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Someone Else Having a Show... Not From Me

I explained the situation and we got her set up for the 14th. I was honest with her and said that I have never done two shows in one day before and that I would give it a try. She was cool with that. So, moral of the story, if they want a party bad enough, they will work around you.In summary, a new consultant is facing a dilemma in her neighborhood due to another consultant having a PC party before her scheduled party. She is worried about losing potential sales and is unsure of what to do. The other consultants in the conversation offer advice to go with the originally scheduled date and to expand beyond the neighborhood for potential guests. They also stress the importance
another PC having a show in my neighbourhood...Ok, I wasn't sure how to title this one. I have just recently signed up to become a PC consultant. I have my kit and everything. THere is a lady who has been coming into our neighbourhood doing shows, then I became interested. I didn't sign up through her, I guess I didn't realize you could go through a consultant to become a consultant. She never mentioned the opporunity at her shows.

Anyway, I hd told several people about becoming a consultant and knew this other lady booked a show from the other consultant. She had said she was going to do it in October. I hadn't seen her since I signed up, we went on vacation shortly after I did sign up. I had talked to two neighbours about doing shows and one said she would do one middle of September, she had a date picked out of the dates I had listed. Then I went on vacation for a week.

So... I get back from vacation and find an email that this other lady is having her PC party on Sept. 15th!! If I go right before her I look like an *#$&# , if I go after, I may lose potential sales!

What do I do??? I thought if she did it in October I was safe but now I'm frustrated!!

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Did you already set up a date for your show? I would just go with the date that you and your host had already discussed. Your other option would be to postpone your show until October.

Yes, go with the original date you booked her for. Mention at the show that it is your first (or one of your first) shows - people are very understanding. Also mention at your shows that you are just starting out and are really trying to get a clientele up built and you would appreciate any referrals...maybe offer somethng free if a referral books a show, etc. - just a thought! Good Luck! :)
I don't know about your neighborhood, but there are PC parties every month around here. My neighbor had a party a week before I had mine (where I just signed up!) and I STILL had almost $1000 worth of sales. I figure, for one thing, each person knows and invites people outside of her neighborhood; and for another, if someone can't go to one party, they can go to the other, and it all works itself out in the end. It will be FINE! Good luck, have fun!
Go with the date that your potential host requested. You are accomodating her, not the neighbor. And two shows in the same neighborhood in the same month is not that big of a problem. Remember, not everyone can afford everything on one week's paycheck. Also, she will invite others that may not neccessarily be invited to the neighbor's party. Lastly, stong host-coach your hostess to overinvite and encourage them to bring a friend; perhaps name in a drawing if they bring 2 friends...or one that has never been to a pampered chef show before.
speedychef said:
I don't know about your neighborhood, but there are PC parties every month around here. My neighbor had a party a week before I had mine (where I just signed up!) and I STILL had almost $1000 worth of sales. I figure, for one thing, each person knows and invites people outside of her neighborhood; and for another, if someone can't go to one party, they can go to the other, and it all works itself out in the end. It will be FINE! Good luck, have fun!

I agree with this! Before becoming a consultant I just didn't buy everything I wanted at each party - always left something "for next party", this way my pocketbook only felt expenses in increments.
List of 100Encourage her to think beyond the neighborhood. Send invites with her kids to school. Think of church members even people that are just acquantances. She/you have to think outside of the box. I would photocopy an unused List of 100 from a Starter Kit to help her think of people.
Definately a quandry but...The most important thing to remember here is that your host comes first, ALWAYS! If she picked that date, then by goodness, that's the date you have your show. I had an odd thing happen to me in that I got a call from a past host to have a show in August. So we got her set up for the 28th. Two weeks later, I got a call from her cousin, she too wanted an August show. She came to me because she did not like the consultant she originally booked from and had already told everyone she was having a show on the 20th.
Well, you can imagine how weird that was for me considering that I knew that the one host would be coming to the one party and vise versa. So they were actually competing for orders all the sudden. You know what, it turned out to NOT be my problem. I am doing both shows and whatever happens, happens. There is nothing I can do in this case because to say no to either one would be suicide. So you do your show and let the other lady do hers. It may not be a huge show, it may be dynamite because you are a newbie. Newbies attract attention to old time P.C. customers. They get bored too with us strangely enough. So just dive in and do your thing and keep your host happy. Word of mouth will do the rest. And everyone here knows that if someone is invited to both, they will more than likely place two orders. So there is no way for you to loose except to give in.

Related to Someone Else Having a Show... Not From Me

1. Can I still earn host rewards if someone else has a show, not from me?

Yes, you can still earn host rewards if someone else has a show, not from you. As long as you are listed as the host of the show and the total sales reach a minimum of $200, you will be eligible to receive host rewards.

2. Do I need to attend the show if it's not from me?

No, you do not need to attend the show if it's not from you. However, it is always a great idea to attend and support the host who is having the show. You can also learn more about our products and potentially make new connections with other guests at the show.

3. How do I invite people to a show that is not from me?

You can still invite people to a show that is not from you. Simply share the host's show link or contact information with your friends and family and encourage them to attend and support the host. You can also help spread the word by sharing the show on your social media platforms.

4. Can I still earn commission from a show that is not from me?

No, you will not earn commission from a show that is not from you. Commission is only earned when you are the host of the show or when someone places an order under your consultant ID.

5. Can I still book my own show if I attend a show that is not from me?

Yes, attending a show that is not from you does not affect your ability to book your own show. In fact, attending and supporting other shows can help you build relationships and potentially book more shows in the future.

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