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Should I Do Another Party Lite Show for a Pushy Host?

In summary, the girl who booked the show with me was pushy, snotty, and didn't seem to enjoy selling candles. I don't think I want to do another show with her.
I had a show yesterday for a Party Lite consultant. She's a friend of a friend and when she first heard I was starting out, she wanted me to do a show for her and then she would host one for me. Well, at first I didn't know what to do. I said I'd have to think about it and let her know. Then my husband told me his best friend's wife does PL (and we've known them for years, I just sort of forgot she does PL) and if I ever wanted anything to order it from her since we've known them longer. So, I told the girl that I already had a PL contact and I'd feel a little weird doing a show with someone else. End of story.

The girl/woman booked a show with me and didn't say anything else about it. So, yesterday I had a show for her and it was very successful. It was my first $1000.00 show ever! Now, I just got an email from her asking me again to please do a PL show for her. I don't light candles (except on b-day's - I have 2 kids and I just don't feel comfortable lighting candles with 2 little ones running around). I feel like now she thinks I owe her something just because she worked so hard at getting a really large show. All along I had a bad feeling about this show. It was a long drive (over an hour away from me) and frankly, I really don't think she's that nice. She's a little snooty . . . a little cold and very pushy. I really am in a bind here. I don't know what to do. I mean, I haven't even asked my own family to host a PC show yet (I have some reasons why . . . not going to get into it right now) and I'm going to ask them to do a Party Lite show? I think not! Can someone give me some advice on this issue? HOw do I handle it? Am I wrong for not wanting to do a show for someone else?


My input might be wrong, but I would just tell her that you are working with another PL consultant, and just like you have a client base, you are one of her's and you don't want to do that to her. Plus the fact with her being in business she really wouldn't want someone to take one of her clients away. Tell her you really enjoyed working with her and maybe you would keep her in mind in case your current PL lady decides to stop her business.
Just my 2 cents.
Try this!Why dont you ask her if you can do some kind of a catalog show. If it must be a home show then please try to help her out. I have many friends who try to help me with shows and I try to do the same for them. Tell her you appreciate all the work she did for you and you can't promise the same results but you will try to see what you can do.
Considering she did a thousand dollar show, you should think about helping her out. Remember we start this business out with little or no contacts and I'm sure she has the same problem. She has chosen to sell candles, not my idea of a good investment, but hey she likes it so just try to be gracious and see if anyone would like to purchase a little something for her. I once offered a friend of mine to do a show with me. She sold southern living and I sold PC stuff. IT turned out great and although I got a lot of the sales, she got some and was happy about that. We both knew the hostess and it worked out fine.
I have a friend who sells MK stuff and she never did a party for me so if anyone ever did a party for me I would be glad to do one for them. We can help each other out. I mean don't go out of your way to inconvenience yourself but do try to help her out even if it's a little bit. Considering she was pushy and snotty, she did a good job selling your stuff. You don't want to lose a host like that. If you do her the favor she will be happy to help you out again with a show in the future. Unless you feel this relationship is not beneficial to you, even with all the new contacts you have, then feel free to say no and don't expect her to do another show.
Similar situationI have the same kind of thing going on. One of my upcoming hosts is a Wildtree herb rep and she is asking me to reciprocate on a Wildtree party. I, too, have another Wildtree friend. And, I am not that into the products. (Not that they're bad!)

What I told her was that since I was just starting with PC it would be an awkward time for me to have a wildtree party, but that I will schedule one in the fall. Then I told my friend the Wildtree rep that I did that so she wouldn't feel weird about it. She understood completely.

So, that was my take on it. And I really will do one in the fall... just in time for the holidays!

You said in your post "I told the girl that I already had a PL contact and I'd feel a little weird doing a show with someone else." BEFORE she booked the PC show for you. Sounds like she assumed that if she did one for you, you would do one for her.

I would thank her for being such a good host and remind her that you had told her upfront that you already had a PL consultant. Say "I'm sorry. I thought you understood that I couldn't do one for you because our friend does PL."

It sounds like you never made a comittment to her so don't feel guilty. She is just trying to use you.
Just tell her you don't like the products and would not feel right hosting a show. Cut and dry. Of course be courtious but honest and forthright as well. Don't come up with a million excuses, if you were in her shoes would you appreciate that? Hope this helps.
this is a sticky situation. if it was me i would try to do a show just because she helped me out. if you can get away with a catalog show even better. i am in the process of doing a catalog show for a MK rep that i met a couple months ago that lost her home due to katrina. this was the only way i could help her out and maybe in the end she will do a show for me...who knows? I also have a friend that sells avon and next month she will be hosting like her 4th show for me in less than a year. in return i buy avon stuff sometimes. not every campaign but maybe once a month i buy something just to help them out. you never know when you are going to need that person to help you out. i wouldnt burn a bridge but of course that is just me and my opinion!
too busy!My director always told us that you could just say you're too busy with getting your own business up & going, and you don't have time to do a show for another company. Since she also runs her own business she ought to understand!
Please read and re-read (as needed) Beth's post.

You told her you had a PL contact already. End of story. Repeat this to her as needed. Of course, be pleasant and thank her for doing such an outstanding job of hosting her show.

Don't let yourself suffer from that "need to please" disease. Saying no does not make you a bad person. It does keep you in charge of your priorities.

Good luck with your business!!
  • #10
We get what we give...If you host a party-lite show do you have to buy the stuff? I'm with you, I don't have candles in the house except for our bedroom (that's for me and my hubby only, if you know what I mean :p ) and I have a toddler running around, so I know where you're coming from. But looking at the big picture, if I were in your shoes, I'd go ahead and have the show. You may not have a $1000 show for her, but you'll still be able to help her out, like others mentioned. It sounds like she worked to do a good show for you, to help you out too. So, I'd return the favor. One only gets what s/he gives. don't do it out of greed.. so that she'll do another show for you. Do the show out of thanks and gratitude -- that you're grateful for her help and thankful for her party. Showing that will trickle down to the guests of her show. Even if you don't care to do business with this one particular host again, there were some good guests at the show that made up that $1000 total.. those are great contacts that you have from the show that you can move forward with in your business.

As for your friend being a PL consultant, i would hope that she would understand you doing a show for this host. My mom has had a PC consultant for like 6 years now, and when i became a PC consultant, I understood that she watned to stay with her (she's in the area and can do home shows for her, plus she has a 6 year long relationship with her.. and she's a really great gal). She has had 2 $600+ shows, plus my sister and aunt have booked off her (in a cycle) at least twice in the time I've been a consultant. But I'm okay with that. (all of a sudden I have to remind myself that I am, considering I am struggling for bookings and 90% of my List of 100 is people that are continual customers through my mom/sister/aunt.... :cool: ) lol okay, so maybe that wasn't the best example of the point i was trying to make.. I'm gonna go now.. Gotta reassure myself that I'm okay with what I said I was okay with.. considering i'm just a lowly consultant who's doing this to make ends meet for our family and my mom's consultant is a very successful director with a downline. :confused: :eek: :rolleyes:

Overall, if I were you, I'd swallow that "ugh" feeling and do the show for her out of thanks (and in faith) -- and it will come back to you.. in a good way.

Just my opinion. :D
  • #11
group showWhy not organize a show that featured both products? You could help her while telling your friends about your new business.

Personally, though, I would not have the party. You don't owe her anything except a thank you....BEE
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  • #12
here's what i saidThanks so much for all your advice about this situation. This is what I emailed her . . . I congratulated her on being such a successful hostess and reminded her about all that she is getting with PC. Then, I told her that I already had a PL contact who happens to be a very close friend of our family (my husband teaches with her everyday). I told her that for now I can't do a show, but if anything happens to my friend and she suddenly decides that she isn't going to do PL anymore, I would call the host from last night and inform her.

I am an honest person and I would call her if any news came up. I feel right with what I wrote and she did know beforehand that I had a contact. The second time I spoke with her (ya know, the second call we make before we do the show), we spoke over the phone about this. That's why it kind of irritated my that she asked again. I think that's also what turned me off . . .I don't do business that way. I've asked people if they want to host a show and if they said no, I didn't approach them a few weeks later and ask again. I could see in like 3-6 months refreshing them about the products and sizing them up, but not like this. I mean we just talked about it and I told her that I knew someone else. When I said yes to the show, I was under the impression (because we had talked about it) that she knew I wasn't interested. I don't think I should feel obligated to owe anyone favors. If that's the way I have to run my business, then I'd give it up in a second. The people I've done shows for have truly liked the products and I've never pestered them or pressured them into having shows for me. That is so far away from my personality and what I am all about. I am not a greedy person, I am grateful for what I have and what my life is all about. However, I also don't think I should feel like I owe each person that has $1000 show, just because they did what they were supposed to. I mean she's getting (so far) $240 worth of free products and also an additional $10 gift from me for bringing in 10 outside orders (plus 4 - 1/2 price items and 30% off anything else she orders). I don't think she's getting shortchanged. Anyway, thanks to all those who responded to my question. I am also thankful for all of you out there. I know I say it all the time, but just know I mean it. I meet with my cluster group for the first time this week - their meetings and my shows have collided a number of times - so you folks out their have been my support group all along. Thanks!
  • #13
It's my business...company policy!I have made it my policy to NOT trade shows with other consultants. If they ask me to, I tell them that I don't do that because my schedule is too full of my own shows. I have had a couple of people try to guilt me into it...one of them...I didn't bite at all...the other one, I actually do like what she sells...so I'm having one. But, it wasn't a "let's trade shows" kind of thing.
  • #14
HJPChef said:
Thanks so much for all your advice about this situation. This is what I emailed her . . .
I think you handled the situation well! You were honest and clear all along and I'm sure she will respect that.

Continued success!
  • #15
We are all trying to get by here. Just because you host a show from her doesn't mean you have to buy anything. And any gifts you receive (assuming of course the hostess earns something) you can give away if you don't want them in your home.

You might have friends...contacts that are interested in her products, just as she had contacts that were interested in yours.

She's asking for you to host a group of people so she can give her spiel and try to make a buck. What's wrong with that?

I do not believe you "owe" her anything, do NOT misunderstand me. I am a firm believer in 'pay it forward' (when someone does you a good turn go do someone else a good turn if the opportunity arises).

My two cents worth…
Linda K.
  • #16
You said that she "had a show for you."

She had a $1000 show. That means she earned $215 in free items, 4 half price items and a 30% discount, PLUS the chance to purchase a piece of our brand new cookware at a 60% discount. In addition, she'll receive a 10% discount for the next year on any PC products she might purchase.

I'd say YOU did HER a favor by doing a cooking show. You told her up front that you wouldn't be having a show with her. She chose to do the PC show anyway (obviously she would have been dumb NOT to do the PC show.) You are off the hook with her as far as I see it.

Now, if you want to be NICE and do a PLite show, you could always just do a catalog show or something.
  • #17
I also did a show for a PL rep once1 of my 1st shows last fall was for a Party Lite rep, and she and her friend who was also a PL rep were as rude as they could be. They both confronted me when I arrived at my host's house about WHY did I pick PC and NOT PL?! I didn't want to come right out and say that it was becuz I don't like PL, so I just worked around it. They were both pretty forceful about it, too! I kept thinking how they were really not making a very good impression for PL, in my opinion! I was so grateful to get done w/ that show and get out of there! I like to think it was just the people and not PL, but it is odd, isn't it, that these people were also PL reps and also not very nice. ha That's 1 thing I just do not want to become, and that is too forceful!! I just want to have fun w/ PC, and I would sure have more fun with more bookings! I'm working on my strategy!! I just keep reading on this site trying to get ideas!! :)
  • #18
ok this is kind of off subject but i have something to ask, and i'm not trying to start anything or offend anybody. my question is this....we now have 2 open threads that are like bashing 2 different companies. of course we all think that PC is the best but these other reps think there company is the best as well. i just think we should all respect other companies no matter how the reps come off!! My first impression of PC wasnt good. the consultant took off with my friends money (she had a 600.00 show) and never ordered our stuff!! so i was totally turned off by her. i didnt bash the company...just basically forgot about it until a friend invited me to a show a couple years later. i went as a favor and had a great time and spent like 40.00 myself!! not long after i joined!! i just think that we are making a bad impression by talking bad about other companies. you never know...they may be reading these posts as well. like i said i dont want to hurt anyones feelings or make anyone mad.....this is my opinion.
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  • #19
I agreeI agree with you . . .my only question was about the situation, not the company. You know . . . the friend that I have that works with my husband is a PL consultant and she's the sweetest thing ever. That's why I would rather do a show for her than with someone who just was really pushy. I agree . . . I don't want to bash other companies. I think it was very informative (in past threads) finding out what other companies had to offer, but I wouldn't want this to turn into something ugly, ya know! I am still happy with my decision and I think little things like that make me feel better about my business. Today I got a call out of the blue from a woman who had written my name and number down from my catalog she'd seen in a beauty salon. She wants me to bring about 7-10 catalogs to her office because she thinks all the girls there will want to buy stuff. That made me feel incredibly good today. Like these people really love the stuff we sell and they come to us. I am not bribing them or hunting them down. I love the products we sell (even though in my first couple of months my sales were low) and that's why I chose PC. That confidence in the product will only make others more enthusiastic about their purchases! I just keep thinkin . . .slow and steady and soon my business will be just where I want it be!
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  • #20
I apologize to everyone for my post yesterday re: the rep for the other company. I truly did not mean to offend anyone. I fear I might have gotten caught-up and off-track, and I did not convey the point which I was trying to convey. Please know that I did mean to put down any other reps or any other companies. I was just trying to relate that I also had had somewhat of a similar experience, and it happened to be the same company. Again, I apologize and I will refrain from replying in the manner in which I did. I respect anyone who is in direct sales, as it is challenging and always a thrill ride! :)

Related to Should I Do Another Party Lite Show for a Pushy Host?

1. How do I join the Pampered Chef team?

To become a Pampered Chef consultant, you can sign up online or through a current consultant. You will receive a starter kit with everything you need to get started, including training materials and product samples.

2. What products do you recommend for beginner chefs?

We have a variety of products that are perfect for beginners, such as our Classic Batter Bowl, Garlic Press, and Non-Stick Skillet. These are easy to use and versatile in the kitchen.

3. How do I host a Pampered Chef party?

Hosting a Pampered Chef party is easy and fun! Simply reach out to a consultant or visit our website to schedule a party. As the host, you can earn free and discounted products based on the sales from your party.

4. Can I customize my Pampered Chef products?

Yes, our products can be personalized with names, monograms, or custom designs. This makes them great gifts or a unique addition to your own kitchen.

5. How do I care for my Pampered Chef products?

To ensure the longevity of your Pampered Chef products, we recommend hand washing with warm, soapy water and avoiding harsh abrasives. Some products are also dishwasher safe, but always check the care instructions for each specific item.

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