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Dealing with Fatigue: My Search for a Local Doctor and Coping with Work

In summary, Ann has been suffering from fatigue and anemia for the past week. She is considering seeing a doctor outside of her insurance network.
O.K. - I know most of you probably have a few opinions on that! LOL! Be gentle.....

Really my mood is better but I am still having this terrible fatigue. My back and joints have been bothering me a little more than usually since I went to conference. At first I attributed it to dehydration. I have been trying to stay hydrated but you know we are in those long sessions in the main auditorium with no food and drink etc.

Well the last week the fatigue has set in. I have been sneezing a little but it doesn't feel really like a cold although I am taking Vitamin C every 3 hours. I have so much work to do but I am so exhausted it's hard to even concentrate. I just dont' recall having this much fatigue with a cold but I don't have all the achiness or fever like the flu.

Hubby and I have gotten in the habit of going to Care Now (drop in doc office type of things/minor emergency) but the co-pay is like $50 a pop. He wants me to find a local doc. (Actually a group practice) I don't have access to th healthcare website becase it's through his work.
My old one is about 20+ miles from here. He has become mister super budget conscious lately.

I am so tired - And while I am posting this I get a call from the post office that I accidentally put one of my packets in an Express mail rather than a Priority mail envelope. Now I need to go to the PO and stand in line to resolve this issue.

One more task that I don't have the energy to do
I have had a few friends with similiar symptoms before they were diagnosed with Ciliac (allergy to gluten). Just a thought ....
I agree w/hubby on this one. You need to find a family dr and stick with them! I had done the same thing for years (convenient care) & I kept feeling worse, & worse, & worse. FINALLY, I have been with the same girl for almost a year and I have lost over 20 pounds since May, & feel better than I have in years!! By seeing the same person, they know your history, can make adjustments to your care, and monitor you more closely. It is easier to fit the puzzle pieces together when they are all in one place!! A girlfriend of mine has similar symptoms & has just been diagnosed with anemia! GET TO THE DOCTOR GIRL!!
Chronic fatigue syndrome maybe? My cousin has that, and some foods aggrivate it for her: dairy, tomatoes and vinegar being the main 3.

Call your health plan - they should be able to direct you to a participating provider closer to home. Most insurance companies have websites specifically for looking that information up, too.
Since you asked - MHO is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
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  • #6
My last blood tests were done before Conference Mildly anemic (B-12 low) low vitamin D etc. This was from my endocrinologist - Of course he is a specialist with a higher co-pay too
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  • #7
But they really don't consider it CFS until it's been going on from months right? This bad fatigue just sstarted in the last week. I would go crazy (no laughing) to deal with this for 6 months.
chefann said:
Chronic fatigue syndrome maybe? My cousin has that, and some foods aggrivate it for her: dairy, tomatoes and vinegar being the main 3.

Call your health plan - they should be able to direct you to a participating provider closer to home. Most insurance companies have websites specifically for looking that information up, too.

See - Ann and I agree... we must be right!

Take your insurance card out of your wallet and flip it over. There is a member services # on the back... CALL IT... they can give you names of physicians in your network in your area.
Kathytnt said:
My last blood tests were done before Conference Mildly anemic (B-12 low) low vitamin D etc. This was from my endocrinologist - Of course he is a specialist with a higher co-pay too

Did he put you on anything for this or just tell you that you are slightly anemic?
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  • #10
He just have me up my daily b-12 and I am taking 1000 mg of d every day now
  • #11
I suggest to call your insurance company TODAY and tell them you are looking for a physicial within X miles from your town or home. They can give you some choices. They should be able to help. Then as soon as you find one, hang up with the insurance company and call the doctor you decided on. This sounds like something that you shouldn't let go on any longer. Rule #1 is always take care of your own health. I had to learn that the hard way. You can't be there for anyone else until you can take care of yourself.
  • #12
Don't ask us for medical advice and don't take our advice. We are not doctors and as much as we all want to help you feel better we do not know all your symptoms or possible diagnoses (even those of us who are/were nurses).

Everyone is trying to help you out of caring and kindness but you really need to see a doctor. Call your husband's company and find out who you can see that is local to you and then call them for a same day or soonest available appointment (sometimes they will put you on call in case of a cancellation).

Do it now. Spend the energy you are using on this site to get the help you need!!!
  • #13
BethCooks4U said:
Don't ask us for medical advice and don't take our advice. We are not doctors and as much as we all want to help you feel better we do not know all your symptoms or possible diagnoses (even those of us who are/were nurses).
I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV. My diagnosis is that this is a symptom of an ingrown toenail. I'd see a podiatrist.

And then I'd ask for a thryroid test. ;)
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  • #14
I know you guys and gals are not doctor's - I am just feeling frustrated because of the fatigue. I don't think my hubby is understanding how tough this has been. Although going back to bed just 2 hours after getting up on Sunday should have been a big hint.

KG - I have no pain in my toes so I do not think it is an ingrown toenail.

Thyroid tests were done just before conferenc and they were normal. Called the endo to let them know that the meds they were giving me that were supposed to help with energy are not working at the my energy level is actually Much worse. The nurse is calling the doc but it will probably just be an increase in the dosage.

I have not clue who to even call at my husband's work because they are a small site of a much larger global company.
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  • #15
You are the second person I've heard of today that is in this same type of situation. A friend of mine has been suffering with fatigue for a month now. Unlike you she does have a high fever. She's been running 103 for over three weeks. The doctors and specialists she's seen are stumped. She tested positive for mono, but her count was very, very low and she doesn't have all the symptoms. She's seen an infectious disease doctor... nothing. She's been tested for lime disease and lupus... nothing. She said they've taken viles and viles of blood... again, nothing.

Keep us posted on your condition Kathy. I know this is a crazy things to say, but try to relax!!! I wish you all the best.
  • #16
I agree with KG I think you should have your thryroid tested. I hope you feel better soon.
  • #17
Pssst! She did. See? I said it was an ingrown toenail.
  • #18
Dawn4 said:
You are the second person I've heard of today that is in this same type of situation. A friend of mine has been suffering with fatigue for a month now. Unlike you she does have a high fever. She's been running 103 for over three weeks. The doctors and specialists she's seen are stumped. She tested positive for mono, but her count was very, very low and she doesn't have all the symptoms. She's seen an infectious disease doctor... nothing. She's been tested for lime disease and lupus... nothing. She said they've taken viles and viles of blood... again, nothing.

Keep us posted on your condition Kathy. I know this is a crazy things to say, but try to relax!!! I wish you all the best.

I had Epstein Barr Virus in high school, I tested negative for mono for 4 months before I was finally diagnosed! From what I understand (I was 14 when I had it, so didn't pay that much attention) it is a strain of mono but doesn't always show up on mono tests. Maybe she could suggest that to her dr? It can also lead into CFS, but it didn't for me. Good luck to your friend, I know exactly what she's going through!

Sorry, I have no suggestions other than going to a local doctor! You can also call the local Drs offices and they will tell you if they are a provider for your insurance, too. Good luck!
  • #19
I have chronic fatigue and it is frustrating. The docs have not figured out what is causing it and over time it has gone from a minor annoyance to life affecting. Make sure you keep track of symptoms, find a local doctor, and keep bugging him/her to help you find a cure/solution.
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  • #20
FYI - My husband did come down with mono about 2 weeks after our first half-marathon while we were engaged. Rarely beens ick a day in his life and then that We were panicking that I could come down with it around the time of our wedding.

I don't think I have a fever I have not even checked - usually I get bad chills

Dawn - I am trying to relax but I have a show tonight at Friday and I have about 8 packets that I need to get out for Sept shows as well as two shows that I need to also get entered and submitted plus my part time job where I am on my feet the whole time.

Thanks for all your support gang - I was more looking for support and ideas about what is wrong rather than a diagnosis. I work at a health food store in the vitamin dept and I get people all the time trying to be diagnosed.

I am a leary about going to Care Now again because one trip a doctor told me that one issue I had was because I was old. Excuse me I was 43 at the time - THAT IS NOT OLD!!! Old is 20 years older than you currently are LOL!

Last time I went in because I thought I had a stress fracture in my foot - they said my foot was deformed I go to the podiatrist and they laughed - It was a bunion for goodness sake!

I have set myself up for Web checkin and should get a call in a few minutes
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  • #21
chefjenibel said:
I had Epstein Barr Virus in high school, I tested negative for mono for 4 months before I was finally diagnosed! From what I understand (I was 14 when I had it, so didn't pay that much attention) it is a strain of mono but doesn't always show up on mono tests. Maybe she could suggest that to her dr? It can also lead into CFS, but it didn't for me. Good luck to your friend, I know exactly what she's going through!

Sorry, I have no suggestions other than going to a local doctor! You can also call the local Drs offices and they will tell you if they are a provider for your insurance, too. Good luck!

She also has had a headache for three weeks and some stomach issues. Do you remember if you had anything like that???
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  • #22
Well I have been having headaches but I just cehcked and guess who is running a low grade fever too My stomach is an issue in itself LOL!

I will work away until they tell me the doc is available and I will let you guys know as soon as possible what the verdict is - I want to prep for my show as much as possible ahead of time
  • #23
Kathy, how did it go? What did they say?
  • #24
I went to the doctors today b/c I've been fatigued for quite some time now. I assumed I was just lazy or something but fionally decided after doing some online research that I should probably getting checked out.It really could be any number of things. Chronic Fatigue, Vitamin B Deficiency, Anemia, Depression,Fibromyalgia, sleep apnea or other sleep disturbances. Basically, you will have to find a doctor you trust and feel comfortable with and work with him/her to figure out the causes and a solution.
I know what you are going through and it's definately no fun! I hope you and I both get answers sooner rather than later!
  • #25
pregnancy comes to mind!!
  • #26
Teresa Lynn said:
pregnancy comes to mind!!

EEK! Having a 15 month old comes to my mind LOL!
  • #27
Dawn4 said:
She also has had a headache for three weeks and some stomach issues. Do you remember if you had anything like that???

I'm sorry, I don't really remember. I know I was diagnosed with an ulcer the following year, but I can't really recall if I had stomach issues while I was sick. It was very difficult, I was always a straight-A student and I only went to school 1/2 days (on the days I actually went) and I got almost all C's that year. I failed swimming in PE because they had an attendance requirement, but I was on the swim team the previous year! DUH! :mad: I just remember how frustrating it was and I was back to the doctor every two weeks when another antibiotic didn't work......:yuck:
I still feel so lucky that I completely got over it! I haven't had any lasting effects of CFS. Oh yeah, and once I got over Epstein Barr, I got pneumonia!!! That just wasn't my year! LOL! :eek:
Best of luck to all of you who are dealing with the unknown! There is just nothing worse! I pray that you all have healthy diagnoses and feel better soon! :thumbup: :balloon:
  • #28
kaceyleigh2 said:
EEK! Having a 15 month old comes to my mind LOL!
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  • #29
I better not be preggers!!!!! Don't get me wrong I love kids but do not want to start a family at 45 - I turn 46 next month.
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  • #30
Honestly I don't know a darn thing except they don't know. I don't have mono. I am a tiny bit anemic but that should not becausing this much fatigue. He even did an EKG. Asked if I was depressed or stressed. I am a bit behind on my PC work but I can't really say I am stressed to te point that would cause this fatigue.

I have some Buspar (anti-anxiety) that was given to me when I was having some stomach trouble a while back - Maybe that might help while I wait for the test results. It's mostly CBC stuff but I don't know that anything is going to show.

It's very frustrating - I will work tomorrow to get in all my shows and packets and do some calls and get some rest in between. Getting caught up might help IF it is stress

I just wish I was more organized and that would help so much but I just can't find a plan that seems to work for me. I could have such a great business if I could resolve that issue
  • #31
Hot flashes? Mood swings? Maybe the beginning symptoms of Menopause?
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  • #32
No hot flashes - Mood swings are more with PMS and hosts that are a pain LOL! Are you calling me old??? Just teasing

I am tired but in a good mood - Not a great show but it was a lot of dun - will probably have more orders before it closes and my recruit prospect and her hubby came to observe
  • #33
Kathytnt said:
But they really don't consider it CFS until it's been going on from months right? This bad fatigue just sstarted in the last week. I would go crazy (no laughing) to deal with this for 6 months.

CFS is so hard to diaganois (did I spell that right??)

Please get yourself to a Dr and try to stick with him/her. Can you get out and get some fresh air and exercise, even 10 min? Dump the processed junk out of our diet and try to eat as whole a diet as you can. Like one Cheffer mentioned, Celiac disease (the allergy to wheat/gluten) can cause major havoc in your health and maybe it's what you are fighting. People tend to think that because they didn't have issues with food, environment, etc yesterday that they don't have allergies today. Allergies can develop over night and do. I was 21 before my "hay" fever kicked in with a vengenance. My face swelled up to the size of a basketball at 42...aloe and lavendar were the culprits! Never had they bothered me before.

I battled horrible fatigue in my mid forties. It came on suddenly. It was so bad, I had to pull over to the side of the road to close my eyes and nap for a few minutes just to make it to work. My secretary came in more times than I could count and found me with my head on my desk taking a short nap. I focused on cleaning up my diet, exercise, and rest because noboby had any real good ideas of what to do. I finally got a grip on it. No one could ever say what it was, maybe permenopause, maybe stress, who knows.

All this being said, please try to find some health care professional that you can work with and insist that they try something.

Good luck.
  • #34
Another illness that can cause fatigue is Type II Diabetes. It's no fun, either, and I should know...I've got it...

The fatigue is terrible!!

Another is colon polyps, believe it or not! My mother died from colon cancer, so I have to be screened, so I know a little bit about this stuff, unfortunately. Since you're over 40, you should really think about seeing a gastroenterologist and having a colonoscopy! And, before you freak out, trust me....there's really nothing to it anymore. I've had several, and would be very happy to give you all the great "tips" to get through it!! lol

Keep us posted. We're rooting for you!!

  • #35
chefjenibel said:

I've seen this come up two or three times on this site. Anyone want to tell me what it means???
  • #36
Dawn4 said:
I've seen this come up two or three times on this site. Anyone want to tell me what it means???
Roll on the floor laughing my, um.... butt, off.
  • #37
ROFLMAO = Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
  • #38
What part of organization are you struggling with?
I'll be glad to help "walk" you thru. I have actually been doing office "reorgs" for my cluster mates.
Of course not everything in my system works for them but, many of them have told me they are more productive.
My number 1 rule:
Every supply box begins in my office. Everything is put on my dining room table & nothing gets brought to my office to be filed until it is stamped or labeled.
Each folder I pass out has a catalog, receipt, bus. card, recipe card and index card they are all "stuffed" and stacked so as I need to refill my folders I just grab the amount needed.
Everything has a file or basket I can't stand piles or clutter. If it goes in a host packet it's in my "host" basket,

I agree organization will keep you calmer!!

a really good friend of mine who is an ADV Dir. here says I'm too lazy to look for anything thats why I stay organized!! She has actually called my husband from her shows and asked him a question and he comes in here and finds the answer. Her family would still be looking in her office when she got home.
  • #39

I agree, you should be tested for Diabetes. My husband is only 42 and was just diagnosed w/it. It is becoming much more common at a younger age.

The other thing to be checked for is arthritis. I've heard they have blood tests to check for arthritis.

Good Luck!
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  • #40
Doc did a blood sugar check - I told him before he took it that it will probably be around 73. I have a tendancy toward hypoglycemia - It was 76 It's definately not Diabetes but I do have a family history.

Goodness I will sound like I am falling apart but I do have mild arthritis in my knees and in my back. As well as very mild osteopenia and scoliosis. You kow carrying that bag around at conference was a lot of fun LOL!

I have not been real good about my diet and exercise since I got back from conference. I do Core on WW which drops a lot of the gluten out of your diet because you are not eating as much wheat without counting points.

I think I need to work on getting my PC stuff done but try to gradually get the exercise in at least in small increments. Hopefully all of this will help.

Of course I called my endocrinologist and haven't even heard back from them. They probably just upped my med dosage rather than listening to hear that I am having serious fatigue. I am taking small doses of testosterone. My levels were a little low so he prescribed it to help with energy, weight loss, bone density etc.
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  • #41
I need to tackle the current task - Part of what is hard about the organization right now is trying up all of the S/S season and pulling in the Fall so I didn't have much time to get my office like I wanted it - I am probably doing more work than I need to. My last August show is Friday.
  • #42
Kathy - google Hypothyroidism, and see if the symptoms match yours. There are thousands of people who go undiagnosed because many DR's (even endocrinologists) are using OLD information. You can have "low active thyroid" and it can produce alot of your symptoms. As long as your thyroid is "active" alot of Dr's will say it is "normal" - but even if it is "active" it could be not working the way it should. I'll post the symptoms - but still google to find out what is considered "Low Active" - and then ask your Dr. what your counts really are!


  • hypothyroid symptoms.doc
    20 KB · Views: 260
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  • #43
They are doing another thyroid test but I know what you mean about the doctor's using old tests. I have had periods of time where I was at work and had to wear a coat indoors because I was so cold. I took Armour Thyroid for a while and seemed to get better. I had a period of time earlier this year when my feet were so cold I had trouble sleeping. I had been taking a thyroid support supplement that had been helping but now that it was getting warmer outside I had stopped taking it.
  • #44
Kathytnt said:
They are doing another thyroid test but I know what you mean about the doctor's using old tests. I have had periods of time where I was at work and had to wear a coat indoors because I was so cold. I took Armour Thyroid for a while and seemed to get better. I had a period of time earlier this year when my feet were so cold I had trouble sleeping. I had been taking a thyroid support supplement that had been helping but now that it was getting warmer outside I had stopped taking it.
bumping this up.I was reading your post from August and wondered how you are doing.
I have hypothyroidism, a low morning temperature after your period starts is a good indication. Sounds like you do have hypothyroid and doctors are slow to prescribe.
I have also been newly diagnosed with Celiac aka gluten intolerance. Had major stomach issues, Immodium was my best friend.Please let us know if your are feeling better. :)
  • #45
Good luck with finding a good doctor. I've been dealing with fatigue (and other symptoms) for 2 years now... two different doctors, enough blood tests to make a vampire drool and enough experimenting with meds to make me go crazy... all I can say is good luck. I've been put on thyroid meds... enough Vit D to choke a horse... daily iron & Vit C... cut out all caffeine (and returned after months of realizing it wasn't helping anyway)... and we've tried a variety of supplements along the way, mostly from my researching and the doctor shrugging and saying "try it"... this last 10 or so, I started the year with a panic attack on top of everything else and ended up on Effexor... big mistake for me... I'm two months from when I started stepping down and I'm just now getting my life and emotions back... and all throughout I'm still tired...

Fatigue can be a symptom for so many things... it's so hard to pinpoint anything and can be VERY frustrating... trust me. I've had it with doctors and finally taking some advice from a book I'd picked up a while ago, called "From Fatigued to Fantastic". I rummaged my supplements and fine-tuned my intake and finally... FINALLY feeling somewhat better... I can't tell you what to do... nor would I. After 2 years I still don't know what's causing my fatigue... and I rightly don't care... I'm just doing what works for me... sadly, without the help of my doctor.

Just know that you're not alone... fatigue, especially over the long run, can be very frustrating... no amount of sleep is enough... no amount of relaxation seems to help... it should be such a simple thing to cure yet... so frustrating. There's nothing like starting out your day more tired than when you went to bed...

I also found some interesting relief through rolfing though not much for the fatigue but more for how I was storing things in my body. We end up carrying a lot of crap with us in our bodies... we get programmed to carry emotions, stress, pain, you name it in our body... rolfing helps 'reprogram' things but can be expensive and usually isn't covered at all by insurance (http://www.rolf.org)...
  • #46
lkprescott said:
I started the year with a panic attack on top of everything else and ended up on Effexor... big mistake for me... I'm two months from when I started stepping down and I'm just now getting my life and emotions back... and all throughout I'm still tired... Just know that you're not alone... fatigue, especially over the long run, can be very frustrating... no amount of sleep is enough... no amount of relaxation seems to help... it should be such a simple thing to cure yet... so frustrating. There's nothing like starting out your day more tired than when you went to bed...
I can sympathize with you. I had the same problem with Effexor. I had all the same side effects of stepping down that some people have with quitting cold turkey. Doctors are so quick to prescribe anti-depressants without taking into consideration that the symptoms are so similar to thyroid problems. You can have a thyroid condition & still have normal tests. I'm finding some relief with supplements from http://www.wilsonstemperaturesyndrome.com. I'm sure I would have better results from the T3 therapy but I can't find a doctor in my area that is trained in this. I feel for anyone who has to deal with this type of situation. People look at you & think you look healthy & don't understand how debilitating the fatigue can be.
  • #47
The whole hypothyroidism deal is so true! Most Drs out there are still thinking "old school" on this, and there is so much new info about it. EVEN IF your Dr. is telling you your thyroid tests are coming back normal, FIND OUT what the actual #'s are. Because your thyroid can be "low, but normal"....and your Dr. will say it is fine, but a "low, normal" reading is a good indication of Hypothyroidism. MANY things effect your thyroid levels, including the time of day, the weather, the time of month.......and if yours is reading low at all - you need to find another Dr. who can help you.Myself, I started this summer barely being able to get out of bed some days. I was so tired, achy, had migraines, cold all of the time, brain fog.......I had been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia several years ago, but in my heart and head, I didn't think that was right. For one thing, I had several Dr's comment on how interesting it was that although I had all of the physical symptoms, I never seemed to show the depression symptoms that usually accompany it.
Then, in June I went to an "Alternative Practitioner" - a wonderful woman who is a BIO-ENERGETIC practitioner. She did some testing, and for the first time in 8 years, I received some answers to my questions about why I was feeling like CRAP all of the time, even though I was doing everything physically possible to be better (eating right, supplements, exercise, etc....)Her findings - I have LYME DISEASE, and Hypothyroidism! She put me on a slew of supplements and remedies, and I started feeling better within days! At first, I was on 7 different remedies/supplements, but am now down to 4 - I was down to 3, but with the change in weather, needed something stronger for my thyroid.Interestingly enough, I have since discovered that many Dr's don't test for Lyme Disease, and it gets misdiagnosed as Fibromyalgia, MS, Lupus, and other autoimmune diseases, quite often. I have a friend from a Mom's Group I used to belong to who was diagnosed with MS several years ago, and recently found out it was Lyme Disease instead. Hers had progressed to such a point that she has had to be on Intravenous Antibiotics for 3-4 months now.I am so glad I kept searching until I found answers! I feel like ME again for the first time in years, and I have enough energy (barely:rolleyes: ) to mother my 3 yr old, keep up a demanding show schedule (16 shows - cooking and catalog! in Nov!), and also handle a PT job at my church......last year, at this time, if I had a show - I had to schedule a full day of rest before and after the show in order to have the energy to even do it!

Related to Dealing with Fatigue: My Search for a Local Doctor and Coping with Work

1. What are some common causes of fatigue?

Fatigue can be caused by a variety of factors, including dehydration, lack of sleep, stress, and underlying health conditions such as anemia or thyroid issues.

2. What can I do to cope with fatigue while at work?

Some tips for coping with fatigue at work include staying hydrated, taking breaks throughout the day, and practicing stress management techniques such as deep breathing or meditation.

3. Should I see a doctor for my fatigue?

If your fatigue persists for more than a few weeks and is affecting your daily life, it may be a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional. They can help identify any underlying health issues and provide treatment options.

4. How can I find a local doctor?

You can search for local doctors by using online directories or asking for recommendations from friends and family. You can also contact your insurance provider for a list of in-network doctors in your area.

5. How can I manage the cost of seeing a doctor?

If you are concerned about the cost of seeing a doctor, you can look for providers who offer a sliding scale payment option or ask about any available discounts or payment plans. You can also check with your insurance provider to see if they cover any of the costs.

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