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Overcoming Adversity in Direct Sales: My Journey to Success with Pampered Chef

In summary, multiple members of a sales team share their recent experiences with booking parties and overcoming challenges. One member shares about her struggles in the past few months and how she has turned things around by picking up the phone and booking several parties for the future. Another member shares a successful home show with a colleague and discusses the benefits of cross-selling. The conversation ends with positive encouragement and inspiration for others to keep working hard and not give up.
:) I have had a pretty crappy last couple of months---started in my Super Starter Month in May, reached my SS1 goal, missed my SS2 goal by $23 because I read the wrong dollar amount, and had NO shows and of coursed missed out on SS3. In addition, coming out of July I had no shows booked for August.

Needless to say I was feeling pretty bad for myself and was wondering if I had made the right decision with joining PC. Continued going to sales meetings and hearing everyone else talk about National Conference and I couldn't go. :(

Picked up the phone last night with one last chance of getting someone on the books for August so I don't go inactive (doing a catalog show of my own just to try and get by) and my luck turned around. My first phone call was to a lady I met at a home show extravaganza I put on about 2 months ago. She booked a party in September and is SIGNING to be a consultant. My first one since I started. After more discussion, she wants that roasting pan so is holding her show in August, YEAH!, and signing then too. Made another phone call and booked another show then another. This stoneware special is a seller let me tell you. I now have 5 shows in September already booked!

I just needed to share because I am beginning to understand more and more the importance of picking up the phone and not giving up. I am going to keep up with customer care calls now and make sure that I offer EVERYONE the business opportunity. I also learned a valuable lesson that with this job there are going to be ups and there are going to be downs but keep working. Things can turn around in a heartbeat.

Have a good week everyone and happy selling!
Congratulations Paula!!! :) That's awesome that in just picking up the phone, you had a couple successes. That inspires all of us who are phone shy! I know that i need to do more CCC's but don't. I am going to now with hearing your story. Thanks for sharing! :)
Way to go Paula!! You have inspired me to pick up the phone tonight! :D
Awesome Paula. I had a pretty pitiful show last night. I was relaxed and I think I did great on my part, played a game and the recipe was good...these people just did not want to buy anything. The hosts had 2 nieces there who said they only came to eat and not to buy and she got mad at them and a fight nearly started in the middle of my show! She did around $273 and one booking (which was already booked). I can laugh now, but last night it was pretty sad! Sooooo, I think I'll pick up the phone tonight!!! ;)
Congrats Paula!!! How exciting!!
Cindy, at least you can laugh now....still nice sales on the show!!
I've been inspired to pick up my phone too!! I'm a little bit of slacker when it comes to customer care calls....
Have a great day!!
That's so great Paula! I'm so glad you posted to tell everyone. Now you have totally rejuvinated your business. Way to go!! Congrats! :)
Sometimes things just happen that are good. Congradulations on your booking.

I have been working very hard to book for October with no luck. Today a colleague came to my house to deliver makeup and suggested a great idea-a combined show with a few lines of direct sales, like a fair booth w/o the fair.
The concept works like this: we each invite people to the show. I do not know her customers and vice versa so we get to cross sell.

So we're penciled in for the end of October. I will let you know how we do.
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Home Show
Happy Mom said:
Sometimes things just happen that are good. Congradulations on your booking.

I have been working very hard to book for October with no luck. Today a colleague came to my house to deliver makeup and suggested a great idea-a combined show with a few lines of direct sales, like a fair booth w/o the fair.
The concept works like this: we each invite people to the show. I do not know her customers and vice versa so we get to cross sell.

So we're penciled in for the end of October. I will let you know how we do.

The home show I mentioned in my thread was exactly what you are talking about doing. In my first month myself and a friend of mine that I worked with started doing home based businesses. We decided we need to build our customer base like NOW so we called other home based businesses and put on a home show extravaganza. Being able to utilize each others customer base really worked well. We ended up have about 7 home shows there and around 200 people filter in and out in about 5 hours. We reserved a room at a hotel and did minimal advertising. The biggest thing was for the other consultants to invite their guests otherwise it was going to work.

I have now ended up with 2 show bookings and one consultant as a result of that home show plus tons of leads and people to share all of the wonderful products we have; the business opportunity of course too! If you need some suggestions regarding the combined show I might be able to help. Our group is getting together again next month to plan another extravaganza for November. We are hoping to add about another 3 or 4 consultants and really hit the holiday season market! Good luck!
That's great! This is my SS month and I've had one show so far and was looking at only two more this month, but I now have the possibility of another one, so hopefully I'll qualify and reach bonus. :)

Related to Overcoming Adversity in Direct Sales: My Journey to Success with Pampered Chef

What inspired you to share your story of overcoming adversity in direct sales?

I have always been passionate about helping others achieve success, and I believe that sharing my personal journey can inspire and motivate others who may be facing similar challenges in their direct sales career. It is my hope that my story can serve as a reminder that with determination and perseverance, anything is possible.

What are some of the biggest challenges you faced in your direct sales journey?

One of the biggest challenges I faced was overcoming self-doubt and fear of failure. I also had to learn how to effectively manage my time and balance my personal and professional life. Additionally, I had to navigate through the competitive direct sales industry and learn how to stand out among other consultants.

How did you stay motivated during tough times in your direct sales business?

There were times when I faced rejection and setbacks, but I always reminded myself of my why and the goals I had set for myself. I also surrounded myself with a strong support system of fellow consultants and leaders who uplifted and encouraged me. Additionally, I continuously educated myself and sought guidance from successful direct sales professionals to stay motivated and inspired.

What are some key strategies that have helped you achieve success in your direct sales business?

One key strategy is building and maintaining strong relationships with my customers. I make an effort to understand their needs and provide exceptional customer service. Another important factor is continuously learning and adapting to changes in the industry. I also utilize social media and digital marketing to reach a wider audience and generate leads.

What advice do you have for someone who is struggling in their direct sales business?

My advice is to never give up and to stay focused on your goals. It's important to continuously educate yourself and seek guidance from successful direct sales professionals. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try new strategies. Also, remember to take care of yourself and find a healthy work-life balance. And most importantly, believe in yourself and your abilities to overcome any challenges that come your way.

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