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Maximizing Success as a Consultant: Overcoming Challenges and Finding Support

In summary, your husband is pressuring you to keep up the recruiting efforts and make more money. You should talk to him about what he wants from the business and work together to meet those goals.
Gold Member
OK so I have been a consultant for 4 years. I have yet to find anyone who wants to sign up. My DH is on me all the time to "recruit, recruit! You know it's the only way you are going to make any money" He says this to me all the time. He sees me reading this board and likes to ask " so did you learn any new tips for recruiting" . It is sooooo anoying! Not to mention discouraging! What the heck does he thing I am doing? Sometimes I think he must think I am at my shows saying "Now don't any of you even think of becomming a consultant! I want all the business for myself!!!" I have wanted directorship from the beginning but have truly only recently learned that is not about what I want. It is helping others get what they want and need. I tried to tell DH this and he rolls his eyes at me, gets defensive and says again "You know it's the only way you are really going to make any money"
I went to an awesome traingin recently and it really put sharing the business into perspective for me. But his constant hounding is not helping!!!

Thanks for letting me get this out!
Ugh! Men!

I would encourage you to get your hands on all the recruiting materials that you can. There are no fewer than 3 CDs that you can buy off paperwork. Meet with your director and share your goals and get her help.

You can do this!
Get all the training audios on Recruiting from HO...get Belinda Ellsworth training stuff - it's PRICELESS!!! When I started listening to Belinda's tapes my recruiting skyrocketed - this is just too good of an opportunity NOT to share it!
you know honestly, coming from a directors stand point with only 5 recruits and only barely being a director, yes I make some good extra money, however, it is HARD to find people that want to do this!!! I agree!!! And I hate feeling like that is what I should be focusing my selling on. I only got into this for the free products and for me being a consultant. I can sell the stuff, but I have a hard time selling the "dream". Just do it your way if you are comfortable. I feel that if you are stressed to gain more people, then you will have a more difficult time recruiting.

Relax, and go back and remember why you started. Then maybe just do a thirty second commercial at your shows ie, I started PC because I wanted blah blah blah.....if its completely heartfelt and not a "I say this at every show" kind of thing, people might just come to you instead.....its how I got my five :)

Just relax tho....if you are content, he is just pressuring you to help make him more money...
It is all about them and about making this look fun and easy and then asking and listening to what they want, then responding appropriately without throwing up all over them. I still struggle with wanting to tell EVERYTHING that PC offers and gives us. TMI for most!!

Just be happy doing what you do, tell people and ask if they want more information. They will be attracted to you!
Hmmmm. Sounds like the issue is with hubby. I'd sit him down and have a talk about what you both expect out of this business. How much money? Timeframe for more money? Products? Time away? I mean really, what is the reason you began PC and why are you still in it? Becoming a director is NOT the only way to make money or find satisfaction. Does he want you to make more money? Perhaps you need to find a way to have more guests at the show (which might also help with recruiting). Does he want you to "move up" because that's how it works in the corporate world? Then, maybe you need to redefine your/his goals for "success."

Yes, I agree that you can make directorship (I've recruited two in 1.5 years and they are now both inactive). Yes, thinking differently will help. However, your self esteem is important and your dh's negative comments only make you more aware of your shortcomings instead of improving them.

Really, talk toyour dh and find out what/why he really wants and then go from there. From, your free, unprofessional Dear Abby....
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  • #7
I know you all are right. I do need to have a sit down with hubby. He is very stressed about money right now. We got a little more in debt than we would like and he want's us out of it fast. I also have a feelong if we have a sit down I am going to hear alot of things that I do not wan to. Like I can only keep doing this if I budget my time better which I am working on and if 90% of the money I make goes to the family and not so much back into my buis. (I am working on improving this as well). I just feel like nothing I do is good enough or right. I love PC. I love doing shows. I have had my frustrations but it is no where near as bad as when I was working a regular job and had no control.

Thanks so much to all of you for listening! It has made me feel a bit better.
Men can be such a pain!!!

Cheer upWell God made men to be providers and they can easily get stressed about bills, mortgages, and especially debt. Try not to take it too seriously. I know it can be a pain to have him hounding you. I do also suggest a sit down. Tell him what your game plan is.
You mentioned you are working on getting these things straightened out (putting less money back in the business, budgeting your time better, etc). Write it down on paper and show him what you plan to do to make it better. Men are visual and love to see plans, goals, intentions.
Also be honest with him about how you feel when he pressures you and how it makes you feel discouraged and like he's disapponted in you. Tell him you want to help contribute some money to the household and would love to help get you both out of the hole. It's hard when you are just starting out to get the ball rolling as fast as you would like.
Try to think of ways to make enough money to cover a certain bill, maybe pay off a certain debt with your commission one month. If he sees action, you bet he will be more understanding and get off your back. I will be praying for you. I hope it all works out.

Debbie :D
My husband worries when I recruit because he wonders how much work it's going to be for me
  • #10
Kathytnt said:
My husband worries when I recruit because he wonders how much work it's going to be for me

I was worried at first two until my recruiter said, "Until you choose to be a director and accept that position", your recruits are mine too and I'd be glad to help train them...technically they are all our ED's downline so she is ultimately responsible.

I like doing things myself, but this made me feel at ease that when the time comes, if I'm busy, I have helpful volunteers.
  • #10
What is your biggest stumbling block with recruiting?Poll: What is your biggest obstacle in recruiting? Is it fear of rejection? Is it fear of "offending" someone by offering them the opportunity? Please be specific.

Related to Maximizing Success as a Consultant: Overcoming Challenges and Finding Support

1. How can I overcome challenges as a Pampered Chef consultant?

One of the best ways to overcome challenges as a Pampered Chef consultant is by setting clear goals and creating a plan to achieve them. It's also important to stay organized and focused, and to prioritize tasks and activities that will help you reach your goals. Additionally, don't be afraid to ask for help or seek advice from other successful consultants or your upline.

2. What resources are available to help me succeed as a Pampered Chef consultant?

Pampered Chef offers a wide range of resources to help consultants succeed, such as training programs, online learning courses, and a dedicated consultant support team. Additionally, there are various online groups and communities where consultants can connect, share tips and advice, and support each other.

3. How can I find support from other Pampered Chef consultants?

One of the best ways to find support from other Pampered Chef consultants is by joining online groups and communities. These groups often have seasoned consultants who are willing to share their knowledge and experience, and offer guidance and support to new or struggling consultants.

4. How important is networking for success as a Pampered Chef consultant?

Networking is crucial for success as a Pampered Chef consultant. Building relationships and connections with other consultants, customers, and potential hosts can lead to increased sales, bookings, and referrals. It's also a great way to learn from others and stay up-to-date on industry trends and tips.

5. What role does perseverance play in achieving success as a Pampered Chef consultant?

Perseverance is essential for success as a Pampered Chef consultant. There will be challenges and setbacks along the way, but it's important to stay determined and focused on your goals. With hard work, dedication, and a positive attitude, you can overcome any challenges and achieve success as a consultant.

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