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Thanks Again God!!!!!!!!!! and Please Pray

In summary, Diane's cluster meeting last night resulted in one recruit signing up, and another potential recruit asking to take the Quick Start box with her. Diane hopes that the second potential recruit will get time to sign up today.
Gold Member
Okay... at my cluster meeting last night I asked to take home a Quick Start box for the new recruit who I was praying would sign up. We laughed and laid a couple hands on the box and I was truly praying God would show Himself... guess what.... HE DID! I had one recruit that I've been talking with sign up this afternoon but right before that... I was able to see and talk with another potential recruit that I've been talking with for 2 months, whom I could NEVER touch base with about the incentive due to her schedule... she asked to take the Quick Start box with her and she is hoping... OH PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GOD GIVE HER TIME ... she said she wants to get signed up yet today ... PLEASE PRAY she calls me... I kid you not... I would be making CERTAIN that GOD GETS ALL THE GLORY because it it totally ALL HIM!!!!!!!!!! He gets it anyway but I LOVE IT when He gives me more opportunities... so... if you don't mind... I'd LOVE TO DANCE AGAIN TODAY BEFORE MY JESUS and praise His name... please pray this gal gets the time to sign! I don't mean to minimize the fact that He already gave me one today... but much the opposite... I just want MORE to praise Him for! I hope that makes sense!
WOW Diane!!!! I am in awe before an awesome God!
  • Thread starter
  • #3
me too... isn't HE amazing?!?!!!!! Even is the 2nd one doesn't sign.... HE'S STILL AMAZING!
Diane - here is the verse in my little box today - I'm sure you'll appreciate it:"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." - I Cor. 2:9(I know that is talking about eternity, but it applies today too! :) )
Happy for ya, Diane!
Diane you amaze me! I was so sorry to miss the meeting last night (I had to go to Duke to see a friends mom in the hospital).

Our God is a mighty and Awesome God! He just keeps blessing you! (((hugs))) C
  • Thread starter
  • #7
We missed you too... but don't be amazed by me... gaze up at JESUS! HE is SO AWESOME! :)
I stink at using my own words, so I borrow from others alot! This is the song I was thinking of when reading your post. Jesus really is the good news!

IN CHRIST ALONE my hope is found,
He is my light, my strength, my song;
This Cornerstone, this solid Ground,
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My Comforter, my All in All,
Here in the love of Christ I stand.

In Christ alone! - who took on flesh,
Fullness of God in helpless babe!
This gift of love and righteousness,
Scorned by the ones He came to save:
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied –
For every sin on Him was laid;
Here in the death of Christ I live.

There in the ground His body lay,
Light of the world by darkness slain:
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave He rose again!
And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me,
For I am His and He is mine –
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.

No guilt in life, no fear in death,
This is the power of Christ in me;
From life's first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home,
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand!

Keith Getty & Stuart Townend
Copyright © 2001 Thankyou Music
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  • #9
ONLY the Holy Spirit could have led you to post those words. THAT is one of my most loved songs EVER! Thanks SO MUCH!
  • #10
I pray that He amazes you yet again today!
I rejoice with you for your signed recruit, too!

(BTW- mine is official as of 1:00 this afternoon! We went to my Directors for a Cook-n-Book and she signed up online there! Yea God!)
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  • #11
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE PRAISES TO JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to Go Kelly!
  • #12
GOD IS GOOD......ALL THE TIME!!! So happy for you!
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  • #13
I'm a bit antzy now. She had to take her mother to the doctor as she was in lots of pain today and she emailed me that her mom was okay but didn't mention signing... she was at work. I did leave her a message on her cell phone that she had until midnight for the incentive ... it would be SO wonderful if she got it in before then and she and my others qualify in time for me to get the bonuses as well... but if it isn't God's time for her... I need to submit to that also... which may be an entirely new prayer request! :) :) :) AH... the night is YOUNG... hopefully she's a night owl like me! :)
  • #14
jzramom said:
I stink at using my own words, so I borrow from others alot! This is the song I was thinking of when reading your post. Jesus really is the good news!

IN CHRIST ALONE my hope is found,
He is my light, my strength, my song;
This Cornerstone, this solid Ground,
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My Comforter, my All in All,
Here in the love of Christ I stand.

In Christ alone! - who took on flesh,
Fullness of God in helpless babe!
This gift of love and righteousness,
Scorned by the ones He came to save:
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied –
For every sin on Him was laid;
Here in the death of Christ I live.

There in the ground His body lay,
Light of the world by darkness slain:
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave He rose again!
And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me,
For I am His and He is mine –
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.

No guilt in life, no fear in death,
This is the power of Christ in me;
From life's first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home,
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand!

Keith Getty & Stuart Townend
Copyright © 2001 Thankyou Music

We sang this at church yesterday! :)
  • #15
Wow Diane, you are on a roll! Congrats to you:D
Did the other gal end up signing?
  • #16
He is amazing! And good to those that prayerfully faithfully serve Him. Way to go Diane for being faithful and to God be the glory!
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  • #17
I never heard from her. I do believe that she will sign... and it will be at a time that God will be able to show Himself even more than He would have this way.. .so it will all be GREAT!
  • #18
quiverfull7 said:
I never heard from her. I do believe that she will sign... and it will be at a time that God will be able to show Himself even more than He would have this way.. .so it will all be GREAT!

And you wouldn't want it any other way! In HIS time, not our own! Congratulations and to God be the glory!!
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  • #19
Do you ever just get SO excited in anticipation of how wonderful it's going to be when He finally makes it HIS time for whatever you are waiting for? Yesterday I signed my second so I'll be an FD... I have this gal who IS going to sign some day and GOD knows JUST why it's going to be the right time for her and I just get kinda silly crazy thinking about and wondering just HOW AWESOME it's going to be when it happens cuz yesterday would have been cool to give Him the praise for TWO in one day... so HOW MUCH COOLER is it going to be when she does sign????? I CAN WAIT... cuz it's going to be SO GREAT!!! I know y'all think I'm losing it .. .but I'm SO excited!
  • #20
Well, Diane,

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  • #21
TA DA!!!!!!!!!! :) is that better?????????????? :)
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  • #23
God keeps bringing the gal who is inactive to my heart. She is SUCH a sweet heart and a lady in her church booked a show from her, wouldn't date the show and then she handed out invites AT CHURCH to a PC show with a different consultant. I think it just crushed this sweet girl and she feels she can't go on. I'm just praying for her heart.
  • #24
quiverfull7 said:
God keeps bringing the gal who is inactive to my heart. She is SUCH a sweet heart and a lady in her church booked a show from her, wouldn't date the show and then she handed out invites AT CHURCH to a PC show with a different consultant. I think it just crushed this sweet girl and she feels she can't go on. I'm just praying for her heart.

Does she know why the lady did this? Was the other show booked prior? I had that happen to me but knew it. When I started a person promised a show with me but had already booked one with another new consultant. She held that show (first, rightfully so) but still hasn't had one with me...
  • #25
By the way, playing on my PC right now is a Passion CD - they are singing "How Great is our God".
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  • #26
The lady GAVE HER and her best friend an invitation ... right in front of everyone and nope... she booked it after... I do know that my recruit was very busy all summer with church things... but she said that she had been calling and asking this lady at church what date she wanted to do her show... so she was very sad. She's just graduated from college. She has since taken a kindergarten teaching position and is doing after school care as well so I know she's swamped now. Her sweetie of a husband is the youth pastor at their church and they are both very involved there too.
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  • #27
sing with me HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD! ... now I'm singing along with your CD! I love it!
  • #28
quiverfull7 said:
The lady GAVE HER and her best friend an invitation ... right in front of everyone and nope... she booked it after... I do know that my recruit was very busy all summer with church things... but she said that she had been calling and asking this lady at church what date she wanted to do her show... so she was very sad. She's just graduated from college. She has since taken a kindergarten teaching position and is doing after school care as well so I know she's swamped now. Her sweetie of a husband is the youth pastor at their church and they are both very involved there too.

How do you politely say, now that is a host you don't want to have... :eek:

Makes you kind of wonder if she is mean or clueless or both? :blushing:
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  • #29
I have been given the impression it's more mean than clueless.
  • #30
quiverfull7 said:
sing with me HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD! ... now I'm singing along with your CD! I love it!

Great CD's - it is The Best of Passion (2 CD set) 2006.

It has 30 great songs!!!! Indescribable was my other favorite today.
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  • #31
Hmmm... I"ll be purusing CBD in just a moment ... :)
  • #32
WAY TO GO Diane!!! A BIG WAHOO FOR YOU!!!:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: I am praying that God will send me a second recruit. I am just reminding myself to be patient. So keep up the good work and keep going!!!!:) :) :) :)
  • #33
quiverfull7 said:
Hmmm... I"ll be purusing CBD in just a moment ... :)

Or Amazon, that's where I got mine...
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  • #34
Isn't it amazing how we think our timing matters more than His? It's so not true but also SO hard to be patient! I bet He's got your 2nd recruit getting ready real soon!
  • #35
  • #36
quiverfull7 said:
Isn't it amazing how we think our timing matters more than His? It's so not true but also SO hard to be patient! I bet He's got your 2nd recruit getting ready real soon!

My ED quoted a stat, I don't remember it exactly, but it was something like the average recruit takes about 8-9 months to decide to do PC...

So, I figure if everyone else is signing them quickly, I must be meeting the ones that take the longest, so they are watching now, and if I keep chugging and run my business well, they'll be showing up! ;)
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  • #37
They will! I'm so amazed! I truly never thought I would ever even disire to recruit ... but God has blessed me so much... how can I NOT share this with others? Just like the BEST gift ever that HE gave us for free!

Related to Thanks Again God!!!!!!!!!! and Please Pray

1. What is "Thanks Again God!!!!!!!!!! and Please Pray Okay..." about?

"Thanks Again God!!!!!!!!!! and Please Pray Okay..." is a personal testimony about a Pampered Chef consultant's experience with prayer and faith in her business.

2. How did the consultant's prayer lead to a new recruit?

The consultant attended a cluster meeting and asked for a Quick Start box for a potential recruit she had been praying for. Shortly after, she was able to talk with another potential recruit and they expressed interest in signing up that day, with the consultant giving all credit to God for the opportunity.

3. Has the consultant seen success through prayer before?

The consultant has seen success through prayer before, but she was especially grateful for the opportunity to praise God and ask for more success with another potential recruit.

4. What does the consultant hope to ultimately achieve through her business and prayer?

The consultant hopes to achieve success in her business and give all glory to God through her faith and prayer. She also hopes to inspire and encourage others through her testimony of how God has worked in her business.

5. How can others support the consultant's business and prayer?

Others can support the consultant's business and prayer by joining in prayer for her and her business, as well as considering becoming a recruit or customer of Pampered Chef.

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