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Director Need Help, How Do I Diplomatically

Including outside orders you may get, about how many do you think that will be?""I have asked to mail the invites. Most of the time, no.""Since people don't like to feel pressured to buy, I find it's best to have at least 5 definite "yeses" for a cooking show. Since you're not sure who's coming, why don't we make this a catalog show and you can collect orders from everyone by the end of the weekend?""That
Gold Member
Tell someone that I don't want to do their show if they are not going to even bother to find out who is coming? I have done this for 12 years and I am soooo tired of people telling me :"oh don't worry, there will be people there."

I've tried "I was wondering how many RSVP's we have for ________, so I make sure I bring enough paperwork". Answer: Oh I don't know. 10 or 15. Which really means 5

" we'll be closing your show out that day, I'll need all the orders at the show. Including outside orders you may get, about how many do you think that will be?"

I have asked to mail the invites. Most of the time, no.

I have a host on Saturday with an incredible lazy-dazy attitude about this and I just flat do NOT want to do her show.

"How many definite "yeses" do you have? How many "maybes"? Since people don't like to feel pressured to buy, I find it's best to have at least 5 definite "yeses" for a cooking show. Since you're not sure who's coming, why don't we make this a catalog show and you can collect orders from everyone by the end of the weekend?" Stand firm even when she says she's sure people will show up. Maybe tell her to name names of who said they will be there so you're sure she's not counting herself, her daughter, her mother...

Curious to see others suggestions.
(((Hugs))) Some people just don't get that THIS is how we pay our bills and/or do the little extras for our family.It would be easy for me, I could just explain that I'm a Military Evacuee from Japan, living on less military income AND less PC income and now supporting a 2nd house on less money than we are accustomed to having with one house ... that I have no choice but to worry if it's worth my time, the sitter, her time, etc.I'd say just be honest with her. If this is how you pay your mortgage, your car payment, etc. let her know! If you are having to pay for a sitter, let her know! If she understands that this IS your income, she'll probably be more likely to take this seriously and answer your questions. ;)
Sheila said:
(((Hugs))) Some people just don't get that THIS is how we pay our bills and/or do the little extras for our family.

It would be easy for me, I could just explain that I'm a Military Evacuee from Japan, living on less military income AND less PC income and now supporting a 2nd house on less money than we are accustomed to having with one house ... that I have no choice but to worry if it's worth my time, the sitter, her time, etc.

I'd say just be honest with her. If this is how you pay your mortgage, your car payment, etc. let her know! If you are having to pay for a sitter, let her know! If she understands that this IS your income, she'll probably be more likely to take this seriously and answer your questions. ;)

Haha...that made me laugh! Nancy is way beyond needing a sitter. :)
I'm 43 & have a 2 year old & a 3 year old, so I never assume. LOL
Sheila, I had my son at 38...he is now almost 14, I am 51....OY OY OY!!!

At least I am past the sitter stage!! :happyforyou:
The one down side to having children when you're right at 40 is that you really MISS being able to just jump & run like you've always done. I miss the 2AM Wal-Mart runs when the store is empty. LOL
This is just my perspective... but it's looking like you're making this optional for her.

Nanisu said:
I've tried "I was wondering how many RSVP's we have for ________, so I make sure I bring enough paperwork". Answer: Oh I don't know. 10 or 15. Which really means 5

" we'll be closing your show out that day, I'll need all the orders at the show. Including outside orders you may get, about how many do you think that will be?"

I have asked to mail the invites. Most of the time, no.

This is what I tell my hosts:

"This is how I do my shows. You will get a guest list from me and as soon as you get it, fill it out and get it back to me. I'll take care of sending the invitations for you. I'll need your guest list by Friday in order to hold your show date." NOT OPTIONAL. You've ASKED to mail the invites? It's YOUR business!

"I need a head count for your show and I'll also need all of the orders at the show. We will be closing that night so we'll need all the orders then." I think you might be being WAY TOO NICE.

Sometimes there are hosts that are lost causes and we can never get through to them... it happens to all of us. But if this is a consistent thing, maybe you're not getting across to hosts that you take your business seriously... :goodluck:
OMG -- you guys are too funny! I feel like the old lady here -- 48 years old with a 30 year old, 28 year old and 21 year old -- yikes!

I do love being the only "stay at home mom of 3 adult children who don't live with me" on the block.

The only thing that I get up in the middle of the night for is to use the bathroom or because of a hot flash!

Sorry, hijacked!
  • #10
Janice you totally crack me up!!!!
  • #11
finley1991 said:
Janice you totally crack me up!!!!

she's making me drool a little bit in that bikini top....:p
  • #12
pamperedlinda said:
she's making me drool a little bit in that bikini top....:p

ummm...that would be a jealous drool and not a nasty drool....
  • #13
pamperedlinda said:
ummm...that would be a jealous drool and not a nasty drool....

  • #14
pamperedlinda said:
she's making me drool a little bit in that bikini top....:p

Me too! (And I totally knew what you meant!) :sun:
  • #15
you girls!! :eek:
  • #16
It's just a little girl-crush Janice! ;)
  • #17
To answer the thread - I have had only 1 host in the last year who did not give me a list and she was a recent consultant that I trusted knew what she was doing. (She was the host from Hell that I wrote about a few weeks ago...never ASSUME)

Aside from her, 100% compliance on guest lists. Its NON-NEGOTIABLE! You want to party with me, you will give me an invite list. I talk about it like its my favor and less work for them. It starts at the booking...

"Thanks so much Suzie! We're going to have a blast at your show! I'm excited already! Now, as I mentioned during the show - my hosts have very little work to do. Isn't that great? Your main task is to take this paper (50invites 5min) and work on your guest list. Our goal is to invite at least 40 (doesn't mean they all have to attend) but as we know only 1/2 - 1/3 can ever attend so that '40' is critical to our success in achieving your wish list for free or at great discount. Don't panic with the 40! This paper is going to help you whip up that list in less than 5minutes. Don't discriminate! Invite all who eat, near and far! Those who love to cook and those who hate it. Those who love to entertain and those who eat spaghetti o's and cereal. You'll get your own party page on my website so anyone, anywhere can order and it counts towards your show that's why I say, near and far! After I get your list, you sit back and relax! Its about pampering you! I will ask you to call your guests a day or two before the show but if you'd like to provide me with their numbers, I can even do that for you! Don't worry, I promise I won't harass them. (I chuckle to ease their fears) The day of your show, you don't have to do anything big and elaborate. In fact I ask you not to. If you'd like, simply providing a drink for your guests is all that is needed. That's it! Sound good to you? So now don't forget, the first and only thing that I must have back is your invite list and that will secure your show date. Do you have email? If yes, that would be the best method for getting them to me. Don't do anything fancy, simply type the names/addresses in a single row right in your email program. No need to even use a word processing program unless you're really computer savvy. Suzie do you have any questions?"

After my host from Hell...I will not do another show without invites. Plain and simple. My business, my rules. :D Sounds harsh I know but 1st time shame no you, second time shame on me. Nope...no repeats. Guest list or bust! :)
  • #18
finley1991 said:
It's just a little girl-crush Janice! ;)

Oh, you know I <3 you too, Colleen!!

And I agree with Melissa -- although I have never done it this way, I am so very disappointed every time I end up with a flaky host. I have wasted a lot of time on people who just don't follow thru -- I like your approach!

  • Thread starter
  • #19
Ok, so how do I tell her NOW that I don't want to do her show? Her show is supposed to be Saturday, I don't want to go and have her, her daughter and her mother there...how do i tell her that I don't want to do it because I honestly don't think she will have anyone there to buy?
  • #20
Has she hosted with you before so you know for sure she's going to have a bad turnout? I've had these hosts and they can go both ways... sometimes there are 4-5 and other times there are 10+.Regardless, I'd go with your gut. If you don't want to do the show, don't do it. You could always tell her something personal has come up. You're not lying... something personal has come up... you don't think doing the show is going to be worthwhile so you'd rather not waste your time! (Of course, she doesn't need to know that!) I'd apologize and ask if she'd like to reschedule, do it as her own show so that 'those who are planning to come won't miss out...' or turn it into a catalog show and see what happens. If she reschedules, you can insist on doing the invites because that's the way you do it now (if you want).On a side note, I have a consultant who lets hosts do their own invitations, but she REQUIRES a guest list to hold the date. No list... no guests... no show. It's her policy. Just food for thought (so to speak).Personally, I say that unless you absolutely need this show, cancel on her... you've spent too much time stressing on this show already. HUGS!!!!
  • #21
Curiosity's got the cat. What's your minimum for going to a show? 6 Guests, 10 guests?I ask because I had a host trying to cancel her show one Sat morning for a 2PM show because she only had 3 confirmed RSVP's. I told her they were looking forward to the fun, & she had already bought the groceries, so let's give them what they want. She failed to mention her $700 in outside orders that she had collected before the show. Then the guests just kept coming. I brought 10 clipboards just in case. Needed 12. They had to share! Only about $500 at the show & more outside orders ... she closed at $1,537.50 in Guest Sales! ($1,562.70 in Commissionable Sales)What if I had said "three guests is not enough" and walked away? Would she have taken the $700 in outside orders & called someone else? Who knows! It's possible!!! ;)I'd recommend that you just go have fun with the ones that are there and then encourage her to follow up with the ones who didn't show up & try to improve her sales with outside orders.BUT, if you are adamant about not wanting to go, just tell her that you are concerned that she's not giving you a head count because no one has RSVP'd and (if that's the case) she might want to consider turning this into a Catalog Show so she doesn't waste her time & energy getting the ingredients and preparing her house for guests that might not be coming. ;)
  • #22
My upline (who is a very successful AD) came from a show with 2 guests. I have 2 recruits that came from a show with 2 guests. My AD recruited her host when no one showed up to her show. Unless my host is sure that absolutely no one is coming, I'm going to that show. You never know who might be there...
  • #23
PamperedK said:
My upline (who is a very successful AD) came from a show with 2 guests. I have 2 recruits that came from a show with 2 guests. My AD recruited her host when no one showed up to her show.

Unless my host is sure that absolutely no one is coming, I'm going to that show. You never know who might be there...

I totally agree. I will go if the host still wants to do it. If she says only two are coming I ask her to give everyone a quick reminder call and i ask if there might be some that will just show. Usually more show up. We make it fun and, yes, recruits do come from these shows.
  • Thread starter
  • #24
I don't care if there are only 3 people there. As long as they aren't her husband, daughter and mother. I think I will just tell her that it might be better to let this switch to a catalog show and we could reschedule when the new catalog comes out. I think she doesn't have ANY RSVP's, and is just lackadasical--you know how they are "oh I'll go get my neighbor she will come..." that type of thing. I have somewhere else I could be that afternoon, so I think if I don't get a definitive answer i will just have to bite the bullet and make the choice for her.
  • #25
Let us know what ends up happening!!!! HUGS!!!
  • #26
I do shows with at least 3 there -- but I do like the idea of at least getting a guest list....I think it would make some hosts more committed to the event.
  • #27
Sheila said:
Curiosity's got the cat. What's your minimum for going to a show? 6 Guests, 10 guests?

I actually have never cancelled a show due to low attendence. Are there shows I wished I did not do? Yes! Are there hosts I will never work with again, yes! I have gotten some great hosts and consultants from shows with just 3 people.

Nancy, I understand your pain. The only shows that have been cancelled by the host were the shows where I did not get a guest list or the list had only 5 people on it :yuck:! I love they way Melissa put it and I plan to use her words and stick by the no guest list, no party rule. In fact I have a MIA host for Septemeber that I have to call tonight.
  • #28
I have cancelled a show due to low attendance. It was a mutual agreement between the host and myself but my suggestion. (She reps Stampin' Up) and she basically told me that the 2 she had coming... 1 would place a $10 order and the other wouldn't order at all. She knew it wouldn't be worth my while so she was okay with it when I said I wasn't going to be coming for 2 people. She wouldn't give me a guest list. And she lived about an hour away. I suggested a catalog show or reschedule and she decided not to do the show. And it was fine. Actually, she's referred me to two other hosts who have hosted. I think everything is a case-by-case decision and in the end, we have to do what is best for our businesses.
  • Thread starter
  • #29
She's called this morning--i emailed her last night asking for her menu selection, my guess is that she will relieve me of my duties...'s'ok, I have a big booth this weekend that I was going to have to get a sub for.
With my current health maladies I am exhausted all the time and my patience sometimes takes a back seat...this is one of them, I guess because she is a DS person (I know, aren't they the worst?), and has rescheduled once already, and has a holier-than-thou attitude when I try to host coach. Onward and upward, I have taxes to do today!
  • Thread starter
  • #30
Well she called....

She has 8 confirmed, and none of them are kids, so this might work after all...
  • #31
Yea! :happyforyou:
  • #32
That's awesome! Good luck!

Related to Need Help, How Do I Diplomatically

1. How do I diplomatically tell someone that I don't want to do their show if they are not going to even bother to find out who is coming?

One approach could be to express your concern about not being able to adequately prepare for the show without knowing the expected number of guests. You could say something like, "I want to make sure I bring enough materials and samples for everyone, so it would be really helpful to have an idea of how many people will be attending." This way, you are not directly saying no to the show, but highlighting the importance of having accurate information.

2. How can I get an accurate estimate of the number of guests for the show?

You could try asking for RSVPs or asking the host to reach out to their guests and gather a more accurate count. Another option could be to ask for a specific number, such as "Can you give me an estimate of how many people you have personally invited?" This way, the host may feel more accountable for providing a more accurate number.

3. How can I ensure that I receive all orders, including outside orders, at the show?

One way to address this issue is to clearly communicate your expectations to the host. You could say something like, "For the most successful show, I will need all orders, including outside orders, to be submitted at the show. Can you please help me by reminding guests to bring their orders or by collecting them beforehand?" This way, you are setting clear expectations and giving the host an opportunity to help you achieve them.

4. How can I handle a host who is not willing to mail out invites for the show?

You could try explaining the importance of sending out invitations to ensure a successful show. You could say something like, "Inviting guests is a crucial part of a successful show, and I would really appreciate your help in reaching out to your friends and family. Is there anything I can do to make it easier for you to send out invites?" This way, you are not placing the blame on the host, but emphasizing the importance of their role in the success of the show.

5. What can I do when I have a host who is not putting in effort for their show?

If you have tried addressing the issue with the host and they still seem uninterested or uninvolved, it may be best to politely decline their show. You could say something like, "I have a busy schedule and need to prioritize shows with hosts who are committed to making it a success. I hope you understand." This way, you are being honest and setting boundaries while still remaining diplomatic.

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