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Top Worst Movies That Should Never Be Watched Again

In summary, the two movies that left me feeling stupid are Napoleon Dynamite and The Fifth Element. The movie with Bruce Willis is called The Fifth Element......and yes it was very bad!
Silver Member
Hey all!

Seeing as how I got such a HUGE response to my other movie thread...now I'm really curious?!!??

What movie(s) have you watched that left you feeling like "why did I just waste my time watching this stupid flick?"

For me, I would have to say:

Napoleon Dynamite (although I have actually watched it a few times...it gets funnier the more you see it...but it's still stupid.)

Then, there's this other dumb movie that stars Bruce Willis, it's set in the future, and he has some girl with pink hair that wears strips of duct tape as clothes....it's lame. So lame, I can't remember the name of it. BAD FLICK!

I'm sure I'll think of more...I just can't remember the names of the dumb movies. What say you, my friends?!?!?
that movie with Bruce is called The Fifth Element......and yes it was very bad!
I agree about Napoleon Dynamite. Everyone else I know thinks it is hysterical, but I think it is the dumbest movie I've seen in a long time.
  • Thread starter
  • #5
Smashie said:
that movie with Bruce is called The Fifth Element......and yes it was very bad!

Thanks, Smashie!! I never would have remembered that name of that stupid movie. I know DH likes it, and will watch it when it's on. I'll walk in the room, turn around and walk right back out. :thumbdown:
Napoleon is a cult flick.....one either hates it or loves it. I personally.........love it!!!I didn't like Happy Feet.....Catwoman was probably the biggest waste of my time.I am sure I will think of more.
Minority Report with Tom Cruise - hated this movie!! I was laughing at parts that weren't meant to be funny - never again!
Gridiron Gang...(with The ROCK). Yeah, uh who gave this guy a script?? Should not be acting. If that is what he calls it.

He seems like a great guy tho :eek:
The English Patient! I demand my money back (I've been waiting a long time)

The Holiday (with Jack Black, Cameron Diaz and some other folks) major YAWN!! Totally predictable!

The Cutter (an Indy film with Robin Williams) weird...that's all I can say about that!
  • #10
About Schmidt
George of the Jungle (with Brendan Fraser)
Meet the Fockers
Analyze That
The Royal Tenenbaums
My Super Ex-Girlfriend
  • Thread starter
  • #11
My 13 yr old DD just told me that "My Super Ex-Girlfriend" is a totally "gayronic" movie. (no offense to anyone...this is her word...I'm not quite sure what that means, exactly...but she's sitting here over my shoulder telling me to put it in here.)
  • #12
pcchris said:
My 13 yr old DD just told me that "My Super Ex-Girlfriend" is a totally "gayronic" movie. (no offense to anyone...this is her word...I'm not quite sure what that means, exactly...but she's sitting here over my shoulder telling me to put it in here.)

hmmm is that a good or a bad thing. LOL

I thought it was the dumbest movie EVER!!!!
  • #13
pcchris said:
Hey all!
Napoleon Dynamite (although I have actually watched it a few times...it gets funnier the more you see it...but it's still stupid.)

Then, there's this other dumb movie that stars Bruce Willis, it's set in the future, and he has some girl with pink hair that wears strips of duct tape as clothes....it's lame. So lame, I can't remember the name of it. BAD FLICK!

You just named two of my DH's favorite movies of all time! LOL! :eek:
  • #14
The Weatherman. That was so depressing.
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  • #15
It's gotta be a guy thing with that "fifth element" movie. They must like the duct tape!

  • #16
DH begged me forever to watch Napoleon Dynamite. I must admit, when I finally sat down with him, it was frickin' hilarious.

But another movie that left me going "huh?" was Babel.

Yes, The Holiday was predictable, but it was a good "feel good" movie. I liked it.
  • #17
I liked The Holiday, but I am a bit biased. I thought Jude Law looked scrumpcious!!! another never again...........Lost in Translation.
  • #18
I recently saw Blades of glory on the flight home from national conference. It was terrible! And after hours of delays...it was the needle that broke the camels back!
  • #19
The Way We Were. Awful. Beyond awful. Moulin Rouge. I'm told this is a love it or hate it flick. I hated it. Turned it off ten minutes into it and I'm glad I only rented it and didn't have to walk out of a theatre after paying that much to see that crap.The worst movie ever made was Plan Nine From Outer Space but that one is so bad, and so painful to watch, that I can't wait to see it again.
  • #20
Dude, I totally loooove Fifth Element. It's fun. And Cheesy sometimes.
  • #21
I was just having this conversation with my fil. I hate movies where I end up mad at the end...City of Angels and Castaway. I know, really popular movies, but I was so sad/mad at the end that it wasn't worth my time! I want to feel good if I take two hours to watch a movie! I also can't stand "real" horror movies like Seven...but I can handle Freddie Cruger!
  • #22
Mystery Men :yuck: :thumbdown:

If your husband tries to get you to watch it run from the room screaming; better yet, take the DVD and smash it into little bits. Believe me, you'll thank yourself that you did. Only bonus I got from watching that movie is hubby let me pick the movies for the next three months. And that didn't even begin to make up for the trauma I had to sit through.

Also anything with Barney in it.

Ghost Rider (I'm sorry I don't care how much money was plunged into the film, Nicholas Cage just doesn't make that good of a superhero. At least he didn't play superman I did hear they were considering him for the part in Superman Returns)

Any Disney sequel. They only do this to make money, the storyline usually isn't that good, and the animation sucks. (Ex-Cinderella 2, Disney Princess Special-I think that's the title, Lion King 1 1/2) The only sequel I would make an exception to is Lion King 2, I felt they did a good job on that.
  • #23
sailortena said:
Dude, I totally loooove Fifth Element. It's fun. And Cheesy sometimes.

Not dude, DUD.

We're talking about Duds, not Dudes.

:p :D :p
  • #24
I Agree!!!
Smashie said:
I liked The Holiday, but I am a bit biased. I thought Jude Law looked scrumpcious!!!

another never again...........Lost in Translation.

DH and I kept trying to give this movie a chance, we thought it has to get better, something spectacular is about to happen... no such luck! What a waste of time.. and it was nominated for an A Award!!! I also agree about Cat Woman mentioned earlier.

Howard the Duck
Ed Wood
Gigli & Glitter - I didn't see these but was warned not to see them! :):thumbdown:
  • #25
May DH's favorite movie is one that I think is so cheesy and lame:

Army of Darkness

You know, the guy with a chainsaw for an arm, a shot gun that never needs to be reloaded that kinda garbage.
  • #26
Addie4TLC said:
DH and I kept trying to give this movie a chance, we thought it has to get better, something spectacular is about to happen... no such luck! What a waste of time.. and it was nominated for an A Award!!! I also agree about Cat Woman mentioned earlier.

Howard the DuckEd Wood
Gigli & Glitter - I didn't see these but was warned not to see them! :):thumbdown:

That is sooo funny. When I was little, I used to watch that all the time. I saw it later and realized how bad (and inapproprite) it was!!:yuck:
  • #27
Christ Follower said:
That is sooo funny. When I was little, I used to watch that all the time. I saw it later and realized how bad (and inapproprite) it was!!:yuck:

That happens a lot... They put cute kids or funny characters in movies that are inappropriate, hellooo kids are going to want to see them! My parents exposed me to everything when I was little, they even took me to see the Exorcist (sp?)!! I remember most of the kids in my class had seen it and had nightmares, I guess I had built up a tolerance from all the other horror movies and it didn't bother me as much (it was just guacamole to me.) My kids have never seen a horror movie... Especially now-a-days with all the advances in special effects. Before you could see the plastic and wires...
  • #28
I must say that I liked Napoleon Dynamite...It was so stupid it was funny. And I liked The Holiday as wellOh Bad movies...so many to choose from, where do I start? (I use to manage a video store)
Some of my choices are Monkey Bone, Rat (I am probably the only person in the world that rented it...thank goodness I didn't invest any more money in it), Eyes Wide Shut (properly named...should have been a clue), Magnolia
  • #29
My parents exposed me to everything when I was little, they even took me to see the Exorcist
I too saw The Exorcist as a child. Had no effect on me. I was raised on horror movies because my mom was such a coward that she wouldn't watch a scary movie alone so she would pack up the kids and take up to go watch it to protect her.
  • #30
Man's Best Friend-about a killer rotweiller that was part robot-this is what happens when you send the GUYS to pick out a movie!!
  • #31
yummy4tummy said:
I must say that I liked Napoleon Dynamite...It was so stupid it was funny. And I liked The Holiday as well

Oh Bad movies...so many to choose from, where do I start? (I use to manage a video store)
Some of my choices are Monkey Bone, Rat (I am probably the only person in the world that rented it...thank goodness I didn't invest any more money in it), Eyes Wide Shut (properly named...should have been a clue), Magnolia

I would have voted Napoleon, but it grew on me. "Just make yourself some dang quesadillas!" Sweet! GOSH!!!
  • #32
yummy4tummy said:
I too saw The Exorcist as a child. Had no effect on me. I was raised on horror movies because my mom was such a coward that she wouldn't watch a scary movie alone so she would pack up the kids and take up to go watch it to protect her.
OMG, my parents let me see that movie and to this day it's one of the freakiest movies I ever saw! Gave me totaly nightmares, I can't watch it now and that is 25+ years later! It gives me the heebegeebes!LOL
  • #33
:thumbdown: The Breakup. Sort of reminded me of having an irritating tooth ache.
I love history movies but was disappointed with the Queen. Good acting, but thought it would have more to it.
Mr. Deeds

Loved Meet the Fockers and I am a feel good movie person so I liked The Holiday. Not into horror movies and guy flicks. I have enough stress in my life so I am into the crap that most people will groan about. Napoleon Dynomite was stupid, but my son forced me to watch it. The best part was watching him laugh at it! Partial to Austin Power movies...love Fat Bastard and Mini Me.
  • #34
ok ready... PUNCH DRUNK LOVE... it was this BIZZARE Adam Sandler movie... i love him but this movie was so aweful my husband, friend and i sat there with our mouths open the whole time like are you kidding me??? SO BAD!
  • #35
Worst Movie Ever Saturn 3 with Farah Fawcett and Kirk Douglas This was from 1980 and I still shudder that I paid good money to see this piece of junk.
  • #36
Meet the Parents/Fockers - They are just painful to watch, a lot of this guy's (that I can't remember cause I haven't had my coffee yet this morning) are like this

There's Something about Mary - It was funny the first time, subsequent viewings were just painful.

American Beauty - Yeah, I know, Oscar winner, amazing artful film, blah blah...I hated it, found it stupid, and sick.

I'm sure I can think of more once I've had my coffee, this is the shortlist. :D
  • #37
Desperately Seeking Susan. The Furry Guy and I kept waiting for the movie to get better. It never did. We decided it was a movie desperately seeking a plot, someone who could act, a director who knew what he was doing, . . .
  • #38
ugggh..Castaway ! BORING !
and Bull Durham not sure why I just didn't like this.
Loved Meet the Parents hated Meet the Fockers
  • #39
My hubby wanted me to chime in for him...

He said anything that is directed by Uwe Boll....for example Blood Rayne. Now, probably none of us (women, anyhow) even know what the heck he is talking about!

BTW- He likes the Fifth Element...and Army of Darkness (and any movie with that main guy in it) are some of his favs!

I am having a hard time thinking of any movies like this....I know that there have been some that I walked out of...just can't think of them now! (Probably cuz they were so bad they were blanked out of my mind!)
  • #40
Napoleon Dynamite was the first one that came to mind...
but My Super Ex-Girlfriend is pretty stupid too!!
  • #41
This is too funny. I loved Castaway. Any movie that can make me cry over the "death" of a volleyball is impressive.
  • #42
I don't like Quetin Tarrintino movies.....at all.
I made 10 minutes into Pulp Fiction and turned it off.

Oh and I don't do horror but what was the one that Quetin did with the vampires and George Clooney....was it Dawn of the Dead. That was horrible too.......not really sure how I got convinced to watch that.
  • #43
I HATED the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I Love horror movies but this was plain STUPID!!!!!:yuck: :thumbdown:

I also have to agree with KG-Mulan Rouge was TERRIBLE! My sister said I needed to give it time. 20 minutes was enough!!!:grumpy:
  • #44
reba515 said:
ugggh..Castaway ! BORING !
and Bull Durham not sure why I just didn't like this.
Loved Meet the Parents hated Meet the Fockers
You didn't like Bull Durham?The Kat Lady wants to know how you can't like a Kevin Costner movie.PSA: Bull Durham, For Love Of The Game and Field of Dreams are NOT baseball movies.ETA: NOW ya did it. The Kat Lady is sitting over here, reciting lines from Bull Durham.
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  • #45
Here ya go - the stinker to end all stinkers. We rented this turkey one New Years Eve and couldn't decide whether it was supposed to be campy or if it was a serious movie that turned out campy. Leslie Nielsen and Cindy Williams.The Creature Wasn't Nice (1983)When the spaceship Vertigo stops to explore a previously unknown planet, the crew finds an unrecognized dollop of protoplasm and takes it aboard ship to return it to earth for analysis. On board, lifeform expands into an oozing person-eating monster which communicates primarily by means of a Vegas lounge act. The crew is gobbled up one after another until the two surviving crewmembers come up with a plan.
  • #46
My vote is Talledega Nights. I thought it would be funny, but it was AWFUL. I kept telling myself it's gotta get better than this....but it just got worse.
Joe Dirt is up there too.
  • #47
Stampaholic1961 said:
Happy Gilmore

Wow! That's considered a classic at our house -- but we are into golf. It cracks me up! "The price is wrong, *****".

Worst movie? It's 1980. My first "real" date. Double dating so my friend can go out with her younger (not-yet-old-enough to drive) boyfriend. My date is 20-something. The movie? It think it was called "Samurai Warrior". Cheesy! Heads, hands, arms and legs getting cut off and blood squirting out (black knight style). It wasn't gross . . . just sad.

That same evening I got into a coughing fit at Taco Bell (it was fancy dinner and a movie) and was very embarrassed.

And I'll always remember the day, Nov. 21, 1980, because we went back to my date's house (I don't even remember this guys name) to find out "who shot JR?” Not that I cared, I didn't watch Dallas.
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  • #49
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
You didn't like Bull Durham?

The Kat Lady wants to know how you can't like a Kevin Costner movie.

PSA: Bull Durham, For Love Of The Game and Field of Dreams are NOT baseball movies.

ETA: NOW ya did it. The Kat Lady is sitting over here, reciting lines from Bull Durham.[/QUOTE]

sorry KG !

Yeah I figured that might get some questioning! I can't really say why I don't like it. It was just one of those movies that I couldn't get into.
I did like the other 2 you mentioned though.
another Kevin Costner movie that blew (IMO) was Water World...he's not hard on the eyes :love: but some of his movies I can go without.
  • #50
With apologies to the Kat Lady, I can't stand to watch any Kevin Costner movie.

And I'm trying really hard to think of others, but I've blocked them all from my memory. :D

The studio cut of Brazil is lousy. The Director's cut, which adds an hour and has an ambiguous ending (instead of sappy-happy) is much better.
<h2>1. What movie(s) have you watched that left you feeling like "why did I just waste my time watching this stupid flick?"</h2><p>Personally, I have found movies like Napoleon Dynamite and some futuristic films starring Bruce Willis to be underwhelming and not worth the time spent watching them. However, everyone has their own opinions and tastes when it comes to movies, so what may be a waste of time for one person may be enjoyable for someone else.</p><h2>2. Do you think Napoleon Dynamite is a good movie?</h2><p>As an employee of Pampered Chef, I cannot give personal opinions on movies. However, I can say that Napoleon Dynamite has received mixed reviews from critics and viewers alike. Some find its quirky humor and characters entertaining, while others may not connect with its style.</p><h2>3. Can you recommend any other bad movies to avoid?</h2><p>I am not able to recommend specific movies to avoid, as everyone has their own preferences and opinions. However, it is always a good idea to read reviews or watch trailers before committing to watching a movie, to avoid potential disappointment.</p><h2>4. Are there any redeeming qualities to these "bad" movies?</h2><p>Again, as an employee of Pampered Chef, I cannot give personal opinions on movies. However, even movies that are generally considered "bad" may have some redeeming qualities, such as strong performances by actors or visually stunning cinematography. It ultimately depends on the individual viewer's perspective.</p><h2>5. Is it worth giving these movies a chance or should I just avoid them altogether?</h2><p>Ultimately, the decision to watch or avoid a movie is up to the individual. While some may find certain movies to be a waste of time, others may enjoy them. It's always a good idea to do some research and read reviews before deciding whether a movie is worth watching.</p>

Related to Top Worst Movies That Should Never Be Watched Again

1. What movie(s) have you watched that left you feeling like "why did I just waste my time watching this stupid flick?"

Personally, I have found movies like Napoleon Dynamite and some futuristic films starring Bruce Willis to be underwhelming and not worth the time spent watching them. However, everyone has their own opinions and tastes when it comes to movies, so what may be a waste of time for one person may be enjoyable for someone else.

2. Do you think Napoleon Dynamite is a good movie?

As an employee of Pampered Chef, I cannot give personal opinions on movies. However, I can say that Napoleon Dynamite has received mixed reviews from critics and viewers alike. Some find its quirky humor and characters entertaining, while others may not connect with its style.

3. Can you recommend any other bad movies to avoid?

I am not able to recommend specific movies to avoid, as everyone has their own preferences and opinions. However, it is always a good idea to read reviews or watch trailers before committing to watching a movie, to avoid potential disappointment.

4. Are there any redeeming qualities to these "bad" movies?

Again, as an employee of Pampered Chef, I cannot give personal opinions on movies. However, even movies that are generally considered "bad" may have some redeeming qualities, such as strong performances by actors or visually stunning cinematography. It ultimately depends on the individual viewer's perspective.

5. Is it worth giving these movies a chance or should I just avoid them altogether?

Ultimately, the decision to watch or avoid a movie is up to the individual. While some may find certain movies to be a waste of time, others may enjoy them. It's always a good idea to do some research and read reviews before deciding whether a movie is worth watching.

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