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Negativity - Is It Hurting Your Business?

In summary, Carolyn's posts are full of negativity and don't seem to be going anywhere. Her advice is to change your attitude and be grateful for the good things in life.
Gold Member
If you're one of those people who feels you just can't seem to be successful at Pampered Chef you are a frequent poster here on CS...I challenge you to try something...
*Find a post of yours...any post
*Click on your screenname
*In the drop-down menu, choose "find more posts by (your name)"
*Read through your posts...or better yet, have someone else read through them all and give you some feedback.
*Are your posts full of negativity? Now, mind you, if YOU are the author posts you will likely not even recognize your negativity which is why I suggest you have someone else read through them and give you their opinion.

Remember, what you put out into the universe, you get back - - if you're negative, negativity will come your way. If you're positive...good things will come to you.
Are you reading 'The Secret'? Sounds like something from the book :)
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  • #3
Melissa78 said:
Are you reading 'The Secret'? Sounds like something from the book :)

Not at all. Although I have heard people talking about it. It's just that having been in this business 6+ years and going through good and bad times with my business and my team members' businesses, I have noticed a theme. Those that complain, complain complain and are negative negative negative...they are NEVER the ones you see walking across stage at NC and they are never the ones you read about in the CN.
I do agree. I have read the secret and it sounded like something you would find in there. You attract what you surround yourself with (ex: negativity). I'm a pessamist but I try not to complain because I know that only I can fix it and whining doesn't get me anywhere but in a grumpy mood. Sometimes I think people (as a whole, not just on CS) complain for the attention they get or because they are either too lazy to figure life/problem out for themselves or they just never have had to do it on their own so they don't know how and want someone to hold their hand.
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  • #5
Melissa78 said:
I do agree. I have read the secret and it sounded like something you would find in there. You attract what you surround yourself with (ex: negativity). I'm a pessamist but I try not to complain because I know that only I can fix it and whining doesn't get me anywhere but in a grumpy mood. Sometimes I think people (as a whole, not just on CS) complain for the attention they get or because they are either too lazy to figure life/problem out for themselves or they just never have had to do it on their own so they don't know how and want someone to hold their hand.

I agree with you completely.
Good post, Carolyn. I usually bite my tongue, and sit on my hands with the negative posts, because I understand that most don't realize how negative they can sound.

My very favorite quote on attitude:

“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.”

---Chuck Swindoll
Many of the 'on air personalities' at our local Christian radio station have Facebook pages, and Theresa once posted how you should change your thinking from 'have to' to 'get to.' Such as, instead of "I have to go grocery shopping," you would say "I get to go grocery shopping, and provide my family with meals for the week. I'm grateful God has blessed us with the resources to do this."

In your business you can use the same technique. Instead of "I have to make phone calls and try to fill my calendar this month," you can say "I get to connect with my past hosts and guests, and others I have met over the past couple of months, and see if there is anything I can do for them. Maybe, also, God will bless me by adding a couple of shows to my calendar so I can help others to earn product to make their time in the kitchen faster and more efficient, and to have a fun time with their friends."
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  • #8
pampchefsarah said:
many of the 'on air personalities' at our local christian radio station have facebook pages, and theresa once posted how you should change your thinking from 'have to' to 'get to.' such as, instead of "i have to go grocery shopping," you would say "i get to go grocery shopping, and provide my family with meals for the week. I'm grateful god has blessed us with the resources to do this."

in your business you can use the same technique. Instead of "i have to make phone calls and try to fill my calendar this month," you can say "i get to connect with my past hosts and guests, and others i have met over the past couple of months, and see if there is anything i can do for them. Maybe, also, god will bless me by adding a couple of shows to my calendar so i can help others to earn product to make their time in the kitchen faster and more efficient, and to have a fun time with their friends."

brilliant, sarah!
HURTING IT!!! Can I be the "poster" child for this cause Carolyn? (And yes, the pun was intended!). After getting through the "Incentive" post and rereading it along with the comments you and others gave, I did realize that my posts are mostly negative. There are areas to which I excel though in confidence and that is whenever it comes to Help Whip Cancer in May. Funny that. It shows that if I am out to help someone else I do much better and feel much better about what I am doing. But when it comes to something I want, well, I fall short. So the trick was look at the reverse of that thinking. I am so programmed to think "How do I get what I want" but rather I need to use the "Who can I help?" way of thinking. It makes a BIG difference in how you look at your business. Now the other thing I have to eliminate is one thing that sounds selfish though and that is I have to stop "reading" other peoples emotions. I do it at meetings and I do it here. I guess you might call me a sponge. I absorb those emotions. Especially the negative ones. Not sure why but I do. I have to learn to separate the emotion from myself. So thank you!
  • #10
Carolyn, Great post! It is so true. Holding in instead of venting can be just as bad. When things are going bad in life, you have to find a healthy way to vent. But venting can become consuming if it continues. We have to continue to look at the good things. It does work!
  • #11
John, I know what you mean about reading others emotions. For example, liking someone, until somebody starts complaining about them - then you start questioning whether you should be friends with them or not.

It definitely can be the same in business. When someone is complaining about the business, the products, HO, etc., you start to question why you think you can succeed if these others are having problems. The phrase "work your business, and let them worry about theirs" definitely comes into play here.
  • #12
John, your post reminds me of something someone told me years ago. He said, there's rarely such thing as a bad trait, just sometimes too much of a good one. When I stood back and thought about it, I had a real 'a-ha' moment. For example, being incredibly empathetic is a good (great) thing. Too much of it though, can cause us to soak up negativity without realising it.

Of course, there are those to whom you just can't apply this; cruel and selfish is simply cruel and selfish...unfortunately.
  • #13
Very true on both of those. I am a person who is very effected by what others say. My perceptions of others, my perceptions and expectations of PC as a company, my expectations of my ex-full time job were all based on what others told me. How I react, think and do are completely based on other peoples opinions and advice. No truly creative thinking on my part at all. Only reactive action to suggestions by others. Scary huh? I have been stuck in that mode for 18 months. IT STINKS!! And I am gonna stop it. And only I can. I do know this. When I do get passed it and I do start listening to my own heart and soul and brain, I do very well. I am tired and emotionally still very tired from all we too have been through in the last 18 months. So not working has actually given my time to start to clear my thinking. I think too that is why I am questioning things again and being argumentative. It helps me sort things out. Gets rid of the garbage or "nasty" thinking. I am coming back and I think it will be a good thing. And Scott - now I get your PM!
  • #14
I try not to- I haven't read through my recent posts, but I know I have some out there. I know that the negative-talk in my head affects my business for sure! (read Carpe Phonum by Tammy Stanley!) When I'm on here, sometimes the 'negative' talk is my way of letting it GO too....most times I feel it is a safe environment to do that, get a pep talk if need be, or advice on how to handle the situation, and then release it. Sometimes you just need to 'talk about it'....but I know that if I do that with my DH, he starts questioning what I'm doing, why I'm doing it and putting myself through it, etc...he doesn't get it sometimes...and he will get negative towards my biz. So i choose to bring that here sometimes. I'm sorry- if it if affects others and brings them down too...I try not to!! But I do often find myself thinking that it would be handy to have a can of "Wahoo Negativity Spray" laying around! ;) For me, and for some of the posts I read. (For those who went to NC, you'll get that! THose who were not able to go, it's hard to explain- but it was some cartoon skits that they did with Jean Jonas as "Wahoo Woman". I wish they'd post those videos online! They were hilarious!) I do find that when a thread gets really negative or bringing me down- often, I just stop reading and move on...because i don't want to be wasting too much of my time and let it bring me down.Good post Carolyn...definitely something to think about!
  • #15
But I do often find myself thinking that it would be handy to have a can of "Wahoo Negativity Spray" laying around!

We actually gave cans of that out at our last meeting...it was a "Wahoo" Sticker (the size of the Invitation Mini-Catalog Stickers) put onto a can of Airwick "Hawaiian Floral" spray!
  • #16
jwpamp said:
But I do often find myself thinking that it would be handy to have a can of "Wahoo Negativity Spray" laying around!

We actually gave cans of that out at our last meeting...it was a "Wahoo" Sticker (the size of the Invitation Mini-Catalog Stickers) put onto a can of Airwick "Hawaiian Floral" spray!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea...Did I say LOVE? :D
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  • #17
jwpamp said:
But I do often find myself thinking that it would be handy to have a can of "Wahoo Negativity Spray" laying around!

We actually gave cans of that out at our last meeting...it was a "Wahoo" Sticker (the size of the Invitation Mini-Catalog Stickers) put onto a can of Airwick "Hawaiian Floral" spray!

Would you mind sharing the template for the WAHOO stickers? I want to do this at my next team meeting!
  • #18
Carolyn, you are so right. You know me. I'm often criticized for being "little Miss Merry Sunshine" online as well as in real life. That's okay. I decided years ago that negativity was just too draining. Do I have moments of despair and angst? Of course. What I try to do is put those things in perspective. The words we use have power. I realized I my tendency is to catastrophizing things. Having 3 hosts flake in one month isn't horrible. Being trapped, burried, in the rubble from an earthquake for 2 days with a corpse on top of you--that's horrible. It can be hard work to get rid of negativity, but it's so worth it. And, positive thinking can become just as much of a habit as negativity.
  • #19
"The words we use have power. I realized my tendency is to catastrophizing things. Having 3 hosts flake in one month isn't horrible. Being trapped, burried, in the rubble from an earthquake for 2 days with a corpse on top of you--that's horrible."
Ain't that the bare truth Rae! Especially when we use those words against ourselves. I have been watching that event unfold while sitting alone in my kitchen, crying. It has put a lot of things into perspective. All I can keep thinking is "God bless them all".
  • #20
I'm not sure exactly how I come across online, but in person I don't think I'm a negative person. I think I'm a healthy and normal combination of the type of person who has their moments of weakness, but then snaps out of it. :D I can get down and discouraged, or have a particular struggle or problem in particular that I can come here and get some help with. But I try not to be too negative. One of my sisters is ALWAYS negative, constantly has a chip on her shoulder, finds fault in others constantly. A relationship with her can be very draining. I'm the kind of person who will sympathize, but then try to steer the person into finding an bright side. Or offer help where it's appropriate. I hope others aren't having to do that too much for me! :D
  • #21
Amanda, that is the truth for most people here. They come and vent and it is over. Somewhere down the thread they become a positive thinker again. However, some of us, like myself, have gotten so caught up in our negativity that it seems to never go away. Everything and everyone is wrong, nothing is right, if it makes sense, it don't, that type of argumentative "conversation" is a sure sign that one is a negative thinker. And a more sure sign of that is that you know the person has a problem when they say one negative thing in the post then they argue with their own argument further along! AH that is too funny! I kept typing negative thinker and it kept showing up as negative stinker! EESH! If that ain't a kick in the rubber parts!
  • #22
pampchefsarah said:
Many of the 'on air personalities' at our local Christian radio station have Facebook pages, and Theresa once posted how you should change your thinking from 'have to' to 'get to.' Such as, instead of "I have to go grocery shopping," you would say "I get to go grocery shopping, and provide my family with meals for the week. I'm grateful God has blessed us with the resources to do this."

In your business you can use the same technique. Instead of "I have to make phone calls and try to fill my calendar this month," you can say "I get to connect with my past hosts and guests, and others I have met over the past couple of months, and see if there is anything I can do for them. Maybe, also, God will bless me by adding a couple of shows to my calendar so I can help others to earn product to make their time in the kitchen faster and more efficient, and to have a fun time with their friends."

Where is the "like" button on CS? I really like this.

Although in my own defense, I have to say that sometimes this is the place I come to vent ... stress out over canceled shows, people who don't answer phone calls, people who get their phone disconnected and people who can't say NO! Also my crazy work schedule, people who steal money from me, hours getting cut and then restored, and then getting 90 percent of the work from everybody who got laid off in the past year. And I say these things here because I can't say them anywhere else! I'd never say them to a customer or anything like that.

And I do have to admit that sometimes I am annoyed by cheery posts about how wonderful things go for them ... but they don't tell us how they got there. That's because I've been inspired by people who had really great results and then tried the same thing and it was a total disaster. I forget that this is somebody with a huge customer base and years of experience!

And no, you may not ever see me walk across the stage because I don't aspire to be a director. I leave that to folks who have an employed spouse and who can make this a FT business. For me it's very, very part time and that's perfectly fine with me. I'll gladly cheer on those who do promote. Although I DO enjoy the occasional $1,000 show and so I also come here for the tips to do that!

My very, very modest goal? To get to $15K sales by the end of the year. Figured that up and it's about $500 in sales a month. Much, much more attainable than $4,000, but still a stretch for me. And so far, I'm at ZERO sales for the month. Better get crackin'!

I'm on a day shift at work for a change ... so I GET TO make some calls tonight!
  • #23
Great posts!! Attitude is everything!
  • #24
Di_Can_Cook said:
And no, you may not ever see me walk across the stage because I don't aspire to be a director. I leave that to folks who have an employed spouse and who can make this a FT business. For me it's very, very part time and that's perfectly fine with me. I'll gladly cheer on those who do promote. Although I DO enjoy the occasional $1,000 show and so I also come here for the tips to do that!QUOTE]

One gal in our group works 2 other jobs plus PC and is a single mom to a 5 year old. She promoted to Director within 6 months of starting her business and earned Disney her first year.
  • #25
Good for her. I'm happy for her and her goal.As for me, other things, including the career I have invested 15 years into, plus a college degree, take priority over PC. For other people, PC is a means for them to stay home with their kids. It's your life, your way, not your life, somebody else's way. In other words, I am happy when people achieve goals that are higher than mine. I only bristle when somebody says, "I do it, or somebody busier than you does it, so there is no excuse for you not doing it too."(DISCLAIMER: I am not saying that you or anybody said that. I've just seen too much of that in general.)I get to go back to work now ...
  • #26
Awesome thread Carolyn!
  • #27
Di_Can_Cook said:
Good for her. I'm happy for her and her goal.

As for me, other things, including the career I have invested 15 years into, plus a college degree, take priority over PC. For other people, PC is a means for them to stay home with their kids. It's your life, your way, not your life, somebody else's way. In other words, I am happy when people achieve goals that are higher than mine. I only bristle when somebody says, "I do it, or somebody busier than you does it, so there is no excuse for you not doing it too."

(DISCLAIMER: I am not saying that you or anybody said that. I've just seen too much of that in general.)

I get to go back to work now ...

and that's the best part about this business! We can all run it the way we want to run it! There are people out there who love their career and don't want to change that but need something outside of that to have fun with. Then there are people like me who are looking to get out of the corporate world because all they do is screw you over! :D
  • #28
I've been giving this thread a lot of thought!!
I don't really want to bore everyone with my own story.
I think I kind of fall somewhere in the "middle". I don't think I generate negativity, but I know I could benefit from an attitude re-working!!
Carolyn - interesting timing!! My pastor is doing a sermon series on "Follow the Leader" and has used the same quotes and the same line of thinking that you have mentioned!!
  • #29
pampered1224 said:
Amanda, that is the truth for most people here. They come and vent and it is over. Somewhere down the thread they become a positive thinker again. However, some of us, like myself, have gotten so caught up in our negativity that it seems to never go away. Everything and everyone is wrong, nothing is right, if it makes sense, it don't, that type of argumentative "conversation" is a sure sign that one is a negative thinker. And a more sure sign of that is that you know the person has a problem when they say one negative thing in the post then they argue with their own argument further along! AH that is too funny! I kept typing negative thinker and it kept showing up as negative stinker! EESH! If that ain't a kick in the rubber parts!

Negative "Stinker" is probably a very appropriate way of looking at it! :D That made me laugh.
  • #30
raebates said:
Carolyn, you are so right. You know me. I'm often criticized for being "little Miss Merry Sunshine" online as well as in real life. That's okay. I decided years ago that negativity was just too draining. Do I have moments of despair and angst? Of course. What I try to do is put those things in perspective.

The words we use have power. I realized I my tendency is to catastrophizing things. Having 3 hosts flake in one month isn't horrible. Being trapped, burried, in the rubble from an earthquake for 2 days with a corpse on top of you--that's horrible.

It can be hard work to get rid of negativity, but it's so worth it. And, positive thinking can become just as much of a habit as negativity.

So true Rae. I've learned over the years, that negativity is very harmful. It wouldn't be fair for me to continue my thoughts into my day job, while teaching children. When I shared some personal finance issues with a good co-worker of mine a few months ago, she was shocked of what we were going through. "I would never had known." she said. "You always look so happy." I looked at what I had- not what I didn't have or the bad things that were happening. It really helped me through the bad times.
  • #31
Julie, that's where I goofed! First with my other half getting sick in July 2008 and being laid up for 4 months. Our finances went down the drain very quickly as his disability was down almost $650 a month. I kept working my butt off with my business and at my FT but to no avail. It just kept getting worse. I sortta just slid into the negative and as things just kept adding up, it really just kept getting worse. After he started going to work again, I had to get up much earlier than I usually did and I had to make sure he could get in and out of the shower, get to work as he still could not drive for almost another month putting us into late January with that routine. In the mean time, we were falling further behind money wise as I could not get enough bookings to make up for what we had already behind. Oh what I did not mention was that we forked out over $3000 in therapy and equipment costs for him as well. Every minute of everyday was spent dwelling on how bad things were for us. By the time I could not take it anymore, it was late July, 2009. I hit rock bottom in a depression like nothing I had ever felt before. On a certain Friday I was sitting at my desk at work, I got another collection call and that was it. I left work, walked out to my car and decided to just go. I was just gonna drive until I ran out of gas. The problem was, I had less than an eighth of a tank! I might get 20 miles. On top of that I had another problem and I have never told anyone else this except my director. In July Pat still had credit cards that had credit on them. I borrowed the money from an $800 party fully intending to pay it with a credit card. Well, it bounced out of my account and HO wanted their money. I was so down at that point on the Friday that I contacted all my up-line that I had e-mail addresses for and quit PC. Only because I was so ashamed of what I had done. This all took over a month and half to catch up with. Stealing from Peter to pay Paul, you know? Well, my director got to me not contact HO to officially quit. By this time too I had stopped even trying to book parties. About a week later, we contacted a lawyer and got a meeting for August 22nd. In the mean time we were told point blank we could NOT use any of our credit cards! OMG! I could not pay PC. That was also the day I decided I needed to talk to my doctor about my depression. I was not sleeping, I had gained about 40 pounds and just could not function. I was always grouchy and sullen. EVERYONE knew something was very wrong. He put my on Cymbalta. It helped a lot. After our meeting on the 22nd, things started to look better and I started to feel better. The 24th the papers were filled. We still had the hurtle of the court date which was a little over a month later on the 30th. Oh I should state here too that we were getting about 60 calls a day from creditors. A DAY!! Every time that phone rang, I would go into a funk. We have a phone whose ring can not be shut off. On the 22nd I finally unplugged it. However, the negativity lingered. I bounced up and down until September 30th. We went to court and no one showed up. What I did not know was that I had forgotten one company. So until the 31st of January, 2010 I am still paying them $50 a week. I am also paying my lawyer bill until then too. That is $350 a month. One whole unemployment check. So in between I lost my job of 10 years. I still have problems with that because I can not wrap my head around the fact that it was not my fault. But you still feel like, why was I not good enough. It also does not help that while job hunting, you get told that you are over qualified or that we need to know what you know and you do not have the certifications we need to see. So now I am faced with having to go to school to get those certifications which I can not afford to do right now and the one class I can afford is not being offered until fall! So you see why I am negative. But, here is the kicker. With the Incentive thread and this one, I realized something important. I still have PC. It is a major positive in my life right now. It is something I love and thanks to the finance department at HO I am paying them back slowly - in fact my last parties commission took care of it! It also took all of you to point out that for every negative, there are positives! Not in those words of course but when you said we make our business what we want it to be, it was then that I knew I had all I needed and even if I could not grasp the brass ring, I had something to work toward. Even if it is just the paycheck. With allowing that negative thinking to seep in in July of 2008, I also allowed to bloom and take over. And it actually became comfortable to feel miserable because the alternative would have been to fight it. I was too tired and too confused to even try. Well I AM NOT gonna sit and wallow in it any more! The only thing I have left to fight is unemployment and I have the tool already! So I am going to stop biting the hand that feeds us - my PC business and HO - and get to work! Yes, I still feel inadaquate to a degree but that will change as my PC victories increase. If I work half as hard on my PC business as I did with the Universal Mortgage, then hey, there ain't nothing I won't be able to do! I just have to trust myself enough to know that I can do it. And you all have helped me see that nothing I do can be wrong. The only thing wrong is if I don't try! AND BOBBI - it is funny that I typed stinker but that it is much more appropriate dontcha think? Oh and venting here is wonderful and therapeutic. Venting is NOT negative it is a positive as long as down the road you can release!
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  • #32
Di_Can_Cook said:
Good for her. I'm happy for her and her goal.

As for me, other things, including the career I have invested 15 years into, plus a college degree, take priority over PC. For other people, PC is a means for them to stay home with their kids. It's your life, your way, not your life, somebody else's way. In other words, I am happy when people achieve goals that are higher than mine. I only bristle when somebody says, "I do it, or somebody busier than you does it, so there is no excuse for you not doing it too."

(DISCLAIMER: I am not saying that you or anybody said that. I've just seen too much of that in general.)

I get to go back to work now ...
I wouldn't say it's no excuse for you not doing it. It is more like, don't say that's the reason why you're not doing it. I too have a career and a college degree, and I give equal priority to each job. We're going to Disney... Level 4 this year. I have 4 kids and a husband that travels. I understand that my goals are not yours, but at least be honest and say," I don't put as much effort into my business as someone else might because that is not my priority," as opposed to," I leave that to people who don't have full time jobs and make PC their full time priority."
I only bristle when people say things like that because some other newbie who works full time might be reading this with hopes of building his or her business so that they can make PC their first work priority, and think it is not possible or even plausible, when the fact is that there are tons of us who do it every day.
  • #33
"I only bristle when people say things like that because some other newbie who works full time might be reading this with hopes of building his or her business so that they can make PC their first work priority, and think it is not possible or even plausible, when the fact is that there are tons of us who do it every day."So true, so true Becky. We are lying to everyone and ourselves if we ever say "I can't". We would be telling the truth though if we say "I won't". It is NOT a matter of whether it can be done or can not be done but rather whether we choose to try or not. I was an "I can't" until I realized I was lying to myself and that I am really an "I won't try". Why is the part that becomes different for each of us. I didn't want to try because I was afraid of failing. For someone else it might be that the why is because they do not want to work that hard. And that can be broken down further to include I won't because I do work full time and I can not do that much. (Now remember here that it sounds like a negative excuse to everyone but the person saying it. Whether it is negative or factual should not be ours to figure out or judge. That is the choice of the person making it.) For others the why might be because they have enough to satisfy themselves the way they are. And that too is OK with HO or they would not allow hobbyists or part timers to stay active. So we can not judge. You can argue the "I can't" to an "I won't" but none of us can argue the why because that is totally a personal choice.
And Di - Yes, I hate it when someone says there is no excuse for you not to be doing it too. Well, yes there is NO EXCUSE for me not doing what everyone else is doing. There is however a choice I made for me not trying. And it is personal.
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  • #34
I posted this last year, but it seems appropriate to post it again. This is from Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen


God is extremely interested in what you see through your “spiritual eyes”. If you have a vision for victory in your life, you can rise to a new level. But as long as your gaze is on the ground instead of on your possibilities, you risk moving in the wrong direction and missing out on the great things God wants to do in and through you. It’s a spiritual as well as a psychological fact: We move toward what we see in our minds.

Your life will follow your expectations. What you expect is what you will get. If you dwell on positive thoughts, your life will move in that direction; if you continually think negative thoughts, you will live a negative life. If you expect defeat, failure, or mediocrity, your subconscious mind will make sure that you lose, fail, or sabotage every attempt to push above average. If you raise your level of expectancy, you will enlarge your vision.

It’s important that you program your mind for success. You must think positive thoughts of victory, of abundance, of favor, of hope. Each day, you must choose to live with an attitude that expects good things to happen to you. Start your day with faith and set your mind in the right direction, then go out expecting the favor of God. Expect to excel in your career and rise above life’s challenges. Believe God for a great future. You have good things coming!

  • #35
Awesome Linda!

Someone once told me, as I was brought up Catholic and believed in Heaven and Hell, that when we do look down, it is exactly where Satan wants us to look. No belief in a higher power? Just keep looking toward the sun. The center of all "natural" power.

Related to Negativity - Is It Hurting Your Business?

1. What is negativity and how does it affect my business?

Negativity refers to a negative mindset or attitude, which can have a significant impact on your business. It can manifest in various ways, such as complaining, blaming others, or constantly focusing on the negative aspects of your business. This mindset can lead to low morale, decreased productivity, and ultimately, hinder your success in Pampered Chef.

2. How can I recognize if I am being negative?

One way to recognize your own negativity is by reviewing your posts on forums like CS. Look for patterns of complaints, excuses, or negative language. You can also ask someone else to read through your posts and provide honest feedback about your tone and attitude.

3. How can negativity affect my success at Pampered Chef?

Negativity can have a significant impact on your success at Pampered Chef. It can lead to a lack of motivation, decreased sales, and damage your relationships with customers and team members. Additionally, a negative attitude can also create a negative perception of your business and deter potential customers from working with you.

4. What can I do to change my negative mindset?

The first step to changing a negative mindset is to recognize it. Once you are aware of your negative thoughts and language, you can actively work on shifting your mindset. This can include practicing gratitude, setting realistic goals, and surrounding yourself with positive and supportive people. Additionally, seeking out self-help resources or working with a coach or mentor can also be beneficial.

5. How can a positive attitude benefit my business?

A positive attitude can have a significant impact on your business. It can improve your relationships with customers and team members, increase motivation and productivity, and ultimately lead to higher sales and success. A positive attitude can also attract more positive opportunities and experiences, setting you up for long-term success at Pampered Chef.

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