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Director What Did Attendees Learn at Nancy Jo's Retreat?

well, you get the picture. I don't think it is fair to the trainers or the attendees to have everything posted online months or even years after the retreat. I also think if you can't afford it, you shouldn't go. I don't think it is fair to those who do go to have all the great information be available to those who can't afford it later. Just my two cents.
Karen Weber
Gold Member
Any new ideas or tips from Nancy Jo's director retreat that those who went want to share?

Thank you, Karen for posting this! I am sure many more of us are interested as well!:chef:
jennyl said:
I wasn't able to go, but my upline did share these videos:

Training videos-


You won't need us to share the tips b/c you can save the expense and attend virtually as you just posted... its 'all' there.

Negative Nelly Moment: (don't read further if you don't want to hear my rant and also please do not complain about my rant b/c I'm giving you fair warning...stop reading now if you can't handle it :devil:...)I guess it is to be expected and we gave it thought before we got there that it would end up on YouTube since Patti Mocerino is big with YouTube for trainings however we were hopeful there might be a password (which still ends up going viral) to keep it limited to those who invested in going but no such luck. I'm not trying to sound rude and bitchy, I know everyone is about sharing and I most certainly would have shared my personal takeaways, but seriously, the large expense I paid to go ($700+), the time away from work (bubye 4 vacation days), time away from my business, "child" (furry) care etc., and everyone can now just watch (not just read or listen) what I paid for *and* everyone is sharing Nancy Jo's website passwords where all the forms and handouts are posted. It simply irritates me. Sorry, I know audios are posted from conference (not all though, they pick and choose) and such but the entire retreat (minus down time) is available for everyone...

Again, I'm apologizing for my rant. I don't want to offend or be abrasive but why should anyone invest in any form of additional training (leadership or whatever) if it all ends up online? I Know....networking...Which I did well however there was so little time for it (as a total group of 222 ppl) I wouldn't count that as the 'worth the expense'.

It was a phenomenal retreat, VERY happy I attended, would normally say I would go back again in the future in a heartbeat if I had the opportunity but If i can sit at home for free and get the same info...why make such a big commitment? Instead of investing in your business, invest in your time with the couch and youtube. :yuck:

Ending on the positive note: I was thrilled to finally have "ah-ha's" since I have now gone to 3 Nat'l Conferences and came home from them all feeling deflated and let down bc I didn't have the "wow" or the "light bulb moment". I had several in 1.5 days. Also had I not gone, I may not have had the opportunity to meet & dine with Becky and certainly not get to spend quality time in basements (avoiding the tornados) bonding with those around me, from my table or at the cabin.
I can understand how you are feeling because that is a big investment of both time and money, but I think from some of my past experiences that there is a whole world of difference between being there and getting the training online, no matter how good it is! I say this because I went to Nancy Jo Ryan's Fall retreat a year or two ago and it had a HUGE impact on my business. I have only had time to watch one of the you tube videos but it just isn't the same. The training is still good and I am thankful to have access to it because I have to miss my National Director's retreat this year. My situation just won't allow for that kind of expense. But I know being at any of these retreats in person just can't be beat :) ( I know watching the videos after conferences that I have been to help me relive the experience but watching them after the conferences I missed there was just something missing) Plus I think the very fact that you put out the time, energy and money motivates you to act upon what you learn. So just for investing that into yourself and your business you stand to get more out of it than someone who didn't go. I hope you get a chance to share some of your aha moments with us.
Melissa, I completely understand what you are saying. I skipped Chris Manion's retreat for two reasons... first and foremost: financial. It would have been $600+ for me to go. That's my rent and just not happening right now. Second: Too many women with too little sleep. Get my drift? Parts of it end up being a cry-fest and moments where it gets VERY spiritual (no offense to anyone) but it's business. Let's stick to that. I felt bad because Chris had 4 consultants there... yes, 4. I don't know what the total attendance was. Last year there were over 50 of us... but I'm not sure how many belonged to Chris personally. Everyone who goes is in her downline somewhere. I also knew I'd get all of the info. Not via youtube, but through friends who went. And also, some of my friend who usually went, didn't go this time. So it made me want to go less. I did miss getting away though... that would have been nice.I'd feel the exact same way... why spend the $$ when you can get it online... :mad:PS: And they had NO hot water. The owner of the house forgot to turn the HWH from the 'vacation' setting and no one knew how to do it...
I skipped my SED's retreat this year too but unfortunately there will be no sharing. If you don't attend her meetings you get no info. Period.

I do appreciate the links as it is always wonderful to get other perspectives and training but it is never the same as being there. All the conference and launch info is up on CC within a short time of the event but being there is always much more inspiring and gives the kick to business that reading it online or rehashing it at a team meeting can never give.

...Funny thing is I would have been invited to this if my SED didn't do her own since my NED was there and Darla is her upline. But it is what it is.
bethcooks4u said:
... Darla is her upline. But it is what it is.

I sat at the same table as Darla on Friday night and in the chair next to her on Saturday. :clap: Definitely one of the many positives of the experience.
Melissa78 said:
I sat at the same table as Darla on Friday night and in the chair next to her on Saturday. :clap: Definitely one of the many positives of the experience.

She is SOOOOO nice! I just met her at SL - well, at one other SL I introduced myself and she was very nice but it was just a quick "hi". She is so genuine and treated us like she had known us forever. Proir to SL I got an invitation for my team to her debrief/pizza party held right after the event which I thought was so generous. I am far enough down from her that she doesn't even get commission on me let alone my team. (Darla->an Exec->my NED->my SED->me) She started to ask me if I was going to NJR's retreat but then realized that my SED was doing her own.
  • #10
First day I thought she was a little uptight...TOTALLY wrong... LOVED sitting with her. FYI for any John Maxwell fans, she's a certified John Maxwell instructor. :) WOOT WOOT :) She got to train with him....so jealous!
  • #11
Well thank you all for not refuting back at me. I went to bed last night (right after my post) really thinking about it and knowing I was not in the right frame of mind (yes, bitchy) but I think seeing the link again posted for everyone hit my button (no offense jennyl).

I know everyone is sharing the links and the documents and I do have to come to terms with it but I haven't been able to get myself to 'that place' where I can say "don't sweat the small stuff" (as I normally do)...so until then, I'm still a little 'bitter'. :)

I do agree with you all that it’s not the same watching it...you didn't get the 'warm tingly feeling' or the emotional side of it. The feeling of knowing you were surrounded with such greatness (I really am so low on the totem of success compared to those in attendance. Heck, I'm not even ON thet totem compared to many there). I did want pinch myself at times...

So the positives about the videos and a few ah-ha's:

Positive Thought #1 about You Tube Videos: I have re-watched some of the YouTube videos b/c quite frankly, WAY too much info was given in such little time so it is nice to have to refresh and absorb. My brain couldn’t process all of it and b/c it was so packed with back to back speakers, and so little room to move (we were sardines in a can…) the moving around the room or taking ‘breaks’ wasn’t much of an option and there were a few speakers that I couldn’t even tell you what they spoke about. NOT because they weren’t good nor didn’t have anything worthy to share but rather I just lost my attn span and found my phone, my tablet/pen or daydreaming to be higher on the priority list. Sad but true. LOL

Positive Thought #2 about You Tube Videos: I was SOOOOO EXCITED as I treated myself to a digital voice recorder before we went so that I would not have to focus on taking notes. I learned from spending the weekend with Feriale Yan that I don’t listen well when I take notes like a mad woman that I was going to record it all and it was already then in mp3 format for my iPod, note taking or sharing on my team. That idea worked FANTASTIC on Friday night! Saturday came and I set up the same, and then like a MORON, I put the recorder on top of a cup (it’s not good to leave it n the table b/c its so sensitive it picks up the table vibrations while recording) only thing was, I was not using my brain and I FORGOT I still had orange juice in the cup. OF COURSE I bumped the table and the recorder took a swim in OJ! NOT GOOD...Recorder (0), Juice (1). So now I am going to record the video’s in audio format to play in the car (a commuter has to make use of the ‘down’ time) once I get my new one to replace the ‘sticky’ one…. THANK YOU VIDEO's!!!

I also agree with you all that for some reason, when I re-watch the video’s it doesn’t have the emotional effect that it had when there in person “BUT” for the $700 savings, you still get the jist of it if you’re looking for idea’s, tips, new systems, knowledge etc. Run with it...the cost for the 'warm and tingly' is quite high if you can get the rest from the free videos.

I must say this...the trip was NOT in my budget nor probably a wise financial decision on my part, HOWEVER I really felt I needed to be there after a heart to heart with myself before the decision to go. There were emotional things I was looking for that I did get from attending and ‘words’ that I may have heard before but b/c my mind was in a different place, I was open to hearing them and allowing them to sink in through my THICK skull. I struggle in my business, not because of lack of ability or resources, but because of ‘me’ and my ‘belief’. My ‘belief’ system is lacking all around and it was my hope to help build that up. I needed to see if I could find a spark to help re-light my fire or fuel my belief system. I clearly didn’t realize how much I was feeling until NJR pointed out my ‘stress on the words’ when I said my 'why I am here'. I said “I am here for a few reasons but the biggest is to help find my way off of this roller coaster from HELL”. (my voice really emphasized the ‘from Hell’ part) I have more hills and valleys on this ‘ride’ and quite frankly, I’m at the point of motion-sickness and want off! I LOVE roller coasters but as recreation, not in my life.

I can get help with my hills and valleys from the YouTube video’s and save the money BUT I cannot get the “ahhhhhhhhhhh you’re not alone” feeling, hearing how many ppl (even higher than D level) were there to restore their ‘why’ and decide in that weekend to keep on going or to hang it all up, or the “this is where I was, this is where I am and here is where I am going” fuzzy moments. Without going, I could not get to ask Darla Oelmann candidly in person, “You’re doing this for 22yrs yet you said you decided 5yrs ago that you didn’t want to be a good leader, but rather a great leader. What changed for you?” And have that heart to heart conversation that made it feel ‘real’. I could not look around the room or bump into ppl in the meal line and think to myself, “Crap, if ‘they’ can do it, what the hay is my problem???” (No offense to anyone there but you know there’s every walk of life & personality in the biz…) Darla, even at NED level, has family that says to her “are you still doing that ‘kitchen thing’?” ß-one of the comments that knocks down my belief in 2seconds b/c its as bad as when ppl would say “Are you ‘still’ with Wal-Mart?” (I was there for almost 12yrs). I allow outside comments, tone and innuendo’s to knock down my beliefs so to hear that someone of that level facing the same comments, simply helps to ‘restore the roar’.

But to ask me what “tips” I can share, sorry – I still have to say watch the video’s and find what are tips for you and your business. What a tip for me is, may not be for you. It’s there, soak up the knowledge that 222 people paid for. You’re very lucky to have it at your fingertips! What others found their ah-ha’s to be in wrap up, I thought, “Really? Hmm I don’t even think I paid much attn to that part b/c it did nothing for me. ” We are ALL at different phases of our business… MANY were moved by Amy Neal about the “Grow with Us” system (which you can find on CC under recruiting resources. Watch the YouTube video too from the retreat and you’ll be golden if it’s something of interest to you.) I am not even thinking about anyone advancing or even myself promoting to any other level. I want SIX people to submit in one month. SIX! Sounds so little and so easy but so rare in my world. I want to not have the ‘demotion’ date listed on my calendar for the 100th time. (I’m sick of signing contracts…) I want some of those same SIX to WANT to do it again a 2nd month in a row and not have the mentality, “Oh now I can skip this month b/c I already submitted last month.” That’s where I am at…basics… I don’t need an ah-ha about how fast I can promote a director or promote myself or even use the world promote…I want to promote GREEN…PLEASE GO GREEN! I am fine even with $150 in sales (even if I think it’s a waste of time to leave your house for such pennies).
  • #12
I have yet to open my notes since my return so I don’t recall all of my ah-ha’s..But I will share the easy ah-has b/c they are easy for me to remember:

1. Reach out to your down line & make yourself accessible, even if its not reciprocated or utilized. You may change someone’s life or even business around b/c you took the time to care. (Ok so for those of you who already do; kudos! I personally felt like I was being stepped on when those above me worked with my team so I in turn didn’t work with my 2nd/3rd generation b/c it was someone else’s responsibility. <-the HR in me.) BIG ah-ha when the one girl (yes its on YouTube) was my life to a ‘T’…This Director was an HR Mgr (same field as me) who lost her job due to downsizing and restructuring (me) and used TPC as her crutch until she found her ‘career’ again (not me but would feel the same due to my ‘beliefs’ in direct sales). Someone above her (not recruiter) reached out to her and gave her a challenge to not leave the biz and actually paid attn to her and she promoted to D in 5months and has had 2 job offers for her ‘career’ that she has now declined to stay with TPC full-time. Talk about feeling like your staring at your own reflection. Such a ‘ah-ha’ that I had to go and find this girl before I left the retreat and made my car-load wait to leave until I had my moment with my “reflection”…

2. I need an ‘excuse’ to talk to ppl b/c I let the ‘voices in my head’ tell me all the reasons why I should not pick up the phone and talk to ppl. So I’m implementing, with my AD and SD, the “Clairfication and Quick Tip” methodology monthly. Now each month I have a ‘reason’ to reach out to each person on the team (ALL levels of down line since we’re small enough). This is NOT new to many of you as I have seen this going around no the diff FB groups (as it comes down from Exec level) but I had not known what it was before). For those, like me, who aren’t aware…The execs are formulating these monthly and then supposed to share down and you choose what you’d like to use from the options. (Example: (shortened version) this month reach out and clarify that with 2 shows they will receive the HWC products! Quick tip is that you can make a show out of a sale of the Grill Pan set by adding the SBCB to it! And it only costs $1)

3. Recruiting “at” the shows “is” possible. Give them permission. As Marna Ross said (watch the YouTube video), “I don’t want to have lunch with them, I don’t want to meet up with them afterwards so why do that to myself?” (ok not verbatim) but that is how I feel too! So she has a coupon system that helps them make the decision that night ($10 off kit cost if they sign that night) and I did make up those coupons and took them to my show already. No takers but that’s ok.
She also stated, “It’s always easier to give birth than to resurrect the dead.” (meaning keep recruiting) which hit home with me…Five years ago she was working FT (me)…set a 5yr plan in place to be an Exec… She made $35k in 2005, made $120k last year. (I’m driven by money and measure success in dollar signs so that’s the ‘meat and potatoes’...) Also, almost everything is the 80/20 rule…examples: 80% of carpet gets 20% of the wear, 80% of sales come from 20% of our catalog, 80% of our team sales comes 20% of the team, spend 80% of your time on the things that really matter and on the things that make you the money (ex: recruiting) and focus on 20% of your team.(again I’m a numbers girl…yes, I found algebra to be exciting!)

4. Just because someone has not submitted for 6months and is just days away from their agreement dissolving, they are not dead in the water and a lost cause. Reach out to them and don’t just say to yourself, “If they didn’t do it by now, what’s the point?” Watch the YouTube video on John Johnson (with Marie Freidag). He was that person and in turn he qualified and promoted to Director within a shorter period of time and is working towards another promotion. Don’t always just bless and release…it’s not over until the fat lady sings. J

5. I’m the type that thinks on large scale and then I give up b/c I don’t make it achievable – hence why I NEVER share my goals nor accept accountability from uplines/others. Example: I say, “I want to lose 100lbs.” When I should say, “I want to lose 2lbs this week.” Darla made a statement that “stuck” in my brain…”I want to be better tomorrow than I was today.” If even one thing was better today than it was yesterday, mission accomplished. Raise your (lid) level, Influence others, Start with Yourself & Commit to personal development.

6. Awesome wrap up with the moral of the story being, "even the littlest of changes, can affect many."
  • #13
Wow the fact that anyone read those mini-novels amazes me. LOL Glad I type 90+ words per minute. :)
  • #14
Melissa78 said:
Wow the fact that anyone read those mini-novels amazes me. LOL Glad I type 90+ words per minute. :)

I made the kids go to bed so I could read more than 10 words at a time without being interrupted. LOL

I think the online videos help. Like you said, there were times when you got distracted and missed part. And you lost your audio recording ability. So because someone in your PC Family Tree took the time to record the event AND share the videos online, the ones who went have the chance to catch what they missed the first time and those of us who are not in her downline get the opportunity to hear a new perspective. ;)
  • #15
Thanks for sharing all that Melissa! I appreciate your honesty!
  • #16
You all have replied to Melissa as I planned on doing this week. Melissa don't feel bad. You have stated out loud what many of us have felt. And thank you for sharing as well. I have not had a second to look at the videos but hope to soon.:chef:
  • #17
Thanks ladies but most importantly THANK YOU for allowing me the opportunity to rant/vent and be a bit selfish. I know its not right, and I know I will get over it. My fingers somtimes type as if I was talking and I guess I just had to get it off of my chest (so to speak). *hugs to all of you for putting up with my 'stomp my feet and pout' moment* LOL
  • Thread starter
  • #18
Thanks Jenny for posting the You Tube from Patty. I got this started so I felt I should respond. Melissa, you have a very valid point of people paying for this experience and then people who have not paid being able to take advantage of it. However, the reason I'm so grateful that Patty posted on you tube is because I don't have the benefit of having any upline executives in my line. I am under the home office so being able to hear from the leaders of our company at a Director Retreat is like a homeless person being take to a smorgasboard resteraunt and being told they can eat as much as they want for free. I've been with Pampered Chef for 21 years and most of what I have learned has been through the generosity of people sharing at conference and especially here on Chef Success. If I had the opportunity to go to something like this, I would go in a heart beat.

I only know Nancy Ryan from seeing her on stage but if anyone knows her and would ask her if she would like to take in a "foster" child for her retreats please pass my name along!

  • #19
Chef Karen said:
Thanks Jenny for posting the You Tube from Patty. I got this started so I felt I should respond. Melissa, you have a very valid point of people paying for this experience and then people who have not paid being able to take advantage of it. However, the reason I'm so grateful that Patty posted on you tube is because I don't have the benefit of having any upline executives in my line. I am under the home office so being able to hear from the leaders of our company at a Director Retreat is like a homeless person being take to a smorgasboard resteraunt and being told they can eat as much as they want for free. I've been with Pampered Chef for 21 years and most of what I have learned has been through the generosity of people sharing at conference and especially here on Chef Success. If I had the opportunity to go to something like this, I would go in a heart beat.

I only know Nancy Ryan from seeing her on stage but if anyone knows her and would ask her if she would like to take in a "foster" child for her retreats please pass my name along!


I'm in the same boat as you, Karen. I don't have the opportunity even given to me to attend retreats like this!
  • #20
Same here. One day, we may be the ones helping coordinate these kinds of events...in the meantime, I am fortunate with learning through the generosity of others.
  • #21
Melissa, I felt the same way when I opened my change over kit and started watching the DVD. Same thing as spring launch. I thought, why'd I go and invest the $ when I could've just watched the video at home. I agree with what others said, the experience is so much more powerful than the video.

For those who couldn't attend Nancy's retreat, like me, I greatly appreciate the videos for an opportunity to glean some new information/ideas that can help myself and my team. Although I was invited (only b/c someone I network with told me about it) to this event and couldn't attend. I do have an Exec. up line but these type of events or even training aren't offered. Lots of time I feel like a fish out of water. While I'm trying to train my team, I feel like I'm lost b/c I'm not getting training.

Now, to take the time and actually WATCH them. :)
  • #22
Glad you're all able to take advantage of the 'free' trainings... *sigh*

Still not able to get over this mental hurdle...

$700 is a high price to pay for "the feeling" that you're all missing out on. I think I'd rather the free version and just pretend that I know what it felt like....

I don't normally dwell on or 'sweat' over things out of my control but this one is still very raw...simply makes me want to be a 4yr old and scream, stomp and throw a temper tantrum while whining/crying saying "its not fair"....but then the stupid angel on the other shoulder says, "Oh knock it off ya whiny brat...get over yourself already."

Somehow I have to convince myself that that large pricetag was worth 'the feeling'.

"I think I can, I think I can..."
  • #23
I completely understand your feelings and would probably feel the same way myself. What are you going to do about it? Here's a cheerleading (as in rooting you on) thought. Implement some of the things you learned so you make money from being there. Remember this experience - how could you forget!! - when the next opportunity comes up for travel. They just e-mailed Leadership times. I bet that one costs at least what you just spent for the retreat. Evaluate whether you can do that twice in one year.

I'm sure I won't get around to watching those videos, but that's my personal thing going on right now with massive procrastination. I do much better with getting the info first-hand.

I'm glad that I can schedule vacation in July without regard to Conference. But, I miss those little tidbits that we pick up from other people. That's one of the things missing from Launch, hearing those little things that people are doing that you may want to do yourself. I'm not talking about building bookings, full-service check-outs, etc. but rather recipes they're doing or tweaks on a recipe that adds another $150 in products to the demo, a flyer in the host packet, etc. Did you pick up anything like that from the retreat? Something that you can say gave you added value that's not on a youtube video? OK, it won't be worth $700 but hopefully it's something.
  • #24
Becca..I too have been battling the massive procrastination and I can't afford in any way to do that. Hope you beat yours soon and I am working on mine as well!

And I like your post too about helping Melissa get a positive spin on it. Melissa, would it be better to think about it as chalking it up to experience? Just afraid that if it is not blessed and released soon that it will suck the success out of you:)! I say this because part of working through my procrastination is realizing that I am holding on dearly to every negative thing I can find lately instead of truly moving on.

I say this acknowledging your feelings because as many of us have stated...we readily admit that we have experienced the same feelings.
  • #25
I've tried the positive spins on it ("the feeling" of being there, the 'networking', the "experience) and it still comes down to the feeling of being there is not going to change my business - its the implementation of the knowledge that I gained. The same knowledge I can get from the videos. I never return from Conference or Spring Launch with any ah-ha's so at least I came home with substance. I certainly hope that HO pulls off something great for Denver this year b/c with the cost that its looking like (airfair is horrendous), it will make it that much more disappointing if its lacking the usual meat and potatoes of training. If its just another NC type event than yes, NJRs was way more than that (for me) when it comes to the mental/emotional side of it. I know I cannot network via YouTube which you get in person but those both are aweful expensive networking trips if that's the only thing that you don't get for free onlnie.

Bottom line, and I know it, I just need to find a way past it. I cant change it, I can't send a virus to everyone's YouTube (trust me, thought of it! LOL j/k) and I'm thankful I get to rewatch them.

Just isn't erasing the bitterness yet... Thank you for understanding though and offering some assistance in the "get past it" area and not just telling me that you look forward to watching them. (Thats the same as pouring acid in my open wounds)
  • #26
Are you sure you haven't been in my head? Your first paragraph especially hit home with me. And I go because I want to set an example for my downline however, we are in such a hurry to get there and back that I do not get to see them at these launches. I may plan one for our Fall Launch to meet for dinner the night before. Networking with them would be a benefit to all.
  • #27
Bottom line is that it does bite that you spent so much without knowing they'd be available to everyone. There really isn't a dramatic point to make up the cost, but I'd really make sure that that money was not spent in vain. Becca made an awesome point about putting the tips and ahas to action. I personally am glad you went because it sounds like this was completely more useful and eye opening than any of the other trainings you've attended. I think it stings because what you used to justify the cost was the exclusivity. But I think there was more value in attending than just that Now you have to make sure your investment pays in results. Sending you a hug and hoping you can put it aside. No viruses to me please ! >:)
  • #28
Laurie, You nailed it on the head! It was the "exclusivity" that gave it the excitement and the "worth it" anticipation and then the YouTube dart just popped that balloon. I will certainly implement (over time) what I learned and now if nothing else, it was an 'excuse to go to Tenneesee". I spent good quality time with a fellow director friend, met new ones (*ahem Becky*), got to see sites I have never been to, ate great Southern food, ate at Ihop (hey we don't have those so go with it!), and have created the desire to back and finish my site seeing. I "WOULD" pay to go to another retreat and give it much consideration as the training was great, BUT *BIG BUT* I would go with different expectations...I would go KNOWING that I could possibly sit at home and get the same thing for free and make a decision accordingly. I'm looking forward to Denver - NOT for Leadership (b/c I just have a "feeling" they will disappoint me as it has been for all 3 NCs I went to and I am NOT a recognition junkie...thats my time to go the bathroom, make phone calls etc...I'd rather gouge an eye out than sit through recognition because they spend more time on that than the training IMO - no offense Deb, deserve your time with the bracelet for your hard work!) but for me Denver is a chance to "say I've been to Denver and this is what we did while there" and Laurie you know me...Julie Cruise Ship Director. I research and find an intinerary of things to do and see. Then when I come home deflated from lack of meat/potatoes in training, I can gush over what I did and saw attraction wise (as well as "who" I got to see and catch up with). There are ppl that spoke at the Retreat that I don't remember even what the spoke about, but I can tell you every place we went, things we saw and what I ate. Mission accomplished. :)
  • #29
Melissa78 said:
Laurie, You nailed it on the head! It was the "exclusivity" that gave it the excitement and the "worth it" anticipation and then the YouTube dart just popped that balloon. I will certainly implement (over time) what I learned and now if nothing else, it was an 'excuse to go to Tenneesee". I spent good quality time with a fellow director friend, met new ones (*ahem Becky*), got to see sites I have never been to, ate great Southern food, ate at Ihop (hey we don't have those so go with it!), and have created the desire to back and finish my site seeing. I "WOULD" pay to go to another retreat and give it much consideration as the training was great, BUT *BIG BUT* I would go with different expectations...I would go KNOWING that I could possibly sit at home and get the same thing for free and make a decision accordingly. I'm looking forward to Denver - NOT for Leadership (b/c I just have a "feeling" they will disappoint me as it has been for all 3 NCs I went to and I am NOT a recognition junkie...thats my time to go the bathroom, make phone calls etc...I'd rather gouge an eye out than sit through recognition because they spend more time on that than the training IMO - no offense Deb, deserve your time with the bracelet for your hard work!) but for me Denver is a chance to "say I've been to Denver and this is what we did while there" and Laurie you know me...Julie Cruise Ship Director. I research and find an intinerary of things to do and see. Then when I come home deflated from lack of meat/potatoes in training, I can gush over what I did and saw attraction wise (as well as "who" I got to see and catch up with). There are ppl that spoke at the Retreat that I don't remember even what the spoke about, but I can tell you every place we went, things we saw and what I ate. Mission accomplished. :)

Bwhahahahaaaa....THIS is so me! I cannot tell you much from last year's conference (other than Sharon Zelen's talk at the end) BUT I can tell you all about the fabulous Spanish Tapas restaurant we went to, and what we ate, and the awesome Sangria they had! Usually, for me, any vacation is all about the food. :blushing:
  • #30
Yup, I love following Julie Cruise Director's Itinerary. I get to see more and enjoy the trip thanks to the awesome people I know. :) I agree, you'll know differently for the next one and make your decisions accordingly. And that $700 was an amazing trip as you mentioned that you got to share with some great people. The training was a bonus. ;) I'm just happy that there were people who you related to and felt that they've been where you are and that it's ok. I love seeing you fired up about PC again and that you regained the focus/perspective you needed. I personally think it was a good investment for you, just bad timing financially.

Looking forward to seeing what WE are doing in CO. He He
  • #31
Becky....I love that place! Was it on Ohio St, maybe Emilio's?
  • #32
Jolie_paradoxe said:
Becky....I love that place! Was it on Ohio St, maybe Emilio's?

YES! This is the place: http://www.emiliostapas.com/index.php

We had so much fun there! My director and I took our teams out to dinner one night, and we sat there for hours eating tapas and drinking sangria. We laughed and laughed, and it was a great bonding time for all of us. Great memories of that evening. Everyone that was there wanted to come back this year. Is it sad that one of my biggest disappointments about not having Conference this year is that we can't go back to that restaurant?
  • #33
I discovered that place Becky the first time I went to Chicago and made it a point to go back every year. I truly LOVE it and is one of the things I'll miss too. The food and wine are so fantastic, and good company only enhanced the memories for me too.
  • #34
Laurie I guess we just have to find a new great place in Denver for food and drink :)
(And something to replace our kayak trip on the river that we didn't get to... white water rafting? LOL <--yeah right, scared to death of bouncing out and drowning) :I
  • #35
Melissa78 said:
Laurie I guess we just have to find a new great place in Denver for food and drink :)
(And something to replace our kayak trip on the river that we didn't get to... white water rafting? LOL <--yeah right, scared to death of bouncing out and drowning) :I

We ate at an awesome place when in Denver for Leadership... hmmm.. I'll have to try and find the name. We had Koby Beef Sliders that were FANTASTIC! Great waiter didn't hurt either!
  • #36
I have no doubt we will Melissa. White water rafting would be awesome!!! We'll place you in the middle and get that life vest securely on you!

Related to What Did Attendees Learn at Nancy Jo's Retreat?

1. What was the main focus of Nancy Jo's director retreat?

The main focus of Nancy Jo's director retreat was to provide training and support for Pampered Chef directors to help them grow their business and achieve their goals.

2. What specific skills or techniques did attendees learn at the retreat?

Attendees learned a variety of skills and techniques, including how to effectively lead a team, how to plan and execute successful events, and how to utilize social media to promote their business.

3. Were there any new product demonstrations or recipes shared at the retreat?

Yes, Nancy Jo's director retreat featured several new product demonstrations and recipes to help directors showcase the latest Pampered Chef products and inspire their customers.

4. Can attendees share any helpful tips or ideas they learned at the retreat?

Many attendees have shared helpful tips and ideas from the retreat, including how to effectively manage their time, how to set and achieve goals, and how to build a strong and supportive team.

5. How does attending Nancy Jo's director retreat benefit a Pampered Chef director?

Attending Nancy Jo's director retreat provides directors with valuable training, support, and inspiration to help them grow their business and achieve their goals. It also allows them to network and connect with other directors and share best practices and ideas.

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