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Very Nervous About First Show....

In summary, Amanda recently joined Pampered Chef and is feeling excited but nervous about her first show on April 3rd. She is unable to attend any shows with her director beforehand, but plans to take advantage of online training. She is also concerned about her anxiety, but hopes that once she gets the hang of it, it will help. She is looking for tips and a possible outline for her show, and is wondering if having no active consultants in her town is a good or bad thing. Lastly, she mentions that her first show that she hosted was successful and she wishes she had known about the opportunity to become a consultant sooner.
Hi everyone! My name is Amanda and I'm in TN. I hope I'm posting this in the right place. I just joined Pampered Chef this week. My director just sent off my consultant agreement today. I guess online as I didn't sign anything. I'm excited but very nervous about my first show. I've only been to two shows. Mine that I had a week ago and then one a few years ago.

It's probably not going to be possible for me to tag along with my director to any shows because she lives out of town and I don't drive on the interstate or highway (long story). So unless she has anymore shows in my town I won't get to see anymore shows before the one I do. My director will come to my show but to be honest that would probably make me more nervous and I might rather just be on my own. Anyone else do that? How did you not mess up or have just dead air?

My first show is April 3rd unless anyone books before then. How long will it take for me to get my kit? I wish the 30 days didn't start till you receive your kit. I'm nervous about not having much time to practice by the time my kits comes.

I've had panic attacks in the past and though I haven't had a full fledged one in many years I have had small bouts of panic/anxiety. So naturally that worries me. But I really think once I get the hang of it, it will help my anxiety problems and such. Anyone else been there?

Also, what are the major points (maybe an outline) of what you need to talk about and does it go in a certain order?

I do plan to take advantage of online training but I have to wait till I get my kit for that right?

Any help for a newbie would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
God bless,

P.S. My director said that there are no active consultants in my town. Is that a good thing or bad thing? I'm thinking either that's a great opportunity or that other consultants have fell inactive because they couldn't find a good market. KWIM? It's not a small town. We have a university here and the town has grown tremendously in the last several years. Probably a population of about 30,000.
P.P.S My show that I hosted was a little over $600 by the way. I wish that I'd have known it'd been that good! I'd have bought the kit and did it as my first show! That would have been an awesome start!
First of all, congrats on signing, and welcome to PC and ChefSuccess! To answer a few of your questions, your 30 days do start when you receive your kit, not when you submit the agreement. PC offers plenty of resources and training to help you get started, including sample scripts for your show, and recipes designed just for new consultants. There are also kitchen show live Dvd's. You can start your online training as soon as you receive your consultant number and password, which you should receive in a few days. You can use it to log on to consultant's corner, which is full of resources and information. As for the anxiety concerns, I do know where you are coming from. I have an anxiety disorder myself, and I was definitely worried about getting up in front of everyone at shows, but it went fine. People don't expect you to be perfect. Feel free to let them know you are new. If you mess up, just laugh it off. I think it actually is better this way, because it makes you seem real. There is no set format or outline of what you need to talk about, you can do your shows whatever way makes you feel comfortable. You could even try an interactive show, which would be more hands on and get the guests using the tools, plus you wouldn't be in the spotlight just as much. I'm sure you'll do fine! Good luck, and don't hesitate to ask questions, that's what we are all here for, and your director as well!
Ask your director if she has any kind of outline. I still use mine as a guideline to make sure I don't forget things! You'll be fine, it gets easier as you do more shows. I liked having my director at my first show, made me feel better. I didn't really need her but having her there helped. Your kit should arrive in a couple of days after it's submitted (the closer you are to Illinois, the sooner you'll get it). Don't worry about the anxiety issues, I suffer from anxiety too and have issues with new things, people and places. I have actually learned to over come my issues with this because of doing PC! It has freed me alot and helped me to learn things about myself.

As for being the only consultant in your town, the only minus would be if you needed to borrow a product or something like that! Other than that you may have a pretty good market for bookings, etc. Think of all those people who may have never heard of PC!

By the way, at some point either in your kit or the booster supply or something, you do get a DVD that gives you a show example. Learn from that if you cannot go to any other shows. Watch it over and over again!
Congratulations on starting up your PC business. I know it seems pretty scary now, but after your first show or two you will get the hang of things and begin having alot of fun. That is the key to having successful shows, have fun with it. If you make a mistake, laugh at yourself and more than likely everyone else will laugh with you. Let them know that you are new at this and most people are very understanding. I just started a little over a month ago and I was really nervous too. I practiced a lot at home with my husband and kids and I would even practice what I would say and how to put the recipes together as I was driving down the road to work or to the grocery store. It really helped me going into my first show. Well, I hope some of that helps and I wish you a very successful first show.
Congrates on getting started!! :balloon:
I felt the same way about my first show (I have only had one) but it was a huge success. You can do it!!
I really didn't want my recruiter there at first either, I thought it would make me more nervous. But in the end I was so thankful for all her help and support...
Watch every video you can get your hands on over and over.... read everything! You will be fine.... let us know how it goes :D
Welcome to Pampered Chef! It's like starting any new job - there's a new lingo, nervousness....and then before you know it you're having fun along with your hosts and guests.

No one expects you to be perfect, and I always say "I promise only that you will have fun and won't get food poisoning" That makes everyone laugh.

I highly recommend that you do all the training over the next few weeks - online, in the binder, and on the DVD.

Most of all, have fun!
Ok. I am like the most nervous person out there. I noticed your screen name is Jesus loves u. Just know that he does and he is with you in all times. I always pray before my show for calmess and comfort. I am reminded time and time again that he has a plan for me. Plans to prosper me and grow me, not to harm me. This gets me through ever time. When I did my first non-friend or family show a few months ago, I prayed and felt an overabundance of calmness come over me. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:11-13
yeah well you are one step ahead of me because i never went to a show or booked one before i started selling so i have learned things the hard way...... but just remember that you are bring people a service that that you are not out for the money! you are doing this because you love the products and want to get the products you love into the hands of other people.

just to let you know that even the best of us have made huge mistakes so don't hold yourself to being perfect at your show ( because we are not perfect at all, we are pampered chefs not the perfect chefs) when you are doing your show. just keep it very basic.

i agree with everyone on here..... do your training and get ocd about consultant's corner.... read everything you can....

plus start asking everyone in your family for bookings, just tell that that you need to use their house and friends to start your business and that it would be a big help if they could help you out. get a catalog show started for your self then when you get your kit do your grand opening show.

i am a newibe also i started in december and i have only done 2 show and my third is this weekend.

this is a good place to come for information, i think you will get a faster answer here than you will from your director or now HO!!

congrats..... don't worry... you are going to do great at this and you are going to look back at this time and say..... man why was i so worried about this.... this is a piece of cake!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #9
Thank you all so much for your encouragement! I also will make sure to pray right before the show. I know that will help. And I really believe God brought me to this career. He'll guide me through it. :) I'm still nervous but I feel better after hearing from you guys. Thank you all for being so nice and helpful!
God bless,
  • #10
I too was nervous about my first show. May I offer a few tips that helped me?

1. I asked my director to be there (as a backup) in case I missed anything.
2. Demo no more than two recipes that showcase the various products.
3. Practice the recipes at least once before the show.
4. Don't do everything yourself... get your guests involved.
5. Most importantly - HAVE FUN! I laugh & joke around a bit, just trying to keep it light.

Good Luck!
  • #11
It's normal to be nervous but really PC gives us so many tools to really get ready even for our first time that if used, can help at least give you lots of tips and well, sometimes having the right information can help us not feel so nervous. After that first show, you'll find they're actually kinda fun. LOL... Once you get your sign on info to consultant's corner and your new consultant kit you'll maybe even feel overwhelmed with all that's available to learn... just learn what you can, know that even mistakes are just opportunities to learn something new and folks really are sympathetic to new folks on the job and you can use that to your advantage! Letting them know to 'be kind, I'm new' will help you get used to your new job without as much pressure.
  • #12
One more note - I totally agree with you and others who have posted on the faith perspective. I do not let things "happen" to me, but on the other hand I also believe that things happen for a reason, even if we don't know it at the time. The PC business is yours to handle the way you see fit, and you have resources to help you.

Again, remember why you joined, and have fun!
  • #13
I just signed up on this form a few days ago - been with PC for 1 year, 3 months. I have found very useful information on here and am very impressed. But I want to share my story with you Amanda. Before I started with PC I couldn't cook - at all. But I was looking for some extra income and thought that if I followed the recipe perfectly it should just work out. Well I did my first show in my very small community and had mostly family and friends there. I bombed. I wasn't very prepared. I majorly messed up the recipe - it was inedible. It was just terrible. I went home crying to my husband that it was horrible and I hated it. He said "well then quit". I wanted to fulfill my agreement and do my first 6 shows and then I would definitely quit. Well my next show went a little better, my third one was pretty good and my 4th was better yet. Now I can honestly say that I LOVE IT!!! I started in Nov/06 and only did 3 shows before 2007. Never did any in Jan/07 so basically started in Feb/07. In Nov/07 I promoted to director, I earned the 2007 incentive trip and last year my show average was $652 ... so far this year is about $850. And I am over half way for the trip for 2 points for this years incentive trip. Sorry this is so lengthy. But my point is that even if things don't go perfectly the first show or you get nervous or discouraged - keep trying. Each time you do a show it gets easier and more enjoyable. You can be very successful in this business if you want to be.
  • #14
I think it would make me nervous to have someone observe me, too. I wouldn't ask my director to come, but maybe she wouldn't mind if she was "on call" for the night. Then you can call her with any questions.

Tell everyone you're new, but you love the products and want to let everyone else know about how they are great. Don't forget to use the line "See, they let anyone do this!" or "We're pampered not perfect."
  • #15
Congratulations! We're all nervous our first several shows. Heck, most of us are at least a bit nervous before every show.My advice is to practice your wording out loud. It helps to plant your works in a different part of your brain, which helps you keep talking when the nerves kick in.(Forgive me if I'm repeating anyone else's advice. I didn't read every word. :))
  • #16
Hi Amanda! I'm a PC newbie too! I live in Western NC very close to the TN line so we are sisters : )
I didn't read all the replies you have already had so I'm sure I will not have anything new to say... but I did want to say Congratulations and welcome! I'm so excited about this business!
Just to let you know I ordered my kit the evening of the 5th this month and I had it by Saturday (8th) So they are moving ASAP on new kit orders!! Also your 30 days doesn't start until you get your kit... there will be a letter included or you can find the dates online telling you when your dates are... for example my 30 days started on the 11th - even after I got my kit! So hope that can take some of the pressure off.
Oh I also live in a small town of about 30,000. And I have found so far that everyone LOVES the products and so you don't have to feel bad asking for order, parties, etc. Because we are selling wonderful products to help our customers cook faster, easier and better!
Before I got my kit I did most of the online training ( I was able to get on the day after I ordered my kit )
Oh one big tip! If you haven't already go ahead and apply for the PC Debit card. You don't need to wait for your kit and you will need this number to place any orders or purchase a website if you choose to (which I did). It takes them about 5 days to get the number back to you and you can fill out the needed form for it online so its really easy.
Please feel free to ask me any questions on how you find anything that I've spoken about, I just didn't want to make this email too long in case you've already got it all figured out : )
But I'd love to keep in touch with you, I don't know if it sounds like something you'd be interested in or not... but we could keep each other upbeat and motivated in starting our new businesses. If you want to just let me know. It sounds like we share a lot in common.
Have a great day! Good luck! and God Bless!!
Oh I think its an awesome thing that you are the only consultant in your area!!!

Related to Very Nervous About First Show....

1. How can I calm my nerves before my first Pampered Chef show?

One of the best ways to calm your nerves before your first show is to practice your demonstration and familiarize yourself with the products. This will help build your confidence and make you feel more comfortable during the show. You can also try deep breathing exercises or positive affirmations to help reduce any anxiety.

2. What products should I focus on during my first show?

It's best to focus on a few key products that you are most familiar with and feel confident demonstrating. This could be a popular kitchen tool or a simple recipe that showcases the versatility of the products. Remember, it's not about showcasing every single product, but rather highlighting the ones that will make the biggest impact on your audience.

3. How can I make my first show a success?

Preparation is key for a successful show. Make sure you have all the necessary materials, such as order forms, catalogs, and product samples, ready before the show. It's also important to engage with your audience, ask for their feedback and answer any questions they may have. And most importantly, have fun and be yourself!

4. What if I make a mistake during the show?

Mistakes happen, especially during your first show. Don't worry too much about it and try to stay calm. You can always laugh it off and move on to the next part of your demonstration. Your audience will appreciate your authenticity and it will make you more relatable.

5. How can I get more bookings at my first show?

One of the best ways to get more bookings at your first show is to offer a special incentive or promotion for guests who book a show with you that day. You can also ask your host to invite friends and family who may be interested in hosting a show. Additionally, make sure to mention the benefits of hosting a show, such as free and discounted products, to entice potential hosts.

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