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Negative Back to Business Meeting (Kind of a Vent)

{{{coach}}}?? and I still keep in touch with her. Anyway, she explained that the key to being successful as a waitress is to be personable and to make sure that you are always there for your customers. She said that if you are always there and you are doing your best, then the customers will eventually come to you for help. So, in summary, Tiffany, if you want your team to be more successful, you need to find ways to motivate them and to get them to follow your advice. You may also need to find the ones who are truly interested in this hobby and not just want to do it because you are asking them to. Showing them that it can be done can help them to
What do you do differently to get more self-motivated/go getters/non-hobbiest as team members?

We just had our back to business meeting and I wanted to do goals and ask them what they wanted as recognition cause nothing seems to motivate them and it was the biggest negative downer session I have ever had. "We can't do it. Nobody ever calls me. I do everything I can and still nothing. But my schedule isn't normal. But...but...but...

All I wanted to do was scream. NOONE wants to do more than 2 shows per month. I have 10 on my team 2 didn't even respond (even after phone calls) 5 showed up and one said she couldn't and 2 live in other states. they can't even turn in more than 4 shows a month.

I knew when they signed they wouldn't be full time or even necessarily big producers but being consistent would be great.

How do you teach them how to do it and what is left when they don't follow your advise?

Also how do you find the ones who want this to be more than just a hobby?
Tiffany, if any of us knew the answers to those questions we would be RICH and be NEDs by now! LOL!
WARNING...LONG post!{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

We all have these on our teams. They are doing what they want to do with their business and that is fine. Unfortunately, those real heavy hitters are not common so you keep recruiting (I know, easier said than done!).

One thing that struck me...no ever calls...ummmm, no kidding!!! I like explaining about a what a waitress does when we walk into a restaurant. We are the waitress...does the waitress stay in the corner until the customer comes to them? No, she greets you, shows you to your table and asks you if you would like drinks.

Then, does she stay in the corner until we go get her to give her our order? No, she comes to us.

And to address the rejection...if she asks you if you want catsup and you say no...does she then say...that's it, I am never going to ask anyone again. No one wants catsup today.

Doesn't the waitress come to you during the meal and ask if everything is all right? (customer service call)

And at the end of the meal when we are stuffed full...are we asked if we would like to look at the dessert menu or does the waitress say...well didn't we eat like a pig today, you won't want dessert! (this is to demonstrate up selling at the full service check out!)

Now, if the waitress didn't do the these things...would you want to return to the restaurant? (well, if the food was good, you may want to make sure she isn't on that night!)

They need to know...NO ONE WILL CALL. It is a VERY RARE time when someone does call back. You leave a message...if you would like to call me back my number is 555-5555 but I will keep trying to reach you in the meantime.

Now, they probably are not excited about the trip because most hobbiests don't want to recruit. So this does not excite them. You have to find out what DOES excite them. It may be little. It may just be making a $200 payment every month. Once the do get a little excited, then ask them if they would like additional coaching. If they don't then there is not much you can do. (If the team doesn't show up for the game, then the coach doesn't have much to do).

They sound like they don't believe in themselves. The need to be reassured and given confidence. (I know...knocking heads together seems like a more productive thing!! Been there...lots of times!)

Again...they have to be willing to meet you half way. Not sure what your obstacles are but showing them that it can be done by example helps. When someone starts coming up with reasons they feel they can't do it they do not have too look too far to see that our top producers usually have MANY obstacles that they have to work around.

One of my obstacles is my full time job and I had better get my butt to bed so I can get up in the morning!!
Ann, I LOVE this waitress analogy! Where did you hear that originally? Did you come up with it? I'm going to use this at my meeting tomorrow!
ardipc said:
Ann, I LOVE this waitress analogy! Where did you hear that originally? Did you come up with it? I'm going to use this at my meeting tomorrow!

Not sure who came up with it, but I heard it for the first time from Sara Philbin who regretfully, had to leave PC for family reasons. She was my ED's upline and very good with training.

And the dessert thing...that was Belinda Ellsworth. Her live training she did this little scenario about the waitress doesn't come up to you and say...well you have eaten like pigs tonight, etc. It was very funny!!

Hope it helps!!
Ann, That was awesome! Thanks for sharing!

Tiffany... someone asked me the question that I am going to ask you... when I was asked this question, it really started to turn around my attitude on recruiting and who I want on my team.

How are you selling the opportunity?

Really think about it. I can look at every single consultant on my team and see how I sold them on it. For the hobbyists (1-2 shows a month), I sold them on the "you can work as little as you want..." And they do.

Now I advertise at shows that I am looking for go-getters/management types/career minded individuals who are interested in a management position on my team. I also have opportunities for part-time consultants. I ask them which position they are interested in.

Tonight I have 2 that I am doing New Consultant Training with. One wants to be a director and we are going to focus on recruiting, the other a part-timer. It's been less stressful for me knowing when they come in, what they want out of the business.

But I really realized that we get what we ask for... and if we're not asking for the go-getters, we have to take what we get.

Hope that helps a little... ;)
I agree completely with Colleen. WE have a huge impact on WHO WE are recruititng without even realizing it. People are attracted to YOU based on how YOU present yourself and the business. Think about it like you would think about the products you show at your show. Are you showing products that cost between $1 an $5.... I am guessing probably not... you are showing the $69 baker... are you afraid the baker will scare everyone away because of the price... no... you are using it to make sales, book, shows and recruit BECAUSE it is fabulous AND a higher priced product. Do the same with the opportunity. Show your commission checks at shows, show a big one and a little one. You wil catch the one who want a hobby, free products, want to get our the house with the small checks and the the ones who want to make money, replace an income etc will also be attracted. Also, if I can make a suggestion, aim a bit higher on your recruiting goals. This business is all numbers, bring more people in and you are bound to find some that want/need to work.
Hey, Tiffany, I thought of you last night...I was so fired up for the BTB meeting last night because the 2011 incentive trip is my dream trip. I had 5 people.

The reactions:
One excited
One not excited because Toronto for us is a short drive and not too big of a deal. And the trip to Hawaii is only for 2. They have 3 kids and will not go without them. She will not leave her kids.
One...guessed Hawaii and is glad but she is a very low key happy. She will have her work cut out for her.
One...her brother lives there right now and is another...if she is happy, she does not show it.
One is excited and she is already my top sales person. Recruiting will be a large challenge.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...I found myself suggesting that if they have a trip or a goal to become a director, or to make a certain amount every month...or ANY goal...that is what they can use in their tracker!!

So I am pretty much excited on my own!!:chef::party: I am amazed at the people that are willing to help me when I tell them that Pampered Chef has already sent me on one of my dream vacations and this is my biggest dream vacation. They are thinking a ways to help!

I made the Chocolate Peanut Butter dump cake for them last night with some vanilla ice cream just to show them how easy it is! I told them that if their customers didn't buy it at the show...they would be calling them at PMS time begging them for a DCB!!!:D
If you haven't seen this on a Director loop yet I wanted to post it. This document was created by Duska Mills. btw, how do I get on the Director loop? I always hear about people talking about it, but never heard how to join. I guess it's a secret!! LOL


  • 2010 Incentive trip strategy.doc
    84 KB · Views: 187
  • #10
Thanks for sharing...I LOVE Duska Mills!! Director's Loop is one of the Yahoo groups. Google that and you will be able to get to that site. Then you sign up, they ask you a question. And when you are approved by the moderator, you will get full access. I honestly like this site better, but Stacey Tennesen is on the Director's loop and it gives another resourse for information!
  • #11
This is awesome! I love that someone else has already done all the work in calculations, YAY for that! :)
  • #12
Does anyone know Duska's .biz website? I love to get ideas from others!
  • #13
  • #14
Question-I have my meeting tonight (i was out of town) and I'm trying to have a positive meeting about the trips and thought I would do goal setting for the year first!

Is there anything about your meeting that you would have changed to make better?

I appreciate everything!!! Thanks!
  • #15
I think Duska's handout can be a real work sheet. You may want to have a rough idea of everyone's show average because my new comers were a little baffled.

Not sure if this is helpful or me just rambling...maybe associating the length of time that an Olympic athlete has to train (4 plus years) to make it to their dream. They have to sacrifice time and push themselves physically to realize their dream of at least getting to the Olympics.

These levels of Bronze, Silver and Gold can be associate with the efforts that you need to commit to just to get to the games. An Olympic athlete may make it to the games only to become injured or have a bad performance. If we make it to the games...we are sure to win!

Love to hear from others. Some have fast forwarded the video...I am not sure I liked that, but I do understand why. Some were not familiar with some of the inside jokes but when explained they found the humor. At the end...I got it but I think the video was too long and at the end they were almost confused as to where the trips were. At the end there was a lot of information there and it might be helpful to watch that part again to break it down. Ok...enough rambling.:bugeye:
  • #16
It may also be helpful (although this is coming late) to somehow break down the earning into 4, 3 month chunks. It would help keep them on track and make each small segment attainable.
  • #17
Chef Kearns said:
It may also be helpful (although this is coming late) to somehow break down the earning into 4, 3 month chunks. It would help keep them on track and make each small segment attainable.

Great idea! This is something that can still be done in other meetings or contacts with your team members.

In my last post, I meant to say that once the inside jokes were explained...they got it...not I got it!

Related to Negative Back to Business Meeting (Kind of a Vent)

1. Why is the negative back to business meeting necessary?

The negative back to business meeting allows us to address any challenges or issues that may have arisen during the previous quarter or year. It also gives us the opportunity to come up with solutions and improvements to ensure future success.

2. What should I do if I have negative feedback to share during the meeting?

If you have negative feedback, it is important to bring it up in a constructive and professional manner. Be specific about the issue and offer suggestions for improvement. Remember to focus on finding solutions rather than just pointing out problems.

3. How can we ensure that the meeting stays productive and doesn't turn into a complaining session?

To ensure a productive meeting, it is important to have a clear agenda and stick to it. Encourage open and honest communication, but also set ground rules for how feedback should be given and received. It may also be helpful to have a facilitator to keep the discussion on track.

4. How can we turn negative feedback into positive action?

Negative feedback can be a valuable tool for growth and improvement. During the meeting, make sure to brainstorm solutions and come up with action plans to address any issues that were brought up. It is also important to follow up and track progress on these action items after the meeting.

5. How can we maintain a positive attitude during and after the meeting?

It's important to remember that the negative back to business meeting is not meant to bring everyone down, but rather to help the company improve and succeed. Focus on finding solutions and working together as a team. After the meeting, make sure to celebrate any successes and continue to communicate openly and positively with each other.

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