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Probably Not the Best Place to Post This.

How many of you find it helpful to attend cluster meetings?
I mean is it really a need? I know that you can get a boost sometimes but can't you get that here? I mean it's just that it's more time away from the family and all.
What do you think? Is it worth it?
jillbean said:
How many of you find it helpful to attend cluster meetings?
I mean is it really a need? I know that you can get a boost sometimes but can't you get that here? I mean it's just that it's more time away from the family and all.
What do you think? Is it worth it?

It's only worth it if you think it is. Have you attended them and found them beneficial for yourself? If not, then don't go. Everyone's cluster, and everyone, is different so all the opinions in the world aren't going to help solidify what's best for you.

Me, I attend my cluster meetings because I love the social interaction that I get with everyone there. Do I really learn anything new? Not really. Am I more successful because of it? I'm not sure because I've never not attended them.

If you're not sure, but are leaning towards not going, then stop attending them for a while and gauge your business after a few months. It's probably only then will you have the answer that's best for you.
Keith said it well. Everyone's cluster and situation is different. I love attending cluster meetings both for the motivation and the interaction with other local consultants. Plus, my director always seems to give me the kick in the butt that I need. She sees my sales, bookings, what online training I do, etc. and so she can give me advice that is specific to my business situation at the time, and that I might not have thought of or known to ask for on my own. I also enjoy the recognition, because while it is fun to celebrate with cheffers on here, its even more exciting and motivating to see the achievements of people that you know and that are successful in your own area. I enjoy the opportunity to try out new recipes and demos as a group and bounce ideas off of each other, and the chance to play with the products that I might not have earned myself. So for me, attending cluster meetings is definitely worth it. Can you get a lot of that info and support here? Yes. So I guess its up to you to decide if its a commitment that you are willing to make, and if the time away from family is worth it to you.
For 3 and a half years I had not attended meetings. Then, a hospitality director came available 15 minutes away from me and I joined this past Janurary. It has helped my business so much. At every meeting we get to make and try new recipes, we get new game ideas, we modivate each other, cheer for each other and cry for each other in bad times and good. It's the best thing that has happened to me as far as the Pampered Chef goes. It's more than just a meeting to me.
I LOVE my cluster meetings! Its about a 30-45 minute drive for me but worth every minute!

My director is very helpful with motivation, recognition, advice, trainings. I do learn lots of new things and like to get a different perspective from her. I also love getting together with fellow cheffers and bouncing off ideas and sharing successes.

Recently, she asked me to do a product segment on selling Food Choppers, UM and Salad Choppers to the team. She picked those because they were the host special at the time. I had to pretty much do a short demo with them and throw in my selling, booking and recruiting lines. I was SOOOO nervous, but you know it helped me tremendously! I became more confident at selling and throwing in those booking and recruiting lines. My next show was over $1200!

In the end, YES, I find it extremely beneficial to attend my cluster meetings.

P.S. Plus, she gives away lots of things and its fun to win product!
As a director, I have found that the people that attend cluster meetings are the one's that move up. They make more money, have higher sales and more recruits than the one's that don't attend.

For the last 5 years, I have had a girl that has ok sales...if she attended meetings she would be on fire. Sadly she is "too busy". She took a leave of absence last month. If she attended even one meeting I know she would make serious bank...

I missed my first meeting ever last Thursday. I am making sure I listen to all the training tapes and downloads as possible. Go, go, go!! Unless you have a boring or evil director do yourself the favor and go.

Why wouldn't you take advantage of all the free training that you can take? Pampered Chef doesn't want us to do weekly trainings so we can make it accessible or everyone. One day a month is nothing.

Ask any top seller or upper level director if they go to meetings and I bet they all will say yes.
The more you learn the more you earn. That's the bottom line.

I can't imagine not being able to attend out cluster meetings. Not only do we learn, but we get to share with others what works, what doesn't, etc. Plus, we have fun and who doesn't need a bit of fun.

It comes back to why I believe it is so important to be close to your director so that you can attend the meetings. We are all busy (no one has to tell me that - I have 5 (yes, 5!!) jobs) and time is valuable, but this is my business and if I want it to prosper I have to devote the time to it.
  • Thread starter
  • #8
I guess my thing is...I have three kids...one of which plays 3 sports and is in middle school. He requires extra help, much of which I have to do at home. My hubby has a business of his own that requires a LOT of after hour meetings and then I have PC parties that are during our family time. Not to mention church, the extra work that we have due to the fact that we have cattle, helping with his parents farm, helping to care for his 84 year old grandmother and the love/need that we have to spend time with my sisters and their children as well as my mother (hubby is an only child). Oh! Did I forget to mentioned that hubby and I are working on an emerging museum? It has been our vision and we are having to put in a lot of time to that!
I don't want to sound whinny but I just don't know if it is worth the sacrafice at least not for a while...until things clam down! Hubby is looking into hiring someone else, the Museum load should lessen before long, and the winter months are slower on the farm!
Who knows?!
jillbean said:
I guess my thing is...I have three kids...one of which plays 3 sports and is in middle school. He requires extra help, much of which I have to do at home. My hubby has a business of his own that requires a LOT of after hour meetings and then I have PC parties that are during our family time. Not to mention church, the extra work that we have due to the fact that we have cattle, helping with his parents farm, helping to care for his 84 year old grandmother and the love/need that we have to spend time with my sisters and their children as well as my mother (hubby is an only child). Oh! Did I forget to mentioned that hubby and I are working on an emerging museum? It has been our vision and we are having to put in a lot of time to that!
I don't want to sound whinny but I just don't know if it is worth the sacrafice at least not for a while...until things clam down! Hubby is looking into hiring someone else, the Museum load should lessen before long, and the winter months are slower on the farm!
Who knows?!

If I may be blunt (well even if I can't I'm gonna be anyway), it sounds like you've already made your mind up to not attend, and just want others to tell you it's okay. So, I'm here to tell you that it's okay to not go! Your business, your family; make the decision that is best for you. It's not like you can't change your mind down the road should you decide that it be necessary. :)
  • #10
Isn't it family first, god second, business third? (or that's mary kay, buy anywho)... either way, FAMILY FIRST! Do what you need to do for your sanity (and family)
  • #11
as a newbie with less than my first 90 days, i look forward to the mmetings. my next one is tomorrow. i like getting to interact with other cheffers in face to face mode as well as here. the one thing that this site can't give me though is access to standing in front of ppl i hardly know and telling them about the product and tying in the recruiting and selling lines. ppl can give suggestions all day long, but when i am in front of ppl, i can't put the words together. even just the 2 meetings i have gone to i feel have helped me get a little more comfortable. i can see how going to the meetings may equal earning more. however i must say if it didn't feel right, i wouldn't go. if i didn't feel it really bennefited me i might reconsider going, but i think they are great.
  • #12
ok, that wasn't there when i started. but i do agree with family first. and just cuz you stop going for a while doesn't mean they won't welcome you back when/if you wanna start attending again.
  • #13
Jill - from reading your other thread, it definitely sounds like you need a few months off. Go ahead and take them without feeling bad (I haven't been to a cluster meeting - except for large upline ones - in about a year due to grad school and some issues with my director. I have Chef Success and a few consultants who I am close to that I talk to on a regular basis, especially when I need motivation or suggestions. It can be done!)
  • Thread starter
  • #14
Thanks for all of the advise! I do think that it is in the best intrest of both my family and my personal sanity to back away for a while...at least. I just wondered if that sounded whinny or unmotivated. I want my business to be a success and I do want training and support I'm just not sure that my cluster meetings are the most benificial (sp?) place to get it right now.
I must say that it does concern me, somewhat, of the reception that I will get if I return as there has been a confrontation between myself and the director ...and there are eyes and a mouth on here that has already misinformed my director of things that were said both here and outside of this forum within about an hour of my starting a thread.
At this point I just don't care!! The lady that "tattled" is only out to boost the opinion that others have of her by trying to pass off the ideas of others as here own and turn people against everyone but herself.
I feel like I'm in junior high!
  • #15
jillbean said:
I feel like I'm in junior high!

You're not the only one who feels this way about their cluster sometime - trust me!
  • #16
God FIRST, Alison ... but that's another thread.

The first few months I was a consultant, I was unable to attend cluster meetings due to to work schedules. I attended every weekend training, etc. that I could. About the time I was able to attend some, my director quit and I moved up to the first line of one whose meetings are generally more attendable for me. I've been driving a solid 35 minute drive ever since. To be honest, I'm not looking forward to what will be a solid HOUR from work in the winter ... but it is the only way I can earn an incentive, so ..

Anyway ... I do get a lot from the interaction there. It is NOT the same as hanging out here! But it doesn't make or break you. I wish I could say I'm doing dramatically better than my recruiter who DIDN'T go to conference and DOESN'T attend meetings ... but maybe soon I will. Just not seeing results yet.

I also get a lot out of this site, but the two are not the same ...
  • Thread starter
  • #17
Well, I am sure that it will get back to her but my director said that all she was required to do was send me a newletter and have a monthly meeting and anything else she did was above and beyond.
I agree, although if I were a director I hope that I wouldn't be to busy to correct one of my consultants that sent me an email that made it clear to me that she misunderstood a policy!
It's all so stupid and I just can't take the drama at this point in my life!
I don't know if our personality don't match or what but everyone talks about how wonderful she is and I just haven't gotten that form her. She does more that the bare minimum but as for me she hasn't been very ready to help the only two times I needed a director.
  • #18
((Jill)) just read your most recent post.

Is there another meeting you can attend, hosted by a "sister director" in your cluster?

A few of my clustermates do that, saying she's "closer" to them. Honestly, I love her, but her meetings are no closer to me, and are hosted the night my ex-director did them. I think they just like her better and harbor some resentment against a/d for some unknown reason.
  • #19
And it looks like some steps are in order to prevent your privacy.

Change your username if you can ... and maybe hide the state you are from. ("In the State of Confusion" works for some around here.)

I personally WILL NOT EVER post my last name and only in the last few weeks have I posted a photo. I WILL NOT post the name of the city where I live or the names of anyone in my cluster. You have to know me to break past the outer wall.
  • Thread starter
  • #20
I haven't posted any of my info either. Wait maybe I did. I need to check. The fact that I told a clustermate about this site and she saw a post regarding an event that we had going on at the time, was enough to let her know who I was. I feel that she was the one that "told on me" as my director said that she knew I was talking about her to others in the cluster...not true by the way! I know how someone, if they wanted to, could twist the truth to appear that way though.
The lady that I told about this site was the only one that I talk to outside of the cluster meetings! You do the math.
I don't really care about my director or the other lady reading what I say. I haven't said anything on here that wasn't true or that I wouldn't tell them myself. I just think that it is very childish that I come on to a site to ask a question where no one, knows who I am or who my director is, save that one person, and suddenly I am getting "called out" by my director.
  • #21
I like our cluster meetings more as a morale booster and a chance to interact with my four recruits. I want them to know that I am there for them. I look forward to being a Director and having my own meetings one day. If one of my cluster can't make it to a meeting, I make sure I pass on any information that was given to me. I also pass on information that I get from here. This site is like a hospitality Director helping me stay informed between meetings. Thanks everyone!
  • #22
Meetings are very important, in my opinion. I have missed only 2 in the 8 years I have done PC. The support I get from upline and sister/brother consultants is 2nd to none.

That being said, Jill, it sounds like you may need to find a different meeting. OR, just not go and be ok with that decision.

No one can tell you what is best for you, I can only tell you that, as a Director, I go through alot of planning to make my meetings informative and fun. What happens amongst the consultants there is strictly between them~if they chose to be friends or not, if they even speak to each other or not....none of that concerns me in the least. I am there to provide PC training and recognition and support. If your Director is not being supportive, you really need to let her know in what way. If she is getting involved in some petty b.s. between consultants, she needs to hear that~it isn't her place to referee or take sides!

OK-off my soapbox now!
  • #23
I agree with Meg! Try talking to your director, or maybe there's a hospitality one close.
I never miss a meeting; unless something comes up with my family that I can't miss. Meetings are THAT important to me, but we are in this biz so we can be there for our family:)
  • #24
There are over 19,000 members to this site - and only a handful of those actually post. There may be other members of your cluster, or your director even, who are members of this site, and you just aren't aware of it.
Just saying not to assume you know where the info is coming from!
  • Thread starter
  • #25
We have talked about the site before and no one was a member at that time. And no one showed any interest in joining. Even if they were...this lady is the only one that I have ever seen or talk to outside of the clusters and the director said that I was "talking about her to other members of the cluster" so either the director is lying or it is the lady that I know is on here.
Like I said...it really doesn't matter since I haven't said anything that I wouldn't/haven't told them myself.
  • #26
GourmetGirl said:
Isn't it family first, god second, business third? (or that's mary kay, buy anywho)... either way, FAMILY FIRST! Do what you need to do for your sanity (and family)

Doris has always said that it is family first. Like everyone else said the cluster meetings to me are worth it, but yes there are times where I don't learn anything new. I like going not only to learn but also for the social interaction and the recongition. Maybe you could try to go every other month?
  • #27
I love my meetings and in over 4 years, I have probably missed about 5 (of course, we HAVE had them cancel, but if they are going, I'm usually there). I love my group though. They are all supportive, fairly positive (which I appreciate b/c I'm not a rah rah kind of girl...I like honest reactions to new stuff and such) and a fun group. If any of them were into the gossipy thing or my director didn't care if we had a problem, I wouldn't go. Especially when I first started, I felt great, uplifted when I left. If I felt beaten down, I wouldn't go!! The point is to take advantage of everything you can to make your business better. Take the online courses, listen to the teleclasses (on an ipod while you are doing something else if possible). All of that is great! Then remember to implement it! It's more important to use your time wisely doing a show or making contacts. Meetings are much for motivation and face to face contact. Most of what is learned can be learned somewhere else.
  • #28
I am an advocate of going to meetings in general. I always learn something new or gain a new perspective. I enjoy the cameraderie (sp?) with my cluster mates, and I enjoy earning freebies for achieving!
  • #29
jillbean said:
I guess my thing is...I have three kids...one of which plays 3 sports and is in middle school. He requires extra help, much of which I have to do at home. My hubby has a business of his own that requires a LOT of after hour meetings and then I have PC parties that are during our family time. Not to mention church, the extra work that we have due to the fact that we have cattle, helping with his parents farm, helping to care for his 84 year old grandmother and the love/need that we have to spend time with my sisters and their children as well as my mother (hubby is an only child). Oh! Did I forget to mentioned that hubby and I are working on an emerging museum? It has been our vision and we are having to put in a lot of time to that!
I don't want to sound whinny but I just don't know if it is worth the sacrafice at least not for a while...until things clam down! Hubby is looking into hiring someone else, the Museum load should lessen before long, and the winter months are slower on the farm!
Who knows?!

I am a farm wife also so I get where you are coming from right now. We are also involved in the oil field (own wells that we do all the work on), I have an antique store and a father who has decided I am his own personal soccer mom and hotel. I could have every hour of every day planned even if the days were 36 hours. I can slow my PC business down when we are moving cattle or calving or harvesting since I am directly involved in those. I also am involved in everything else on the farm and in the oil field but more as support staff :D

The one thing I love about my PC business is that I can design it to work for me. That includes my cluster meetings. My director is 2 hours from me. I have only missed a couple of meetings because of other commitments and expect that at some time I will miss one because of weather. The meetings REALLY help me. Last year my director met another director at conference who is only 1/2 hour from me. She offered me hospitality. I have been to three of her meetings and get just as much from them. Each meeting helps me be a better owner of my business, they also encourage me give me perspective, extra hints/help and just pump me up to another level. There have been times I have had to drag my patootie to get to them and driving I have questioned my insanity for taking time I don't have to go but guess what? By the end of the meeting I know why I made the time! I love both my director and my hospitality director so much that I have decided that when possible I will attend BOTH meetings (with their blessings). They help me that much!
  • #30
What meetings do you go to from Little Elm TX? I just started and I am in Hickory Creek, my closest meetings are Argyle or Richardson which are both quite a drive...I am hoping to make the one next month but for sure can't tonight.
  • #31
In three years of business I have only missed one meeting and that is because I was on a PC incentive trip at the time!

Meetings are fantastic! I wouldn't miss them!
  • #32
I love my cluster meetings...actually I attend a hospitality cluster. But, they are not required for you to work your business. I always get motivated after a cluster meeting, but like you, my life is extremely busy. My husband and I have a farm, a catering business and a restaurant...not to mention 3 kids with lots of activities. I do not spend a lot of time on my PC business because I have other obligations and right now that is fine with me. Doris says family first before business...thats what makes this business so great. We work it around our family. As for my personal belief it is God first, family second and then everything else. If you are not comfortable with your director, ask for hospitality. If you know another director in your area well enough, ask to attend her meetings. If you think you need to step back, then step back. Nobody can fault you for working your business the way you want to. Good luck.
  • #33
Cluster meetings are worth it! There can't be a meeting with out people who attend.

Yes, family first, etc. but is ONCE a month for a few hours that will boost your morale and give you motivation to improve your business (that supports your family) is a sacrafice???

What I am hearing is a conflict between you and your director more than the value of a cluter meeting. Don't participate in the drama. Go for you and to support your team members. EVERYONE is busy these days and our time has stretch marks on it!

As others have said, if you don't get anything out of your own cluster meeting, try another meeting. CS is great, but it certainly is no replacement for a meeting. Imagine having a party and interacting with people. Would having an online party give you the same human contact?

When you back away from meetings, your business backs away also. There is that old saying...if your business is not where you want it to be, you need to attend a meeting. If your business is booming, then WE need to have you attend a meeting. We are all in this together, so maybe someone needs you there even if you don't need the meeting.
  • #34
I think going to the meetings is very important. I go even if there isn't any teaching actively happening. For me, just talking about how things are going helps me, and I teach myself through talking it out. Or, I search for information by asking questions.

Three Types of Learning Styles (yes there are many but this is from a certain book mentioned at church on Sunday):

Passive: You learn only if the information is presented just the way you like it by a presenter of your liking in a comfortable learning environment for you. You also have to feel like listening and learning about the topic.

Active: You can learn even if the presenter, environment and topic aren't that great.

Gourmet Onmivore: You are constantly scavenging your environment finding things to learn. You don't wait for things to be presented to you. You want to learn and find a way to learn in any environment.

Thankfully, PC has sooo many resources for us online, or to order besides what you can learn from your director or whoever leads the meetings. And of course there is always CS.

Related to Probably Not the Best Place to Post This.

1. How many of you find it helpful to attend cluster meetings?

Attending cluster meetings can be extremely helpful for Pampered Chef consultants. These meetings provide valuable training, networking opportunities, and the chance to stay up-to-date on the latest products and promotions. It also allows consultants to connect with other consultants and share tips and ideas.

2. Is it really a need?

While it may not be a requirement, attending cluster meetings can greatly benefit consultants in their business. It can help them stay motivated, learn new techniques, and build strong relationships with other consultants.

3. Can't you get that here?

While the Pampered Chef community is a great resource for information and support, there is no substitute for face-to-face interactions and in-person training. Cluster meetings offer a more personal and interactive experience that can be difficult to replicate online.

4. Is it worth it?

Ultimately, the decision to attend cluster meetings is a personal one. However, many consultants find it to be a valuable investment in their business. The knowledge, connections, and motivation gained from these meetings can have a positive impact on their success as a consultant.

5. What do you think?

As a Pampered Chef consultant, I highly recommend attending cluster meetings. I have found them to be incredibly beneficial and worth the time and effort. They have helped me grow my business and connect with other consultants who have become great friends and mentors.

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