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What Are Your Other Hobbies - Besides Pampered Chef?

In summary, Cindy loves to scrapbook, garden, cook and play with cars. Heather likes scrapbooking, playing sports and is a fan of the Green Bay Packers and the Bears. Sonja is beautiful and Cindy's dad was a Ford man.
Silver Member
This might be fun! I smock - I've been sewing since I was 9 and I love to smock little dresses for my girls and now my granddaughter. I sell one or two a month which I just turn around and buy PC with!!! LOL. I love to garden, I love to decorate. We are near the beach and that is my other favorite thing to do....I am so ready for spring!
Hi Cindy,

I'm a big scrapbooker! Been doing it going on ten years now - I love to see my photos come to life on a page and I put a lot of journaling on them as well. My kids love looking at themselves as babies and I enjoy reminiscing as well. I don't work on them all the time but when I do I really enjoy it.
I do plastic canvas. You know, the tissue box covers and stuff. I usually do it for Christmas presents for the family.

Cindy, do you have any pictures of the smocks? My daughter is 17 months olds and I would love something like that for her. Thanks!
I love scrapbooking though I havent done it in awhile thats about it lol dont really have that much down time with the kids
  • Thread starter
  • #5
Hi Heather - they are not "smocks" they are little dresses with smocking on them which is like embroidery - pictures and designs. Here is Taylor at the beach in her Christmas dress.
I love to make greeting cards, gift bags, gift tags...anything I can put a rubber stamp on! I just hosted a Stampin Up workshop and I'm gonna get lots of stuff!

I would also love to run a marathon or half-marathon one day, but right now, with the kids, it's too big of a commitment for me! I used to run in high school and college, but I haven't done it regularly in a VERY LONG TIME...
All paper crafts. Scrapbooking, card making, gift bags etc. I have not had as much time as I would like but I just started a scrapbook group as part of our women's ministry team at church so I will be making time to do more. We're meeting once a month from 6-midnight on a Friday. Of course since I spend so much time socializing I may not really get a whole lot done :D.
I am a scrapbooker too! I have been scrapbooking since I was 16 and love to see my kids amazement over my pages! If I liked CM stuff I would sell it, but I only like the organizing stuff and not the papers and stickers!
Long but it's me:)I love sports. The Dodger's are my favorite. My daughter's and I frequent the games. As I child I never missed a Dodger game. Now I get to pass it on to them. My boys and I used to go to all the "Kings" Hockey games. :( There in college now. I miss them. I love the finished product of scrapbooking but never have the time. My daughter made me a Beautiful family album with the help of her Grandma they snuck pictures out of boxes. What a great Christmas present it was.:D I love to Cook for others also. I am in Culinary School so I may be a True Pampered CHEF. Woohoo it's so fun cooking for the Bistro on Thursday nights.:)
  • #10
Even that this age, I still play with cars. (See the link below.)I'm also a sports fan. My favorite two teams are the Green Bay Packers and whoever is playing the Bears. Come Spring, it'll be GO BREWERS.And with any luck at all, I'll get my '61 Triumph TR-3A running.
  • #11
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Even that this age, I still play with cars. (See the link below.)

I'm also a sports fan. My favorite two teams are the Green Bay Packers and whoever is playing the Bears.

Come Spring, it'll be GO BREWERS.

And with any luck at all, I'll get my '61 Triumph TR-3A running.
When I was a kid my favorite was the Green Bay Packers Bob Greesy (sp) am I showing my age here.
Oh and my little triumph Tr7 I bought it new sold it three years later for the same price :D Loved that little convertible. Gold with a Black rag top. Oh the days of youth and your hair blowin in the wind haha
  • #12
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Even that this age, I still play with cars. (See the link below.)

I'm also a sports fan. My favorite two teams are the Green Bay Packers and whoever is playing the Bears.

Come Spring, it'll be GO BREWERS.

And with any luck at all, I'll get my '61 Triumph TR-3A running.
Wow Sonja is a real beauty. My dad was a Ford man through and through. He poopoo ed anything But a ford.
  • #13
The only hobbies I had, I've turned into a business...LOL. I am, was, an avid scrapbooker and a pretty good cookie baker. So I combined both and voila! I scrapbook cookies. As soon as I get some pictures I will post. I also have this obsession with 1940's-50's pinup...you can see that on my OTHER website...lol. :p
  • #14
I love to snowmobile and downhill ski in the winter, and hang out at my grandparents camp (on the lake) in the summer...riding jet skiis, waterskiing, bon fires, and just lounging around! Oh, and I enjoy traveling anytime of the year!!
  • #15
I sew (made the outfit I have on in my avatar) and crochet. Read. Sudoku puzzles. Car club. Occasionally, I work on a scrapbook or two, but I haven't pulled out that stuff in over a year (and I need to finish the book of my Italy trip).There are pics of me in my last two Halloween costumes that I made (Carmen Miranda in 2006 and a Renaissance lady in 2005) at www.michiganlcoc.org/gallery/Halloween2006 and www.michiganlcoc.org/gallery/Halloween2005. (Darth Vader is my DH.)
  • #16
I love to cross stich but haven't done if for awhile. I have made presents for Christmas and weddings by doing that. I haven't done it in awhile. My life right now is so busy that I sometimes feel like I don't know which direction to go. My two boys are ages 5 & 3 and they are my life right now. My oldest is in kindergarten and he is starting basketball practices and other activities and the 3 year old is just a hand full.
  • #17
I love to scrapbook although I have really fell off doing it. I have tons of pictures just sitting in the closet waiting on me! I am going to school for Interior Design and designing kitchens and baths is my passion. I love to go to Sears, or log on the the Wolfe website and just drool..lol. We also own a supercharged 94 Mustang Cobra that keep us broke and busy! Over all of that though I would have to say my main hobby is my 4yr old daughter, she goes full throttle from sunup to sun down!!Oh, I forgot to add I'm trying to take more time for myself now days and am finding that I LOVE LOVE LOVE to bake, and I kick butt at it!! GO ME! LOL!
  • #18
I make jewelry. It really is a great de-stresser for me.

Dog walking, with Enzo the wonder Golden.

Food... cooking, eating, talking about it, reading about it, playing with it.. well, you get the idea.

Trash romance novels, bad golf, volunteering.

And, oh yes, napping!

See how well rounded I am!!
  • #19
I love to scrapbook! It's been a while since I've had the time, but when I get going, I can't stop!

I also love to travel... it's my goal to fill my passport before it expires... have 5 years and halfway to go :)

Cooking is a huge passion of mine. Doing the plate presentation and decorating are the times when my creativity gets to come though!

I love to organize. It makes me happy when I get help someone be productive and declutter a part of their life.

Napping would be my most prevalent hobby lately... as I try and try, but never have enough time to do it :)
  • #20
I wish I had more time for hobbies. I don't have too many b/c of all the running I have to do with an active daughter. I guess my main hobby would be finding time to be here on CS! LOL!!!
  • #21
Ann- I also LOVE sudoku puzzles and actual called my santoku knife a sudoku knife at a show! I said it multiple times before someone chimed in and corrected me. I felt like an itiot! I thought those things were supposed to keep you sharp!
  • #22
I taught myself to crochet last year, and I love doing that. I lovelovelove movies, so my husband and I watch them on DVD or go see them in theatres as often as possible. I also love to watch good TV (and bad reality shows), read, eat, and listen to music. My husband and I took Carolina Shag Dancing classes last fall, and so now we love doing that as much as possible. I'm also very active with The Sweet Potato Queens, and go to Jackson every year for the Million Queen March.
  • #23
ORGANIZING-Surprise Surprise..Decluttering as well is sooo much fun!!!
4-WHEELING-We Have 5 of them and go on trips to various camps. It's great
EXERCISE-Use to be a PERSONAL TRAINER, So this is really a Stress Reliever
GIRLTIME-Drinks, Pedicures.
TRAVEL-Vegas, The Keys, Maine
MOTORCYCLE RIDES-Have my own, (Suzuki 750) but haven't been out in a while. Florida drivers are crazy. Too many people end up like a pancake.

I really love photography, but I find that I take too many pictures and don't do anything with them, so I need to ORGANIZE them first before I take anymore...LOL

AND NOW...I have ADDED PAMPERED CHEF to my passions....oh and obviously...CHEF SUCCESS...hehehehe
  • #24
:eek: WHAT???:eek: No LABELING?? :eek: :eek: :eek:
  • #25
gilliandanielle said:
:eek: WHAT???:eek: No LABELING?? :eek: :eek: :eek:

That is in the Organizing category silly.!!!!!:p
  • #26
You don't really want me to break down these cateogories do you????? LOL
  • #27
Hey- if you label like I do it deserves it's own category!!
  • #28
hahaha!!! No doubt right.
  • #29
Wow, Ann, you are really a talented seamstress! I like to sew as well, but all I ever make is flannel pants and totebags. I've made a few purses, but nothing too fancy. I suppose if I put my mind to it, I could make something nicer...I just don't have the patience!

I love most all kinds of crafts, really. I knit (again only simple stuff, no sweaters here!) and cross-stitch and have dabbled with melt and pour soap and candles. I haven't gotten into paper crafts, because I'm afraid of how much money I will tie up in the supplies!

I love to swim, bike, and run! I've done quite a few triathlons and one marathon. I'm running the Chicago marathon in October, so I'll be doing a lot of running in the upcoming months! We also like to go camping and hiking in Colorado every summer. That's a lot of fun and so so beautiful!
  • #30
I commend you all that run marathons!! I can barely get up my stairs even when I am not pregnant.

I am a walking billboard for "skinny does NOT equal in shape!!!"
  • #31
For all of you who like to scrapbook...have you heard about digital scrapbooking? I recently discovered it and am ADDICTED!! Now, I don't have to unpack all my scrapbooking gear whenever I want to work on a page...I just pull out the lap top! If you are interested, do a google search for "digital scrapbooking"...there is a big world outthere on this subject. I'd bee happy to answer any questions.
  • #32
Sew, cross stitch, scrapbook, crochet, quilt, cook, etc. etc. Wish I had the time!

The thing I do make time for is a lighted christmas tree for the wall. I have been making them for the family for years. They are very expensive to make and time consuming - finding the jewelry - because I use old costume jewelry as ornaments but I just figured a way to make them a bit smaller. I will be making the first one with the new design soon to see if it works. I will also make one to look like a basket of flowers.

This is not the best picture but gives you the idea. It lights up too.


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  • #33
I like to do decorative painting, but I haven't had time to do so in a while. I used to take old items that I got from thrift stores, and turn them into "shabby chic" items with painted roses, then sell them on E-Bay.
  • #34
Hmm...I play instruments, softball, swim, do whatever my 3 and 5 year old are interested in, firefighting (volunteer), EMT (volunteer), made a few baskets... ...education...that has been my "hobby" for the last decade...now that I'm done (for awhile), PC is taking its place! :)

Things I do on occasion, but don't have time: stamp, plastic canvas, play the instruments mentioned above...

PChefRamsey - have you ever made hats for little girls for their Barbie Dolls with plastic canvas? My daughter loves them!
  • #35
Woodworking and intarsiaMy other hobby would be woodworking and intarsia projects. Here is a piece that I made for a coworker. She is always talking about chipmunks at lunch, so I made her one. http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a289/ibodave/chipmink/100_0319.jpg
  • #36
Cute! :) ...looks just like the buggers that dig tunnels all over my yard all summer!
  • #37
poohritz said:
My other hobby would be woodworking and intarsia projects. Here is a piece that I made for a coworker. She is always talking about chipmunks at lunch, so I made her one. http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a289/ibodave/chipmink/100_0319.jpg
How do you post a picture right on the screen instead of making it an attachment?
  • #38
WOw - I am not crafty at all! I have all the stuff to scrapbook, but always find just about anything else to take up my time! I end up feeling guilty because I see all these beautiful scrapbooks - and I've never even finished one - just can't make myself enjoy it!
My biggest passion is cooking - that is how I relax, how I am creative, how I vent......I'm happiest in the kitchen!
We own a '70 440-6pac Dodge Challenger - Plum Crazy Purple....so Car Shows are a big thing for us in warm weather....I also love camping and hiking....and I love to read - I read anything and everything, but love Culinary Mysteries the most (Joanne Fluke, Diane Mott Davidson), followed by Historical Biographies, Mitford Series, and Karen Kingsbury.....I like happy endings!:)
I spend the most time though with my DH & DS - just hanging out, playing games, watching Deal or No Deal.....going for rides in the Challenger.....we like to be together...
Oh - and in the summer, I LOVE my garden!
  • #39
My biggest Passion (besides PC) used to be sewing and making quilts (I was always in front of my sewing machine). Now its scrapbooking. I was introduced to it when my oldest was 18months old. I never thought it would interest me but now I am a scrappin fool!
  • #40
Let's see, I like to:

Cook - Love trying new recipes
Cake Decorating - sort of fell into that one, but it's fun.
Crochet - afghans, baby blankets and scarves
Right now I'm sewing curtains (really they are drapes.....lining, inner lining and swags to go with them - oh so tedious!) I don't like to sew, but after getting the quote from the design dept at the fabric store to make them :eek: :eek: $1200 :eek: :eek: I decided I could do it myself.....afterall - how hard can it be? Right?! :confused: isn't it just sewing straight lines?.....yeah, right ha ha!... Well, after staring at the bolts of material for 6 months and DH asking when are they going to be done....I now have a friend helping me and they are going to be absolutley gorgeous! I'll post a pic when they are done. Best part is I can tell everyone that I did it!
and number one: SHOPPING!
  • #41
gilliandanielle said:
Ann- I also LOVE sudoku puzzles and actual called my santoku knife a sudoku knife at a show! I said it multiple times before someone chimed in and corrected me. I felt like an itiot! I thought those things were supposed to keep you sharp!
Your brain or the knife edge?
  • #42
I'm a Quilter, Watercolor artist, photographer and scrapbooker. Since joining Pampered Chef, all of those have taken a back seat, except the photography.
I take pictures of every new recipe, and sometimes, progress pictures as I am making something. The scrapbooking is new, since PC, for the purpose of putting together a Show and Tell of my business and the recipes I offer. My intention is to put a photo of the recipe on the same page, just as we do in our cookbooks. I've always dreamed of doing a Cookbook similar to the Chicken Soup for Soul Cookbook, with the stories behind the recipes.

i.e. I had one recipe published in a Habitat for Humanity's HOME SWEET HABITAT Cookbook, in 1995 on page 146; I had another recipe published in
our Gannett newspaper in Feb. 2005, with the story about it's origin.

Traveling with my DH, in our new RV,now that he is retired has become my main hobby during the good weather seasons in the NE. which is May thru October. We are hooked on Bluegrass Festivals. In fact, we will be attending
one indoors in a two weeks.
  • #43
I crochet. Right now I'm working on a blanket for my living room, since it's -50 the one blanket doesn't work for both my boyfriend and I.
  • #44
I love crafts of all kinds but I knit,crochet, and sew . My backgound is wedding gowns and head pices . I worked in a Bridal shop for years and the woman that own the shop taught me everything how to make veils, gowns ect .
Alot of work and Brides can be a bit taught so I'm glad that I found Pampered Chef .I still sew alittle mostly tailor stuff for friends ect ..
  • #45
I love to scrapbook. I scrapbook at least twice a week sometimes more. At church there is a group of us that meet on the 3rd Monday of each month to scrapbook without interupptions and I also have my regular crop club that meets once a month as well. I am looking forward to Feb. 24th. I am going to scrapbooking event and get to scrapbook for 12 hours. I am also signed up for a massage during the day to work out any knots I will get. I am very lucky that my Creative Memories consultant lives right next door, so I can get any supplies I need day or night.

  • #46
chefheather said:
For all of you who like to scrapbook...have you heard about digital scrapbooking? I recently discovered it and am ADDICTED!! Now, I don't have to unpack all my scrapbooking gear whenever I want to work on a page...I just pull out the lap top! If you are interested, do a google search for "digital scrapbooking"...there is a big world outthere on this subject. I'd bee happy to answer any questions.

I have seen the digital scrapbooking, but it is not for me. I like to relieve stress by cropping pictures and playing with layout ideas, papers, stickers and anything else I can get my hands on. Several of my firends prefer to scrapbook this way and their stuff looks wonderful.

  • #47
My true passion is Travel, love it nothing makes me more happy then jetting off somewhere. Love to read, and decorate I have a degree in design. And of course PC.
  • #48
I dabblein scrapbooking, Artist Trading Cards, and LOVE to sail!

  • #49
One word..... BINGO!!!
  • #50
BethCooks4U said:
Sew, cross stitch, scrapbook, crochet, quilt, cook, etc. etc. Wish I had the time!

The thing I do make time for is a lighted christmas tree for the wall. I have been making them for the family for years. They are very expensive to make and time consuming - finding the jewelry - because I use old costume jewelry as ornaments but I just figured a way to make them a bit smaller. I will be making the first one with the new design soon to see if it works. I will also make one to look like a basket of flowers.

This is not the best picture but gives you the idea. It lights up too.

My sister had one of these trees made the first Christmas after my mom died in 2003.

She separator my mom's jewerly for us 3 kids and took it to a lady that put the jewerly into tree shape wall hangings. I put mine in a shadow box and it looks great. I can remember almost all of the jewerly that my mom worn. I have put it away after Christmas or I would post a picture. The are beautiful and every time someone see it, they love it and it is nice to share the stories behind each piece of jewerly and to talk about my mom

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