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Should I Pay to Return My Guest's Product???

In summary, a customer is upset about having to return a defective product and is frustrated about having to pay for return shipping. The consultant is unsure about whether to pay for the shipping to provide excellent customer service or to direct the customer to contact the company's Solution Center. Other consultants suggest just taking the hit and sending back the product for the customer. However, the consultant is hesitant because the customer used to be a Direct Sales person and may continue to demand more in the future. There is a policy in place for returning products for former hostesses or preferred customers, but not for new or one-time customers.
Gold Member
One of my customers is making a big issue out of her having to return an item that she purchased back in March. It is the Easy adj. measuring cup. She says it has never "performed" as it should (liquid leaking). I offered to show her how to make it work to be sure that it was truly defective before returning it...she insisted on getting a replacement...she didn't want to call so I did...called the HO and got her info, Adj #, etc. When I sent her the info (via email) about her sending it back, the address, etc...she was upset that she would have to pay for shipping for the product when it wasn't her fault that it didn't work, etc etc etc. She said she doesn't understand why the "representative" (she used to sell AVON and that is what they call their consultants) couldn't just take care of it (meaning pay for it) for her. I am torn between starting something that I don't want to have to continue for other guests OR provide EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE by taking care of it for her. (I guess part of me is thinking...she sold AVON for 10 yrs she should know what it is like when it is company policies....)
Any advice?????
I would call HO and ask for a label or return it yourself. It just isn't worth the bad press from this woman. It's a very light product and won't cost much to return.
Do you want to keep her as a customer? That would affect the decision.If she is crabby, demanding and won't listen to proper instruction on the product, what happens when you send it back and it works the same as before?Are you going to have to pay and go through this again?I would politely send her a note back with the 800# and have her speak to the Solution Center about it. Say, I understand your frustration with paying to send an item back. That is why PC offers free shipping back in the first 30 days. After that it is the customer's responsibility. After all, you would have to pay gas money to drive to a store to return something and they wouldn't send it back. PC offers a great warranty and only asks that you ship to them.
DebbieJ said:
I would call HO and ask for a label or return it yourself. It just isn't worth the bad press from this woman. It's a very light product and won't cost much to return.

I agree with Debbie. Just bite the bullet and send it back for her. It stinks but sometimes you just have to take the hit.
PampMomof3 said:
I agree with Debbie. Just bite the bullet and send it back for her. It stinks but sometimes you just have to take the hit.

I normally do that, but I guess I think twice when it is another past DS person. They seem to purposely try to demand more from us and the next encounter they continue to demand more. Sometimes it is worth it, but sometimes it is just good to direct them to HO.
janetupnorth said:
I normally do that, but I guess I think twice when it is another past DS person. They seem to purposely try to demand more from us and the next encounter they continue to demand more. Sometimes it is worth it, but sometimes it is just good to direct them to HO.

I absolutely agree and we were typing at the same time, mine just came a second or two later.

For example, I had a customer who wouldn't pay $4 s/h so she ALWAYS has to add it to another person's order. Then she calls me periodically out of the blue wanting SB cookbooks and wants them at a discount. What a pain!! I've stopped giving into her with the SBCB but I also haven't received an order from her in over a year!
I agree w/ Deb to just ship it back for her. It has been mentioned before and will be again that customers that used to be or currently are DS people, are sometimes the worst to deal with. And by knowing so many people...that could cause some bad vibes for you. Even though this isn't your fault.
I keep a policy for myself that if you have been a hostess or a preferred customer of mine, I will return products for you. (return shipping is tax deductable) But if you are a customer that isn't a repeat or is just new. I do not take your products. There have been a few times that I have b/c they threw such a fit, but for the most part, I don't. But this is just me.
I think there is something in the Policies and procedures that says we (consultants) are not to handle the return of the products. But I can't be for sure.
I am not sure if you mention the first 30 days after shipping that PC will send for the product if there is something wrong. I usually say the first 2-3 weeks that they have it, in case the hostess didn't get it to them in a timely fashion. I make sure to mention at every show and again to the hostess at closing to remind everyone when she delivers the products to get them out and use them asap and if there are any issues to please call me and I will get the adjustment set up for them.

Again, this is just how I handle this situation. I hope it helps!!!
In some ways I agree with both positions. I try to tell everyone at my shows about the 30 day return policy and how customers must pay shipping after the 30 days. I guess it would depend on if you explained the 30 day policy. I know it's on the receipt, but who reads those details.

If you didn't explain than let it be a lesson for all of us to always mention it, and also do our customer service calls to those who place outside or catalog show orders. I really need to be better about that myself.
PampMomof3 said:
I absolutely agree and we were typing at the same time, mine just came a second or two later.

For example, I had a customer who wouldn't pay $4 s/h so she ALWAYS has to add it to another person's order. Then she calls me periodically out of the blue wanting SB cookbooks and wants them at a discount. What a pain!! I've stopped giving into her with the SBCB but I also haven't received an order from her in over a year!
I discount on the SBRC? You've got to be kidding me!
  • #10
I have made it a part of my "full service checkout". After I pull out their copy of the receipt, I mention that it is their TEMPORARY receipt and when they get their products there will be a nice printed copy. I then tell them that I want them to open AND use their products right away and ask if they need any ideas to use it or any recipes. I explain the 30 day return policy and that after that they would have to ship it back so we want to try stuff right away.
  • #11
I agree with Janet. She had 30 days to return it free of charge, now she needs to pay the shipping to send it back herself. There is no reason for you to be out money just because she is unhappy. We are not in this business to lose money, but to MAKE money. Let home office do their job with exchanges and returns, and we'll do our job SELLING!!
  • Thread starter
  • #12
Thank you all for all your advice.
I did mention at the show closing, when her order arrived and when I did my customer care calls-the 30 day PC return policy. I did give her the reciept with said information...when she emailed me asking to return for her the cup, I first offered to guide her through putting together cup so that it would create the seal...but she insisted on an exchange for different items. I directed her to her reciept and explained the policy-that she would have to return at her expense....that is when she sent this email:
Do I get reimbursed from PC for the shipping cost? I'm sure it won't cost much to send, but the "Guarantee" says "we want you to be completely satisfied . . . You may return any product(s) that is defective or doesn't perform . . . " If it "doesn't perform", why do I have to pay to send it back?

Sorry for being so petty, but that would stink if I had to ship something back that was really heavy. I guess I thought the representative would be able to send it back and exchange it for the other items. I simply thing its unfair that we are not made aware of the policy.

I decided to respond to her with the following because every time I have referred to her reciept she says her reciept doesn't have that information.:
I will bring you another print out of your reciept. I am unsure why the copy that I first gave you doesn't have all this information. I will be sending every guest from your show a copy of their reciept via mail in case their copies didn't have the pertinent information. I certainly want to be sure that everyone is aware of our return policy. I try to stress to all my cutomers the importance of those first 30 days.

~"If a product arrived damaged or does not perfrom according to the Use and Care instructions, please contact the Solution Center or your consultant within 30 days from the ship date of the show. Upon timely notification we will make prepaid arragements for the item to be retruned for replacement, refund or exchange."

~"If you are not completely satisfied with a nonconsumable product within one year from the date of purchase, contact our Solution Center or your consultant. Upon return of the prodcut with origianl sales receipt (at your expense), we will replace, refund or exchage the item for another item available for sale at the time of the original purchase, provided it has not been discontinued."

I apologize that I wasn't aware of this problem sooner (your cup not functioning properly). If you'd like I can walk you through how to get it to work. If the product is truly defective it should be sent for replacement or as you've requested exchange for different products. I would like to offer you a 10% discount on your next purchase to help offset the cost of the shipping.
  • #13
I think you handled it perfectly and professionally. If she can't respect your business, then she will just take advantage of you in the future. It's always best to stick to the policies that HO sets forth and not slide from them. Good luck!
  • #14
texaschef said:
Thank you all for all your advice.
I did mention at the show closing, when her order arrived and when I did my customer care calls-the 30 day PC return policy. I did give her the reciept with said information...when she emailed me asking to return for her the cup, I first offered to guide her through putting together cup so that it would create the seal...but she insisted on an exchange for different items. I directed her to her reciept and explained the policy-that she would have to return at her expense....that is when she sent this email:
Do I get reimbursed from PC for the shipping cost? I'm sure it won't cost much to send, but the "Guarantee" says "we want you to be completely satisfied . . . You may return any product(s) that is defective or doesn't perform . . . " If it "doesn't perform", why do I have to pay to send it back?

Sorry for being so petty, but that would stink if I had to ship something back that was really heavy. I guess I thought the representative would be able to send it back and exchange it for the other items. I simply thing its unfair that we are not made aware of the policy.

I decided to respond to her with the following because every time I have referred to her reciept she says her reciept doesn't have that information.:
I will bring you another print out of your reciept. I am unsure why the copy that I first gave you doesn't have all this information. I will be sending every guest from your show a copy of their reciept via mail in case their copies didn't have the pertinent information. I certainly want to be sure that everyone is aware of our return policy. I try to stress to all my cutomers the importance of those first 30 days.

~"If a product arrived damaged or does not perfrom according to the Use and Care instructions, please contact the Solution Center or your consultant within 30 days from the ship date of the show. Upon timely notification we will make prepaid arragements for the item to be retruned for replacement, refund or exchange."

~"If you are not completely satisfied with a nonconsumable product within one year from the date of purchase, contact our Solution Center or your consultant. Upon return of the prodcut with origianl sales receipt (at your expense), we will replace, refund or exchage the item for another item available for sale at the time of the original purchase, provided it has not been discontinued."

I apologize that I wasn't aware of this problem sooner (your cup not functioning properly). If you'd like I can walk you through how to get it to work. If the product is truly defective it should be sent for replacement or as you've requested exchange for different products. I would like to offer you a 10% discount on your next purchase to help offset the cost of the shipping.

Brilliant!!! I love it!!
I think you have handled this very well. Hopefully she doesn't continue to be a pain!!
Good luck!!
  • Thread starter
  • #15
Just an update....her measuring cup works!!! I went over, took it apart for her and assembled it...then poured water and tada...no spill over!!!! She was in absolute shock...I really think she wasn't snapping it right. I dumped out the water, disassembled and then had her assemble it a few times. Now everything is peachykeen! (She did like that I was going to give her a 10% discount on her next purchase if she had to mail it back;) )
  • #16
Wow! Good for you and your persistance! (sp?)
  • #17
I have done this in the past for customers who seemed to be irrated and or crappy with having to do it, I write off for taxes what it cost to send it back and its a good way to make a follow up call, I have gotten away from this because it can get costly, I use the example of when my stone broke and I had to send 1/2 of it back. I also tell the customer that the company stands by their product replacement.

Good luck
  • #18
Good for you - going over to show her how to use the product correctly, and having her
reassemble it while you watched. Hope this creates goodwill, and repeat sales.
  • #19
Funny you should bring this up!! That's EXACTLY how I got myself into the "returning" mess!!! :grumpy: I had a guest as well who was cranky because they had to pay to return. So, being the nice person that I am :p, I returned it for her. Well, I just started a big mess for myself. The more shows I had, the more returns I had and the bigger the hole I dug myself. :rolleyes:

I have now vowed to never again return items for my customers....okay NEVER is a strong word, but I will try my best! ;) As a matter of fact, I put together my LAST box of returns tonight and it will be sent off tomorrow! :D

My problem too was that stuff would sit for weeks...months....:eek: because I kept putting it off! So, I will call and get the info for them, but they can send back themselves. I figure we have a pretty damn good return policy compared to other DS companies! I figure the complainers are one in a million....right?? :rolleyes:

Good luck! :)

Related to Should I Pay to Return My Guest's Product???

1. Should I pay to return my guest's product if they received a damaged or defective item?

Yes, as a Pampered Chef consultant, it is your responsibility to ensure that your customers receive high-quality and undamaged products. If a guest receives a damaged or defective item, you should cover the return shipping costs and replace the item for them.

2. Do I need to pay for return shipping if my guest changed their mind about the product?

No, if the guest simply changed their mind about the product and there are no issues with the quality or functionality of the item, they should cover the return shipping costs. However, you can offer to cover the return shipping as a gesture of good customer service.

3. How soon should I refund my guest for a returned item?

You should aim to process the refund for a returned item as soon as possible. This will depend on your company's policies and procedures, but a good rule of thumb is to process the refund within 3-5 business days of receiving the returned item.

4. What if my guest wants to return a product after the return window has passed?

In most cases, if the return window has passed, you are not obligated to accept the return. However, you can use your discretion and decide to make an exception in certain circumstances, such as if the guest has a valid reason for the delayed return.

5. Can I charge a restocking fee for returned products?

It is not recommended to charge a restocking fee for returned products as it can discourage customers from making future purchases and may lead to negative reviews. However, if your company has a restocking fee policy in place, you should clearly communicate this to your guests before they make a purchase.

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