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Rant Smoothing Over a Recruiting Misstep: My Pampered Chef Experience

PC does not always offer incentives, but if they do, it's usually announced on the 1st of the month. This can be frustrating if a new recruit signs up and then finds out about an incentive that they missed out on. It's important to stay positive and focus on the benefits they are already receiving as a consultant. Other consultants have also experienced this issue and have tried to smooth it over with their recruits by explaining the situation and the uncertainty of incentives. It's important to remind them that any month is a good month to join and to start earning commission as soon as possible.
I don't like to gripe about PC because they are such a great company to do business with, ( most of the time) but I am a little annoyed right now:grumpy:.
I just had my first recruit sign yesterday and she texted me earlier to let me know that the new recruit special was the 50% rebate. Needless to say she was disappointed:(. I feel like this makes me look bad, like I was so desperate to get the booking (which wasn't, she approached me) that I may have withheld information. This is the very reason that I don't pressure or hard sell recruits like we are trained to do sometimes. I don't like it my self and I don't like to do that to others. Has anyone else had this problem and how did you try to smooth it over with the recruit?

:DOn a good note, I signed my first recruit!!!!!!!!!!!!! (yes it took almost 4 years, this is my hobby not a career at this time)
Her deal is actually better if you think about it. If she gets the big kit, the rebate is $79.50, but if she signed in Sept & gets the DCB & RCB for qualifying in 30 days, that's worth $134!!
I agree with Kristina.....
Plus, just tell her that you don't know what any incentive bonus is until the 1st of the month. So you weren't trying to hide something from her. PC doesn't have to give them anything. They get SO MUCH already with the PC $ incentive.So stay positive, and just build up her excitement about the offer she did sign up under. When she has that first show- she'll earn that $79.50 back anyway!! Good luck and congrats!
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That did cross my mind but she opted for the mini kit (she has ALOT of the products). so she would have got alot more for the $. But I guess it all comes about the same no matter how you look at. I just feel like it makes me look uninformed or like I might be withholding information.........
For what it's worth, she still would have done the $1250 in sales in order to GET the rebate anyway.you were well informed- of the information made available to us at the time. ;)
Keep in mind that there is always the chance that there will be NO incentive. You wouldn't know that until the 1st - and then it would be too late.
esavvymom said:
I agree with Kristina.....
Plus, just tell her that you don't know what any incentive bonus is until the 1st of the month. So you weren't trying to hide something from her. PC doesn't have to give them anything. They get SO MUCH already with the PC $ incentive./QUOTE]

she will discover all this as she continues as a consultant
Make sure to point out that we don't know until the first of the month if there is even an incentive or what it is. But any month is a good month to join!
I have a potential recruit who I think now won't want to sign this month because of the bonus ... she'll probably wait and see what comes in the next month or two. She'll be getting the $80 kit... so it's a $40 benefit, whereas on a real good month like the stoneware one the value in that is a lot higher. We'll see.
  • #10
KristensCooking said:
I have a potential recruit who I think now won't want to sign this month because of the bonus ... she'll probably wait and see what comes in the next month or two. She'll be getting the $80 kit... so it's a $40 benefit, whereas on a real good month like the stoneware one the value in that is a lot higher. We'll see.

One thing for her to consider though, is that the sooner she starts, the more commission she'll be earning. November and the beginning of December are great months for sales due to the holidays, so she will benefit by signing now as opposed to waiting for another one. And sometimes the really great incentives are offered on lousy time-of-the-year-for-parties type of months. KWIM? Plus, with all the PC$ they can earn, it can be really awesome...especially during those holiday sales times!!
  • #11
Last year, the last two months, if I remember, there was no incentive....
  • #12
babywings76 said:
One thing for her to consider though, is that the sooner she starts, the more commission she'll be earning. November and the beginning of December are great months for sales due to the holidays, so she will benefit by signing now as opposed to waiting for another one. And sometimes the really great incentives are offered on lousy time-of-the-year-for-parties type of months. KWIM? Plus, with all the PC$ they can earn, it can be really awesome...especially during those holiday sales times!!

And she sets herself up for the Sell-a-thon this winter...so be sure to let her know that. She can go for max PC $ and then have an awesome schedule in place for SAT! (free for all or whatever they decide to call it this time ;)). Plus she can start getting her bracelet charms. If she likes that sort of thing. She could earn her rebate, and then sell the bracelet and make as much money in the deal! Haha

3girls said:
Last year, the last two months, if I remember, there was no incentive....

Yes. That has happened. i dont know if it was last year or not, but I know they did that recently. Just tell her they dont always give ANY incentive bonus! It is just that, a BONUS on top of the other gazillion things they give us.
  • #13
KristensCooking said:
I have a potential recruit who I think now won't want to sign this month because of the bonus ... she'll probably wait and see what comes in the next month or two. She'll be getting the $80 kit... so it's a $40 benefit, whereas on a real good month like the stoneware one the value in that is a lot higher. We'll see.

There was NO recruit special Last November!!! Don't wait, get whatever extra you can. Think of all the money you WILL NOT BE MAKING by waiting to see what "special" may be next!
  • #14
Yeah, there have been some great signing promos during Jan/Feb, but guess what? It's also more difficult to make the $1250 during those months.

Curious to what she says when you tell her you didn't find out until the 1st. You weren't witholding info, HO was - that is how they do it. That's how most other companies do, too - I've never seen a direct sales company post a 3-5 year plan. In retail you don't find out what's on sale until Sunday for the week.
  • #15
slhalepc said:
But I guess it all comes about the same no matter how you look at. I just feel like it makes me look uninformed or like I might be withholding information.........

if she continues to complain, tell her to watch for news of upcoming incentives... on the first of next month.
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blueberrylady said:
if she continues to complain, tell her to watch for news of upcoming incentives... on the first of next month.

She didn't complain persay, she would have ordered the bigger kit even though she has alot already.
I just took it as a reflection on myself. She will see for herself how the incentives change and when they come out and know that I didn't hold out on her. I guess it is all good................

Related to Smoothing Over a Recruiting Misstep: My Pampered Chef Experience

1) What is "Smoothing Over a Recruiting Misstep: My Pampered Chef Experience"?

"Smoothing Over a Recruiting Misstep: My Pampered Chef Experience" is a personal account written by a Pampered Chef consultant about a recruiting mistake she made and how she handled it. It serves as a guide for others who may encounter similar situations in their direct sales businesses.

2) What is the main lesson learned from the author's experience?

The main lesson learned from the author's experience is the importance of honesty and communication when dealing with a recruiting misstep. She emphasizes the value of admitting mistakes, apologizing, and finding a solution that works for both parties involved.

3) How does the author suggest handling a recruiting misstep?

The author suggests handling a recruiting misstep by acknowledging the mistake, apologizing sincerely, and offering a solution that benefits both the consultant and the potential recruit. This could include offering a discount or additional perks to make up for the error and maintaining open communication throughout the process.

4) What makes this article helpful for direct sales consultants?

This article is helpful for direct sales consultants because it provides a real-life example of a recruiting misstep and offers practical advice on how to handle it. It also highlights the importance of maintaining a good reputation and building trust with potential recruits, which is crucial in the direct sales industry.

5) Can this article be applied to other industries besides direct sales?

While the article is primarily focused on the direct sales industry, the main lesson of honesty and communication can be applied to any industry. The author's experience and advice can be useful for anyone who may encounter a mistake in their professional life and needs guidance on how to handle it effectively.

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