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Director This Is From a Thread From Director's Loop....my Question Is...are We

In summary, HO is working on a new web-based ordering system that will allow Directors more access to information about submitted shows. There is still no real time viewing of submitted shows, but they are working to implement this feature. They are also planning to add new features over time. However, Directors who have a wait and see attitude will be rewarded.
Silver Member
This is from a thread from Director's Loop....my question is...are we going to be able to see anything? And it makes me wonder...what changes that we are used to seeing now?

Letter sent to HO:
I have a question regarding updates for Consultant Connection on the new web (which, by the way, I'm VERY excited about). One of my "pet peeves" is that we Directors do not have immediate access to information about shows submitted by our downlines. I am hoping against hope that with the new web, we'll be able to see immediately the shows our teams submit rather than us having to rely on them to tell us, which is what we currently have to do! Please tell me that that's going to be part of the new web! PLEASE!!!

Also, one more question....can you narrow down when "later this spring" the launch for the new web will be? March? April?

Daphne Bordelon
Advanced Director

Responce from HO:
Dear Daphne,

We're glad to hear that you're excited about the new Web. It is going to open the door to so many possibilities.

With the new Web, we're not yet able to implement "real time" viewing of your downline's submitted Shows. I know this isn't the answer you were hoping for, but please know that we understand how valuable this would be to Directors. We will continue to work toward providing you with the most timely information possible.


The Pampered Chef
New Web
Well...that was a bunch of nothing for an answer. And notice, there was NO answer as to what "later this Spring" means.
I don't understand why they won't have real time updates, other companies that have web based ordering do, namely MK.
  • Thread starter
  • #4
cincychef said:
I don't understand why they won't have real time updates, other companies that have web based ordering do, namely MK.

Not sure if they are working on it or what. I wish they would let us know other changes we are to expect so we could prepare and look like we are informed with our teams. By keeping the less popular changes from us, it leads to speculation.
I really don't know how & when they will do anything major, I'm just remembering when we switched from PP to P3, it took them a year to finally get everything set up correctly. So I don't think we are going to wake up 1 morning & " Bam" here it is!! JMO... :)
This is my opinion, right now my system works and it is business as usual. I try not to fret or speculate about what the changes will be or when we can expect them. I have no influence over these changes and I cannot control when they will be released. My husband comes from a long line of farmers and whenever I start to fret about something out of my control, he tells me "it is like worrying about the weather. You have no control over it, so why bother worrying about it. It will rain when it rains." So why worry about any changes that may or may not happen? What HO is doing with this new system is so far beyond my technical abililities that I know way too little to be critical. I also heard that this is just the "framework" for the "new house" they are building and while all the features may not be included when first released, they will be working to add and develop new features. It will be an ongoing process. As far as informing our teams...It is okay that we don't have all the answers all time. This is about how you lead. If you are anxious and negative about the unknown then they will be too. The less we play it up the easier the wait will be and the easier the transition. If you have a wait and see attitude, they will too. I am planning to wait and see. In the meantime, it is business as usual. Off to a show with my antiquated laptop that works perfectly well.
cookingwithlove said:
This is my opinion, right now my system works and it is business as usual. I try not to fret or speculate about what the changes will be or when we can expect them. I have no influence over these changes and I cannot control when they will be released. My husband comes from a long line of farmers and whenever I start to fret about something out of my control, he tells me "it is like worrying about the weather. You have no control over it, so why bother worrying about it. It will rain when it rains." So why worry about any changes that may or may not happen? What HO is doing with this new system is so far beyond my technical abililities that I know way too little to be critical. I also heard that this is just the "framework" for the "new house" they are building and while all the features may not be included when first released, they will be working to add and develop new features. It will be an ongoing process. As far as informing our teams...It is okay that we don't have all the answers all time. This is about how you lead. If you are anxious and negative about the unknown then they will be too. The less we play it up the easier the wait will be and the easier the transition. If you have a wait and see attitude, they will too. I am planning to wait and see. In the meantime, it is business as usual. Off to a show with my antiquated laptop that works perfectly well.

And I will still bring my paper receipts to my shows with my calculator & total everyones orders & we will ALL be Happy!!! :woohoo:
Ginger428 said:
And I will still bring my paper receipts to my shows with my calculator & total everyones orders & we will ALL be Happy!!! :woohoo:

I am calculator illiterate and absolutely can not trust my math on those things so I am thankful that when I no longer can bring my laptop I will be able to use the app since I got an iPad last year. I will also continue doing paper order forms at the show too.
Ginger428 said:
And I will still bring my paper receipts to my shows with my calculator & total everyones orders & we will ALL be Happy!!! :woohoo:

ME TOO!!! I have a number of potentials where money is an issue to get started... I think pen and paper and a $5 calculator makes our biz look appealing. Plus, most have a smartphone already so between the two, they will be fine. No additional investment in hardware needed!
  • #10
cookingwithlove said:
This is my opinion, right now my system works and it is business as usual. I try not to fret or speculate about what the changes will be or when we can expect them. I have no influence over these changes and I cannot control when they will be released. My husband comes from a long line of farmers and whenever I start to fret about something out of my control, he tells me "it is like worrying about the weather. You have no control over it, so why bother worrying about it. It will rain when it rains." So why worry about any changes that may or may not happen? What HO is doing with this new system is so far beyond my technical abililities that I know way too little to be critical. I also heard that this is just the "framework" for the "new house" they are building and while all the features may not be included when first released, they will be working to add and develop new features. It will be an ongoing process. As far as informing our teams...It is okay that we don't have all the answers all time. This is about how you lead. If you are anxious and negative about the unknown then they will be too. The less we play it up the easier the wait will be and the easier the transition. If you have a wait and see attitude, they will too. I am planning to wait and see. In the meantime, it is business as usual. Off to a show with my antiquated laptop that works perfectly well.

Yeah, you should have seen the email I got today. I was horrified. Aren't we supposed to complain up?
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  • #11
cookingwithlove said:
This is my opinion, right now my system works and it is business as usual. I try not to fret or speculate about what the changes will be or when we can expect them. I have no influence over these changes and I cannot control when they will be released. My husband comes from a long line of farmers and whenever I start to fret about something out of my control, he tells me "it is like worrying about the weather. You have no control over it, so why bother worrying about it. It will rain when it rains." So why worry about any changes that may or may not happen? What HO is doing with this new system is so far beyond my technical abililities that I know way too little to be critical. I also heard that this is just the "framework" for the "new house" they are building and while all the features may not be included when first released, they will be working to add and develop new features. It will be an ongoing process. As far as informing our teams...It is okay that we don't have all the answers all time. This is about how you lead. If you are anxious and negative about the unknown then they will be too. The less we play it up the easier the wait will be and the easier the transition. If you have a wait and see attitude, they will too. I am planning to wait and see. In the meantime, it is business as usual. Off to a show with my antiquated laptop that works perfectly well.

Wendy, I grew up on a farm too and your husband is exactly right...weather dictates all for sure!

My intent on sharing the comments from another loop was to see if anyone else had had contact with actual HO people that had given answers to some of hiccups we will experience along the way. I remember the silliness of resisting P3 and how we were given a year to switch over. And it did take awhile for systems to settle in. Many waited until the very last minute to switch. I did not wait until the last minute, but it took me a while to dive in!

I was looking this change from the eyes of my full time job. Recently we went from cash registers to a computerized system. As I led my staff of 50 along, I kept everyone as informed as I could about what they were to expect along the way. New procedures changed and somethings popped up along the way that were unexpected. Keeping them informed, up to date and answering their questions helped so much. If they were anxious we addressed their fears along the way.

What many found was that the anticipation was the most difficult challenge. By the second or third day there was much confidence. In the meantime many systems in my office have changed and things still aren't flowing as I would like, but we will get there.

What will be shared with my downline is preparing them for the changes as HO says...making sure duplicates are taken out, etc. And I will share with them that with any change in a system...at first it may not run to perfection, but I am fully confident that HO will get us to where we need to be as soon as they can.

And you are a step ahead with your antique laptop!! I am still doing paper, pen and calculator! I have a Droid, but I have eyes that are getting to be antique and they don't work well on a little screen like that!

You say that you heard that this was just a framework for now. Was this in one of the videos or in Consultant News? Knowing me, I missed it!:blushing:
  • #12
finley1991 said:
ME TOO!!! I have a number of potentials where money is an issue to get started... I think pen and paper and a $5 calculator makes our biz look appealing. Plus, most have a smartphone already so between the two, they will be fine. No additional investment in hardware needed!

I totally agree, BUT I still have a cell phone that does nothing but ring & make calls :eek:. I still have my house phone which is my preference & only use my cell when I'm not home or not driving. It is also pre paid & has roll over minutes & costs me 10.00 a month. So Now looking at these new I phones,I pads etc... ( and I have been looking & asking around) It is going to cost Alot more :( . AND my biggest problem ( my DH ) says my business doesn't make enough to warrent having one! SO I'll just keep doing what I do best! Have shows,have fun & try to build a bigger team and maybe I can sneak one into the house! ;)
  • #13
baychef said:
You say that you heard that this was just a framework for now. Was this in one of the videos or in Consultant News? Knowing me, I missed it!:blushing:

At Spring Launch one of the Execs who help develop the software spoke. She was the one who said it was just the beginning and that more features would be added with time.
  • #14
cookingwithlove said:
At Spring Launch one of the Execs who help develop the software spoke. She was the one who said it was just the beginning and that more features would be added with time.

That was mentioned at our spring launch too.
  • #15
bethcooks4u said:
I am calculator illiterate and absolutely can not trust my math on those things.

OH everytime I forget my laptop, I CRINGE at shows, because I make mistakes all the time (and they are in my customers favor).

I love using my laptop. I own a blackberry storm and don't own a tablet of any kind... luckily i can afford to buy one when the new version comes out.

Not everyone is so lucky though (or has a wireless card for their pc). But they will just have to go back to paper / pen - verses using their pc... Just seems like double work: taking orders on pen/paper at shows and then re-entering everything at home.

I am really excited about the changes - when i talk to new potential consultants and I know they own a droid/apple - they get really excited about using a app at shows.
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  • #16
bethcooks4u said:
That was mentioned at our spring launch too.

Thanks Wendy and Beth...I know I most likely missed it. I am assuming that we will still be able to refer back to our P3 because it is part of our hard drive, correct?
  • #17
baychef said:
Thanks Wendy and Beth...I know I most likely missed it. I am assuming that we will still be able to refer back to our P3 because it is part of our hard drive, correct?

According to my NED director she said that the past shows on P3 will not transfer over to the new web program. So we should keep a P3 on our computer to refer back to those past shows.
  • #18
cookingwithlove said:
According to my NED director she said that the past shows on P3 will not transfer over to the new web program. So we should keep a P3 on our computer to refer back to those past shows.

:yuck: Not impressed with that! Hopefully they'll figure out a way to merge it all together so that we can sign in from a show or a friend's house & tell them what they've already bought in the past.
  • #19
Sheila said:
:yuck: Not impressed with that! Hopefully they'll figure out a way to merge it all together so that we can sign in from a show or a friend's house & tell them what they've already bought in the past.

Yes!!! Plus, looking up a warranty at the show would be nice. I don't know how many people bring me broken items wanting me to send them back for them. While, I don't mind doing it. I hate the "bring it back to me b/c it isn't covered" issue. I try to get out of taking them home if at all possible. I realize this wouldn't work if it wasn't your customer but having the ability to look it up would be Awesome!!

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