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What worries me about Obama's policies?

In summary, Cathy does not like the idea of national healthcare because she does not think it is a good thing for the people or the country. She also does not think that unions, social programs, etc. have been successful in adjusting to the new needs. She also thinks that the lack of leadership experience is a problem.
  • #51
elizabethfox said:
Yes Bush has his issues...just like any president.
And I just love how everyone raises the Clintons up on such a high pedestal.
Our country was having issues even when Clinton was in office! Yes things have gotten worse, but it hasn't just been since Bush has been in office. It has been a gradual decline.

Speaking of president issues....Like my husband has said when a new president enters office he is coming into problems that the presidents before him left behind. Just think how hard that must be. :yuck:

As far as the Clintons...they seem to be too fake to me, especially Hillary. I have a neighbor that use to work for the Secret Service that protected the Clinton's and she said all the agents would always complain how the Clinton's are not very nice people. I thought that was very interesting.
  • #52

I didn't post my reply to get into a long political debate - I just couldn't believe that out of almost 3 pages of posts that no one had voiced anything other than a conservative republican opinion.

As for me watching campaign ads . . . Yes, I've watched campaign ads and every debate and read every article I could get my hands on and watched BOTH conventions. I am very well informed but obviously have very different beliefs that do you. I will be proudly voting for the candidate that reflects those beliefs and offers the best plan to guide our country in the best direction . . . that person for me will be Barack Obama.

As for Palin, give me a break!?!? She is an obviously devisive "token" female as ever there was one (it really makes me sad). She was chosen so the republicans can say they have "history" on their side as well and was put on the ticket as a conservative figure head. She is as conservative as they come and offers nothing that interests me. She significantly cut funding for Special Needs children in her own state and now that she has a special needs child of her own is a champion of the cause??? - I'm not buying it!!! She can attend all the NRA rallies she wants to - I'm sure not going to be there!!!!!!!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #53
nicci11 said:
Janet,I didn't post my reply to get into a long political debate - I just couldn't believe that out of almost 3 pages of posts that no one had voiced anything other than a conservative republican opinion. As for me watching campaign ads . . . Yes, I've watched campaign ads and every debate and read every article I could get my hands on and watched BOTH conventions. I am very well informed but obviously have very different beliefs that do you. I will be proudly voting for the candidate that reflects those beliefs and offers the best plan to guide our country in the best direction . . . that person for me will be Barack Obama.As for Palin, give me a break!?!? She is an obviously devisive "token" female as ever there was one (it really makes me sad). She was chosen so the republicans can say they have "history" on their side as well and was put on the ticket as a conservative figure head. She is as conservative as they come and offers nothing that interests me. She significantly cut funding for Special Needs children in her own state and now that she has a special needs child of her own is a champion of the cause??? - I'm not buying it!!! She can attend all the NRA rallies she wants to - I'm sure not going to be there!!!!!!!!!
I wasn't responding to get into a LONG political debate. Anyone who knows me personally would be surprised that I'm even expressing my opinion on the topics or defending anyone. But even if you are seeing more conservative views, it doesn't stop someone who is conservative from stating a counter-viewpoint to look at and learn. ...and there is nothing stopping me from questioning the opinions stated.I always find it interesting that in the media and elsewhere it is o.k. for the liberal viewpoint to be stated, but when the conservative side is, they are being combative.I believe the conservative viewpoint has been stated MOSTLY with grace and dignity, there have been a few exceptions, whereas when the other side is stated, it is "just for information", or "not to be debated" but states opinions and debatable facts.

Naturally this thread will be conservative opinion mainly...it is "what scares ME about Obama". For a more liberal viewpoint, please refer to the Obama chooses Biden thread.
Once again, I'm not attacking you, just the facts presented, just as you stated in your initial post. I commend you for studying, watching, reading and making your choice based on what you believe. It is a free country and I am glad for that freedom....just don't complain 4 years from now when life isn't better...especially when the liberal viewpoint has been in control for most of the last 55 years.
  • #54
Thanks Janet!

I too never get into these discussions for fear of letting my emotions take over. I appreciate your candor and obviously heartfelt and thoughtful opinions.

Best of Luck to you!
  • #55
elizabethfox said:
Yes Bush has his issues...just like any president.
And I just love how everyone raises the Clintons up on such a high pedestal.
Our country was having issues even when Clinton was in office! Yes things have gotten worse, but it hasn't just been since Bush has been in office. It has been a gradual decline.

The Clinton's...

My husband was in the Marines during the Clinton Administration...good lord the stories I have heard out of that one.
  • #56
janetupnorth said:
Don't worry, debate time is coming fast. I'm sure she can stand on her own two feet.

I don't think they were afraid to let her speak...we don't know the schedules or why they didn't take questions.

Why aren't they letting her speak?
Probably because the "questions" aren't going to be anything of substance, rather, only about Bristol...

Microphone in Face: "Mrs. Palin, when is your teenager going to marry Levi?"
"Do you know if she's having a boy or a girl?"
" How long have they known each other?"
"What do you think of him?"
"Why was he at the RNC w/ your family?"

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out
  • #57
Well Nicci, I guess I'll risk it & stick my neck out there with yours:) I tend to just read the posts about politics & keep my opinion to myself. Janet & the rest of you "red" people (I mean no disrespect at all)...I love ya but I think it's safe to say we agree to disagree. But that's one of the many wonderful things about our nation...the freedom to do just that.;)

nicci11 said:
Okay . . . I know I am going to get slammed for this email but here goes!

What's scary to me . . . is that we elected and then re-elected a president who's credentials were certainly more questionable than Obama's! A president, by anyone's standards, who was certainly no overachiever. A president who led numerous companies that he was involved in into bankruptcy as he has nearly done to our great nation. We went from a Rhodes Scholar, President Clinton, to someone who just squeeked by in school. A president who was itching to prove something and leave his mark on the country by racing into a war that was unsupported by nearly every one of our country's allies . . . . . and you guys are scared of a person with the intelligence, ethusiasm and social/economic programs that could actually have a positive effect on us middle class americans???

John McCain is a member of the same "Good Ole Boys" club that President Bush belongs to. He has been in Washington now over 26 years and has voted the exact same way as President Bush a staggering 90% of the time. Don't let the same old republican scare tactics about "socialized medicine" keep you from taking a hard look at whay these two candidates stand for. No one from Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama is suggesting "socialized medicine". If you read either of their plans, they have both come up with at least a starting point to fix the mess the health care system is today. If you already have quality affordable health insurance then nothings going to change. Their plans are intended to help the many many americans who fall through the cracks, not just the people who don't want to work and take advantage of government programs.

I also know that many of you on this site are pro-life and I am as well, but we had a pro-life president in office for 8 years and nothing has changed. Don't let one issue mask so many of the other urgent issues this country needs to deal with. John McCain is certainly an American Hero but that also doesn't qualify him to effectively lead this country in the direction it needs to go. Why does someone have to be a Washington fixture to be deemed appropriate to be president?

I realize that this is a conservative site for the most part, and I am most likely in the small minority on here but I just want people to look beyond the same old rhetoric and really take the time to find out what both of these men stand for and what solid plans they have to get this country moving in the right direction again. Unemployment has reached a five year high as of this morning!

I write this in all sincerity and with respect to your opinions.

I have no problem voting outside my party if I don't agree with it. Voted Clinton 1st time, not the 2nd, voted W. 1st time, not the 2nd. Will vote Obama but in 4yrs (if he wins) if I don't like how things are going, I won't hesitate to vote against him.
Clinton & his wife...well there's not much to say there other than I tried to undo my mistake. Def don't want HER up there.
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  • #58
janetupnorth said:
Oh, and if anyone wants to move up north, my company is HIRING!!!! It's hard to find good help!

...anyone want to go into Healthcare? There is a shortage of good nurses, EMTs, teachers, etc.


I really enjoy reading your posts. I also agree with you about the jobs being out there. There is a nursing shortage. My mom's a nurse and she ends up picking up so many additional shifts because they are so short staffed. My husband has been trying to hire new Physical Therapists for his clinics and it's been a real struggle. Also, some of the time the jobs are in new locations, maybe people aren't willing to move?

Another thing to think about regarding unemployment: Part of this problem is that things go in cycles. I remember when my husband was going into school for PT there was a shortage of therapists. Then when he graduated there was a surplus of PT's, so the jobs were very slim. We had to move to Kentucky for his first job. That was a new place for us that we'd never been to before, but we did it because that's where the job was. We both had family on opposites side of the country so it was hard being so far from people we loved, but we survived. :) But many fields go through this cycle process, so people can't blame the president for job shortages all the time.

My dad had been laid off 3 times due to company buy-outs, and companies downsizing. He's older and they would rather keep the young person around who they won't have to pay as much. He tried new fields, but still struggled. Finally he found a job. It's not high paying, it's not exciting, it's nothing to boast about, but it's a job. Not once, did he blame the president for the situation.
  • #59
Jennie4PC said:
I am so not a fan of socialized medicine. Yeah it would be nice that our insurance premiums werent so high but they are high because the dr.s have to have their medical malpractice so high cause everyone likes to sue over petty problems. Yes there are reasons why people should sue but some people sue cause they are bored. I know a dr that had to stop delivering babies cause his malpractice insurance was so high.

I think this is because we are such a litigous (sp?) society~we want to blame someone else for any wrong doing that occurs to us, so we sue. Remember the chicky that got burned fromt he coffee at McDonalds? HELLO....it's coffee, so it's HOT!
I have a great friend from Canada~she is totally opposed to National healthcare and we are both in the medical profession. Several years ago, her brother needed an MRI (he is still in Canada, she lives here in the states)...it took 4 MONTHS to get an MRI scheduled for him! I do not want to even think about the reprocussions on the healthcare industry if National healthcare comes into the picture. Our system now doesn't focus enough on the patient as it is, so if it becomes socialized, we are in real trouble in the area of patient rights.
  • #60
Janet- well thought out, and well written and executed posts... I could say more, but I will leave it at that for now.

I will disagree with a previos post that Palin was picked for derisive reasons and so that the republicans could say they were the first to make history, or something along those lines. She was on the short list back in February 2008- Rush Limbaugh spoke about her at that time...she wasn't just someone that was picked out of the air at the last minute- It was the media that chose to focus only on the men he was considering for VP and they left Palin out...

Everyone has made mistakes in their political careers, but to just blatantly think that Biden and Obama are spotless is laughable at best.

I also find it insulting that the MSM has refused to admit that Governor Palin is a Governor... But it's alright for Obama to have been on the Campaign trail for most of his few years in the Senate.

The bias is amazing, and revealing-

I have studied politics for a long time- there is no perfect Candidate...but the Republicans have been moving to the left for too long, and I think they got the message that if something wasn't done soon- well...they'd lose more votes. They did the right thing in choosing Palin and they did not do it for historical reasons.. Geraldine Ferraro (sp?) was the first VP candidate and she was a democrat---so the democrats were the first to offer a female for VP, not the republicans!
  • #61
My comment??

I think our country is in big trouble! Very scared for all of our futures.... not a big fan of either candidate and not sure who I would want in the white house - Hoping and Praying for help and a miracle!
  • #62
chefsteph07 said:
HUH? $400-$500 for a pap and lab readings? You might be incorrect. I had a pap done back in May and found out that DH ins only covers paps every other year so this one was my responsibility...it cost $136. out of pocket for everything. You might want to check that out again. It would be worth it.

When I had it done 3 years ago, since my Mom died of uterine cancer and I was bleeding a lot, they did a pap which would have "normally" cost $200 for the dr visit plus the test and biopsy but I paid $20 since I was a "clinic" patient. However, the lab charged me $150 to read the biopsy and said this was 50% discount. The pap was $100 to read! It's just crazy! With no insurance, drs charge the patient what they would bill the insurance company which everyone knows is twice what they would ever get!

Just got this in an email from a friend of mine. I scored 79% AGAINST Obama's views.

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  • #63
pcchefjane said:
When I had it done 3 years ago, since my Mom died of uterine cancer and I was bleeding a lot, they did a pap which would have "normally" cost $200 for the dr visit plus the test and biopsy but I paid $20 since I was a "clinic" patient. However, the lab charged me $150 to read the biopsy and said this was 50% discount. The pap was $100 to read! It's just crazy! With no insurance, drs charge the patient what they would bill the insurance company which everyone knows is twice what they would ever get!

Just got this in an email from a friend of mine. I scored 79% AGAINST Obama's views.

BarackObamaTest.com ::: Before you vote... take the test

Shoot- I scored 100% against him! LOL
  • #64
Interesting "test"...should have known by the book advertised on the first screen that it would be biased against his views. This election is so much more than divisions over abortion and gun control, but that's what the focus of the "test" was.
  • #65
susanr613 said:
Interesting "test"...should have known by the book advertised on the first screen that it would be biased against his views. This election is so much more than divisions over abortion and gun control, but that's what the focus of the "test" was.

Yeah, it was biased.. It's like when a pollster calls your house and asks you a question that no matter how you answer it, it looks like you are 100% for what they are calling about or 100% against! LOL

I sent you a little message! :) PS- how is Art? ;)
  • #66
Yeah, as a conservative I scored 98% against his views, but it was an obviously biased test, even I will admit that. I can't imagine using an online quiz to help decide who to vote for anyways... but it's interesting to see what kinds of things people come up with.
  • #67
chefbritt said:
Yeah, as a conservative I scored 98% against his views, but it was an obviously biased test, even I will admit that. I can't imagine using an online quiz to help decide who to vote for anyways... but it's interesting to see what kinds of things people come up with.

Yeah, I had to chuckle at it myself! :)
  • #68
well i liked the cosmo quizzes better...contributed to the delusion that i was hot and happening...with my delayed development bod, bad hair, kmart clothes and braces (and that was just last week)

kacey i responded to your profile visit message. all is well :)
  • #69
9. Some say Obama’s proposed increase in deductions for taxpayers would increase the number of those who don’t pay taxes closer to 40%. Do you agree or disagree with Obama’s proposed increase in deductions?

This question confuses me. There needs to be an "I don't know" choice.
  • #70
susanr613 said:
well i liked the cosmo quizzes better...contributed to the delusion that i was hot and happening...with my delayed development bod, bad hair, kmart clothes and braces (and that was just last week)

kacey i responded to your profile visit message. all is well :)

Oh, you are hot and happenin'! :) giggle!
  • #71
I am not a history buff, but I always have wondered why we have these different parties that always have to see who can out do the other to win. Aren't we suppose to be doing what is best for our country and our people to make us the best that we can be? Working together is what can make it happen. I like the last presidential campaign that a comment was said " Let's make those in office who don't show up to do their job, be obligated to paying back the money to the people for not doing the job they were put in office to do." It is all a game to them and our government needs a major overhaul. I am very scared about this and every election because it is not for the people it is who can out do the other. They say they listen to people-do they? Sometimes I am scared I had children because the if this is what life is about what will it be for them?
This is just my opinion and how I feel about our government. It would take a miracle for us to get out of where we are at and it won't happen over night.
  • #72
I used to listen to those poll numbers until I got polled. Every question was so biased it made me sick. The one I got was definitely tilted to the Republicans but I would have been equally disgusted if it was tilted the other way.

The one I got focused on the race for a house seat. EVERY question was posed in these ways:

"If you knew (the democrat) did (this aweful thing) would you be more or less likely to vote for her."

"If you knew (the republican) did (this wonderful thing) would you be more or less likely to vote for him."

I could not believe it. No wonder the polls show them so close.
  • #73
chefsteph07 said:
Why aren't they letting her speak?
Probably because the "questions" aren't going to be anything of substance, rather, only about Bristol...

Microphone in Face: "Mrs. Palin, when is your teenager going to marry Levi?"
"Do you know if she's having a boy or a girl?"
" How long have they known each other?"
"What do you think of him?"
"Why was he at the RNC w/ your family?"

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out

  • #74
I saw that test and started to take it ... like Susan, I should have known how biased the questions would be.

I'd just like to say that I am so glad that we on this board can agree to disagree ... there is another board I frequent where I don't DARE post my opinion for fear it will be twisted. For instance, I don't dare say that I am a registered Democrat (even thought I vote a mixed ticket) for fear I will be branded a "liberal" so I steer clear of political threads.

Thank you all for "playing nice."
  • #75
Di_Can_Cook said:
I saw that test and started to take it ... like Susan, I should have known how biased the questions would be.

I'd just like to say that I am so glad that we on this board can agree to disagree ... there is another board I frequent where I don't DARE post my opinion for fear it will be twisted. For instance, I don't dare say that I am a registered Democrat (even thought I vote a mixed ticket) for fear I will be branded a "liberal" so I steer clear of political threads.

Thank you all for "playing nice."

I agree. While we are all passonate in our political opinions we are able to still be friends. That says a lot about this community!
  • Thread starter
  • #76
BethCooks4U said:
I agree. While we are all passonate in our political opinions we are able to still be friends. That says a lot about this community!

Yes, I know Beth and I have disagreed on politics in the last week or two, but we've definitely agreed on other things.

I'd still drive to Milwaukee to meet her again too! ;)
  • #77
susanr613 said:
Interesting "test"...should have known by the book advertised on the first screen that it would be biased against his views. This election is so much more than divisions over abortion and gun control, but that's what the focus of the "test" was.
Those weren't the only issues on this questionaire. BUT, it was definitely biased. I was actually hoping for a real questionaire that would just ask questions and people could really get a clue of which candidate aligns more with their views according to what they really believe. I was trying real hard to not automatically pick the obvious "right (leaning)" answer.

There was one question that I actually agreed with Obama. "Do you agree or disagree that Homeland Security should have to seek out a warrant in federal court in order to perform search and seizure on an American citizen suspected of being involved in terrorism?" I said that I agreed. There is more to every situation than what was posed in the question. It was a bit hard to answer in either way. I have no idea how long it takes to get a warrant, and it really would depend on what evidence is available to cause the person to be suspect.
  • #78
nascarcooker said:
I am not a history buff, but I always have wondered why we have these different parties that always have to see who can out do the other to win. Aren't we suppose to be doing what is best for our country and our people to make us the best that we can be? Working together is what can make it happen. I like the last presidential campaign that a comment was said " Let's make those in office who don't show up to do their job, be obligated to paying back the money to the people for not doing the job they were put in office to do." It is all a game to them and our government needs a major overhaul. I am very scared about this and every election because it is not for the people it is who can out do the other. They say they listen to people-do they? Sometimes I am scared I had children because the if this is what life is about what will it be for them?
This is just my opinion and how I feel about our government. It would take a miracle for us to get out of where we are at and it won't happen over night.

This is the way I feel too.
  • #79
janetupnorth said:
Yes, I know Beth and I have disagreed on politics in the last week or two, but we've definitely agreed on other things.

I'd still drive to Milwaukee to meet her again too! ;)

And I'd go out of my way to meet up with Janet too! We are on opposite sides of this issue but we are still friends and I still respect and admire her.

Healthy debate never hurt anyone. The problem is that some people don't know when enough is enough.
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  • #80
BethCooks4U said:
And I'd go out of my way to meet up with Janet too! We are on opposite sides of this issue but we are still friends and I still respect and admire her.

Healthy debate never hurt anyone. The problem is that some people don't know when enough is enough.

Or take things personally!

I think healthy back and forth of points is good. It makes you know your stuff or research it to make sure your facts are straight...kind of like the debate calss I never took.

Problem is (...and I know SOMEONE will get offended although this is not directed at ANYONE)...it seems that 90% of the CS population lately has PMS. Every little thing said is taken personally. I think I know why we all sell PC and aren't lawyers or politicians. ;) We're too female!

...and just to further clarify, no, I'm not saying women aren't tough...I'm a firefighter, many others are in tough fields and businesses and most of us have given birth! But, we are wired differently from guys and it shows!

You could pull this same conversation into a workplace of women with the same result...SOMEONE would walk out crying. That doesn't mean we shouldn't discuss it and broaden our horizons. Those people it affect (...and believe me I know when it is me and I have PMS) need to realize WHY they react the way they do and step back or realize it and not blame others for their emotions.

Granted, there are wrong, offensive and rude words to use, but often it is how we react to the words that make them what they are, not the intended delivery.

...just my two cents, uh, maybe dollar coin today...
  • #81
janetupnorth said:
Or take things personally!

I think healthy back and forth of points is good. It makes you know your stuff or research it to make sure your facts are straight...kind of like the debate calss I never took.

Problem is (...and I know SOMEONE will get offended although this is not directed at ANYONE)...it seems that 90% of the CS population lately has PMS. Every little thing said is taken personally. I think I know why we all sell PC and aren't lawyers or politicians. ;) We're too female!

...and just to further clarify, no, I'm not saying women aren't tough...I'm a firefighter, many others are in tough fields and businesses and most of us have given birth! But, we are wired differently from guys and it shows!

You could pull this same conversation into a workplace of women with the same result...SOMEONE would walk out crying. That doesn't mean we shouldn't discuss it and broaden our horizons. Those people it affect (...and believe me I know when it is me and I have PMS) need to realize WHY they react the way they do and step back or realize it and not blame others for their emotions.

Granted, there are wrong, offensive and rude words to use, but often it is how we react to the words that make them what they are, not the intended delivery.

...just my two cents, uh, maybe dollar coin today...

And a pretty dollar coin it is! :)
  • #82
Problem is (...and I know SOMEONE will get offended although this is not directed at ANYONE)...it seems that 90% of the CS population lately has PMS. Every little thing said is taken personally. I think I know why we all sell PC and aren't lawyers or politicians. We're too female!

...and just to further clarify, no, I'm not saying women aren't tough...I'm a firefighter, many others are in tough fields and businesses and most of us have given birth! But, we are wired differently from guys and it shows!

This is so true Janet. I'm sorry, I had to copy/paste because I can't remember how to use the quote feature. We are wired differently and we tend to let our emotions rule us. I have always worked with offices full of women and there is always something going on. Its not just politics that get us going. Jealousy, hurt feelings, etc. For the most part, women are just plain mean...it starts in grade school and stays with some of us forever. My husband always says women hold grudges forever...that if they fight about something it will continue till they die. I laugh and say its because we don't fight unless it is important or worth fighting for unlike guys who can fist fight and then be best friends an hour later...lol I am glad that we can agree to disagree on this board.

I don't think you were being mean or disrespectful by saying the above text. Unfortunately its true. But, then again, our emotional side helps us in a lot of ways too. It helps us to be better moms, friends, sisters, daughters, etc. We are generally more compassionate than men are. God made us this way for a reason. Just like he made men to be strong and to take care of us. I am not saying that we can't take care of ourselves or anything, just that God created us differently for a reason.
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  • #83
Oh believe me, I wouldn't give up my emotional side at all...it is what makes me who I am and what you said, it's what makes us women and mothers and good friends!But we are wise to not let it rule us or our interactions solely!
  • #84
janetupnorth said:
...just my two cents, uh, maybe dollar coin today...

Oh, no. No. Uh-uh.

Leave the Loonies and Twonies in Canada along with nationalized healthcare, eh?
  • #85
LOL KG that made me seriously laugh out loud!
  • #86
Janet, I agree with most of your post. But I think the problem in these threads has not *always* been about people being too emotional, I think too many times there have been posts where

1) Opinions are given as fact. For example using the word "obviously" where it is really just your opinion.

2) Someone has been criticised for their opinions/beliefs. And I do think that some posts have occasionally gotten a little personal!

So, my advice would be, lets try to get our facts right. Be clear on what things are your just your own opinions! Be respectful, (even if privately you just *can't* understand how someone could believe what they believe!!). And yes, try not to take it too personally when someone disagrees with you.

Now, lets get on and have fun with the healthy debate :). I haven't posted a whole lot, but I've been enjoying reading these threads.

Sorry if this comes off as being a bit "preachy". I do try to be careful with how I word things...
  • #87
Well, well, well. NBC has Keith Olberman doing the Sunday Night Football pregame show.He's almost where he should be - he came from sports, went to politics and is back to sports. If NBC had any brains, instead of moving him to sports, they should just move him to the NBC affiliate in Little America, Antarctica.
  • #88
AnnieBee said:
Janet, I agree with most of your post. But I think the problem in these threads has not *always* been about people being too emotional, I think too many times there have been posts where

1) Opinions are given as fact. For example using the word "obviously" where it is really just your opinion.

2) Someone has been criticised for their opinions/beliefs. And I do think that some posts have occasionally gotten a little personal!

So, my advice would be, lets try to get our facts right. Be clear on what things are your just your own opinions! Be respectful, (even if privately you just *can't* understand how someone could believe what they believe!!). And yes, try not to take it too personally when someone disagrees with you.

Now, lets get on and have fun with the healthy debate :). I haven't posted a whole lot, but I've been enjoying reading these threads.

Sorry if this comes off as being a bit "preachy". I do try to be careful with how I word things...

Annie- that was a nice post! :) Didn't come across as preachy at all, at least I personally didn't feel it was preachy. ;) How is DD doing with school? Any better?
  • #89
I have to second the orignial post.. Obama gives me a bad vibe..
  • #90
What scares me about Obama? EVERYTHING !!!
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  • #92
The_Kitchen_Guy said:

Thanks KG! I have a busy week and that just cracked me up! I don't seem to chuckle much lately, but that was funny! (Especially since I am German and took German...)
  • #93
I find it amusing that Obama is coming down so hard on Palin and her lack of experience. He must find her very threatening.

And - has anyone else read the article about how MSNBC has finally had to remove Chris Matthews and Keith Olberman as Political Anchors because their bias has gotten too obvious?
  • Thread starter
  • #94
ChefBeckyD said:
I find it amusing that Obama is coming down so hard on Palin and her lack of experience. He must find her very threatening.

And - has anyone else read the article about how MSNBC has finally had to remove Chris Matthews and Keith Olberman as Political Anchors because their bias has gotten too obvious?

I'm shocked! :eek: I would have NEVER noticed... :rolleyes:
  • #95
Keith Olberman is so far to the left that he makes Fidel Castro look like a staffer on the Rush Limbaugh show.
  • #96
I know no one more biased than Rush Limbaugh. Well, except Sean Hannity.
  • #97
BethCooks4U said:
I know no one more biased than Rush Limbaugh. Well, except Sean Hannity.

BUT - they say they are. They are upfront about it...not working for a major news network supposedly reporting the news as fair and unbiased. Limbaugh and Hannity are "commentators" offering their opinions - NOT News Anchors....
  • #98
But neither one pretends to be anything else. They have never claimed to be unbiased journalists. You know what you're going to hear when you turn on their shows.And both have bigger audiences than the major television network newscasts combined.
  • #99
Rush and Sean might be biased, but it's their own show. :) They aren't supposed to be unbiased, like the news anchors are supposed to be. I unfortunately don't get MSNBC, I wish Dish Network would let me have it, so I haven't listened to Chris Matthews in a long time. When I last heard him, he seemed to be an independent and grilled people on both sides. Has he started leaning hard on one side more than the other?
  • #100
Did you see this article?


"Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama acknowledged Sunday that he was probably too flip when he said it was 'above my pay grade' to answer a question about when is a baby entitled to human rights."

You'll have to go there just to read all the comments. They pretty much nail him on several of his things he has said!
<h2>1. National Health Care</h2><p>Many people have concerns about Obama's policy on national health care. Some worry that it will lead to long wait times, like in other countries with similar systems, and that it may not be as effective as the current healthcare system.</p><h2>2. Foreign Policy</h2><p>Another worry is about Obama's foreign policy. Some individuals have family members in the military and are concerned about the safety of their loved ones. They may also question the decision to withdraw troops from certain areas without a clear plan for their safety.</p><h2>3. Lack of Specifics</h2><p>Some people have noticed that when Obama speaks, he often lacks specifics in his plans and ideas. This was also a concern during his previous campaigns. Without concrete details, it can be difficult to fully understand his policies and their potential impact.</p><h2>4. Unions, Social Programs, and the Middle Class</h2><p>There are concerns about Obama's focus on unions, social programs, and the middle class. Some feel that he is not truly representative of the middle class since he has been financially successful. There are also concerns about the effectiveness and sustainability of unions and social programs, as well as potential abuse of these systems.</p><h2>Conclusion</h2><p>Overall, there are many worries about Obama's policies, ranging from healthcare to foreign policy to the middle class. It is important to thoroughly research and consider all aspects of his policies before forming an opinion or making a decision at the polls.</p>

Related to What worries me about Obama's policies?

1. National Health Care

Many people have concerns about Obama's policy on national health care. Some worry that it will lead to long wait times, like in other countries with similar systems, and that it may not be as effective as the current healthcare system.

2. Foreign Policy

Another worry is about Obama's foreign policy. Some individuals have family members in the military and are concerned about the safety of their loved ones. They may also question the decision to withdraw troops from certain areas without a clear plan for their safety.

3. Lack of Specifics

Some people have noticed that when Obama speaks, he often lacks specifics in his plans and ideas. This was also a concern during his previous campaigns. Without concrete details, it can be difficult to fully understand his policies and their potential impact.

4. Unions, Social Programs, and the Middle Class

There are concerns about Obama's focus on unions, social programs, and the middle class. Some feel that he is not truly representative of the middle class since he has been financially successful. There are also concerns about the effectiveness and sustainability of unions and social programs, as well as potential abuse of these systems.


Overall, there are many worries about Obama's policies, ranging from healthcare to foreign policy to the middle class. It is important to thoroughly research and consider all aspects of his policies before forming an opinion or making a decision at the polls.

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