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What Was Your Highest Show......????

In summary, Laura had her first $1000 show last Tuesday and her highest show was $1,011. She focused on having a good time and it paid off in spades. Her highest show was $550 and her highest month was $1500.
Thought it might be fun to see what everyones highest show was ! Also how did ya do it ?? I see some people in KNC and I wonder what are they doing that iam not !Crazy show totals in there !!All my kitchen show seem to end right around the same > My highest show so far was $600.00.
My highest so far was $1400.00. How did I do it. I went to Florida and had it at a friends house.She lives in Tallahassee and the economy is much better than here. She is working on a catalog show right now because there were several people that couldn't come to the show .They have been calling her asking when the next one is. I live in a small town and generally my shows total at about $600. Unless I move to a big city I do not see getting my name in the KCN for highest show.
Laura Anglea
I just had my first $1000 show last Tuesday. Total sales were $1, 011. I focused on having a good time and it paid off in spades.
my highest show has been around 550 i believe
My highest show was 902. Why don't we also add our highest month??? Mine was 3000
Highest month I have had is 3400. That commission check was very nice.
Laura Anglea
My highest show was $904...I have a bridal shower soon that might just break my record though!! :D
My highest show was around $1400. It was a fundraiser for a local high school track team. Everyone was incredibly devoted to this team. When I got to the coach's house for the actual show, his mother said she wanted to buy 4 sets of the Stainles Steel Bowls! This was before I even started talking so I knew it was going to be a big show.
I've had two shows so far, My first show was $600. Second show was good at all
  • #10
My highest show was $1178.64. My highest month was $4,000. Would love to do that again and again!
  • #11
My highest show so far has been a little over $600. I think my highest month was $1500. I've only been doing this 6 months so I'm hoping both those #'s will get higher. Hey Laura, my husband is thinking about moving to Tallahassee after he gets out of the air force in a couple years. Oooo, if he does I can't wait to try out PC there! :D
  • #12
my highestI started in Feb, my mother-in-law (with a lot work from me -- but worth it) had a show in March. I mailed out over 100 invitations and we had it in the church's basement kitchen/meeting room. It totaled $2,006. We got about $1,000 that day and the rest was in outside orders. I seriously doubt that I'll ever get that again, but it was sure fun to have for my 2nd show!!!! While I earned over $450 for that show alone, I also put out a lot in making extra food, mailing flyers, etc. My highest month was $3,661.

#2 - $1365 (fundraiser)
#3 - $914
  • #13
Highest ShowSSM 2 Highest $1,004. I had a really motivated host who collected $300, before will even started.
Highest month $3,400 in my SSM 1

Being in sales years ago I have a different mentality. I look for prospects not suspects. I want to have host or want to have a show and ask me when I'm available. Big difference from forcing a host to have a party.

  • #14
My highest show was about $2400, during an amazing cookware special month. My host, who was amazing, originally called to see what it would take to earn 1 half-price item, so she could get the cookware for herself. Then she decided that she wanted a set for her daughter. She had $1K in outside orders on the night of her show and the show itself was amazing! I ended up splitting the show into 2, so both mother and daughter could get the complete cookware lineup. What a blast it was!! :D
  • #15
I'm just getting started. My highest show was $607 and highest month was $1600.
  • #16
My highest show was $672.
  • #17
My highest show was a year ago and it was about $2800! Thanks Mom! She was my host and it was actually the third show she had hosted for me. It must have been a slow month for the people who usually make it into the KCN for the highest shows because mine ended up being the highest show in the country, so I was in the KCN. :) It was July, which I bet is a little slower for some people because of attending conference (which I did last year too). That month WAS my highest month with $4335 in sales. But....last month I was on a mission to earn those products, so my sales were $6130!!! That is a record and who knows if I'll ever break that. :)
  • Thread starter
  • #18
Wow !You guys are awesome ! I hope to be there someday !! I read the kCN and see some of them month after month with sales of $24000.00 in one month !!!That is crazy ! I wonder how they do it ! Hats off to them !!Well i will keep trying !LOL !
  • #19
How exciting for everyone with those high shows! My highest show was $900+....but only happened once. There were about 15 guests, most of them had not been to many PC shows, it was around Christmas...so, I think those are the important contributing factors. Now, this may sound weird, but I think that I felt this was a different and more successful show just because I was more comfortable and had more fun than I had previously!

I would really like to know what is the "magic" happening at your shows that help you generate those kinds of sales!
  • #20
I find that the shows over $1000 that I've had (two last month...that was good timing!) have really hosts who are really motivated. And hosts who actually respond to your host coaching. It's the outside orders too!! That really helps. I've had big shows that have had 15 people in attendance, but if a host doesn't try to get outside orders it's going to hurt the potential for a huge show total. Obviously if you're host coaching her correctly but she's not responsive, there's really nothing you can do. I wouldn't say there's any "magic" to those shows other than being really enthusiastic and excited for the host that she can earn all that great stuff. It truly is contagious.

There is a CD out there and I forget if it's still available from Home Office, but it's called something like "How to have $1000 shows." It's a great outline on how to have great shows. It's no secret but host coaching plays a huge part. Obviously the demo part is important but I really don't think it's the most important part. For those of you just starting and not feeling totally comfortable with it-they WILL get easier. The more you do, the easier it gets. If I come up with anymore secrets I'll let you know.
  • #21
My highest show was last week. It was $1200. My first $1000+ show! :)
  • #22
highest showMy highest show is still open. My best friend hosted a show for me about a week and a half ago and we are going to close it this weekend. So far ,it is up to $561 and another lady is placing an order tomorrow when she goes in to work. She has been really motivated and wanted to get at least a $300 show to get a half off order and now look where she is at. :) She is so pumped and with the bookings being so bad this time of year I feel she is doing a great job. Now she has her sights set on $600, double her goal ;) This could not have happened at a better time, since my hostess with the bad check made me really doubt if PC was for me. (still havent gotten a good check out of this lady and it has been two weeks!)

  • #23
My highest show was a catalog show, It was only $375, but it was a spur of the moment thing (only open for 2 days)
  • #24
JBane said:
My highest show was a catalog show, It was only $375, but it was a spur of the moment thing (only open for 2 days)

Thats great! especially for only being open two days! Thats higher than most of my kitchen shows have been. :)
  • #25
2 $1000 shows in less than a month!In my SSmonth 2, I had my first $1000 show with a total of $1076 in total sales! I was so excited and they had one booking from that show. I went to that booking in my SSM 3 and she ended up turning in $1547 in total sales! I'm so happy to have turned in that much in such a short amount of time especially in my SS Months! My highest month was last month with a total of $2244 turned in! I thought that was a great paycheck! :D
  • #26
High ShowMy highest show was my VERY FIRST ! It was $1,024.25 !! My hostess was my aunt, and she was SO excited that she had 28 guests ! It was very exciting. My kitchen show average is still above the national average, but I am gearing up to coach my way to $1,000 shows this season.
I don't think its magic, I think its consistency and dedication. I agree with everyone who said enthusiasm and getting your host and guests excited is KEY ! And how can you NOT with the amazing new season gearing up ? And to wind down SS'05 - there are awesome specials with the bowls, and that "teaser" of the retiring products. ;)
Outside orders are a huge plus too, but again, those come from Host Coaching. Can't say enough about that - it was always my weakness, so now its my #1 focus. I can taste success this season, can you ??? :p
Keep asking questions like you do on this site, and you're sure to learn not-so-secrets to boosting your own biz -- I SURE HAVE ! :D
  • #27
LolCan you TELL I'm fired up this season ? I think I used the word "EXCITED" about 25 times in this post -- BUT I AM AND ITS CONTAGIOUS !! :D
  • #28
Highest single orderSince we did what was our highest show I thought it would be fun to do our highest single order. I have had 3 big single orders. $563. $469. and $411. I still can't believe people drop that much money at one time but they do and I don't complain. On all 3 of those orders I had a total of about 1hr in work time.
  • Thread starter
  • #29
my highest order was the cookware ! I couldnt believe it when i was sitting there adding up orders ! I was so excited that was the only set i have ever sold ! She came to the show knowing she was going to order it ! I have sold a few open stock pieces ! really hoping to sell more this fall !! :)
  • #30
My highest was $831 - so far!! Im hoping for a great show on Monday night - Im having a show with 20 people confirmed to come so far! My biggest surprise was a catalog show in June - the total was only about $300 but then for her 1/2 price item, the host wanted the complete set of cookware! Good things can come from even catalog shows - these girls all work together and each one promises to book thru December so they can all get the different host specials! :D
  • #31
My highest show was 607 in SS month 2. Highest month was $2748. I have a show on Saturday with 12-15 confirmed coming so I hope it will be a good show. The host is very excited. On my highest show I only had 7 people and only 6 ordered. :D
  • #32
My highest orders are one lady bought $206 on the airplane flying home from conference! I had another $228 order and I have one lady who has been to 3 shows and everytime orders @ $250 in products. I love it when she comes to a party! She doesn't have any interest in holding a party either. I would like to see her get something for ordering that much each time. She is a VERY GOOD customer! :)
  • #33
Highest showWell, this is my ss1 and so far my highest show is 511. So far I am at 1024. I have a catalog show that is ending on the 31st and last I talked to her she was at 300!!! I am pretty pleased for my first month. Also, I already have 5 shows booked for August! :cool:
  • #34
Highest ShowMy highest show was $1623! I was so happy! My largest month was last month which was $4750. I almost made the 6000 but I am going to be SOO happy when I get all my free stuff! It helps out a lot when you only have to buy SOME of the new stuff :) We are in Portugal so it takes a bit longer to get here but I have been enjoying everyones excitement about our new products. This site is so great. I look at it every day :)
  • #35
Highest ShowMy highest show was in Febuary $1800. It was amazing. I also got 5 bookings. Before this show I wanted to quite cause my shows were not doing too well...this show gave me the restarter I needed and I love this job!
  • #36
My highest show was a bit over $1300. Thank goodness b/c I had two cancels that month! My biggest month was about $2150 and I even saved one show for the following month! Wish I could have those months every time!!!
  • #37
Highest show was just over $1200 (bridal show). Highest month was just over $2200. Highest individual order was a host who ordered over $400 in product. About $325 was commissionable! It's funny though. It seems like when I have high shows, I have low bookings and when I have low shows, I have high bookings! :confused: I guess it kind of makes sense! As long as everything evens out in the end! ;) Hope everyones August is spectacular!
  • #38
my high show was 800+ but my highest months have beeen right at 300000 or a bit more. i had a 600 month in june but i was on vacation. my second lowest was 1400. i share with eveione and look for or create vending oppps. i was in kcn once in my 3rd sss monh. it wjsn't my highest month. sorry for the typos, im at the gym while my kids are at schoool and i hav't gone back myself.3k i mean!
  • #39
My highest show was just under $1200 in my 4th month which was February (I'm in my 10th month now) and my highest month was in April at just over $5000. I was in the KCN for February with $3200 in sales but never made it for April although it was MY best month yet since other's sales were even higher than my $5000! Obviously when I made it in the KCN for the $3200 in February other's must have been having a slow month.

  • #40
Best showMy best show was a fundraiser at $2247 for a 9/11 memorial in town (5 FDNY firefighters from the town here in Orange County were killed that day, one of them was the brother of a colleague of my husband who happens to be NYPD. We wanted to do something for him).

My best kitchen show was $1822. The host actually held the show right after she conducted a basketball workshop with the Girl Scouts, so she invited all the Moms back to the house for treats and a PC show, along with her other friends and family.

It's hard to say what my best individual order is because whenever someone calls with more than $150 that she wants to order, I put it in for her as a catalog show so that she can get a discount and possibly some free product from it.

My best month ever was last November 04 with $7409. Because of Hurricane Ivan's impact on this area and us being designated a FEMA disaster area, November was a double point month in our county. I needed to make up for the poor September I had (when Ivan passed through) so I went to town. Craft fairs every weekend, host coaching everyone until they were sick of me calling, and getting on the phone everyday and not quitting until I had a certain amount of individual orders. And of course I told Everyone my goal of earning Disney. In fact, I was so focused on the point value of my sales that I never bothered to consider my commission check. Boy, was I surprised when it came!:)

Phyllis Rampulla
Independent Sales Director
[email protected]
  • #41
My Highest ShowI just submitted my largest show. $1800 a fundraiser. I think my highest month so far has been $2000. This month I am sure I will exceed that. I already have the $1800 and have earned the new tool turnaround tote. I have 5 more shows scheduled and how to hit at least $3000 by the 31st
  • #42
Highest showI just did my first super starter month and my very first show was my highest of the month which was 1260.50! I was so excited! Hopefully, I can have another one like that very soon. :D
  • #43
Best month ever - $5100, about a year or so ago. Highest show was $1700. My host had $700 in outside orders before I even got to her show!! That's the kind of host we all want!!

Jill Wright
Director, Benicia, CA
  • #44
Hey Jill!How's it going? You rock - I cannot wait til I hit $5,000 in one month. I enjoyed hanging out with you and V the other night. Catch you later.
  • #45
Making big money?Hi, I am just getting started with PC. Will have an open house show this month in my home. I already have about 3-5 bookings for Sept/Oct. Here is my question. I used to make very good money about $4,000 gross. I am now just about working two jobs to make about $2500 gross. I would love to just do PC for a living because the hourly rate on my day job is the pits. How high in money can a person go in this business, reasonably?? Thanks
  • #46
I have only had 5 shows so far but my highest was $740.
  • #47
kathy5701 said:
Hi, I am just getting started with PC. Will have an open house show this month in my home. I already have about 3-5 bookings for Sept/Oct. Here is my question. I used to make very good money about $4,000 gross. I am now just about working two jobs to make about $2500 gross. I would love to just do PC for a living because the hourly rate on my day job is the pits. How high in money can a person go in this business, reasonably?? Thanks

I was wandering the same thing. I really want to quit my job by June. I need to bring home about $500 a month to come out even but I certainly wouldn't mind more. ;)

  • #48
My highest was a PTA fundraiser with a "chocolate presentation" close to the lunch hour - was $3,453 in March of this past year. I did donate the bulk of my commission because I am a PTA member at another school, and that motivated them to buy! I did the chocolate Turtle Skillet Cake demo, with the Jennifer (Sue?) Rusche biscuit demo in the "try me" Professional Saute Skillet and sold 3 skillets, got 1 booking and 30 new customers. It was a LOT of setup - timing was from 10-1, with chocolate demo at 11:30.
I had 6 big round tables, each with a color theme and a few products.
-Bridal table - white with lavender, fresh flowers, cookware.
-Orange table - new products - citrus colors with all the citrus products and stainless bowls.
-Blue table - kid products with primary colors and my safe cutter, kids cookie makers, kids recipe book, hat & apron.
-Pink table - help whip cancer & Simple Additions - mothers day/Easter.
-Red/white check table - barbecue and chilzanne, and
-Gold table - stoneware and baking tools.

The host bought all the table cloths and helped me pack up afterward; it was a great event.

As far as quitting your job - I asked my Sr.Exec director about this a few months back - to get a paycheck of $3K, you need to have a team under you. I have only 1 recruit so far; will get more!!
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  • #49
My highest Kitchen Show was $2288.77 back in August 2002. My best month saleswise was December 2001 when I submitted $7,938.82 (seven KS, and three CS). Wish I could say that every month was like that!! :rolleyes:
  • #50
Just broke $2000I just submitted a $2000 kitchen show in December and I did a Fundraiser of $3400 in October. I thought my sales were pretty average. I really try to keep every show over $600 if possible.
Interesting to see what the averages really are.

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