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Prayers for Champ: Help Save Our Beloved Dog

In summary, Sharon is asking for prayers for her dog Champ, who has a tumor between two of his nails that may be cancerous. Champ is scheduled for surgery on Wednesday and will have the tumor sent to Purdue University for testing. Rhonda has recently lost her 17-year-old cat and has had a difficult year with the death of her father-in-law and her husband's health issues. Many others offer their prayers for Champ and share their own experiences with sick pets. Sharon expresses her love for Champ and her fear of losing him, while also thanking everyone for their support.
Hi Everyone,

I could use some prayers for my dog Champ. We noticed a sore on his foot two days ago. It was after vet hours so I stayed home from work the next day to take him in. I figured it was an infection, we would get antibiotics and all would be well. Not the case. It is a tumor growing between two of his nails. It may be cancer! He is going to have surgery on Wednesday to remove it. Then it will be sent in for testing to Purdue University.

I just lost my beloved 17 year old cat less then two years ago. I just can't stand to think about losing Champ! It's been a really hard year. My FIL just died in October of cancer and my husband had a massive blood clot in February (he is still trying to recover from it - thankfully he didn't die from it).

Thank you for any prayers you can give him! I have attached his picture so you can see him.


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He is so sweet! I will pray that everything turns out ok. How old is he?
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  • #3
Thank you Sharon - He is 7.
Prayers with youMy prayers are with you. Hope all goes well. Keep us posted!

Debbie :D
Poor little puppy. You'll be in my prayers.
He looks like such a smart, gentle dog. I know how difficult it is when your pet is sick, they really do become family! I will also be praying.
Rhonda, hugs to you, first of all. I've said a prayer for Champ AND you. I know how difficult it is to lose a pet. Different than losing a person, I know, but it is still devastating. I hope they can get it all and that it is benign.

What a cutie! I'll pray for him as well. I know from experience how difficult it is having a sick pet. Good luck with everything:)

I hope the surgery and test results turn out to be good...
  • #10
Awww, what a cutie! I hope everything goes well with the surgery. The dog I had growing up (she lived to 14!!) had a big tumor removed on her side when I was in high school. She bounced back from that just fine, although I don't remember it being cancerous. I have heard of many dogs that have had cancer, gotten it treated, and lived for a long time after that. I hope everything turns out well for you! When we did finally have to put our dog down, it was the hardest thing I had been through. It feels like it was yesterday, but it was thirteen years ago!!!

Hope everything turns out great.:) Keep us posted!
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  • #11
Thank you so much for all your prayers. I know they will help.

He is the best dog! I just wish I could save him from going through all of this.

When I found out it was a tumor in the Vet's office, I got a little chocked up - he wanted to console me. He was the only thing that helped me through to loss of my cat. I don't know what I'll do when he is gone! I'll be a mess! I just don't want to be upset in front of him because he will want to help me!

Thanks again,
  • #12
pampchefrhondab said:
Thank you so much for all your prayers. I know they will help.

He is the best dog! I just wish I could save him from going through all of this.

When I found out it was a tumor in the Vet's office, I got a little chocked up - he wanted to console me. He was the only thing that helped me through to loss of my cat. I don't know what I'll do when he is gone! I'll be a mess! I just don't want to be upset in front of him because he will want to help me!

Thanks again,

Dogs are wonderful creatures - mine helped me get through the death of my grandma when I was 10 - they were very consoling. But, unfortunately, they don't live forever.

I hope you have a few more years with yours.
  • #13
I almost started to cry reading this thread. I lost the first cat I got when I moved out on my own and the vets never did find out exactly what was wrong with him... he was only 1-1/2 years old... just a baby! I cried a lot while he was sick and after he died. I know this has to be sooooo much harder because you have had him so long. I'll keep you ALL in my prayers.
  • #14
katie0128 said:
I almost started to cry reading this thread. I lost the first cat I got when I moved out on my own and the vets never did find out exactly what was wrong with him... he was only 1-1/2 years old... just a baby! I cried a lot while he was sick and after he died. I know this has to be sooooo much harder because you have had him so long. I'll keep you ALL in my prayers.

Katie - was your cat a male? If he got very sick and then died, he probably had urine stones...very common in male cats with the way their urinary tract is shaped. With male cats, you really have to watch their diet. We lost a 1 year old male cat to that because my cousin came to visit, loved him so much that he bought him Deli Cat to eat because his older female cat loved it. Not knowing at the time because I only had dogs growing up and not having much money, I fed it to him. He suddenly got lethargic, had problems going to the bathroom and by the time I got him in, his temp was up over 10 degrees and I had to put him down because the vet didn't think she could save him.
  • #15
Nevermind on my first question - you said him, so he was a male.
  • #16
Janet -

It wasn't stones. We knew something was wrong when he started rapidly loosing weight, but it wasn't worms or anythinig. The decided his bone marrow stopped producing red blood cells, but it wasn't feline leukemia. We did blood tests, ultrasounds, bone marrow biopsies (yes, more than one) and at least 3 blood transfusions. But nothing worked. He didn't seem to be in pain (at least when the vets weren't poking on him), so I decided to not put him down. I was SOOOOOOOOOO glad I made that decision. The night he died, he started acting really strange and wanted to hide under my bed. I figured this was it, so I cradled him and he settled down and started purring and snuggled into my arms. I was still holding him when he died about 30 minutes later.

O.k. enough about my critter that didn't make it because we are trying to send GET WELL vibes to Rhonda and Champ (and I'm going to cry if I think about Carmel - my kitty - too much longer!) But thanks for the info about the diet... I didn't know that!
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  • #17
Update on Champ -

We had a very bad night last night. His tumor was bleeding during the day, but only light. I wrapped it w/a bootie I made out of a towel and he seemed to leave it alone. I then put a clean one on for bed time. I got up during the middle of the night to find it soaked w/blood!! I took it off and his tumor was bleeding bad. I held a towel to it for about a half hour and it finally stopped. I then wrapped it w/a clean towel bootie again. I told him to stay and "night, night." He stayed laying down and I kept checking on him through the night. When my husband got up for a shower, all was well. I then got up about an hour later. While I was getting ready he was fine and I didn't see blood coming through his towel. Then my son got up (summer vacation has started) and came in my room. Champ got up to see him. When I looked down the towel was covered in blood again. I took it off and found the tumor had fallen off!! His foot was now bleeding very badly. Luckily my son was home (he's 12) to help me get him to the vet. They are now going to do his surgery tomorrow morning. I can't wait until it is over. I brought him home and put the "cone" on him to stop him from licking himself. He is so miserable!! He has really bad allergies. We had to take him off of his medication before the surgery. Now his skin is getting so red and itchy. He hates the cone and ended up pottying on the floor today and I had such a huge mess of blood to clean up off of my carpet!

I really hope things start going better for us! I don't even feel like calling anyone for PC right now! I have to start calling though, I've not done anything for the past 3 weeks. I'm just not in the mood lately and I don't know why that is (I do now, but this started before Champ's problems)!

Thanks to everyone for listening. I hate writing depressing posts, but just need to vent. I know many of you have been through things like this before and can relate. It helps knowing others are praying for you.

Thanks again,
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  • #18
Why apologize for your post? Doesn't matter if it is happy, sad or just routine, that is what CS is for, I've decided this is much better than journaling because I actually get answers to my questions from friends who really care about what is happening.

Now I know the bleeding part wasn't good, but is it good news that the tumor fell off on it's own?

And don't push yourself with PC... that is part of the "your life, your way" benefit to this business. You can take the time when you need it and jump back in when you are ready.

Let us know how the surgery goes tomorrow.
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  • #19
Thanks Katie - you made me laugh regarding the journaling. That is so true:)! I never thought of it that way before.

Actually it's just the tip of the tumor that fell off. He still has some on his foot which they will take out tomorrow. I'm just hoping he makes it through surgery since he has a heart murmor he is at higher risk.

You're right, I know about taking time off when you need it which is why I haven't done much the last 3 weeks, but now I'm going to need the money w/Champ's expenses! I'm going to a cluster meeting tonight and I hope it will light at least a spark under me!

Thanks again,
  • #20
Rhonda, I hope all goes well with Champ. He is such a beautiful dog!

We had a wonderful little Lhasa-poo called Buster.:) In one word to describe him would be "good". Very social with good manners. People always looked forward to seeing him at my DD's annual luaus. There he would be in his little blue hawaiian shirt, part of the party, just hangin out.:cool:

He was 14-1/2 and we lost him last October 3. My favorite picture of him was from a luau in his shirt. Very much a picture of "who" he was. The picture is on the window sill above my kitchen sink. I will never get over the loss.

Anyway, back when he was 4-1/2, he had hemolytic anemia. He was in ICU for 6 days! The vet was very good with spelling out the options. He had a 30% chance of making it & he did and gave us another 10 years!!! :) Another word to describe him would be "survivor". Besides that, he ended up with bladder cancer 4 years ago and early last summer a large mass was noted in his abdomen, thought to be on his spleen. Again, the vet was wonderful. Buster was asymptomatic, so we decided to do nothing given his age. I did not want to put him through a major surgery that he may not have survived given his past medical history. A stressor such as surgery & anesthesia could have triggered another hemolytic episode which is what happened after another surgery he had. They told me they expected he had a couple weeks back then.

Ironically I was home sick on his last day. It was nice out & he was enjoying the idea that I was home. In the evening, I went to the doctor & when I returned home he had a hard time coming to greet me. We went to the vet & she did an ultrasound to confirm her suspicion that his spleen had ruptured & we had to let him go. He was sooooo sweet and I still well up with tears whenever I think of him. I wonder if I made the right decision about not intervening last summer and, about euthanizing him. I know as a nurse in my head it was the right thing, but in my heart I feel like I let him down by not
letting him fight like he always did.

My thoughts & prayers are with you & champ. he sounds like Buster....a survivor & fighter. Please keep us updated.
  • Thread starter
  • #21
Hi Everyone,

First of all the good news - Champ made it through surgery and is home recovering. The Dr. got all of the tumor and hopefully enough skin around it. We won't know if it's cancer until next week sometime. He is very tired! Plus he's on pain medicine and allergy medicine which make him tired. He will get his stiches out in 10 days. I can't wait! Thank you all for your prayers - I know they helped! Thank God his heart was strong enough for the surgery!


I'm so sorry for your loss of Buster. I know how hard it is. I'm still trying to get over the loss of my 17 year old cat, Miyagi, almost 2 years ago. He was my baby! I had him before my children. I got him when he was only 6 weeks old. The first morning after getting him he sat on my shoulder while I put my make-up on. I held him like a baby every day in my arms. He would just purr and look up at me. He would also drool, which they say cats do because they remember feeding w/their mother when they were a baby. He died of heart failure (but we had to put him down - the hardest thing ever in my life). I found out he probably had been sick for 6 months but I didn't know it. The vet said cats hide illness much more then dogs. I had a lot of guilt too. I think you always do no matter the circumstances. There's always, what if, if only, etc. I was more depressed after losing him then the loss of any of my Grandparents. My husband thinks that is strange. I explained to him I felt I would see my Grandparents again after death, but I wasn't sure about Miyagi. It felt so final! He is in my heart forever and sometimes I get to see him again in my dreams. I love it when I dream about him it's like seeing him again.

Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. I will keep everyone posted on the pathology results.
  • #22
katie0128 said:
Janet -

It wasn't stones. We knew something was wrong when he started rapidly loosing weight, but it wasn't worms or anythinig. The decided his bone marrow stopped producing red blood cells, but it wasn't feline leukemia. We did blood tests, ultrasounds, bone marrow biopsies (yes, more than one) and at least 3 blood transfusions. But nothing worked. He didn't seem to be in pain (at least when the vets weren't poking on him), so I decided to not put him down. I was SOOOOOOOOOO glad I made that decision. The night he died, he started acting really strange and wanted to hide under my bed. I figured this was it, so I cradled him and he settled down and started purring and snuggled into my arms. I was still holding him when he died about 30 minutes later.

O.k. enough about my critter that didn't make it because we are trying to send GET WELL vibes to Rhonda and Champ (and I'm going to cry if I think about Carmel - my kitty - too much longer!) But thanks for the info about the diet... I didn't know that!

Awww...how sad...I'm glad you were home to hold him.

You're welcome on the diet info...I learned the hard way!
  • #23
Rhonda - glad to hear he went through surgery well. Have fun with the Elizabethian collar - my dog hated that!!!! I hope he continues to get better...
  • #25
I'm so excited to hear that Champ made it through the surgery well! I know that waiting for the biopsy is going to be tough, but just concentrate on getting him better for now!
  • #26
Rhonda- Champ is beautiful! I have a 14week old red beagle named Nutmeg. She drives me up the wall but I can't see it any other way. I love her and Jasmine our two year old siamese mix, and Leo our two and a half year old parakeet. We lost Quincy also a two and half year old parakeet a month ago and it was sad. My son was devestated. I actually love having all these pets in my home with my kids and seeing them grow with them. I can't even imagine what you are going through with Champ and I do hope that all works out with his tests. He is still young but we will say some extra prayers for him for a speedy recovery and a clean bill of health!
  • #27
My prayers are being sent. Your puppy is very cute and he seems like a nice and gentle dog. It is amazing how attached you become to your pets.
  • #28

I'm so glad Champ made it through his surgery. We will continue to pray for a speedy recovery for him and for good new on his patho results.

Buster always knew how much he was loved & appreciated. I have lost other pets and grieved, but with Buster it is different for some reason. I guess with some pets there is a special connection. I can't explain it, it just is....different for me.
  • #29
I'll add Champ to my prayer list. My family dog died a few months back and it was devastating. Keep us updated on his condition.

Charity Buchanan,
Consultant, PEI, Canada
  • Thread starter
  • #30
Update on Champ:

The test on the tumor came back and it is Stage 1, which was good news. This type of cancer won't spread to other parts of his body (lungs, liver, etc.) The bad news is they didn't get clean cells all around the tumor. This means there may still be some cancer cells left and they could grow back!! It was also growing from a blood vessel which has a lot of shoots off of it (the vet's words). The can't really go in a take more skin because there isn't a lot on his foot. The vet said if it was on his side or other part of his body it would be easier.

The vet said if he doesn't have growth back in the next 6 - 9 months we should be okay. I have to check his foot once a week for new growth.

Thank you so much to everyone for praying for him. I just can't even think about losing him! I hope you will continue to pray for him.
  • #31
So glad to hear that even though it is cancer, you were able to catch it early and know what you are dealing with. Is there any kind of treatment (other than surgery) that Champ can have done... or is this just a "wait and see" stage?
Regardless, so glad to know that he is healing from his surgery and you have your baby around for awhile longer!
  • #32
I'm glad Champ is doing better! He's a beautiful dog! Really, I'm not a great big animal fan, but I can tell a beautiful, well behaved dog when I see one and he'd be a dog that I would enjoy being around! I will lift you and Champ up in prayer!:)
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  • #33
Thanks Katie - Radiation and Chemo would be an option if we wanted to spend over $1,000 and take him to Purdue University - not a short distance from here! Not to mention the cost of driving, possibly staying in hotel, the time away from the kids, etc. Plus w/his age, heart and allergies my vet really didn't think it would be a good idea. So yes, it's just a wait and see right now. If it comes back and they don't have enough skin to remove it they will have to amputate. Yes, I'm so happy to still have him. Just making it through surgery was scary w/his heart.

Thanks Cathy - You're right, Champ is a very sweet and gentle dog. Everyone loves him! It's funny, we had to leave him at the vets for one day about a week after surgery because he developed sores from the bandages. When my husband went to pick him up the entire staff was saying good bye to him and saying what a great dog he is. You know he's a great dog when they like him and say he's a great dog!! I had to take him him in Saturday to get the stitches removed and the vet was just smiling about his demeanor. I guess I'm lucky for my first dog.

Thank you both for your kind words, thoughts and prayers.
  • #34
We'll continue to send good thoughts & prayers Champ's way. Give him lots of CS hugs for me!
  • #35
I sent a prayer up for you and Champ, Rhonda. I have a dog I love very much. You have had too much loss. Think positively. Champ is such a handsome dog!

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  • #36
Thank you Endora and Julie for your kind thoughts, words and prayers. I'm enjoying every day with him! I gave him lots of hugs for you Endora!

Thanks again,

Related to Prayers for Champ: Help Save Our Beloved Dog

1. What is the situation with Champ?

Champ has a tumor growing between two of his nails on his foot, which may be cancerous. He is scheduled for surgery to remove it and it will be sent in for testing.

2. When did you first notice the issue with Champ's foot?

We noticed the sore on his foot two days ago, and brought him to the vet the following day.

3. What is the plan for Champ's surgery?

Champ is scheduled for surgery on Wednesday to remove the tumor on his foot. Afterwards, the tumor will be sent to Purdue University for testing.

4. What other challenges have you faced this year?

The past year has been difficult as we also lost our beloved 17 year old cat and my father-in-law passed away from cancer. Additionally, my husband suffered a massive blood clot in February, which he is still recovering from.

5. How can we help Champ?

Please keep Champ in your thoughts and prayers for a successful surgery and a positive outcome from the testing. We appreciate any support and love for our beloved dog.

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