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Not Sure Where to Post This - Need to Vent and Get Some Support...

In summary, the conversation is about the difficulties of keeping business going over the summer months, with hosts cancelling and difficulties in finding new bookings. The participants also share their struggles with reaching out to potential hosts and recruiting, while trying to stay positive.
Gold Member
Is it just me - or is June turning out to be a bust? I had five kitchen shows scheduled for the month and only one for sure is still happening. I haven't been able to reach my host for the 24th - but if she bails on me I don't even know if I'll be able to scrape up enough sales to hit level one!!

I had really high hopes for a decent month and everyone is bailing on me... And last summer I had three July shows booked and they all cancelled too. I'm afraid that it will happen again... Is it just really hard to keep business going over the summer? I don't think I'm doing anything different and I had my second best month in sales in April (over $6k - too bad that wasn't sell-a-thon month!)

I just needed to vent - my husband has been travelling out of the country on business for the past week and won't be back until Friday - so it has been a rough time for me. I just wish I knew how to get shows to hold in the summer!

Thanks for listening...
So sorry Valorie, feel free to vent with us anytime! My June isn't so great either. But, if the thruth be told, I really haven't worked itlike I should so.....I guess what ever happens I will deserve it! My July is a bit better than my June, but not much.
Hang in there! I'm beginning to feel the same. I have 5 shows booked (I think they'll actually hold), but today's show was around $200 less than my average has been. I was hoping for level 2, but won't hit it if my shows aren't my average or higher. Plus I've called about 13 people for shows this month & I've only been able to reach about 3 of them. I'm tired of constantly reaching answering machines & not having anyone call me back. I waste so much valuable work time calling the same people over & over! Ugh!

Sorry to vent on your vent! Just feeling discouraged too! I've also been working with my director on recruiting & nothing is happening there either.

I am glad that this year is looking better than last year. I don't even know if I had 2 shows last June! And I had NONE in July!
  • Thread starter
  • #4
Thanks Ladies!

I actually had six, not five, cooking shows booked - but the first one cancelled a few weeks ago and I forgot about that one!!

I am trying to reschedule some into the dates that have opened and/or get some of them to do catalog shows. The past hosts really wanted the Chillzanne stuff this month - so I am trying to work that angle. Even if they just get enough to qualify as shows it would be better than nothing.

The thing that really sucks is that I won't have new people to get bookings for the rest of the summer from. I have allegedly 3 shows for July booked and only one for August so far...

I'm trying to stay positive, but it is tough!
I had a host's husband decide to do a catalog show after the show we did on the 1st so they can get a set of 8 steak knives. Maybe offer that?
pamperedgirl3 said:
Hang in there! I'm beginning to feel the same. I have 5 shows booked (I think they'll actually hold), but today's show was around $200 less than my average has been. I was hoping for level 2, but won't hit it if my shows aren't my average or higher. Plus I've called about 13 people for shows this month & I've only been able to reach about 3 of them. I'm tired of constantly reaching answering machines & not having anyone call me back. I waste so much valuable work time calling the same people over & over! Ugh!

Sorry to vent on your vent! Just feeling discouraged too! I've also been working with my director on recruiting & nothing is happening there either.

I am glad that this year is looking better than last year. I don't even know if I had 2 shows last June! And I had NONE in July!

I'm having a tough time getting shows for June too! Seems everyone is busy with graduations, *sigh* And as much as I really don't want to, I know I need to get on the phone more, although my list of contacts is not that big either. I've been really trying to step out of my comfort zone too.
This is my very first sell-a-thon, so I'm going to chalk this up to a learning experience for how to plan in the future. Although I'm still hoping I can somehow pull out a great month.:eek: :eek:
Don't you just wish they would invite you to there outings (graduations etc..), you could set up and just look pretty with all your show products and have a recipe to add to the pot luck etc.. At least its not a wash out and you can still call it a show, not a cancellation and get some sales,bookings not to mention have a great time at the party. I know it probably would not happen but its a wish..
I ditto everyone. I had a decent start my first 90 days, and now my May, June, and July are slow, with only a couple cooking shows each month. I do have people telling me to call them in the fall, so maybe by then I will have a full calender.

I can say that I need to get on the phone a little bit more, and I am trying, but with two small kids in the house, it is hard!
It happens! I worked so hard last month to get in every last dime I could that I am a little low this month too. Have you tried going to businesses? I always take goodies with me when I go to appointments. I am hoping to schedule a lunch show at the denists office in a couple of weeks. And since it is during the day, no one will be at a graduation party, or have other plans!
  • #10
I have nothing on the books. I have 1 that wants to do a show when she gets moved...who knows when that will be. I had a host I hoped would do a June 1 show, but she wanted to do the HWC items. So, we had her show last week. Nobody bought HWC items except she bought the pink bowls and caddy. It was a great show and we are closing tomorrow...commissionable sales right at 600.00. She only had 4 buying guests at her show, but she collected about 6 outside orders and is waiting on 1 more.
  • #11
One thing my director has said...even if this month is a bust, still work on the next month! I had 1 show on the books for June and really wanted to fill my schedule for summer so I forced myself to get out of my comfort zone and call people (I did a 24 bookings in 24 hours challenge) and I got 12 bookings! I still only have 2 for June but my July and August are looking WAY better than if I hadn't called people.
  • #12
ShanaSmith said:
I am hoping to schedule a lunch show at the denists office in a couple of weeks. And since it is during the day, no one will be at a graduation party, or have other plans!

That should go well. My husband is a dentist & I've done a few lunch shows for them in the past couple of years. I've always left catalogs in the waiting room too, but that hasn't amounted to anything yet.

The 13 or so people I've tried this month were only the people who have wanted to have shows. That's not even going into customer care calls or anything like that. I usually don't get anything out of those calls besides making sure they like they're products. I just wish people would answer the phone--even if it's a no. I don't have much time to spend on pc, so I'd like to make the most of it when I do & not be calling the same people over & over!
  • #13
I have had a pretty good response from SAHM's and teachers and others who work for the school system (bus driver, and a school secretary) with doing daytime shows during the summer. Seems like the evenings are busier for people, but when they realize that daytime is an option they are more willing to book. One SAHM is having everyone who comes chip in a couple dollars and she is hiring a sitter for the kids......making PBJ's with the cut n seal, and fruit w/ yogurt dip - and the kids will have their own "Pampered Chef Party" while the Moms get a break and have some fun with their PC party! (we are doing the Power Cooking Show) I will bring my 3 yr old with me to this show, but for my other daytime shows that I have lined up, my wonderful MIL (I know, I'm very blessed!) will watch him for me.
  • #14
Summer months are always slower, and so is January and sometimes February. That's why the incentives are so huge in those months--it keeps us from giving up entirely and helps us stay encouraged to work our businesses during the traditionally slower months.

I try really hard to book summer shows in the evenings rather than on the weekends. I have found that attendance at weekend summer shows is really tough. I am also offering a margarita party this summer, and I have gotten two bookings from that offer alone.

Even with all these things, I have had a lot of cancellations for this month, too. I started with four shows and a bridal shower, and I am down to two shows. I was totally bummed about the shower, too, since they are usually great for sales, but the host (who had been SO pumped about the shower) called a couple of weeks ago to say that the bride had looked through the catalog and simply couldn't find enough things she wanted (seriously!). I asked if I could contact the bride, and the host said that the bride had specifically asked that I NOT contact her. Whatever. My July is sparse with only two shows and a shower, but I have several August shows. That's just summer. Just keep working it and working it!

Gotta call a couple of potential hosts, now!
  • #15
I will miss out on my first 30 days incentive. My party Friday night was fun but some of the outside orders needed to be held until they could pay this Friday. I said I would cover them...but the host left all the orders at work and still had more. Her show at home wasn't even $150 because they had ordered at work. I guess I bummed this one on host coaching!!!! Oh well, it was still a good show!
  • #16
I had enough shows booked thet each only had to be $333 for me to get to $3K for L2 but the first two turned in at $150-$180, so, that blew that average I had in mind out the water. If this keeps up I can kiss $3K goodbye. I SO WANT L2 this time!!! L1 will be better than nothing.
  • #17
I actually have more booked this month:) The first one was June 2nd-only $460ish so far....I was not a good host coach:( . Here's hoping for more outside orders before we close.

I used the flyer I found on here for the booking bonanza-the one that offers the 8qt. SSB to the "hostess w/the mostess" during June & July. I actually qualified for the midseason products, so it was free & a nice carrot to dangle and, I've seen more of an interest to book:). I don't want to give away the farm, so I deleted the first portion that was giving away stuff with bookings from their show and just made it about the SSB.

The next 2 I sent the postcards out, a first for me, so we shall see. Then I have a show on the 29th (eve) and one at 1 pm the 30th. That should be interesting.:eek:

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