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The Secret Life Of Paige Birgfeld: 48 Hours Investigates

well, let's just say that she's been very busy. :(End hijak!Thanks Laurie, I might have to give that a try. Guess that also means I will have to learn how to use the DVR!
Silver Member
This is already posted in the Missing thread and today's Update thread, but this is important enough to stand alone in its own thread:

The Secret Life Of Paige Birgfeld

Link: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/06/08/48hours/main4162450.shtml Follow the link to see the promo video.

(CBS) When Paige Birgfeld’s family got the call that she was missing, no one was prepared for the revelations the investigation would unearth.

Birgfeld, 34, was a devoted mother of three, who lived in a beautiful home in an upscale Colorado neighborhood when she suddenly disappeared. The tireless hunt for Birgfeld, which included specialty divers and countless community volunteers, became more troubling when police discovered her car in flames.

Immediately, the investigation turned to the twice-divorced Birgfeld’s ex-husbands, but they were soon dismissed as possible suspects. That’s when the probe took the most shocking turn. Paige Birgfeld, doting mother, pre-school dance teacher and beloved community member, was a high-priced escort known to her clients as "Carrie."

As stunning as it was, it was the emergence of Birgfeld’s secret life that would eventually help police zero in on a suspect, a local mechanic with a record of violence who was also a client of hers. Now, with a suspect, but no body, authorities are reluctant to release any other information to the public.

Sources close to the investigation speak with 48 Hours and reveal insider information about the evidence linking the suspect to Birgfeld, in correspondent Harold Dow's report, Tuesday, June 10, at 9 p.m. ET/PT.
Thanks for the reminder KG - looks like it will be worth watching.Only 2 1/2 weeks and it will be one year already! That is a LONG time for a family to be without a Mother, Daughter, Sister, etc. :(
janetupnorth said:
Thanks for the reminder KG - looks like it will be worth watching.

Only 2 1/2 weeks and it will be one year already! That is a LONG time for a family to be without a Mother, Daughter, Sister, etc. :(

Thanks KG for the reminder.
Well Said Janet. i have it being taped since our team training is tomorrow.

Man Paige, WHERE ARE YOU???
Thanks KG. I am dreading the anniversary of her disappearance. Feeling heart ache and really pissed off at the same time. :grumpy:
legacypc46 said:
Thanks KG. I am dreading the anniversary of her disappearance. Feeling heart ache and really pissed off at the same time. :grumpy:

That is a perfect description of my feelings.
Thanks for the reminder. I will be sure to watch - prayerfully.
Thanks for the reminder. I am making sure I watch this tomorrow tonight.
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elizabethfox said:
Thanks for the reminder. I am making sure I watch this tonight.
It's tomorrow night.;)
Oops....I meant tomorrow night.... ha ha :)

Thanks Becky!

Oh.... let me know how your scooby party went!
  • #10
Thanks KG for the reminder.

It aint gonna be pretty - but, I'm gonna have to delete some of DS's shows he has on the DVR so I can record this. Can you believe that my 6 y/o has completely filled the DVR with Bob The Builder, Sponge Bob, Thomas, and Mickey Mouse Club House?!

btw - what's happened to Sandi (MomToEli) she hasn't been around since shortly after she moved. Anyone heard from her lately?
  • #11
pamperedlinda said:
It aint gonna be pretty - but, I'm gonna have to delete some of DS's shows he has on the DVR so I can record this. Can you believe that my 6 y/o has completely filled the DVR with Bob The Builder, Sponge Bob, Thomas, and Mickey Mouse Club House?!

Hijaking thread for a moment.


I completely understand what you are going through. All three of my DS' where filling up the DVR with Nascar Racers, Handy Many, Mickey Mouse Club House, etc. I finally changed the season pass to first run's only. That elivated a lot of the episode's being recorded and me having to tell the boys' they had already seen this one. :) It has worked like a charm on DH's stuff too!;)

End hijak!
  • #12
Thanks Laurie, I might have to give that a try. Guess that also means I will have to learn how to use the DVR! DS knows waht every buttom on that dang remote does. I can turn the TV off or on, change the channel, and adjust the volume....sad huh?
  • Thread starter
  • #13
pamperedlinda said:
Thanks KG for the reminder.

It aint gonna be pretty - but, I'm gonna have to delete some of DS's shows he has on the DVR so I can record this. Can you believe that my 6 y/o has completely filled the DVR with Bob The Builder, Sponge Bob, Thomas, and Mickey Mouse Club House?!

btw - what's happened to Sandi (MomToEli) she hasn't been around since shortly after she moved. Anyone heard from her lately?
She's on the trail of an Internet scammer - a weight loss scam that has cost a lot of people a lot of money and, in some cases, their health.

She's still looking for this lady ... anyone recognize her?


You can read about MomToEli's efforts here, her thread at Help Find The Missing.
  • #14
Thanks KG. I started reading that thread on HFTM, very interesting! No wonder she doesn't have time for us anymore! I got lost after 2 pages. I'll have to go back later when I have time to digest it. Tell her we said hello and to stop by for a visit sometime.
  • #15
Interesting KG - and sad. I hope they nail all 200+ pound of her for messing with peoples' lives!
  • Thread starter
  • #16
The Lady In The Lawn Chair probably has nothing to do with the scams and might very well just be a model who got paid to be shot. What's weird is that everyone says she looks familiar, but no one seems to actually know her.
  • #17
There was a similar 48 hours episode on this weekend. It was erielly (sp?) similar to Paige's story. I had it on while I was doing dishes and it sounded identical up until the investigation. Believe they had more to go on than what Paige's case has revealed.
  • #18
Thanks for the reminder KG! I will have to make a note & stick to the fridge so I don't forget.
So hard to believe it's almost been a year & still no answers...
  • #19
Thanks for the reminder. I set the reminder on my digital cable!

I feel so sorry for her family!

I missed the diet story - can some one pm me what this is about?
  • #20
legacypc46 said:
Thanks KG. I am dreading the anniversary of her disappearance. Feeling heart ache and really pissed off at the same time. :grumpy:

  • #21
pampchefrhondab said:
Thanks for the reminder. I set the reminder on my digital cable!

I feel so sorry for her family!

I missed the diet story - can some one pm me what this is about?

Go to the link KG posted and you can read about it...
  • #22
Oops - thanks Janet! I didn't notice the link the first time! I'll wake up!
  • #23
pamperedlinda said:
Thanks KG for the reminder.

It aint gonna be pretty - but, I'm gonna have to delete some of DS's shows he has on the DVR so I can record this. Can you believe that my 6 y/o has completely filled the DVR with Bob The Builder, Sponge Bob, Thomas, and Mickey Mouse Club House?!
btw - what's happened to Sandi (MomToEli) she hasn't been around since shortly after she moved. Anyone heard from her lately?

Yes I can! Especially after having a 4 year old live with me for 4 months! I've got Word World, God Rocks, Friends and Hero's, Barney, Bearenstein Bears, Little House on the Prairie (she calls it little house and the prairie) and a few others...
  • #24
Kitchen Diva said:
Yes I can! Especially after having a 4 year old live with me for 4 months! I've got Word World, God Rocks, Friends and Hero's, Barney, Bearenstein Bears, Little House on the Prairie (she calls it little house and the prairie) and a few others...

That word is not allowed in my house! ;)

Actually it isn't as bad as Spongebob - ask my kids someday. They KNOW Spongebob isn't acceptable in our house. :rolleyes:
  • Thread starter
  • #25
Just a reminder to watch tonight - as if you haven't already been beaten over the head about it.
  • #26
janetupnorth said:
That word is not allowed in my house! ;)

Actually it isn't as bad as Spongebob - ask my kids someday. They KNOW Spongebob isn't acceptable in our house. :rolleyes:

Not at our house either! Micah knows so well that Spongebob isn't allowed that if it happens to come on - he runs and gets me to turn off the TV.
  • #27
legacypc46 said:
Thanks KG. I am dreading the anniversary of her disappearance. Feeling heart ache and really pissed off at the same time. :grumpy:

When thoughts of Paige enter my mind for no particular reason, I sometimes find myself thinking of how someone would explain a situation like this to my kids if I ever disappeared like Paige. It nearly sends me into tears and I almost have a panic attack as I try to imagine the horror that would flood my kids' minds. Then I wake up and realize it was all in my mind and my heart once again hurts knowing that Paige's children can't wake up from this nightmare. As much as I long for a resolution for her parents and family, I know they are adults and can attempt to process what is going on. When I think of Paige, all I can think about are her children and how scared and alone and terrified they must feel.
  • #28
The_Kitchen_Guy said:

Just a reminder to watch tonight - as if you haven't already been beaten over the head about it.
It's okay...some of us need a good beating over the head sometimes:p
  • #29
I e-mail the ' 48 hours e-mail alert ' that I received this morning to my director

She just e-mailed me back and said that her boss (Executive Director) and her received an e-mail from HO about this.

Has anyone else received an e-mail from HO???

Just wondering.

  • Thread starter
  • #30
Yes, there are two threads about it by Janet and Morfia a little further down the page.
  • #31
We had a violent storm run through our area. Our CBS affiliate hardly ever goes off the air, but their tower is in the area that was hit the hardest and the station was out. :cry:
Please fill me in on anything new. I am so darn p.o.'d. :mad: :grumpy:
  • Thread starter
  • #32
You'll probably be able to watch it on cbs.com later or tomorrow. No guarantees, though.
  • #33
I hear ya Ann.....we had a severe storm about an hour north of me, so the weatherman kept interrupting:grumpy: I got to watch most of it though.
  • #34
Our CBS affiliate ran it tonight from 9-10PM, EDT. It was well done, IMHO. PC was mentioned twice, and images of messages from Chefsuccess were on the screen briefly without telling our specific site information. I think it was
balanced in showing her family members and positive about the community
support. The revelation of her "second life" was handled gently so that children might not catch on, and it hopefully did not cause any more pain for her parents. What do the rest of you think, who have viewed it in full?

Related to The Secret Life Of Paige Birgfeld: 48 Hours Investigates

1. What made the investigation into Paige Birgfeld's disappearance particularly troubling?

The fact that her car was found in flames and that she was a devoted mother and beloved community member made the investigation particularly troubling.

2. Were Paige Birgfeld's ex-husbands initially considered suspects in her disappearance?

Yes, they were initially considered suspects but were later dismissed as possible suspects.

3. How did the investigation take a shocking turn?

The investigation took a shocking turn when it was revealed that Paige Birgfeld had a secret life as a high-priced escort known to her clients as "Carrie."

4. Who was eventually identified as a suspect in Paige Birgfeld's disappearance?

A local mechanic with a record of violence who was also a client of hers was eventually identified as a suspect.

5. What information about the case has been released to the public?

Authorities have been reluctant to release any other information to the public, but sources close to the investigation have provided insider information about the evidence linking the suspect to Paige Birgfeld.

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