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Are You Getting the National Conference T Shirt? Thoughts?

In summary, while the $16 price for a T-shirt is high, I don't think it's terrible. I also think that if HO is going to encourage people to buy them, they should at least give them away for free.
Who's getting it? What do you think about it?
$15.95 - and then Merrill shipping on top of it? When I'm already spending money to go...and can shop the Merrill booth while I'm there.

Yeah, I'm not getting it. :rolleyes:
  • Thread starter
  • #3
I'm just wondering since it's "T shirt Day", how many people are going to be doing this? Too bad they couldn't just give us the shirts in our totes...
I didn't even go so far as to check the Merrill site. If HO wants it to be t-shirt day, then they need to provide the shirts for free just like they do on incentive trips. Or Execs need to buy them for their teams.

So much for professional dress code on the last day of Conference if it's t-shirt day!
Maybe if NO one buys them, they'll either drop the price or give them to us after all?That is pretty high for a T-SHIRT....and of questionable Merrill quality? Not likely. $10, maybe. $16? don't think so.
Pretty green.....
I agree with everyone here. $16 is too much and I also think that they should give it to us for free...:rolleyes:
I'm not getting one. The color would not look good on me and I don't care for Tshirts. I was wondering about the business casual too Becca. Only reason I'm considering it is because I wonder if there will be a drawing or giveaway to those who participate...but oh, how I HATE tshirts and in a color is questionable. :X
Fun idea, but too much $$ for fun. If it was $8-10 I might have thought about it harder. Maybe they will have a sale on them at conference + there would be no shipping.

  • #10
I agree that it's a fun idea, but I don't wear T-shirts. I have participated in events where I was required to wear a T-shirt. And, yes, I've had to purchase some of them. I've never worn any of them again. I won't be purchasing one.
  • #11
I think while the dress code is business casual they probably believe that most are traveling home that day and are letting us at least have something comfortable to wear that day instead of dressing up for only a half day.

I personally will not get it. Not sure why - just don't usually go for that kind of thing. I've never purchased one when they've offered them in the past.
  • #12
ChefBeckyD said:
$15.95 - and then Merrill shipping on top of it? When I'm already spending money to go...and can shop the Merrill booth while I'm there.

Yeah, I'm not getting it. :rolleyes:

Ditto what Becky said.
  • #13
I agree with you all.. if the shirt came from someplace other than Merrill I'd consider it.
  • #14
and it's LIME GREEN?! :yuck:
I get the summer-theme and all, but really?? Lime green? :D
  • #15
I don't think it's 'that' bad......I've never ordered clothing from Merrill... is it really that bad?
  • #16
Lime green is a color I refuse to wear. Really, whiy not come up with a few colors so we can choose something we would look good in.
  • #17
Who knew that a tshirt could cause such turmoil. :D I think the HO is thinking that there are MANY people who buy souvenir tshirts when they go places (concerts, vacation destinations, conferences etc) so if they offer it ahead of time, those who are interested can purchase it and not stand in line for hours at Merrill or get there (after hours of standing in line) and find they are sold out or their size is not available. It's something new, or re-born from past traditions as I have read, that they are trying. In order to find out if something is going to work or flop, you have to try. I do believe this is the trial.

Lime green - not my first pick either as I would look sickly and washed out but, my guess is it was chosen because of the colors they chose for the "Get the more you want" logo that has been around since Spring Launch as well as it seems to be their theme color the last year (spice tote, glass tote, picnic basket dots with turquoise).

I know they should not be encouraging people to buy more when they are already spending a small fortune to go to conference but I don't think thats their intentions.
It's only a tshirt, its the small stuff in life....don't sweat it.

For those above that were questioning Merrill (Brenda), I have many things from Merrill. Sure they are pricy on some things and some are middle of the road. Some quality issues exist and then there are other items that I think are well made. Sizing is often an issue to BUT I have 2 tshirts by Merrill already and they are your typical cotton preshrunk tshirt. Pretty heavy material actually. I just paid $12.00 for a tshirt we had made for a community group so for a national company / log - I expect to pay more. If anyone has worked for an employer that offers logo-wear, you will never find the prices to be cheap unless the employer is absorbing the cost.
  • Thread starter
  • #18
I've thought about getting it not so much for "conference", it's another piece of logowear...but still undecided on it. If MOST people are not going to get it, what's the point? I wonder how the powers that be came up w/ this idea? And I totally agree, this should have been provided to us like the incentive trips when they have "T shirt day"
  • #19
Unfortunately, I think Lynette & I started it. :eek: I did a design for her group last year & she chose the green shirt to put it on. I'm betting her group really stood out at conference & HO reps probably noticed! They are probably guessing that the design they came up this year will also stand out in a crowd on the street and in the airport and be great advertising.

Here's the Almond Team shirts from last year:

I have to admit that Corporate's color is a bit more tame. It's a light green, but doesn't have that fluorescent touch to it. ;)
  • #20
Also there were LOTS of teams I saw with shirts last year. The one year (last year?) was the DCB shirt (kicking the crock pots butt) and then my FAVORITE was I think Theresa Browns team "Changing Lives One Part at a Time" and on the front had the year and a chef hat.

I like the phrase on the HO shirt and is great for creating conversation out and about.
  • #21
HO shoulda called Sheila!
  • #22
I really liked the "Changing Lives one Party at a time" shirt....and I'd love to know where to get one!
I ordered the "Hand over the kitchen tools and no one gets hurt" from last year, and the new one for this year about "not making dinner, making dinner easier" (or something like that). But would like the Changing Lives one!! So if you know hte source, post it.I MAY get the PC version. It would stand out (I'm thinking at the gym!). But I want to get a few other things, so if I can add it without drastically impacting shipping, I may go ahead and get it. For the slightly higher price, hopefully it will be one of the nicer quality T-shirts like what I have.
  • #23
Bobbi, I'll put one up next week! LOL
  • #24
esavvymom said:
I really liked the "Changing Lives one Party at a time" shirt....and I'd love to know where to get one!
I ordered the "Hand over the kitchen tools and no one gets hurt" from last year, and the new one for this year about "not making dinner, making dinner easier" (or something like that). But would like the Changing Lives one!! So if you know hte source, post it.

I MAY get the PC version. It would stand out (I'm thinking at the gym!). But I want to get a few other things, so if I can add it without drastically impacting shipping, I may go ahead and get it. For the slightly higher price, hopefully it will be one of the nicer quality T-shirts like what I have.

Those were all great shirts and there are always many others. I did one for my team too one year.

As far as Merrill, the shipping is what kills - and the unpredictable sizing. I just got a yoga set after thinking a long time and researching how the sizing went on those items. I purchased XL in both pieces. I bought another set elsewhere in L that fits perfect so I thought I'd be good. NOT! :( It's way too small. Now I have to return it and eat all that shipping - both to get it to me and to get it back to them. Ugh!
  • #25
Okay, I just need to say this, and please don't send me hate mail.... - maybe I'm a stick in the mud....but I really don't care for the whole "team" shirt thing. :eek:

First - some of them have what to me could be construed as suggestive sayings on them. I really don't want to be wearing anything that could be considered an innuendo. Plus, I don't think that sayings like "My DCB could beat your crockpot" are very professional, and are just not the image I want to project when I'm out in public. They are cutesy - but I'm not a cutesy type person. And then, there is the whole wearing what everyone else is wearing thing. Which I think is cute for my little guy as a cub scout, but I really don't want to go there as an adult.

Sorry - I know lots of people love the whole matchy matchy t-shirt thing, but it's not for me, and not for my team. :eek::eek::eek:
  • #26
ChefBeckyD said:
Okay, I just need to say this, and please don't send me hate mail.... - maybe I'm a stick in the mud....but I really don't care for the whole "team" shirt thing. :eek:

First - some of them have what to me could be construed as suggestive sayings on them. I really don't want to be wearing anything that could be considered an innuendo. Plus, I don't think that sayings like "My DCB could beat your crockpot" are very professional, and are just not the image I want to project when I'm out in public. They are cutesy - but I'm not a cutesy type person. And then, there is the whole wearing what everyone else is wearing thing. Which I think is cute for my little guy as a cub scout, but I really don't want to go there as an adult.

Sorry - I know lots of people love the whole matchy matchy t-shirt thing, but it's not for me, and not for my team. :eek::eek::eek:

I just figured they did it to FIND each other in the crowds. :D Especially the bright colors!!
  • #27
Even the black long sleeved shirts in Toronto made it easy to spot the other consultants when we were on the subway, sightseeing, etc. I did like being able to spot other consultants in a crowd. But I have to admit the bright colors draw in the attention of strangers too. Most will see a dozen bright shirts in line at the airport & read the shirts just to see what they are missing out on. ;) It really IS a good advertising tool. But I agree that they would have more people wearing them if they gave them to us when we arrived. ;)
  • #28
esavvymom said:
I just figured they did it to FIND each other in the crowds. :D Especially the bright colors!!
Last year, we just used texting to find each other.
  • Thread starter
  • #29
ChefBeckyD said:
Last year, we just used texting to find each other.

I want to "like" this comment!! :D
  • #30
ChefBeckyD said:
Last year, we just used texting to find each other.

Believe it or not...brace yourselves...

There are people like my AD who still does not text. :eek: Using the phone is near impossible when we have tried to call her when people are screaming and music is thumping at general session. Yes she should come up to modern times but just as she chooses not to, others choose not to look like everyone else or prefer to show their team comorodery. (The screaming & hype of general sessions is what needs to stick with the cub scouts...that's total nonsense but then again so is the amount of time we all have to sit watching balloons be paraded around, Wahoo Woman doing her commercial or Snow White taking an hour to show off new products that could be done in 10 minutes.)

Difference of opinions, we all have one and its what makes the world go round. :balloon:
  • #31
LOL You girls crack me up!!! (Yes, I ended that sentence with a preposition! ;))
  • #32
That's what makes this forum great! We all have different opinions but no one harps on anyone's they don't agree with!!

No for me I am a jeans and T-shirt type of person. I like to get dressed up once in a while as well but for most part I'm all about comfort! I will be dressed appropriately when I walk the stage as a New Director! (fingers and toes crossed I get there!) I like the idea of a T-Shirt but it is pricey and the color is not my favorite!

However, even though I like the NEON green one even less Sheila how can I order one!!! :) LOL If I can find an extra sum of money to purchase the T-shirt when I place a Merril order then I may consider it. We'll see
  • #33
kcmckay said:
... However, even though I like the NEON green one even less Sheila how can I order one!!! :) LOL If I can find an extra sum of money to purchase the T-shirt when I place a Merril order then I may consider it. We'll see
It has Lynette's slogan and her team name on the back with the year 2010. I really don't think you'd want one! LOLThe "Amazing" word was big last year, so it fit just right for National Conference, but I'm not sure regular people on the street would get the fun of the word. ;) If you really want one, I'll go see if I can do one without Lynette's logo on the back ... and you'd be able to choose your t-shirt color too. ;)ETA: But CafePress prices are expensive too! Just a warning!!! ;)
  • #34
Sheila said:
LOL You girls crack me up!!! (Yes, I ended that sentence with a preposition! ;))

"Up" is not a preposition as used in this statement, it's an adverb describing how you are being cracked. "Up" is a preposition when used in other ways, such as "You girls crack me up the wall!!!"

Yes, 15 years of homeschooling did teach me something. Plus I have a grammar nazi in the house.
  • #35
pchockeymom said:
"Up" is not a preposition as used in this statement, it's an adverb describing how you are being cracked. "Up" is a preposition when used in other ways, such as "You girls crack me up the wall!!!"

Yes, 15 years of homeschooling did teach me something. Plus I have a grammar nazi in the house.

I think Rae stated it well in her blog:

  • #36
Thanks, Noora. That reminds me--I haven't done a grammar geek blog in a while. Guess I haven't run into anything that really irritated me for a while.
  • #37
Reference to Rae's blog ...

I've always heard that tale without the word WITCH, but using a different word that starts with a B. LOL

Where are you from? (I'd say "Where do you live?)
Where are you at? (Who really says that? I only hear "Where you at?" LOL)​
  • #38
Sheila, that's the way I originally heard the joke, too. I always clean it up when I tell it. :)Where you're from could be different from where you live. I'm from Marion; I live in the geographical center of nowhere.Around here people often say, "Where are you at?" I heard it just last week from someone talking on a cell phone.
  • #41
NooraK said:
I love how CafePress puts the design on anything including underwear... :D

Maybe we should all order the thong and wear THAT to Conference. :confused:
  • #42
mountainmama74 said:
Maybe we should all order the thong and wear THAT to Conference. :confused:

only if we get to visit WalMart too :D
  • #43
I dare someone to wear the "Changing Lives One Party At A Time" thong to the ER while unconscious! I can only IMAGINE what the staff would think! LOL
  • #44
Sheila said:
I dare someone to wear the "Changing Lives One Party At A Time" thong to the ER while unconscious! I can only IMAGINE what the staff would think! LOL

That would take some interesting pre-planning on the part of the unconscious person! :D:D:D
  • Thread starter
  • #45
Sheila said:
I dare someone to wear the "Changing Lives One Party At A Time" thong to the ER while unconscious! I can only IMAGINE what the staff would think! LOL

Shelia, you are a riot!
  • #46
Why go unconscious! Then you don't get to see and hear everyone rave about your awesomeness:D
  • #47
I was thinking of getting the shirt, but I am pregnant and it won't fit me! Also, between the price and shipping just not worth it!
  • #48
Ok...I'm so out of touch I didn't even know they were offering this t-shirt. My question is...are they going to have it at conference. I would probably buy it there, but I don't want to order it and pay shipping.

Perhap you could have something similar made at your local shop...or take a PC shirt you already own and have the back added.

I just paid 16 dollars for a t-shirt for another conference...no shipping, but I know they will be good quality shirts.

As a business owner I used to have t-shirts made for my employees all the time at my local shop. They cost me anywhere from 7-10 dollars depending on the size and quantity I ordered.
  • #49
Someone may have already posted it but the tax and shipping is $6.85!! That makes the t-shirt cost $22.80. That's ridiculous! Some of us actually do this to make money not blow it on t-shirts that are almost $23!!!
  • #50
redneckgleasonx4 said:
Someone may have already posted it but the tax and shipping is $6.85!! That makes the t-shirt cost $22.80. That's ridiculous! Some of us actually do this to make money not blow it on t-shirts that are almost $23!!!

I emailed HO and said that while I would have gotten one if it was available through CC or P3 I would not be getting one from Merrill since I can't trust their sizing and their shipping is high. I just sent back two pieces of clothing that I purchased a size larger than I am buying everywhere else. Between the shipping to get it to me and to send it back I spent $20 and will have nothing for it. HO responded that they were sorry that I wasn't happy with Merrill and that they would forward my comments on.
<h2>Are You Getting the National Conference T Shirt?</h2><p>As a Pampered Chef consultant, you have the option to purchase the National Conference T Shirt. It is not a requirement, but many consultants choose to buy it as a souvenir of the event.</p><h2>Thoughts?</h2><p>The National Conference T Shirt is a fun and stylish way to commemorate your experience at the conference. It's also a great conversation starter with other consultants and potential customers.</p><h2>Who's getting it?</h2><p>Many consultants choose to purchase the National Conference T Shirt, but it is entirely up to personal preference. Some may choose to buy it as a memento, while others may opt not to purchase it.</p><h2>What do you think about it?</h2><p>As a Pampered Chef consultant, I think the National Conference T Shirt is a great way to show your pride in being part of the company. It's also a fun and fashionable addition to your wardrobe.</p>

Related to Are You Getting the National Conference T Shirt? Thoughts?

Are You Getting the National Conference T Shirt?

As a Pampered Chef consultant, you have the option to purchase the National Conference T Shirt. It is not a requirement, but many consultants choose to buy it as a souvenir of the event.


The National Conference T Shirt is a fun and stylish way to commemorate your experience at the conference. It's also a great conversation starter with other consultants and potential customers.

Who's getting it?

Many consultants choose to purchase the National Conference T Shirt, but it is entirely up to personal preference. Some may choose to buy it as a memento, while others may opt not to purchase it.

What do you think about it?

As a Pampered Chef consultant, I think the National Conference T Shirt is a great way to show your pride in being part of the company. It's also a fun and fashionable addition to your wardrobe.

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