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Recruiting Info for Former Consultant Possible New Recruit

In summary, a former consultant who used to love being a consultant but never returned calls or emails to set a date for a new show recently found the speaker on Facebook and commented on a post about booking a party. The speaker called her and set a date, and the former consultant expressed interest in the business. The speaker is wondering how much information to give her and when, and if it would be better to do an interview or just give her information and talk on the phone. Other consultants suggest asking about her previous experience and what she wants out of PC, and using resources from Consultant Corner to explain the new career plan and potential earnings. It is advised to treat her like a new consultant and ask questions about her goals and previous experience to better understand
Gold Member
I have someone who just booked a show with me. She was invited to another one of my shows and when I made the confirmation calls for my host, this one lady told me that there was just so much she wanted that she wants to have a show. She then told me that she used to be a consultant and loved it. She never returned my calls or emails to set a date though. She found me on FB though and sent a friend request.

Yesterday, after I wrote how excited I was with the Spring season stuff, she wrote a comment that she really needs to book her party. Rather than message her back for all the world to see, I figured I'd just call her. I'm so glad I did. She set a date. Then I asked her about her interest in the business and we talked a little bit. She wants me to give her some info to look through and think about it. Her Feb. is bad for getting started, but I told her about how she could sign on the last day of the month to take advantage of the Feb. rebate promotion, but then have all of March for her first 30 days. I didn't go into numbers and how many shows and all that.

Since she is a former consultant, I'm just wondering how much to throw at her and when. And if I should be trying to do an interview with her, or just give her info and talk on the phone and relate back and forth that way.

So I wondering if anyone has a flyer or letter that explains all the potential PC bucks they can earn in their first 30 days, plus the commission. Then I can give her one of the rebate offer flyers and a YLYW booklet. I know the phone will be the best way to discuss things with her (a face to face meeting would be hard, but I guess I could try to schedule one).

I told her that I'd be sending her a host packet and some business info and we'd be in touch.
when you say former how long ago?

I am dealing with this too. My gal want's to sign again but not under the same gal as before. They just did not have any connection. First thing I asked when we talked was what does she want out of PC? I think you need to ask lots of questions that lead her to tell you what she is thinking and makes her ask you questions in return. DO not start throwing figures at her!
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  • #3
10 years I think. She said it was when her daughter's were little and now they are teenagers. She said that now would actually be a great time since her girls are older.
I have several former consultants on my team. I love them. Thye regret leaving the first time and are very motivated. Plus, they "get it" about all of the promotions etc. I just spend my time coaching them to recruit rather than trying to motivate them to produce. Feel her out, how long since she was a consultant etc. Ask her what she is looking for this time around so you can focus on that.
You can save the brochures from Consultant Corner, such as the Super Starter brochure that explains the PC $ and then attach it to an e-mail and send. Easier than recreating it! Good luck!!
I would almost treat it like a brand-new person to PC as a consultant. In 10 years, alot has changed anyway, so it really is.plus- you don't know how "successful" she was. Ask questions about what she wants, and let her talk. There is enough new, I'd just do what you'd normally do for a recruiting interview- use the Come Join Us booklet if you need to. There is a GREAT training on use it in the Online Training Center. Go to Resources and look for the PDF file for the Come Join Us guide. (under recruiting)
Make sure she knows about the new career plan that went into effect last April. ;)I agree though, find out what she wants (to get out of the house more, extra income, if she's just doing it for the discount, etc.). That way you can just address those topics & not bombard her. I'd also want to know how long she stuck with it, was she successful or did she bomb, if she bombed - why? (lack of training, lack of time, lack of motivation, lack of following up with leads, etc.)The more you know about her history and her wants/desires, the better you can help her with a strong start to accomplish her goals! :D
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Do you think I should include the typical recruiting brochures w/ her host packet: The 50% rebate brochure, Come Join Us, New Consultant Rewards, and a Kit Credit host coupon? Then I'll call her in a few days and do a host coaching call and ask about her thoughts so far on the business opportunity?In my conversation last night, I did mention to her that there have been some changes to the program and mentioned the $150 a month to be active details.
babywings76 said:
Do you think I should include the typical recruiting brochures w/ her host packet: The 50% rebate brochure, Come Join Us, New Consultant Rewards, and a Kit Credit host coupon? Then I'll call her in a few days and do a host coaching call and ask about her thoughts so far on the business opportunity?

In my conversation last night, I did mention to her that there have been some changes to the program and mentioned the $150 a month to be active details.

Yes I would do your host packet like for any other host. I would also mentioned many things have changed and been updated as far as being a cons. She will probably lead you from there...
  • #10
babywings76 said:
10 years I think. She said it was when her daughter's were little and now they are teenagers. She said that now would actually be a great time since her girls are older.

After that long, I would definitely treat her as if she was any other recruit with no experience. Even though there have been lots of changes, it's also been a very long time since she's done kitchen shows, CCCs etc.

There's an audio in the Online Training center that talks about getting new consultants off to a great start by helping them make their first few calls and such. It's calle Promote Leaders Pronto from NC 2009. Listen to it and take copious notes.
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I wonder what other things have changed in those 10 years (other than the career plan). Have host benefits and stuff changed as well? I'll need to go over all that in my host coaching call anyway, so I guess I'll find out what she remembers and how things were.
  • #12
The host plan changed probably 5 or 6 years ago. It used to be a points system. The change happened before I signed, but I hear it referenced on older recordings.

Don't know how old PamperedPartner is, but P3 is a big change to PP if she had it.

One audio I listened to mentioned something about a "new company policy to not announce promotions until the day or a few days before they start," so I'm thinking at some point consultants knew in advance what promotions were.

I also believe the scale of National Conference has changed.

But the basics are still the same, and you hear in training audios and such because they always repeat the same things.

I think it would be best to find out what she wants out of the business, and what kind of support she feels she needs to succeed, and treat her like any other recruit you would have.

Related to Recruiting Info for Former Consultant Possible New Recruit

What is the process for recruiting former consultants as possible new recruits?

The process for recruiting former consultants as possible new recruits typically involves reaching out to them through email or phone, and discussing their interest in potentially rejoining the company. They may be asked to submit an updated resume and go through a formal interview process.

Are there any specific qualifications or requirements for former consultants to be considered as new recruits?

There may be specific qualifications or requirements for former consultants to be considered as new recruits, depending on the company's policies and needs. These could include a certain number of years of experience, specific skills or certifications, and a positive performance record during their previous employment.

What are the benefits of recruiting former consultants as new hires?

Recruiting former consultants as new hires can have several benefits, such as a shorter onboarding process as they are already familiar with the company, their previous experience and knowledge can bring valuable insights and perspectives, and they may require less training and can start contributing to projects more quickly.

Are there any limitations or restrictions for former consultants to be rehired as new recruits?

There may be certain limitations or restrictions for former consultants to be rehired as new recruits, such as non-compete agreements or conflicts of interest with their current employer. It is important to carefully consider these factors before proceeding with the recruitment process.

What is the best way to approach former consultants about potential rejoining as new recruits?

The best way to approach former consultants about potential rejoining as new recruits is through a personalized and professional email or phone call. It is important to emphasize the positive reasons for considering them as potential new hires and to express genuine interest in their potential return to the company.

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