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When Can We Share the New Fall Products with Our Customers?

In summary, the Wave 1 products will be announced at Conference, and you are not allowed to tell your customers about them until after the last conference. You are excited to see what the new products will be and are looking forward to Wave 3.
Silver Member
I know they will announce new Fall products at Conference. When will we be able to start telling our customers about them? I have a couple of possible recruits who are thinking of joining so they can access the new items.

~~~~~ Wave 1 ~~~~~
~~~~~ :) ~~~~~
Technically you are not suppose to tell anything about the new products, programs, or incentives until after the last conference is over. I do hear about people mailing small brochures from conference, but if we do that then the secret is out. I personally want to know everything as soon as possible....but I am not going to conference. People who are going to conference 2 or 3 do not want their surprise ruined by those who attend conference 1. It takes away the excitement of conference. As for telling your recrutis....I don't know. Would they be able to keep it a secret? I would assume that directors would share with their cluster even before Wave 3 is over, but that is an assumption. Not much help I guess.
I cannot imagine what the new products are. Over 800.00 worth....that is either a lot of products or some expensive products. I can't wait to find out. There was a big discussion on whether we would be getting stainless steel cookware. With the Generation II being discontinued, they could possible give us a different low end cookware set.
I am so nuts with anticipation I can barely contain myself -- and I have to wait til WAVE THREE!!! THis is TORTURE!!!!!
AND...one of my sister directors is on the product advisory board and KNOWS what all is coming out...but she canNOT and willNOT tell us no matter what. Although i must say I appreciate that - I would really hate to have the surprise ruined.
dannyzmom said:
I am so nuts with anticipation I can barely contain myself -- and I have to wait til WAVE THREE!!! THis is TORTURE!!!!!

I know what you mean!! I feel for you-having to wait that long...I'm so lucky to be in wave 1:) I would really be going nuts if I had to wait extra long, it WILL be worth the wait though:)
Y'know, the funny thing is that I am going to conference, but my director is not! *lol* I'll be the one sharing information with her instead of the other way around. :D
In this week's weekly bites it mentioned a recruiting incentive for July that has something to do with the new Fall products. Obviously, they won't tell us what the incentive is, but the recruit and recruiter can both earn something.
agw said:
Y'know, the funny thing is that I am going to conference, but my director is not! *lol* I'll be the one sharing information with her instead of the other way around. :D

Any idea why your director's not going to conference?
  • #10
Ann F said:
Any idea why your director's not going to conference?

Oh, you know, something trivial like her daughter's due date landing in the middle of Conference. ;) I know that's part of it, but past that I'm not sure. My recruiter was local but my director isn't. :)
  • #11
Shawnna said:
Technically you are not suppose to tell anything about the new products, programs, or incentives until after the last conference is over.

I know we are asked not to tell other Consultants (and I don't), but I don't include my customers in that group. If you've already booked your July and August, get on the phone when you get home and talk to your customers. You're excited and they'll latch onto that vibe.

You don't have to tell them everything. You don't have to tell them anything. Just let them know how excited you are and how happy they and their guests will be to see the new catalog.
  • #12
Technically you are not suppose to tell anything about the new products, programs, or incentives until after the last conference is over.

See, there is an advantage to being in Wave 3 - you don't have to keep quiet! :D
  • #13
loreedfk said:
See, there is an advantage to being in Wave 3 - you don't have to keep quiet! :D

There ya go - a silver lining! !LOL
  • #14
dannyzmom said:
There ya go - a silver lining! !LOL

the presentation at Wave 3 is by far the best. They have had 2 conferences to work all the bugs out! So there are less mistakes! Can't wait to see you there Carolyn!!:D :D :D
  • #15
Marlene - I just emailed you some pics!
  • #16
I think that it is wrong to call or mail customers items about conference. If the consultants that don't go to conference only get to know July 20th, then customers shouldn't get to know before consultants! I shouldn't have to call someone's customer just to find out what I'll be selling in two months! I am sorry to be angry, but if it is such a secret that wave 1 and 2 people won't tell on here, they shouldn't be telling their customers/recruits.
  • #17
gilliandanielle said:
I think that it is wrong to call or mail customers items about conference. If the consultants that don't go to conference only get to know July 20th, then customers shouldn't get to know before consultants! I shouldn't have to call someone's customer just to find out what I'll be selling in two months! I am sorry to be angry, but if it is such a secret that wave 1 and 2 people won't tell on here, they shouldn't be telling their customers/recruits.

While I see your point, its part of the reason why I'm going to conference. So I can come back and it the ground running. I think my customers should benefit from me going to conference.
  • #18
AJPratt said:
While I see your point, its part of the reason why I'm going to conference. So I can come back and it the ground running. I think my customers should benefit from me going to conference.

I agree. . .and I've been in Wave 1 for at least 3 of the 5 years I've gone to conference. I'll talk to my customers and my Director and I will share the announcements with the rest of our group at our Cluster meeting on the 15th, before Wave 3 arrives in Chicago.
  • #19
What is kinda irritating is after the general sessions (when announcements are made) people run out of the auditorium on their cell phones reporting back what was announced. I paid big bucks to be a conference to get the info when I do...the person you are calling for whatever reason is not there so they should have to wait until the appropriate time to get the info.

We all get it! If you want it when it is announced GO TO CONFERENCE!! I know for alot of people your circumstances make it difficult to choose to go, but like all decisions there are consequences. Waiting to receive the information is one of those consequences.
  • #20
Chef Kearns said:
What is kinda irritating is after the general sessions (when announcements are made) people run out of the auditorium on their cell phones reporting back what was announced.

OMG! That's pretty rude.
  • #21
I always call my top sellers in my downline. They hear my excitement and they get excited too. They'll book more shows and recruit more, possibly BEFORE I am even back.
I also hope that I create a desire in them to attend our next National Conference.
I do swear them to secrecy as far as the general public is concerned reminding them if they share the secrets they run the risk of sabotaging their next month as well as everyone elses.
  • #22
I understand that when going to conference you tell your downline what is going on, but calling CUSTOMERS from conference is what I am talking about. I would just be upset if I heard what the new products were from a PC customer because her consultant went to conference and I didn't!
  • #23
I can't keep from wondering how they decide which conference we attend. It must have to do with numbers in the NSE's downlines or some random drawing of their names. This is my third conference and the first year it was 2 and the last two years it's been 3. I was VERY disappointed to be at 3 again this year because I KNEW (HA) that it would be 1.

I'd like to be in the first group sometime too AND more importantly, I think the first group has the better chance to get more sales in July - conference and July 4 are closer together. I have to deal with losing that first week AND the 3rd week in one month.

Sorry... just had to whine. :rolleyes:
  • #24
BethCooks4U said:
I'd like to be in the first group sometime too AND more importantly, I think the first group has the better chance to get more sales in July - conference and July 4 are closer together. I have to deal with losing that first week AND the 3rd week in one month.

You are right. Mine is Wave 2, and I have time, but I'd love to be in the first Wave, too.
  • #25
Thanks for clarifying that Gillian. I agree that consultants should not be letting out our "secrets" to guests. When that happens it could possibly sabotage August not just for that consultant, but for all consultants. I have had customers call me to ask why I didn't tell them about new products when another consultant (their waitress) told them. I felt a bit flustered by that. She must have been looking to get new blood into her customer base. It didn't work if that was what she was looking for, because that person she told still had her annual show with me.
  • #26
What irritates me is passing the info on to anyone not at conference, downline or customers. Invite your entire downline to the next cluster meeting to get them hyped up...don't spill the beans!!
  • #27
I THOUGHT maybe the new product may be a silicone type as some customers have asked for that? any thoughts?
  • #28
I HAVE called consultants on my way out of the room but what I say is "You won't believe what they said! I can't wait to share it with you when I get back! Don't miss the meeting!" It has a lot of impact with all that wonderful noise in the background. They think 'what am I missing? I need to go next year!'
  • #29
I'm in Wave 3 myself. Not sure if my cluster has always been in the last Wave, but they have been the two years I have been able to go. I think they should rotate it. Those clusters in Wave 3 this year should move to Wave 1 next year, then Wave 2 the following year. That would keep it fair and even.

I agree directors should make it an incentive for consultants to come to the meeting; however, most are on a board like this one and get the information early.
  • #30
BethCooks4U said:
I can't keep from wondering how they decide which conference we attend. It must have to do with numbers in the NSE's downlines or some random drawing of their names. This is my third conference and the first year it was 2 and the last two years it's been 3. I was VERY disappointed to be at 3 again this year because I KNEW (HA) that it would be 1.

I'd like to be in the first group sometime too AND more importantly, I think the first group has the better chance to get more sales in July - conference and July 4 are closer together. I have to deal with losing that first week AND the 3rd week in one month.

Sorry... just had to whine. :rolleyes:
I know they use NSE's and I thought they tried to rotate them pretty fairly. I know last year, we were wave 1 (I actually went) and this year, we're wave 3. I think the year before that we were wave 1 or 2.

Related to When Can We Share the New Fall Products with Our Customers?

1. When will the new Fall products be announced at Conference?

The exact date of the product announcement at Conference may vary from year to year. It is best to check with the company or refer to the Conference schedule for the most up-to-date information.

2. When will we be able to start sharing the new Fall products with our customers?

Typically, the new Fall products will be available for purchase or pre-order shortly after they are announced at Conference. Again, it is best to check with the company for specific release dates.

3. Can I start telling potential recruits about the new Fall products?

While it is exciting to share the news about new products, it is important to wait until they are officially released before promoting them to potential recruits. This ensures that the information is accurate and avoids any disappointment if the release date is delayed.

4. Will there be any special promotions or deals for the new Fall products?

Many companies offer special incentives or promotions for new products, especially during the initial release period. Keep an eye out for any announcements or updates from the company for information on these potential deals.

5. Can customers access the new Fall products by joining as a consultant?

Yes, customers who join as consultants will have access to the new Fall products, as well as other exclusive benefits and perks. This can be a great selling point for potential recruits who are interested in trying out the new products and potentially earning income through selling them.

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