on a scale of- this is how Satan will bring about persecution of Christians here in the states...

Anyway, I wanted to share a link to the trailer, and invite all of you to go and see the movie. It is 90 minutes long and so worth your time. There were about 30 people in the theater the night I saw it, and some people brought their children (unless they are teens, I don't reccommend it). When it ended there was not a dry eye in the theater and everyone applauded. I think we all left feeling like we must be able to do something.

Anyway, I hope you like the trailer and are able to go and see Ben Stein's movie. He is a Messionic Jew if I'm not mistaken. If any of you have seen this, what did you think?

Wow, I haven't heard anything about it until now. Just might have to check it out, I usually wait and Netflix them though.
I've heard of it, the hubby wants to go see it but... I must say, I'm not much of a movie-goer. I'm like Jolene, I wait until its on netflix :D :D :D If its that good though maybe I'll let my other half drag me out to the theater!
this movie looks really cool! thanks for sharing the trailer, kacey!
Looks like a great movie!
You will hear very little about it, in fact, if you hear anything about it from the mainstream media, it will all be negative. Teachers who force kids to see Al Gore's science fiction should be showing Expelled to those same kids. Fat chance that'll happen.
I love being "quoted!" HA! And in a Christian thread!!!

My preacher went to watch it this weekend and recommended it. He rarely goes to a movie - the last one he went to was The Passion of Christ. If he recommends watching it, then it has to be awesome!
We are going to see this on Sunday. It's not playing anywhere near here so we are driving about an hour to Santa Barbara.
There's a review of this movie on Plugged In Online

I just read about this movie last night. I'd like to see it, too.
  • #10
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
if you hear anything about it from the mainstream media, it will all be negative.

Hmmm. Now you are a mind reader?
  • #11
No, I've just been watching media bias since I was a journalism student.
  • #12
I have seen the advertisements for this movie and wondered how it would be. The ads don't really tell you a lot about the movie, so I wasn't sure if it was "for real" or if it was going to be another one of those movies that make fun of Christian beliefs. I can't stand for anyone to make fun of God or his word...when it happens I duck for fear of lightening strike (not really, but it does give me cold chills) I am not a Ben Stein fan...I think it is his voice that drives me crazy. I have not heard any reviews of it, but like KG I don't think it will get any positive reviews from the main-stream media. I had hoped that The Passion of Christ would fuel more Christian based/oriented movies. As much money as The Passion made you would think that Hollywood would wake up and realize that we don't want all that foul language, sex and violence that they seem to think belongs in every movie...even children's movies.

But anyway, thanks for the review. I will have to go and see it. I am not much of a movie goer. When you have 3 kids, it is hard to take the family to the movies and buy popcorn and soda, so we usually wait for the DVD to come out. Maybe I can get my husband to take me on a movie date when it gets to our area...we haven't been to the movies "alone" for at least 15 years.
  • #13
I'm not a movie goer. For Ben Stein, will make an exception.:)
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  • #14
KG- I never heard about the movie at all from the media, or while watching TV- it was my Aunt and Uncle that shared it with me, while I was over there last Sunday. I was surprised to find out that so many of my local theaters carried the movie- especially since I had not seen or heard of one trailer. I suppose since I listen to "right-wing radical" talk show hosts on radio that I would have heard of it there, but since I don't have a chance to listen every day I must have missed it, because DH had heard of it.

I'm miffed DH didn't tell me about it, but oh well!

It was really fabulous- it gave me chills- and it is well worth your time. I do hope they make it into a DVD after all is said and done.
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  • #15
jrstephens said:
I love being "quoted!" HA! And in a Christian thread!!!

My preacher went to watch it this weekend and recommended it. He rarely goes to a movie - the last one he went to was The Passion of Christ. If he recommends watching it, then it has to be awesome!

Well, you are so very welcome! :) LOL

I understand about going to the movies- DH and I see mostly Pixar movies and cartoons- because they are the only things without sex and trashy language...
  • Thread starter
  • #16
Shawnna said:
I have seen the advertisements for this movie and wondered how it would be. The ads don't really tell you a lot about the movie, so I wasn't sure if it was "for real" or if it was going to be another one of those movies that make fun of Christian beliefs. I can't stand for anyone to make fun of God or his word...when it happens I duck for fear of lightening strike (not really, but it does give me cold chills) I am not a Ben Stein fan...I think it is his voice that drives me crazy. I have not heard any reviews of it, but like KG I don't think it will get any positive reviews from the main-stream media. I had hoped that The Passion of Christ would fuel more Christian based/oriented movies. As much money as The Passion made you would think that Hollywood would wake up and realize that we don't want all that foul language, sex and violence that they seem to think belongs in every movie...even children's movies.

But anyway, thanks for the review. I will have to go and see it. I am not much of a movie goer. When you have 3 kids, it is hard to take the family to the movies and buy popcorn and soda, so we usually wait for the DVD to come out. Maybe I can get my husband to take me on a movie date when it gets to our area...we haven't been to the movies "alone" for at least 15 years.

You and me both! I was like YES!!! We will finally start seeing some good movies come out after this...and I was sooooo wrong. Until now- and Expelled is good. Remember, it's more a documentary than an actual movie- but it has good flow. And yes, he does have a nasally voice- but he does ask so many good questions- and has done so his entire life- he just doesn't get the press...
  • #17
It seems to me from the trailer that one of the points of the movie is that there should be room for ALL theories. Wouldn't it be nice if we could accept others' theories/ideas/opinions even if we don't agree with them, and refrain from name-calling or condeming people who don't believe as we do?
  • #18
The people who tell you that they are open to all people and ideals, and are the most tolerant - aren't.
  • #19
I agree with you KG, and have also known people who say they believe in something/someone but act in a very contrary way.

Actions speak louder than words - cliche but true.

I'll add that confining yourself just to the people who believe as you do and dumping on all others is very limiting. Respectful disagreement keeps you open to enjoy everything else we bring to the table as people.
  • #19
OOps meant KGSorry KG I was responding to your post, not KC (and the Sunshine Band) ;)
  • #20
I havent heard of it. I am neither a movie goer or fan of Ben Stein. Do you still recommend it? :)
  • #21
Our preacher said it was good to see that even though these people do not believe in God, they do admit there's a possibility of there being something other than Darwin, and that it can give you some hope of changing people's mind. Some of them got fired from their job for simply "suggesting" that Darwin is wrong.

I, personally, think it takes more faith to believe in Darwin than to believe in God. God's plan is so simple that a child can understand it, but come one how can you just accept that the world "happened."
  • #23
We watched a documentary at church a few weeks ago. It was called "The Real Mt. Sinai". I can't remember the men's names. They set out to prove different things in the Bible. But this one was about Mt. Sinai and how the place everyone says is Mt. Sinai has no evidence that it is the "real" Mt. Sinai. They took the Bible scripture by scripture...Moses built 12 pillars around the mountain...water coming out of the rock to quench the 1000s of people...the mountain top being "on fire"...and many other things...and found a place in Iran or Iraq - I am not good with geography or history. I was actually dreading the film because I don't enjoy science, history or geography, but it was very interesting. The mountain they found is fenced off with signs that anyone caught in there will be killed. When they asked the people from the area about Moses and the mountain, they all pointed to this mountain and talked about Moses and God's people. So, if you are interested in this type of thing, I would recommend this documentary...THE REAL MT. SINAI
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  • #24
vwpamperedchef said:
I havent heard of it. I am neither a movie goer or fan of Ben Stein. Do you still recommend it? :)
Yes!- There are so many other people in the movie that he interviews, that it isn't all him. :)
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  • #26
susanr613 said:
I agree with you KG, and have also known people who say they believe in something/someone but act in a very contrary way.

Actions speak louder than words - cliche but true.

I'll add that confining yourself just to the people who believe as you do and dumping on all others is very limiting. Respectful disagreement keeps you open to enjoy everything else we bring to the table as people.

I hope you don't think that by my warning at the begining of my thread that I was trying to exclude other belief systems. I was more or less trying to say if you don't believe this and want to start warring with me, I'd rather you just pass this thread by and go on your merry way. I wasn't starting that thread to get into a deep religious or spiritual chat room argument of the minds....so if I made this seem exclusionary, (not sure if that is a real word, and I am not going to look it up to see...) :) I am very sorry. That certainly was not my intent.

I was just not in the mood to be ridiculed and lambasted for sharing what I was sharing. And I certainly was not dumping on anyone, so I hope that you didn't think I was...:)
  • #27

I'm sorry if you took my comments personally; they were not directed at you at all. it's unfortunate that you felt the need to warn on the content. i didn't take the posting as exclusionary at all - if you're a monotheist, creationism and intelligent design are part of your belief system. In any case, you were passing along a recommendation, which is what we all do here.

i was (over) reacting to someone else's comment about another movie. (no, not the passion....) i should have just taken a deep breath and ignored that particular posting.

Again, I appreciate you passing along the recommendation. I like Ben Stein and the concept of the movie.

  • #28
Kitchen Diva said:
I put a link in to the website, did it not work???
I missed you post - I'm sorry.
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  • #29
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
I missed you post - I'm sorry.
That's okay, I'm the Queen of posting before I realize I'm posting to a thread that is 4 years old, or before I finish all the pages! :) I was just concerned that I either forgot to post the link, or the link didn't work.

Thanks for putting another link in the thread...the more the merrier :)
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  • #30
susanr613 said:

I'm sorry if you took my comments personally; they were not directed at you at all. it's unfortunate that you felt the need to warn on the content. i didn't take the posting as exclusionary at all - if you're a monotheist, creationism and intelligent design are part of your belief system. In any case, you were passing along a recommendation, which is what we all do here.

i was (over) reacting to someone else's comment about another movie. (no, not the passion....) i should have just taken a deep breath and ignored that particular posting.

Again, I appreciate you passing along the recommendation. I like Ben Stein and the concept of the movie.


Oh good! I'm glad that you didn't think I was being exclusionary, etc-etc... I was just trying to avoid a bunch of mud slinging and hurt feelings, so I figured if I told people ahead of time, we could avoid that.

I just was so moved about the film I felt almost an obligation to share with everyone I could. Have a super evening! I'm off to watch American Idol.
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  • #31
Wow- someone gave us a 5 star rating! I'm blushing!!!
  • #32
What happened to scientist like Max Planck?“As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear-headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you, as a result of my research about atoms, this much: there is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force, the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”--Max Planck, Physicist (1858–1947)
Acceptance Speech of Nobel Prize for Physics, 1918
(Emphasis mine.)
  • #33
I cannot conceive of a genuine scientist without that profound faith. The situation may be expressed by an image: science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. (Albert Einstein, 1941)
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  • #34
KG- then why the sudden departure from Mr. Planck's therories? Once you see Expelled you will leave wondering what the heck happened and how did it get this bad without knowing about it, and what changed or what was the catalyst behind going from a creator to "we're sorry, but Darwin's Theory is the be all to end all"????

I just don't get why it is so important for their NOT to be an intelligent designer or Creator...does man want to be god that badly?
  • #35
I think some people do not want God to exist, because if He does then they have to know that He is in control of everything. He gives us free will to pick and choose what we want to do but in the end He is the final judge as to what happens to our soul. They say "if there is a God why would He let this happen?" To believe in God is to know that our choices...or ones made by others...causes things to happen, whether good or bad. If we drink and drive and have a wreck that kills someone, we want to blame God for the death, but it is our choices that caused the death. That is an exteme example, but it is true. Otherwise we could just think "we are born, we live our life, we die and that is it". We don't have to be held accountable for our choices. If we believe in God as our creator we have to believe in eternity after we die...for some it is easier to think there is nothing after we die.
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  • #36
very well put...

However I think it is still very sad.

I went to a Christian College Prep High School, and found out about 2 years ago that my best friend went from born again to atheist, and to boot, she is an environmental scientist with 3M... after seeing this movie, I better understood why she fell for the crap they taught her in college, but I still don't understand why she bought it hook, line and sinker and renounced her upbringing...it is very sad.
  • #37
A really good book for an athiest to read, that is if they are searching for the truth, is A Case for the Creator. It talks a lot about statistics and science concerning creation and bible prophesy. Things that can't be "explained" away.

(Sorry--I know that was a bit off topic)
  • #38
For the believer, no explanation is necessary, for the non-believer no explanation will suffice.

In my experience with family, friends, and myself, faith is black and white - either you have it or you don't. If you are a person who really, truly believes in God, are scientifc explanations to the contrary going to change your mind? Would a senseless tragedy change your mind? Absolutely not. Same goes for an atheist, even if you pursue the "scientific reasoning" path. The atheist also has a set of beliefs.

Change in one's deepest beliefs is usually the result of a life-shaking event or series of events. It's personal, not factual. Again, I have experienced this myself and have seen it in others. Fortunately, my very negative and hurtful experiences (and the emergence from them) opened the door to my heart for God. From that point forward, I can see the sense in ideas such as intelligent design, prayer, and not being a control freak (ok not as much of one:)

Just my $.10 (isn't everything going up?)
  • Thread starter
  • #39
Christ Follower said:
A really good book for an athiest to read, that is if they are searching for the truth, is A Case for the Creator. It talks a lot about statistics and science concerning creation and bible prophesy. Things that can't be "explained" away.

(Sorry--I know that was a bit off topic)

susanr613 said:
For the believer, no explanation is necessary, for the non-believer no explanation will suffice.

In my experience with family, friends, and myself, faith is black and white - either you have it or you don't. If you are a person who really, truly believes in God, are scientifc explanations to the contrary going to change your mind? Would a senseless tragedy change your mind? Absolutely not. Same goes for an atheist, even if you pursue the "scientific reasoning" path. The atheist also has a set of beliefs.

Change in one's deepest beliefs is usually the result of a life-shaking event or series of events. It's personal, not factual. Again, I have experienced this myself and have seen it in others. Fortunately, my very negative and hurtful experiences (and the emergence from them) opened the door to my heart for God. From that point forward, I can see the sense in ideas such as intelligent design, prayer, and not being a control freak (ok not as much of one:)

Just my $.10 (isn't everything going up?)

Christ Follower, I wish I could give my formerly saved friend turned athiest that book you recommend, however she already knows the truth, but refuses to believe it anymore...

Susan, I'd charge $.11 cents! LOL- sorry, just couldn't resist. And you made a very valid argument. All the more reason to be praying for the nation and praying for ourselves that we will walk in Love!
  • #40
Atheism is a religion. (Apparently, only the atheists are the ones who don't know that.) They do their evangelism through the court system.
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  • #41
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Atheism is a religion. (Apparently, only the atheists are the ones who don't know that.) They do their evangelism through the court system.

That's true. And, sad!
  • Thread starter
  • #42
Did anyone go and see this?So I was wondering if anybody went to go and see this?

If so, what did you think?
  • #43
I have heard of the movie and really want to see it, but none of the theaters around here will show it...surprise surprise.
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  • #44
jenne said:
I have heard of the movie and really want to see it, but none of the theaters around here will show it...surprise surprise.
bummer! It was really good. There is a theater locater on the website I posted at the begining of this thread, maybe you can find one on there and make a day of it?
  • #45
I'm constantly checking it...the closest theater that would show it was in Hermantown which is over 80 miles away...although I've debated driving that far just to see it...
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  • #46
jenne said:
I'm constantly checking it...the closest theater that would show it was in Hermantown which is over 80 miles away...although I've debated driving that far just to see it...

Pack a picnic lunch and have date day with the hubby. It is really good. Gave me the chills and gave me lots to think about.
  • #47
I want to go see this, just not sure when I will have time.

I heard about it from Glenn Beck. He had Ben Stein on talking about it.
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  • #48
pampchefrhondab said:
I want to go see this, just not sure when I will have time.

I heard about it from Glenn Beck. He had Ben Stein on talking about it.

You are the first person other than my husband that I know of who listens to Glenn Beck! How cool is that? I love you even more today than I did yesterday! :) LOL
  • #49
This is AWESOME! I think I am going to see it with my friend the (Christian) high school science teacher!
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  • #50
Di_Can_Cook said:
This is AWESOME! I think I am going to see it with my friend the (Christian) high school science teacher!
You will enjoy it! :)
<h2>1. What is the documentary "Expelled" about?</h2><p>The documentary "Expelled" is about the persecution of Christians in the United States and how it relates to the theory of evolution.</p><h2>2. Who made the documentary?</h2><p>The documentary was made by Ben Stein, known for his roles in "Win Ben Stein's Money" and "Ferris Bueller's Day Off".</p><h2>3. Is the documentary religious in nature?</h2><p>Yes, the documentary has a religious aspect as it explores the role of God and creation in the debate between evolution and intelligent design.</p><h2>4. Is the documentary appropriate for children?</h2><p>The documentary is not recommended for young children as it deals with mature themes and may be upsetting for some viewers.</p><h2>5. What was the reception of the documentary like?</h2><p>The documentary received mixed reviews, with some praising its message and others criticizing its approach and accuracy.</p>

Related to Warning- This Thread Talks About God and Creation...you Might Not

1. What is the documentary "Expelled" about?

The documentary "Expelled" is about the persecution of Christians in the United States and how it relates to the theory of evolution.

2. Who made the documentary?

The documentary was made by Ben Stein, known for his roles in "Win Ben Stein's Money" and "Ferris Bueller's Day Off".

3. Is the documentary religious in nature?

Yes, the documentary has a religious aspect as it explores the role of God and creation in the debate between evolution and intelligent design.

4. Is the documentary appropriate for children?

The documentary is not recommended for young children as it deals with mature themes and may be upsetting for some viewers.

5. What was the reception of the documentary like?

The documentary received mixed reviews, with some praising its message and others criticizing its approach and accuracy.

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