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Am I Expecting a Miracle Baby After 5 Years of Fertility Struggles?

In summary, my exciting news is that I am pregnant after 5 yrs of fertility issues with a miracle baby.
Gold Member
my exciting news...I am pregnant after 5 yrs of fertility issues with a miracle baby.

My 8 yr old is from my 1st marriage, my twins are from IVF and in March we used our last 3 embies with a FET and we weren't even really trying. One time in May has produced our miracle!

Log onto ebay if you would like to view the auction I produced just for my hubby to tell him. It was so cool!
TOO cute What a way to make an announcement Congratulations!!!
Congratulations!! That is such a cute way to tell your husband - very creative!
Congratulations!!! Great way to tell your hubby! So cute!
How adorable!! Congratulations :)
Tells us what he thinks for the announcement - How are you going to get him to the ebay site???
that is so cute congrats hope all goes well
Congratulations! I've never struggled with fertility issues, so I can't even begin to imagine the pain and difficulty involved, but what a blessing when everything works and a miracle happens!

Happy, healthy pregnancy for you!!!
  • #10
Congrats and God Bless :)
  • #11
  • #12
  • #13
Congratulations to you & your family! What a cute & creative way to break the news!
  • #14
  • #15
What a wonderful blessing!
  • #16
congratulations !!!

I need to ask though- where did you ever come up w/ the ebay idea? that is great!
  • #17
Congratulations - I hope you have a happy & healthy pregnancy!
  • Thread starter
  • #18
I thought of it on my own. Just sat down and started thinking of what to write in it. I am an ebay junkie for everything. Thanks to you all!
  • #19
  • #20
That's AWESOME!! God Bless your family;)
  • #21
So how are you getting hubby to your "auction"??

Too cute! Congratulations! And don't forget to print out a copy of the "auction announcement" for the baby book!!

  • #22
Sooooooooo... what was his reaction??? You've got to tell us the WHOLE story here!
  • #23
Congratulations!! What a MIRACLE!!!:D
  • Thread starter
  • #24
Ok sorry been away a while. He sat down once I told him he jus thad to see what I found on ebay this morning. Which this was last Tuesday at noon.
He sat down and saw it read thru it out load to me and his mom. His mom got it about 1/4 thru and he got it at the very bottom when he got to TO BE ANNOUNCED FEBRUARY 2008. It was so cool! We laughed cried you name it! Thansk ladies! Michelle
  • #25
What a great memory!!! Congrats again and best wishes for a healthy, easy, boring pregnancy!
  • #26
How wonderful, congratulations
  • #27
  • #28
I am sooo happy for you!
  • #29
That is so amazing!! Congrats to your whole family!!
  • #30
So sweet! Congrats and wishing you a wonderful and healthy pregnancy! :)
  • #31
katie0128 said:
What a great memory!!! Congrats again and best wishes for a healthy, easy, boring pregnancy!

Boring is probably the best thing to wish for someone's pregnancy. Congratulations!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #32
Wanted to update you all on our 4th of July. I started spottign and ended up in ER and went on the next day to see a heartbeat on our bundle of joy only to wake up this morning with it in my hand after going to the restroom. Sorry TMI. Our bundle of joy went to heaven this morning. Michelle
  • #33
  • #34
Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm sure you are heart broken, I feel for you. I have been there too, before my DS. It is so hard, but you will make it through.
  • #35
So sad to hear about your little angel. Our daughter lost her first baby girl at 26 weeks. So tiny but so perfectly detailed. I don't understand how anyone can thing these precious little ones are not babies. God will bring you through this heartache. Take time to let yourself heal, not only physically but mentally. We go on to face another day with only memories. But let those be memories be of the days you were able to carry her. God holds your little one in His loving arms. You are in my prayers.
  • #36
God bless you and your family. I am so sorry to hear of your loss.
  • #37
I am so sorry Michelle {{{HUGS}}} I just want to cry because I know how excited you were when you annouced your pregnancy.
  • #38
I am so sorry. We lost one right before we conceived our son (Asa, 4 mo. on Monday). I will be praying for healing and health for you.
  • #39
so sorry to hear of your loss =(
  • #40
Oh, I'm sorry, honey. I have two babies in heaven (both before my two sons) and I know the pain. Please take care of of yourself and know that your PC family loves you!
  • #41
I'm so sorry for your loss Michelle- I know first hand how difficult that is as well. Praying for you to make it through this difficult time.
  • #42
Oh Michelle~

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. This was the first time I read through this thread and was just smiling away at your cute announcement and waiting to get to the end of the thread to post my congratulations. I can't even imagine what you are going through right now. I pray that you and your hubby are strengthened to get through each day...one day at a time. God will give you what you need to make it through this. Make sure you lean on God and on each other...

With love and lots of {{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}} to you,
  • #43
Michelle, I just read your whole post, and am so sad for you!
I pray that you can find comfort.
  • #44
I am so sorry for your loss. You are in my prayers.
  • #45
I will lift you before God's throne as well. May He comfort you as only He can. I am so sorry for your loss.
  • #46
I'll be praying for you, Michelle, as well. So sorry for your loss.
  • #47
Michelle, I am so sorry for your loss.
  • #48
Michelle - sorry to hear of you loss! I hope the days get better.

I've been SO lucky and never had a miscarriage but each of my SILs (3 of them) have had 3-4 apiece and my best friend lost twins. I know how hard it is on them and how hard it would have been on me to lose one at ANY time.

Take care of yourself!
  • #49
Best wishes, love your announcement
  • #50

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.


Related to Am I Expecting a Miracle Baby After 5 Years of Fertility Struggles?

1. Can I still use Pampered Chef products while pregnant?

Yes, you can still use Pampered Chef products while pregnant. However, it is important to always follow safety instructions and precautions while cooking, especially when handling hot items.

2. Are there any Pampered Chef products that are specifically designed for pregnant women?

While we do not have products specifically designed for pregnant women, many of our products can be useful for making healthy meals and snacks that can benefit both the mother and baby.

3. Can I attend Pampered Chef parties while pregnant?

Yes, you can attend Pampered Chef parties while pregnant. We always encourage our customers to make the best decision for their health and comfort, so please feel free to take breaks and sit down if needed.

4. Are there any Pampered Chef products that can help with meal prep for busy moms?

Yes, we have a variety of products that can help with meal prep for busy moms, such as our Quick Cooker and Power Chef systems. These products can help you save time in the kitchen and still create delicious and healthy meals for your family.

5. Can I still host a Pampered Chef party while pregnant?

Yes, you can still host a Pampered Chef party while pregnant. We want all of our hosts to feel comfortable and have a great time, so please let your consultant know if you have any special needs or requests during the party.

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