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Venting Frustrations - A Direct Seller's Story

started out with 5 shows and 1 cooking demo. Then my first cooking demo got appendicitis and I had to reschedule. Then host #2 completely blew me off and host #3 held the show and no one showed up. I was starting to lose hope. Then I get an email from host #5 scheduled for Sunday. With all the snow we had this week, people are cancelling and there is no where to park on her street. She still wants the stoneware so she'll probably end up doing a catty. So, I'll still have some more sales but limited opportunity for bookings, which I desparately need. I told her if she can get any of her friends to book I'd give her
Hey everyone, can I vent? I had 5 shows scheduled for Feb. - 4 cooking, 1 cat. My first cooking got appendicitis the week of her show, almost held it anyway, changed her mind and left me a message while I was at the grocery store doing her shopping (I do all the shopping). Said she wanted to reschedule, never heard back, can't reach her.

Host #2 - total blow off, avoided all calls, never called back.

Host #3 - Held show, no one showed up! I kid you not - no one!! She's managed to pull together about $350 so it's not a loss, but still frustrating.

Catty host changed her mind.

Just now, I got an email from host #5, scheduled for Sunday. With all the snow we had this week, people are cancelling and there is no where to park on her street. She still wants the stoneware so she'll probably end up doing a catty. So, I'll still have some more sales but limited opportunity for bookings, which I desparately need. I told her if she can get any of her friends to book I'd give her a gift, so we'll see, but it's never as good as when I talk to them in person. Oh, and I did the shopping for her show yesterday, so that's twice this month I've bought groceries I don't need.

I only had one demo in Jan, one in Dec, I can't even remember before that. I have 2-3 people that say they want to have shows but I can't get them on the phone. I have nothing for March and 1 scheduled for April.

I've sent monthly newsletters, a Super Bowl special, a book for March 1st or March 4th special - nothing gets any response. I've talked to people I meet in daily activities - bank, grocery, furniture store, etc. Nothing from that.

I'm just about done. Every time I think I'll have a decent month and a good opportunity to start to grow, it all caves in. My first show was a year ago on 2/25, and I'm really feeling frustrated and ready to say forget this.

I know I should hang in there and stick with it and keep asking people and it'll get better but I just don't know if I can do it anymore and I knew if anyone would understand the feeling, you all would. So, I needed to vent to those that get it!!

Thanks for listening (reading)!! You guys are the best and I'm glad I found this site.
Kim, vent all you want.

Have you tried phoning EVERYONE who bought stoneware from you in the past? How about those who ordered lots of stuff? They might be interested in the March or April specials.

Hang on. It WILL turn around sooner rather than later.
Hand it over. When ever I get frustrated and feeling like everything is going south I say a prayer and once again let go of it. I feel that if I am to continue to be blessed in my business I cannot do it alone. When things aren't good (I had 10 shows scheduled in Jan and did ONE) I am reminded of the bigger picture and it helps me to refocus.

I feel that if I am supposed to be doing this He will help me through this kind of frustration. If I am supposed to move onto something else I will know it. I know that I can't sit back and just see what happens either.

When the time comes for me to step away and do something different I will know and I will also know that I was blessed to have this in my life while it lasted.

What is your dream? Why are you doing PC? Look into your heart and you will know what to do!
Kim, I know how you feel! Had a real bad December and January...like, REAL bad. But you have to get out of your funk! Step outside of your comfort zone to get bookings! Do you talk to people at the grocery store? I just started doing that, have 2 possible shows...I have to check back with them when they are home and can look at their calendar. Don't give up! Also, make sure that you mention the new spring products coming out March 1. A lot of people get excited to see/use the new products. Hold your head high, be proud to be a PC concultant, and go get 'em!! And...PUTT! (Pick Up The Telephone). and, of course...keep on keepin' on!!!
I was in the same boat as you last year--you're not alone! I started in July 2005 & did great. Then in Jan last year, I had NO shows, one in each month of Feb-April. Then it slowly went up to 2 shows, 3, etc. I had 7 shows last month & already have 5 for next month & just got my first recruit. Sometimes it takes awhile to build up your customer base & get into different groups. Just hang in there & do what you can. I've heard that most of the time, it takes about 3 years in a ds biz to build it up.
I have a different problem. I am ok with shows and most not cancelling but I can't get a recruit to save my life. I know the stats are that if you talk to 10 you will recruit 1 but I have sent around 20-30 packets and not 1 recruit. I do follow up but apparently am doing something wrong. I did do what Beth said and cried and prayed and told God that it was up to him. If this is not what he wants for me right now, I am fine with just selling and making extra money but that he would have to bring the recruits to me because I am done trying.

Read your business guide. Take a teleclass on recruiting. Talk to your upline. Get the words. Then don't try so hard. Speak from your heart and make it all about them. You will succeed.
Kim, pick up your phone and start calling people! Start with your list of 100 again, call past hosts, call past customers. Look up the customer care scripts in your business guide or behind CC.

Call everyone and build relationships with them. That's what our biz is about.
Hi Kim,

Sorry to hear that you had such a terrible month! I was all ready to quit PC about a year ago and then I decided to make a last ditch effort. I went back to my list of 100 and called people who said maybe they'd book a show (BUT NEVER DID). In Jan, one of the girls I called to ask to host, suddenly asked me about the business. I met up with her and she signed! (She had never been to a cooking show and didn't own ANY PC products!!). In Feb, I had one show, and the hostess signed up as my second recruit! So I was really glad I stuck it out! You never know...and I'm a Christian as well and I believe that God does provide! You just need to ask him and he will listen!
  • #10

I'm having a similar month. Started out with great bookings and looking for my best month ever. Had host 1 cancel because she just decided she wasn't comfortable doing a show. Host 2's grandfather passed away the weekend before her who. Host 3's daughter in law is going on trial and jury selection was during the week of her show and Thursday, host 4 had to cancel the day of her show because her Mom ended up inthe hospital. I was starting to feel like maybe this is not what I'm supposed to be doing. Told my director I was getting very frustrated and wondering if this wa worth all of the effort. I was so counting on double points month to get a good start on earning a trip. Also had two recruiting leads giving me the ruanaround with two no shows on meetings.

It seems when things are frustrating that you just need to give it time. I ended up with a call out of the blue and got a $200 catalog show.

It's good to know that everyone goes through times like this once in a while! Just set your sights forward. I'm now focusing on making March a stellar month!
  • Thread starter
  • #11
Thanks everyone. I knew you would have the right things to say to make me feel better and not give up. I'm still in my funk, lots of other struggles right now in addition to this, but I know it will get better. It always does, right?!?!? Once again, you guys are the best!
  • #12

We all know what you are going through and feel your pain. Don't dwell on it and try to think of new approaches. I am sure that it will turn out better soon. Try some of the suggestions that were given and start a new outlook. I know it's not your fault cancellations happen all the time. Every time we get confident that we have a real good line up for a month something happens. I guess that is why they tell us to book more than we think we can handle just for these reasons.

Related to Venting Frustrations - A Direct Seller's Story

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The purpose of "Venting Frustrations - A Direct Seller's Story" is to provide a platform for direct sellers to share their experiences and vent their frustrations in a safe and supportive environment.

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No, "Venting Frustrations - A Direct Seller's Story" is open to all direct sellers, regardless of their company affiliation. We believe that all direct sellers face similar challenges and can benefit from sharing their stories with others.

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