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Previous PC National Conference Photos: Get a Glimpse of Past Events!

uh...group with you at the Executive Banquet?Debi - Yes, I am the one in the middle. :)Question.. Debi.. in the 2nd picture. Was she in the...uh...group with you at the Executive Banquet?Debi - Yes, I am the one in the middle. :)
Okay, so for all of us who have never been to NC, I have a favor to ask. Since I know you cannot share info & pictures until the 3rd Wave is over, how about sharing pics from previous PC National Conferences. Maybe that'll hold us over for a bit!

Please post or share a link to any photos you have of prior conferences. I would love to see the displays and things. :)
Here are some from last year:
I've got a bunch of pics from 2007, when a large group of us all took pics wearing my fruit hat at the CS meet n greet. But they're on my local drive, not a server. And I don't feel like bothering to upload them (there's 30-40 of them).
Oh this was a HUGE help to see what people wear there -- THANK YOU!
I remember that crinkly gold shirt - so cool!
Oh, these bring back memories! Speaking of - where has Ruthie been?
pamperedlinda said:
Oh, these bring back memories! Speaking of - where has Ruthie been?

On Facebook. :D
here are a few more:


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  • #10
Linda's third picture highlights one of the differences between the Career Club Luncheon and the General Lunch!:D:chef:
  • #11
ChefBeckyD said:
Linda's third picture highlights one of the differences between the Career Club Luncheon and the General Lunch!:D:chef:

actually - the chocolate dessert was from the Director's lunch and the tart was from the Career Club luncheon.....both were VERY good!
  • #12
pamperedlinda said:
actually - the chocolate dessert was from the Director's lunch and the tart was from the Career Club luncheon.....both were VERY good!

The tart looks like what we had at our Executive Banquet!?
  • #13
ChefBeckyD said:
The tart looks like what we had at our Executive Banquet!?

No, that one was the weird (unedible) apple thing....at least that's what our was.

Hey, we are having dual conversations on CS and FB again - LOL
  • #14
Here are some that I have...


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  • #15
Thanks for sharing the pictures.

It really makes me missing going to conference. I WILL be there next year. Already starting to save. :)
  • #16
ChefBeckyD said:
The tart looks like what we had at our Executive Banquet!?

The Tart thingie was tasty, but you could not cut it, my Director tried & it flew across the table!!! :D
  • #17
The first one is my group at the exec banquet. I am the chubby one on the end, Veronica is in the middle. Thanks Becky D. for taking the picture!

The other 2 are lots of cheffers at Kitty O'Sheas.

I edited one with names I knew for sure. Some are either nolonger on the board or out of PC. If you are in the picture and want me to add your name let me know...


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  • #18
Thanks everyone for sharing your pictures. I found these photos from 2006 that Darcy shared with me. I didn't think she'd mind me sharing them again with you. (Thanks Darcy - they are awesome pictures!) I hope someone will take pics like this for us this year & share.


It takes a minute or two to load after clicking on the link. You may have to sign in to view them. I didn't know any other way to share them.
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  • #19
Ann - I almost forgot to ask if you have the life like cardboard cut out of Linda ready?

And why did you put a pic of me in there with that stupid band aid on my nose??!!!

And yep, that tart was something else. For a minute or two I thought maybe Ann left her fruit hat and it was petrified and served on a plate! There is nothing like a fruit topped hockey puck! UGH!

And Yeah I thought that gold top was awsome!

I guess I have to say I take a good photo as several of those posted are my handy work!

Vonvoage Linda! We are so gonna miss you!!! Enjoy China!!

I am so still sooooooo jealous!
  • #20
I just got a tripod for my camera, so we can actually set up a decent timer shot this year. :)And, John, the fruit hat is nothin'. I just found out that my NED's banquet theme is "green." So I'm wearing my kelly green wig.
  • #21
Question.. Debi.. in the 2nd picture. Was she in the military?
  • #22
beckyjsmith said:
Question.. Debi.. in the 2nd picture. Was she in the military?

Yes...she still might be, I think she was in Germany.
  • #23
Awesome. I met her in Miami. She has a son, right? We were laying out in chairs across from each other and started chatting for the longest time.
  • #24
Love seeing the pics! Wish there were names to go along with them. It's fun trying to figure out who everyone might be! :D
  • #25
beckyjsmith said:
Question.. Debi.. in the 2nd picture. Was she in the military?

Yep. She's retired Air Force. It was fun to see her at conference last year because she was stationed in Germany at the time, so she had one of the longer trips to get to Chicago.
  • #26
Yes and as I recall she almost did not make it! She kept getting bumped from her flight!

Green - OM!!! That I gotta see!!! Too much fun. I don't ever remember having a dress up theme for any of our banquets. We do have a lot of fun though with some business building games. Two years ago we had to pull a TV theme song out of hat and write a PC song promoting the new products to it. We did the Addams Family theme. That was really funny because we had to sing it then!!
This year - no DJ afterwards so who knows!
But I know we will still have a good time.
Green, Humm!
  • #27
I can fill in some names from the first set of pics.
1) pampered1224 - ME and cheflinda - Linda Childs
2) Debi of course
3) Lemar Jefferies - miss ya!
4) UMMM???
5) Not sure who they are but one of them has awsome hair and that gold top!! Simply fabulous darling!
6) Ann left and Diane Villanueva is the 3rd lady in from the left. I feel really dumb though - I know I know you all but I can not connect names and faces. Never have been good at that.
7) Linda Childs again and ??? as Directors!! (I AM SO SORRY!)
  • #28
I love a theme. Ours is an ugly shirt contest this year. I think it will be a scream. I can't wait!
  • #29
pampered1224 said:
I can fill in some names from the first set of pics.
1) pampered1224 - ME and cheflinda - Linda Childs
2) Debi of course
3) Lemar Jefferies - miss ya!
4) UMMM???
5) Not sure who they are but one of them has awsome hair and that gold top!! Simply fabulous darling!
6) Ann left and Diane Villanueva is the 3rd lady in from the left. I feel really dumb though - I know I know you all but I can not connect names and faces. Never have been good at that.
7) Linda Childs again and ??? as Directors!! (I AM SO SORRY!)

OK, the pics I posted that John missed are
#4 - Kris Brooks (aka leggy)
#6 - me, Ruth, Diane, Beth, and I cannot for the life of me remember the last person. So sorry.
#7 - Linda and Ruth
  • #30
Thanks for sharing the pics (though I wish I photographed better!). I will miss you guys this year. Unfortunately, Mom has been hospitalized three times in seven months (to include a major incident in May). I've temporarily stepped back from PC this summer to focus on her and help with some financial/legal issues as well. (We aren't in the same state, so it has been a little hectic.)
I have some photos to share as well....they are on another computer, but I'll post them later today. :)
  • #31
legacypc46 said:
Thanks for sharing the pics (though I wish I photographed better!). I will miss you guys this year. Unfortunately, Mom has been hospitalized three times in seven months (to include a major incident in May). I've temporarily stepped back from PC this summer to focus on her and help with some financial/legal issues as well. (We aren't in the same state, so it has been a little hectic.)
I have some photos to share as well....they are on another computer, but I'll post them later today. :)

Sorry you won't make it, Kris.

Hope things go well with your Mom. I know where you are coming from, as I had to also step back the first few months of this year in order to focus on my Mom and her needs. PC will always be there - and I discovered it wasn't as hard to regroup and rebuild when the time was right!
  • #32
ChefBeckyD said:
Sorry you won't make it, Kris.

Hope things go well with your Mom. I know where you are coming from, as I had to also step back the first few months of this year in order to focus on my Mom and her needs. PC will always be there - and I discovered it wasn't as hard to regroup and rebuild when the time was right!

What Becky said......:(
  • #33
Never realized you were tall (unless you are wearing heels) for some reason I had pictured you as short....I have no idea why! :)
  • #34
I'm actually exactly at the average height for women in America today - 5'6". (Now to get my dress size back down to the average... :rolleyes: ) But I think I did have on shoes with a heel in most of those pics. Not a big heel, but 1 1/2" or so.We'll miss you Kris. I was looking forward to another hug from you.
  • #35
chefann said:
I'm actually exactly at the average height for women in America today - 5'6". (Now to get my dress size back down to the average... :rolleyes: ) But I think I did have on shoes with a heel in most of those pics. Not a big heel, but 1 1/2" or so.

We'll miss you Kris. I was looking forward to another hug from you.

LOL...Thanks for clearing that up for me......;)
BTW..are you at the Sheraton, maybe we'll get to hug, I'll be there at the crack of dawn on Wed. (well actually around 9:00 AM.....;) )
  • #36
Nope- I'm at the Hilton, and I'm wave 2, anyway.
  • #37
Me too Kris! I know how hard that is so make sure you look after yourself a bit too! We get caught up helping someone else and forget to breath sometimes! And I know blue ain't my best color! So God Bless and take care!
  • #38
Here are some from 2006. The last one was all the boxes of the products I won from my shopping spree!

Forgot to mention No. 2 is Doris' desk.


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  • #39
Wow Rhonda! How cool that must have been winning all those goodies!!! Thank you for sharing the pictures.
  • #40
pchefbonnie said:
Wow Rhonda! How cool that must have been winning all those goodies!!! Thank you for sharing the pictures.

Your welcome. Yes, it was awesome! Now I know how people who win on The Price is Right feel!! I just had to take a picture of all those boxes before I opened them. It was close to $5,000 in products. The UPS man (I miss my UPS man) asked if we had a dock when he came to the door. We were over half his truck that day:)!
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  • #41
WHOA! What a haul! Nice going!
  • #42
WOW Rhonda, that is awesome! How does the free shopping spree work?
  • #43
It's part of the home office tour. HO picks one consultant from each bus to win a spree. It used to take place in the warehouse, and consultants would have to grab items from the shelves. That's how it was when I won it. A few years ago, the warehouse wasn't available during conference because they were doing work, so HO switched the spree to a prize box - those clear boxes with the wind. Consultants have to grab slips of paper that identify what they've won.
  • #44
chefann said:
It's part of the home office tour. HO picks one consultant from each bus to win a spree. It used to take place in the warehouse, and consultants would have to grab items from the shelves. That's how it was when I won it. A few years ago, the warehouse wasn't available during conference because they were doing work, so HO switched the spree to a prize box - those clear boxes with the wind. Consultants have to grab slips of paper that identify what they've won.

Last year, didn't some people also win a Shopping Spree from the Serve It Up Squad? I was thinking they did, but I might be totally wrong!:eek:
  • #45
I think Carolyn (Dannyzmom) & Sharon Stringfellow(sp?) I think they both won a ton of catalogs....
  • #46
Ginger428 said:
I think Carolyn (Dannyzmom) & Sharon Stringfellow(sp?) I think they both won a ton of catalogs....

No - I meant that I thought the Serve It Up Squad drew some names to do the Wind Tunnel Shopping Spree thing???
  • #47
Oh yeah, I remember that! (Was it at NC of Leadership?)
  • #48
Awww, thanks for sharing all those pics.... I *should* be in Chicago right now,...but am unable to attend this year,.... I've gone for the past 3 years.... and do plan on going again next year :)
  • #49
ChefBeckyD said:
No - I meant that I thought the Serve It Up Squad drew some names to do the Wind Tunnel Shopping Spree thing???

It might have been for leadership.....cuz I was not there....:(
  • #50
Wasn't Leadership. No shopping spree at Leadership. I think they did give away 1 spree in the Serve It Up Squad drawings last year or the year before.
<h2>What is the purpose of the Pampered Chef National Conference?</h2><p>The Pampered Chef National Conference is an annual event where consultants from all over the country gather to learn new skills, network with other consultants, and preview new products and promotions.</p><h2>When and where is the next National Conference being held?</h2><p>The next National Conference will be held in July 2020 in Kansas City, Missouri.</p><h2>How do I register for the National Conference?</h2><p>Registration for the National Conference opens in January and can be done through your consultant's website. You will need your consultant ID and password to register.</p><h2>Can I bring a guest to the National Conference?</h2><p>Yes, you are allowed to bring one guest to the National Conference. However, please note that guests are not able to attend all sessions and events.</p><h2>What can I expect to see at the National Conference?</h2><p>At the National Conference, you can expect to see exciting product demonstrations, inspiring speakers, and interactive workshops to help you grow your business. You will also have the opportunity to browse through vendor booths, see new product reveals, and connect with other consultants from all over the country.</p>

Related to Previous PC National Conference Photos: Get a Glimpse of Past Events!

What is the purpose of the Pampered Chef National Conference?

The Pampered Chef National Conference is an annual event where consultants from all over the country gather to learn new skills, network with other consultants, and preview new products and promotions.

When and where is the next National Conference being held?

The next National Conference will be held in July 2020 in Kansas City, Missouri.

How do I register for the National Conference?

Registration for the National Conference opens in January and can be done through your consultant's website. You will need your consultant ID and password to register.

Can I bring a guest to the National Conference?

Yes, you are allowed to bring one guest to the National Conference. However, please note that guests are not able to attend all sessions and events.

What can I expect to see at the National Conference?

At the National Conference, you can expect to see exciting product demonstrations, inspiring speakers, and interactive workshops to help you grow your business. You will also have the opportunity to browse through vendor booths, see new product reveals, and connect with other consultants from all over the country.

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