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Ready to Go Garage Selling: Kris's Journey to Success

In summary, Kris is an expert summarizer of content. She will be on the phone making CC calls and going to garage sales in order to drum up business. She will also be wearing her "ask me about the pampered chef" pin. She will ask people about PC after they hang up the phone. Kris will also offer to train with Team in Training, which is a charity that her niece is involved with.
I'm up and ready to go garage selling.........a result of reading all of everyone's great ideas here. Pumping myself up so I don't get shy.......but that I'll be my normally outgoing self, until I have a purpose in mind:rolleyes:
Then I'm going to go to Sam's Club and strike up conversation with the demo ladies.
(Kicking self.........did this last week........did I mention PC? Did I have catalogs on me????? Noooooooooooooooo! OUCH...)

And then off to get that magazine.

Sunday night, I WILL be on the phone making CC calls and anything else it takes to drum up business.

I'm apart from my husband to make money when I could be on the truck otherwise...........so I best be doing what I'm supposed to be doing.

(I keep reminding myself that if he ran his trucking business the way I've run my PC business, we'd be out on the street and there would be no business.....he is my motivator).

And okay, now I'm accountable to you all. :eek: :eek: :eek: Yikes!

Go for it!!! Let us know how it went.:) :) :)
I feel guilty myselfI meet and talk to people all day long. Lot's of time, I think (while I'm talking to them)...mention to them I do PC, but do I do it? NO!

Then after hanging the phone up or leaving them, I could kick myself in the pants!

Why do we do this? Its not such a hard thing to bring up now is it? The worse thing they could say is no, I don't want to see a catalog...

Do ya'll just bite the bullet and say that you do PC and would they be interested in doing a show or do you ask them to see a catalog upon first meeting them?

Anyway, I got to do this and then follow up when they say they would LOVE to see a catalog...

I've been wearing my "ask me about the pampered chef" pin. People always look to see what your pin is.

I'm guilty of not asking people then after i get off the phone, etc. i feel like kicking myself in the butt.

After we eat supper last night, my FIL wanted to know why I didn't tell the girl who waited on us that i sold pc. I was like i don't know(I even brought cat. with me just in case) so he took a cat. back in there and two of the ladies are planning on ordering something!!!
tiffanypc05 said:
After we eat supper last night, my FIL wanted to know why I didn't tell the girl who waited on us that i sold pc. I was like i don't know(I even brought cat. with me just in case) so he took a cat. back in there and two of the ladies are planning on ordering something!!!

That's so nice of him. how cute!! That's so funny that you mention this...I've always heard the suggestion of leaving a business card with a tip at a restaurant and maybe writing a little something on it. I finally did it last night! I wrote a note on the back telling the waitress that she did a great job and would be great at what I do. Of course, the next and probably most effective step would be to actually talk to them about it. Although there IS something to be said with a bit of a "hands off" approach so as not to come off too pushy. I should have left the new mini catalog, but I figure that I'll wait until it gets closer to Sept. 1st.
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Oh Yeah!!!

Okay....stop at first garage sale, and nothing there really grabbed my attention, then saw that the lady that lives there is a customer at Panera (where I work very parttime). But she was busy running back and forth.....so I just didn't feel easy going yet....so I left.

Hit the next one........the guy's a photographer....bought two pieces of his work, but my mouth didn't utter PC yet.

Third one.....a Charity Yard Sale..........whooo hoooo.....now there's an opening to book a fund raiser.

And lo and behold, the lady running the yard sale is the same organization that my niece is involved with.... EASY conversation. The organization is Team in Training, and they raise money for Leukemia/Lymphoma, and in turn train the athletes. You have to raise $3500 in a year and you go to the place that you choose to run your race, or whatever segment you choose.

So in our conversation I offered the Pampered Chef Fund Raiser, and she was really excited............like most athletes, I've found they are always very positive and out going.

And...........she offered for me to train with them. NOW I have never ran any distance! (I walk and am just starting to add jogging to it) but neither had she. And she's the same age as I am. Sooo I am very seriously considering it.

So I got her number and will be giving her a call tomorrow afternoon. I know in the a.m. (Sunday) she's running 13 miles:eek:

So one real good prospect, and I'm trying to think...It seems that they are doing another garage sale at the end of August, and asking for donations. Maybe (what do you guys think) I could do demos there at her house, take orders to raise funds for her, and maybe if she does that and passes out catalogs to everyone she knows, we could put together a successful fund raising event for TNT!

I came home for lunch to dive in to my magazine. Took a couple of tylenol....had a weird headache..........a quick nap, and headed to Sam's Club.

There is a lady there that does the samples that acts like she has the greatest thing in the world for you to try and that you MUST try it! She's really cool.
Well I talked to her, didn't introduce Pampered Chef yet, that was kind of on purpose (like someone said, don't want to get pushy right away). So I'll go back and keep talking to her, take that route with her.

I think the main thing is PRACTICE opening your mouth, until it becomes habit! I used to do this all the time (with other businesses as well) and have met some really neat people throughout my endeavors..........so hey! I've gotta do this, and make it fun.

Here in a couple of hours
(Since I 'worked' I get to sit out in the sun by the pool for a bit and read or do whatever I want) I've got a few phone calls to make. Then tomorrow after church, I'll probably go to the mall. Was thinking the zoo, but it's going to be REALLY hot out.

Next week, I'm taking old catalogs around to places that have waiting areas.

If I'm going to be away from my husband, it's going to have to start paying me something. Today he's like 1800 miles away from me....heading across Arizona to California.........and I'd love to be with him. Can't do that until I have some income coming in on a steady basis and get some financial goals met.

Sorry this got so long.
Mainly I just hope that I can help someone else who because of decisions made 90 days ago are in a business slump (like me) and finding the way out!


OOPs! I wanted to add that link so you all could check your area to see if this fund raiser is something you'd want to look in to........
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It sounds like you all are very determined and that is what makes a good business. Could you pass some of your motivation to be, I haven't been that good about talking to people lately. I have to kick it in the butt if I want to to good at PC. I think by reaading these posts it has helped me to get motivated. Thanks to all of you.
Are you ever around people when you go with your husband? Once you get good at working alongside your already active life, you can do it anywhere, you know? Even if you talk to someone in a town you'll never be in again, it would be a great way to branch out to catalog shows or building your team. I would love to have the opportunity to branch out of this town, take advantage of your opportunity!!

See if you can google Ilene Meckley who was extremely successful in Discovery Toys and now teaches direct sales consultants how to work alongside your busy life. It would be worth it for you to pay for a phone call or two with her to motivate you into the direction you need to be incredibly busy and successful!
apriljc said:
It sounds like you all are very determined and that is what makes a good business. Could you pass some of your motivation to be, I haven't been that good about talking to people lately. I have to kick it in the butt if I want to to good at PC. I think by reaading these posts it has helped me to get motivated. Thanks to all of you.
Really the best way is to get comfortable talking about PC to anyone. Not necessarily to try to recruit them on the spot, but to just somehow work in that you do PC. It gets much easier the more you do it. It may seem kind of artificial and forced, but eventually it'll seem like 2nd nature. Even if you're just in line at the grocery store and someone comments about something in your cart, you can work in that it's for such and such a recipe, which you're practicing for your next show because you do PC....or something like that. Or when the cashier gives you your receipt you can say, "oh yes, I'd better keep that because I get to write off a bulk of my grocery bills because of my business....." and take it from there. You'll find it gets easier and easier.

And it's easy to do it with complete strangers who you'll never see again! If they walk away thinking the exchange was weird, oh well. You'll never see them again. Make it a challenge to yourself to mention your business to one or two strangers a day, a week, whatever. Good luck!
  • Thread starter
  • #10
I think by reaading these posts it has helped me to get motivated. Thanks to all of you.

Welcome from me........that's why I posted this here and to make myself accountable.

Today I HAVE to make phone calls that I've been putting off.

Paige...Thanks for the name. I'll google it and see if I can find a way to contact her.
To answer your questions.
Yes, I meet a lot of people from all over the country and Canada. And my rear end is sore today from me kicking myself so hard. I must develop the habit of talking to people here, where it is harder. I have a tendancy to totally forget about my business when I'm on the truck. Don't ask me how.........I sit for hours on end (in the truck while hubby is driving), and can't focus any of those hours on PC???? What is WRONG with me? GRRRRR

We get to a customer and for example, just oh, six weeks ago or so, we met the nicest couple in Tulsa. She was so thoughtful. When hubby got the truck backed in to load and she was right there. I got out of the truck...dogs clamoring to do the same (we have our doggies on the truck with us) and she goes, "Do you have to use the restroom?" That to me was so thoughtful of her.

But we talked and talked (while Russell and her hubby did all the work:eek: :eek: Did I share PC with her??? You guessed it noooo, but you know what??? I have her address from our receipt, and I am going to send her a note, thanking her for her kindness and put a catalog in it and invite her to take a look. She was such a cool person.

I have a couple of issues though with approaching people all over that I don't know.
One...I have my cell phone number and email address on my cards (you'll reach me easiest that way). Should I worry about safety at all with that? I wonder because if I approach a man (hubby always teases me that I'm always talking to men........well duh! IT's most of what's out there. LOL) but anyway for gifts for the woman or women in his life...I don't know...maybe I worry too much.

I took my address off my cards. Since it's obvious that hubby is not home with me I don't want my address floating around the country. :)

So yep, I kick myself, but I am determined to get in to the habit of sharing PC with everyone within three feet. And if you're never going to see them again, or chances are you aren't then I best be ready to have something small to say right then............

Now for an effective way to get their attention.................


I took my address off
  • #11
Very inspirational..... You make me want to get in gear and work this business the way I know I can. Thanks!
  • #12
I have a problem with people I don't know too. I question myself...what do I say? Oh, I can tell them I do PC, but then it's hard to take the next step and say, Would you like to do a cooking show? I'm finding it easier to ask if they want to look at a catalog, but then shows is our bread and butter. Is anyone else finding this hard?
  • #13
Why would any of us need our address on our cards? I don't want people knowing where I live, either. Here's my thought: we never know how many times our catalog will be passed around and who knows where it will end up. I would hate for a customer in Aspen to look at my address on the back and think to herself, "She lives all the way in Grand Junction, she wouldn't want to do a show for me." Maybe I don't want to do a show for her, but I certainly want her to call and ask!! I want the choice to do a show for her, offer her a catalog show, see if she'd like to be a consultant in her area, or pass her on to a consultant on my team.
My director put her email and cell phone on her window display on her car so that complete strangers won't get her home number.
I find it easier to talk to everyone when I'm out of town. I guess it's because it's easier to risk when I'll never see them again. Or because I would love to expand away from my area. I live in a very small town with a huge Pampered Chef cluster- my director is an Executive, so you can imagine that EVERYONE in our town has been to a show recently!
  • Thread starter
  • #14
Good points Paige.
Andrea (and this is for me too) if we all just start speaking up and practicing, learn better ways, what works for you, and techniques, that's probably where the secret is. Just begin and we go from there. (sounds so easy doesn't it).
Mistakes may cost you a catalog, because you just nearly thrust it at someone, of course I've never done that.........NOT!
But you learn, and you'll do what works for you. Just do some everyday.

Now for my exciting news!
I called my contact Team in Training person. Whooo hooo!! She wants to do a fund raiser. But she's like, "How many people can you have at a show?":cool: :cool: :cool:
She has 12 in TNT and they have their contacts. She's thinking to do a HUGE event with all the ones that want to participate.
It looks like I'll be going to their meeting to offer my services and this could be something quite large!

You never know.
Now, the important thing for me is not to rest on my laurels and keep moving on. One or two fund raisers is not going to get me where I want to be!

I'm going to plan another weekend like this one, and hopefully with planning be more successful than this one. I did more than I would have otherwise.

Thanks everyone for your encouragement!
I think it'd be fun if we got a group of us to do a Power Weekend and report how we're doing??????


Related to Ready to Go Garage Selling: Kris's Journey to Success

1. What is "Ready to Go Garage Selling: Kris's Journey to Success" about?

"Ready to Go Garage Selling: Kris's Journey to Success" is a book written by a Pampered Chef consultant, Kris, about her experiences and tips for successful garage sales. It offers practical advice for hosting and organizing a garage sale, as well as strategies for attracting more customers and maximizing profits.

2. Is this book only for Pampered Chef consultants?

No, this book is useful for anyone looking to have a successful garage sale. While it does include tips specifically related to using Pampered Chef products in a garage sale, the overall strategies and advice can be applied to any type of garage sale.

3. Can I purchase this book through Pampered Chef?

Yes, you can purchase "Ready to Go Garage Selling: Kris's Journey to Success" through the Pampered Chef website or through a Pampered Chef consultant. It is also available through other online retailers such as Amazon.

4. Are there any additional resources or tools included with the book?

Yes, the book includes a printable garage sale planning checklist and a template for creating a garage sale flyer. These resources can be used to help you stay organized and effectively promote your garage sale.

5. Does Pampered Chef offer any support or training for hosting a garage sale?

Yes, Pampered Chef offers a variety of resources and training for consultants looking to host a garage sale. This includes webinars, training videos, and support from other experienced consultants. Additionally, you can reach out to your upline consultant for personalized guidance and tips.

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