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Why Does Tech Support Take So Long When You Need It Most?

In summary, the expert reached level 1 and submitted all orders, but two. The host was supposed to close on Friday but talked the expert into Sunday instead. On Sunday, the expert submitted all orders but one. Then, on Sunday night, the expert's computer crashed and the host had to reinstall PP. The expert is now trying to call tech support to get an extension on the order, but they said there are no extensions.
Gold Member
Ok. I've been at DM's house all day getting orders so I can get to the 1500 level. Well, I made it and now I'm home. It's 9:20 and I'm on hold with tech support. When I tried to pull up pampered partner at my house, I get this message:
Your pampered partner database appears to be corrupt and no undo database is present.
Pampered partner is unable to continue and will now terminate.

Runtime error....

I just left my mom's house. Had all my ducks in a row. All I needed to do was submit the order and now I can't even get to the orders. I'm in a panic and have been on hold for 20 minutes. Augh!!

Any ideas what's going on???
Eeek! Can you load PP to another pc? Are you running PP and not P3 and it finally conked out on you? If so, I'd load P3 and see if you can submit the order first, then true-up all of your other shows later. This show is the most important at the moment. Good luck and I hope Tech Support answers soon!!
Good Luck!!!! I just submitted my last show and reached level 1 also.... I know it will all work out.
I'm so sorry.... I hope it works out! That sounds stressful
Oh try shutting down your system and reboot - stay on the phone with tech support! Where is Janet when we need her??? Or Ann! Good luck and don't panic - just breathe!
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Thanks. I could cry. I have worked so hard to get this. The host was suppose to close on Friday then talked me into Sunday ( I was out of town on Saturday). Then on Sunday, she begged me to keep it open until this evening. And, I did. I'm a pushover. :) I just hope they can fix it. I've never used ppp and am afraid of how it works. I don't have another pc here. cry cry cry
  • Thread starter
  • #7
PamperedDor said:
Oh try shutting down your system and reboot - stay on the phone with tech support! Where is Janet when we need her??? Or Ann! Good luck and don't panic - just breathe!

Thanks. I did try to reboot, twice. No luck. :cry::cry::cry:
  • Thread starter
  • #8
Ok. I"m on the phone with them now. Be PRaying.:)
Dont be afraid of P3 it is great... Just takes some getting used to.. Just like PP was when you first got it. Change is good for all of us... Don't forget things will get better just have a little hope.
  • #10
well, how did it go???
  • #11
Sorry, I haven't encountered that error (knock on wood), so I don't know what to do to fix it.
  • #12
can tech support enter the show for you since their product broke on you?
  • #13
OMG! I think that would make my physically sick! I hope you get everything fixed so youcan enter the show. Maybe they will give you a waiver since you have a documented problem.
  • #14
I have had that happen to me before when I had a deadline (to submit 1 show by Jan 9) - and MY P3 prog would work - I phoned HO the next morning - explained my situation - and the lady incharge of that promo phoned me and said she would make an exemption because it was out of my control and had FULL intentions of completing that promotion deadline.

If you CAN'T get your prog to work tonight - I would try phoning HO in the morning - ESPECIALLY if you have worked SO hard to get that level!

Good Luck! :chef:
  • #15
You have one hour to go. Is there someone else who can place the order for you? If you PM your phone number to me, I will try and help. This offer is good until 12:20 eastern time or 11:20 central time.
  • Thread starter
  • #16
:cry::cry::cry: I am so upset. I got off the phone with tech support an hour ago. They had to completely reinstall pp on my computer. It had apparently crashed. :cry: So, I called the host, knowing that she stays up late and we got all orders entered....except 2. :cry::cry::cry:This leaves me needing 2 orders and it's 11:20 pm here. Too late to call these customers. I am so upset. So, I called tech support back and asked them if I could get an extension since the cirumstances and they said they were not aware of any extensions since I can't get it in on time. Now, I am a christian and try to bite my tounge, but I told that man, " I have worked my as* off for this and now, because of pp I won't get it". I am so upset. :cry::cry:He said to call in the moring and tell the order processing folks. But I just bet they won't have mercy on me either. I am so drained. I've been at this computer for all day balancing this order. The host went from 500-700 dollars and then up to 900 in just today. Literally, it's been an all day closing for me. I need chocolate:(
  • #17
How close in sales are you?
HO really does not make exceptions. I was working towards something last month even and P3 shut down on me. Though not my fault they would not budge.
  • #18
Bless your heart. I feel for you. We have an amazing Co. I can't imagine that they won't honor your hard work and determination. I closed 3 shows tonight---one of which was a bridal show & I ended up having a bridzilla. Change this, delete that, add this... it became a mess. To top it off, b/c I deleted items from guest orders and added the replacements to her "host" order I ended up shorting myself on sales (not realizing it till it was too late) and had to add $41 in sales of my own to get to the $3,000 mark. I think this has been the most stressful promo period ever for me. Glad it is over and now I can breath.
  • #19
Can you order some things for yourself? Do you not have any idea what those customers wanted? No other record of their orders anywhere? If you may have a clue order some things for them and hope you are close. Order anything else tomorrow after you call them. You can do it! If orders aren't too large, do that so you can reach your goal!
  • Thread starter
  • #20
Nope, it's done and past 12 here. I am just going to wait until am to call. The host earned the 900 level so being at 845-ish i'm lacking a few $ to get her to that goal of 900. It really stinks. Really bad. I am at my mother's house now. DH is working all night and dm had ds. So, I'm depressed, eatting popcorn, and not going to drive home now. I'm just going to stay the night. Maybe she'll cook me chocolate gravy in the morning and make it all better:)
  • #21
Give HO a call first thing this morning. Explain to the rep what happened (stress you were on the phone with tech support last night) and that it was too late to call customers (for cc numbers?) once tech support got it fixed. They should be able to verfiy with Tech Support and hopefully waive the deadline for you....if the rep is not supportive, ask for a supervisor and ask why you and those who supported your goal are being penalized for a Pampered Partner Plus software error. Good luck!
  • #22
Oh my...I hope they are able to help you out here!
I pray that there is a solution to this for you!
  • #23
I hate to rain on your parade but it sounds like you didn't submit yesterday because you wanted the host to be able to hit the next level. That is not a reason they will accept.

If tech support wouldn't have been able to help you get PP back up in time they would have let you do it today - they have the phone records of your call to support that. But if I read your posts right this reason is not one they will go for.

So sorry for you! I know how hard it is to come so close and get there but not.:(
  • #24
tabnat80 said:
Nope, it's done and past 12 here. I am just going to wait until am to call. The host earned the 900 level so being at 845-ish i'm lacking a few $ to get her to that goal of 900. It really stinks. Really bad. I am at my mother's house now. DH is working all night and dm had ds. So, I'm depressed, eatting popcorn, and not going to drive home now. I'm just going to stay the night. Maybe she'll cook me chocolate gravy in the morning and make it all better:)

So how are you this morning? So sorry to hear about this. I sure hope HO is understanding and give you an extension. I'll be praying for you!!! :)
  • #25
Maybe I misread the thread. I thought she needed to contact customers because she was having to rebuild the show. (I keep copies of everyone's orders, but not their credit card numbers. Those get typed directly into P3. I was assuming she had to contact customers for those.) If the original show was fully inputted and all she had to do was submit, then there may be grounds for HO to at least consider her request. Guess it will depend in part on how the tech rep documented her call last night.
  • #26
legacypc46 said:
Maybe I misread the thread. I thought she needed to contact customers because she was having to rebuild the show. (I keep copies of everyone's orders, but not their credit card numbers. Those get typed directly into P3. I was assuming she had to contact customers for those.) If the original show was fully inputted and all she had to do was submit, then there may be grounds for HO to at least consider her request. Guess it will depend in part on how the tech rep documented her call last night.

I hope that you are right about that and I am the one who misread it! They should honor that scenerio, I would think!
  • #27
legacypc46 said:
Maybe I misread the thread. I thought she needed to contact customers because she was having to rebuild the show. (I keep copies of everyone's orders, but not their credit card numbers. Those get typed directly into P3. I was assuming she had to contact customers for those.) If the original show was fully inputted and all she had to do was submit, then there may be grounds for HO to at least consider her request. Guess it will depend in part on how the tech rep documented her call last night.

This is how I read it as well.

So, what happened?:confused:
  • #28
I do hope you got it worked out! Sorry if I wasn't much help last night!
  • Thread starter
  • #29
Yes, I had to rebuild the show. 2 of those orders were put in and I didn't have a copy of the orders. ( I was going to print those last night but my pampered partner crashed). The host is calling the 2 guest today to clarify their orders.

legacypc46 said:
Maybe I misread the thread. I thought she needed to contact customers because she was having to rebuild the show. (I keep copies of everyone's orders, but not their credit card numbers. Those get typed directly into P3. I was assuming she had to contact customers for those.) If the original show was fully inputted and all she had to do was submit, then there may be grounds for HO to at least consider her request. Guess it will depend in part on how the tech rep documented her call last night.
  • Thread starter
  • #30
Update- I called ho this am and am waiting on a supervisor to call me back. I'll let you know.
  • #31
Wow! I know you had a rough time - but that is no reason to take it out on Beth - I can see nothing in her post that warrants your reply....or your language.
  • #32
tabnat80 said:
For your info snooty britches, I didn't submit yesterday because my fricken pampered partner crashed at 9 pm last night. I had it all ready to go. I had been at my mom's all day and had it ready to submit. I went home, and it wouldn't pull up.Keep getting error message. You don't have to be such a b*t*H!

Ouch! I really feel you are over reacting here. I was only saying that if how I was reading it was what happened they wouldn't fix it. Did you see the post I made saying that I hoped I HAD read it wrong (and the second paragraph of the post you quoted)??

I know you're stressed right now but this attack was totally unnecessary.
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  • #33
I'm with Beth on this one, everyone in this thread came to support you.
sorry you can't see that.
  • #34
tabnat80 said:
For your info snooty britches, I didn't submit yesterday because my fricken pampered partner crashed at 9 pm last night. I had it all ready to go. I had been at my mom's all day and had it ready to submit. I went home, and it wouldn't pull up.Keep getting error message. You don't have to be such a b*t*H!

I understand that you are upset about what happened...but Beth was simply trying to help you understand what may or may not happen with HO. She was IN NO WAY being anything but courteous and helpful to you. You have some nerve attacking her like that. Beth gives assistance, help, guidance, coaching, advice and everything else to everyone on this message board - for what??? To get kicked in the teeth??? What is WRONG with you???? You need to take a major step back, re-assess the situation, and redirect your anger elsewhere. And when you're done with all that...an apology to Beth would be appropriate.
When people react to director's help like that it makes the rest of us want to put those people on IGNORE for fear of getting OUR heads bit off when we try to help.
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  • #35
At first I read the 12:26 post the same way Beth did. I was thinking to myself, "Why didn't she get the orders earlier?" When someone else posted about the rebuilding of the show I thought, "Okay, now I understand the frustration!"

Beth is not a vicious person. We had a wonderful lunch together when she and her husband came to Atlanta a few months ago.

When writing anything online, many times what is in our head does not translate the same way when others read it. Please just try to keep that in mind when you are responding.
  • #36
Your response to Beth was uncalled for. If you were seriously tired and your emotions were touchy when you posted that, then say so and apologize. Otherwise, I'm not willing to help someone who engages in personal attacks based on a perception (and a wrong one at that).
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  • #37
WOW! All i can say is................... blah. I"m left speechless.

I can't believe that everyone came on this thread to support you and help you and you have the nerve to call Beth a *itch? Wow! I really can't believe it.:grumpy:
  • #38
I'll have to add my own OMG! here too (especially after your post #16) I can't see how these words were Christianlike at all. Lord knows (and many cheffers too :eek:) that Beth and I have had our disagreements here and there, but I've come to learn that it's more the way we talk/type/interpret/understand our thoughts than it it is downright disagreeing. She was only trying to help you and I think that if you reread everything you will see that.

You did have a huge letdown and I would be absolutely sick about it too. Take a deep breath and revisit this again, you will see that everyone was truely trying to help you.
  • #39
Whooooaaa everyone!

No, Beth does not deserve to be called names...but I am SURE it was out of anger and frustration with the situation. We have all been in that spot where we take out our anger on the wrong person. Let's not all tell her 100 different ways that she needs to back off.

Honestly, when I read Beth's post, I felt like it may be taken the wrong way. Posting online does not give us the benefit of hearing tone of voice, or of seeing body language. While I know Beth was being helpful (and came back to SAY she may have misunderstood the original question) I figured the post may have been taken the wrong way.

PLEASE let's not let this thread get out of control and turn into a bashing session. I am not saying that the post #29 was OK...I am saying let's not add fuel to the fire of an already tense situation, KWIM?
  • #40
KellyTheChef said:
Whooooaaa everyone!

No, Beth does not deserve to be called names...but I am SURE it was out of anger and frustration with the situation. We have all been in that spot where we take out our anger on the wrong person. Let's not all tell her 100 different ways that she needs to back off.

Honestly, when I read Beth's post, I felt like it may be taken the wrong way. Posting online does not give us the benefit of hearing tone of voice, or of seeing body language. While I know Beth was being helpful (and came back to SAY she may have misunderstood the original question) I figured the post may have been taken the wrong way.

PLEASE let's not let this thread get out of control and turn into a bashing session. I am not saying that the post #29 was OK...I am saying let's not add fuel to the fire of an already tense situation, KWIM?

You know, Kelly, I have to get on here and tell you that I'm behind your post 100%. I am in no way saying it's okay to call Beth names, but I think it's because of frustration! I'm not saying that that makes it okay... I just have never seen her act that way before... and before we start saying that's not Christian like, I too am a Christian and many times need to ask for forgiveness because my tongue reacts before my common sense! Thats why it's good we are Christians because then we can go get our "checkup from the neck up" as my pastor would say. I also try to live my life by "He who is free from sin, let him cast the first stone." Well, that He would be Jesus, and I can guarantee He's not throwing stones, He's just waiting to be talked to, so He can makes things right!
I just don't think all the bashing is going to solve things and if anything might make it worse. AGAIN, I don't think it was appropriate how post #29 was worded and I do NOT think name calling is right! And Beth I'm soooo sorry, you got hurt!
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  • Thread starter
  • #41
Beth, I'm sorry for calling you a bad name, however, I do feel that you were acting (in post 23) ugly towards me. I felt as if you thought I was just holding out the show to reach another level. Whereas I have worked very very hard to get this show done on time. I usually give my host a week to close their show, this lady only had a couple of days to do this. Her show won't even be at a week until this Thursday. And when you said "I hate to rain on your parade but it sounds like you didn't submit yesterday because you wanted the host to be able to hit the next level" that sounded like a kick in My teeth. I am not a vicious person, but when I feel that someone is taking shots at me, I shoot back. Once again, I am sorry if i misunderstood you and got ugly with you.

And just to let you know, HO has not been cooperative and I am considering resigning from the Pampered Chef. I do not want to be associated with a company that does not value their employees. I have been at this comptuer almost 12 hours trying to get this thing straightened out. The show is finally submitted. I am exausted and am going to bed.
  • #41
MissChef said:
You know, Kelly, I have to get on here and tell you that I'm behind your post 100%. I am in no way saying it's okay to call Beth names, but I think it's because of frustration! I'm not saying that that makes it okay... I just have never seen her act that way before... and before we start saying that's not Christian like, I too am a Christian and many times need to ask for forgiveness because my tongue reacts before my common sense! Thats why it's good we are Christians because then we can go get our "checkup from the neck up" as my pastor would say. I also try to live my life by "He who is free from sin, let him cast the first stone." Well, that He would be Jesus, and I can guarantee He's not throwing stones, He's just waiting to be talked to, so He can makes things right
I just don't think all the bashing is going to solve things and if anything might make it worse. AGAIN, I don't think it was appropriate how post #29 was worded and I do NOT think name calling is right! And Beth I'm soooo sorry, you got hurt!

You are very right Cathy.
It's just that rather than ask forgiveness, the original posted simply deleted her nasty post. Not that deleting it makes a difference, it's quoted in several threads after that. I still think Beth is owed an apology.
  • #42
tabnat80 said:
Beth, I'm sorry for calling you a bad name, however, I do feel that you were acting (in post 23) ugly towards me. I felt as if you thought I was just holding out the show to reach another level. Whereas I have worked very very hard to get this show done on time. I usually give my host a week to close their show, this lady only had a couple of days to do this. Her show won't even be at a week until this Thursday. And when you said "I hate to rain on your parade but it sounds like you didn't submit yesterday because you wanted the host to be able to hit the next level" that sounded like a kick in My teeth. I am not a vicious person, but when I feel that someone is taking shots at me, I shoot back. Once again, I am sorry if i misunderstood you and got ugly with you.

And just to let you know, HO has not been cooperative and I am considering resigning from the Pampered Chef. I do not want to be associated with a company that does not value their employees. I have been at this comptuer almost 12 hours trying to get this thing straightened out. The show is finally submitted. I am exausted and am going to bed.
You have had a very stressful 12 hours. I was not attacking you or saying that you were trying to beat the system. HOW I READ IT was once you put the show all together you had possibly misfigured and the host hadn't reached the level you had thought. I knew that you were frustrated and everyone was encouraging you that HO would allow the show and I just wanted to point out that they may not, depending on how they looked at the situation.

Get some rest and shake it off. Don't just decide to walk away from your business because of this issue with HO. They do value us. Consider what a nightmare it would be for them if they made half the exceptions we think they should (In your case I think they SHOULD allow it though!). Try to get ahold of Doris' book she addresses just this issue. It might help you.
  • #43
WOW!I popped in to see why this thread was so long and WOW!It got really out of hand.Tabitha - I just have to address your last post. I can't believe you don't think PC cares about its consultants - notice I said CONSULTANTS not employees, we are INDEPENDENT CONSULTANTS. I think they bend over backwards for us and provide long hours for tech support.As an IT person, I can understand why they don't bend rules. Should they bend for every person who doesn't upgrade to the new software when recommend because they can't keep up with the old. Or for every person who may have a harddrive fail? Bending for one would mean they have to bend for all and why have rules then?We are becoming such a "me" society and except everything to be handed to us.I KNOW you worked your butt off to complete this show and KNOW it stings but sit back and figure out what YOU can do to improve your situation:
1. Upgrade hardware/software.
2. Keep better back-ups - even when I enter directly to P3, I like to have a paper filled out in case my system acts funky or crashes. I destroy it after the show is successfully submitted.
3. Direct your anger at the object that accidentally failed, not those trying to help you....just some initial thoughts. Now go get some sleep and wake up more refreshed and clear-headed and less emotional.
  • #44
I know sometimes there are certain situations that things happen but for all of those who have read The Pampered Chef book, Doris explains why they had to make the "no exception" rule. Technically you had all month to make the deadline. This is why I always tell people a day or two before the actual deadline. Closing a show within 2-3 days is not unreasonable as alot of us do this all the time. Sorry that this happened to you and I hope you come to a reasonable solution.
  • #45
wadesgirl said:
I know sometimes there are certain situations that things happen but for all of those who have read The Pampered Chef book, Doris explains why they had to make the "no exception" rule. Technically you had all month to make the deadline. This is why I always tell people a day or two before the actual deadline. Closing a show within 2-3 days is not unreasonable as alot of us do this all the time. Sorry that this happened to you and I hope you come to a reasonable solution.

Very smart way of handling things.
With Sell-a-thon this year I, worked really hard to close shows within 3-4 days. And then for my 6/27 and 6/28 shows, I let the hosts know well ahead of time that we'd be closing the DAY OF the show...so she needed to have all OO's collected and paid for BEFORE the show and she had to have her wish list put together before the show so that after the demo it was simply a matter of adjusting her wish list to meet her needs. Both of my last-weekend hosts were GREAT about it and both shows closed quickly and painlessly on Saturday and Sunday...alowwing my all of Monday to iron out any kinks in case there were any.
  • #46
We are all just here to help each other out. I don't think Beth meant anything against you at all. She was just saying what H.O. might say. We don't need to personally attack anyone for helping. Believe me, I have been disappointed by missing a deadline before because my P3 shut down on me. In fact, that happened to me just last month. However, if I had submitted my show earlier I probably would have been just fine and would have had more time to fix the problem. Now, I'm not saying you waited til the last minute or anything and you did try and correct the problem and were on the phone with Tech Support. I think they could have made an exception but they don't ever have to. However, it is very hard for the company to constantly make exceptions or people will always try and do it. I'm sorry this happened to you but it does state it their policies that no exceptions can be made. I wouldn't let this one incident make you decide to make a career change. The Pampered Chef is VERY good to us and I am always very impressed with what our company gives us.
  • #47
Wow, are you sure you are willing to walk away from a business (obviously you are doing something right to have a $900+ show) just because of a technical glitch?What happened to you is just part of being in business for yourself. Learn to roll with the punches if you can. PC is a wonderful company and with 60,000+ consultants you have to believe that you are not the first person this has happened to. If they bend the rules for one, they have to bend it for all 60,000+....what a nightmare to keep track of.

Try to get some rest and maybe your perspective will be a little different in a couple of days. It's not like you're not going to get paid for it or something, it's just a technical glitch, not a nuclear explosion.

As for your comments to Beth, no one here is condemning you--we are not about that not even a little bit. We've all had frustrating things happen to us in this business. Been there, done that. Once again, that's part of being in business--ANY business. Hang in there, hope you stay.
  • #48
I love that we have folks like you here Nancy. With 8 years in the business, you bring so much to your postings. (I love reading them.) You offered some geat words on this situation.
  • #49
Nanisu said:
Wow, are you sure you are willing to walk away from a business (obviously you are doing something right to have a $900+ show) just because of a technical glitch?What happened to you is just part of being in business for yourself. Learn to roll with the punches if you can. PC is a wonderful company and with 60,000+ consultants you have to believe that you are not the first person this has happened to. If they bend the rules for one, they have to bend it for all 60,000+....what a nightmare to keep track of.

Try to get some rest and maybe your perspective will be a little different in a couple of days. It's not like you're not going to get paid for it or something, it's just a technical glitch, not a nuclear explosion.

As for your comments to Beth, no one here is condemning you--we are not about that not even a little bit. We've all had frustrating things happen to us in this business. Been there, done that. Once again, that's part of being in business--ANY business. Hang in there, hope you stay.

Very well said Nancy!

Tabitha, i had a computer glitch w/PP last June with one of my consultants and she thought she submitted her show. It turns out that it didn't b/c her PP wasn't updated. So, guess what? I didn't get to promote to director until July AND I lost out on all the free s/s samples. Was I disappointed. Yes without a doubt but not once did I feel the urge to walk away.
You wonder why I'm telling you this? B/c I feel that they are really good to us and to let u know that all of us have been there one time or another.

So, what's the latest news?
  • #50
BethCooks4U said:
I hate to rain on your parade but it sounds like you didn't submit yesterday because you wanted the host to be able to hit the next level. That is not a reason they will accept.

I have to say that I read this and heard a snotty tone in it as well. Even though I now realize that it was not intended, I could see how someone over tired and over emotional could react the way she did. I'm not condoning her responce, just saying that many of you reacted and started typing the same way she did.
<H2>1. What does the error message "Your pampered partner database appears to be corrupt and no undo database is present" mean?</H2><p>The error message indicates that there is an issue with the database for your Pampered Partner account. This could be due to a technical error or a problem with the data stored in the database.</p><H2>2. Why am I getting a runtime error when trying to access my orders on Pampered Partner?</H2><p>The runtime error is likely related to the corrupt database mentioned in the error message. This type of error occurs when the program is unable to continue due to a problem with the code or data.</p><H2>3. I have been on hold with tech support for 20 minutes. Is there any other way to resolve this issue?</H2><p>Unfortunately, in this situation, it is best to wait for tech support to assist you. They have the necessary knowledge and tools to troubleshoot and resolve the issue with your Pampered Partner account.</p><H2>4. Can I still submit my orders even though I am getting this error message?</H2><p>If the error message is preventing you from accessing your orders, it is best to wait until the issue is resolved before attempting to submit them. This will ensure that your orders are processed correctly and without any errors.</p><H2>5. How can I prevent this type of issue from happening in the future?</H2><p>To prevent database errors in the future, make sure to regularly back up your Pampered Partner database and keep your computer's software and operating system up to date. If you continue to experience issues, reach out to tech support for further assistance.</p>

Related to Why Does Tech Support Take So Long When You Need It Most?

1. What does the error message "Your pampered partner database appears to be corrupt and no undo database is present" mean?

The error message indicates that there is an issue with the database for your Pampered Partner account. This could be due to a technical error or a problem with the data stored in the database.

2. Why am I getting a runtime error when trying to access my orders on Pampered Partner?

The runtime error is likely related to the corrupt database mentioned in the error message. This type of error occurs when the program is unable to continue due to a problem with the code or data.

3. I have been on hold with tech support for 20 minutes. Is there any other way to resolve this issue?

Unfortunately, in this situation, it is best to wait for tech support to assist you. They have the necessary knowledge and tools to troubleshoot and resolve the issue with your Pampered Partner account.

4. Can I still submit my orders even though I am getting this error message?

If the error message is preventing you from accessing your orders, it is best to wait until the issue is resolved before attempting to submit them. This will ensure that your orders are processed correctly and without any errors.

5. How can I prevent this type of issue from happening in the future?

To prevent database errors in the future, make sure to regularly back up your Pampered Partner database and keep your computer's software and operating system up to date. If you continue to experience issues, reach out to tech support for further assistance.

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  • Business, Marketing and Customer Service
  • Intrepid_Chef
  • Business, Marketing and Customer Service
  • kcjodih
  • Business, Marketing and Customer Service
  • dannyzmom
  • Business, Marketing and Customer Service
  • wadesgirl
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  • ChefinHarmony
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  • Kitchen2u
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