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Need a Kick in the Pants to Get Consistent? Help Me Book My September!

In summary, Kris is feeling overwhelmed by the upcoming deployment of her son and is seeking advice on how to cope.
Just need a kick in the pants to get myself going and get consistency.

My oldest son just left for Iraq today. This is not sudden, we've known for oh, I think 4 months? Can't remember. So today is/was the day (they're still in the states at this moment).
He's a Staff Sgt in the Air National Guard, Security Forces (a cop).
So I'm thinking everyday possibly for the next few months is going to take a lot of "JUST DOING IT!"

I really need to get rest of my September booked up and stop playing around.
I did make a few calls this evening......nobody home *sigh*
Don't know if I'm being too hard on myself today or if I need to be.
(or all of this wishy washiness is an expected emotion thing of a mom of a son going to war). Well I'm not the first and I'm not the last.....so really I need a kick in the seat of my pants to get it going!!!! He's going to be in Iraq whether I'm doing what I should be or not.

Thanks..........needed to get that out!

Hi Kris,

We will all be praying for you Son. I can't imagine I'd be able to do anything if my Son were leaving for Irag (don't have to worry about that for another 7 years thank God)!

You do have to be in a positive mood (or be able to fake it) when you talk to hosts/potential hosts. I've been in my own slump lately. I've been working my business really hard, but don't seem to be getting anywhere. I have a lot of people interested in the fall, but I have the same problem when I try to call them they are not home (or they are using caller ID and don't want to talk to me).

Just remember once you start seeing some progress it will help cheer you up. It will also be nice for you to get out of the house and do some shows. And all the women at your shows I'm sure will want to pray for your Son's safety as well.

Best of luck!
Big cyber-hugs to you. My neighbor's son just left for Iraq yesterday from Kuwait where he was being acclimated and she is just a wreck. My heart goes out to you. When you speak to your son, you tell him that Carolyn in Florida thanks him for protecting our country and will pray for his safety!
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  • #4
Thank you my fellow consultants.
Well I think with it turning nighttime now and knowing that tomorrow he'll be out of the country, it's kind of wearing on my. I workout every morning.....so that helps, and this morning it was a case of knowing that it was the best thing for me to do.
Honestly, I refuse to make myself sick with worry. I guess it's taking a lot of concentration to do that?
I truly do believe that doing shows will be a great help. My daughter in law (his wife) and I went to have lunch today, since she took the day off work and we went to their new house being built. It will be done before he gets back and Sarah will be moving (and their boxers).

Tomorrow is a new day, and I'm thinking if at first I ask myself 'what is the minimal that I expect myself to do?' then do it.

Hi Rhonda I know how you feel. My husband is a cop in the Air Force as well and everytime he leaves I get the same feeling. You pray for the best but still somehow you find yourself a reck. My husband just made it back home a couple of months ago and I have to be honest, this was the worst ever deployment. They told us to expect the worst. He was safe in God's hands. So I'm praying for you and your son safe return home. Best wishes with your business.
Kris~ While I don't have a son and won't pretend to imagine what you're going through. However I will keep your son and your entire family in my prayers. Thank your son from Amanda and her family here in Iowa! God Bless!
Kris, I'll add to those praying for your family. My brother-in-law got back in March from his second deployment to Iraq (first being when the war started & my sister was pregnant with their son). My advice to it try to keep yourself busy & hopefully he'll be home before you know it! I agree that the women at your shows will
My husband is deploying very soon too; He is in the Air Force; But we all need to keep in mind not to give out that much details like dates or times or where people are going over the internet or phone; that could get your loved hurt no matter where you put it someone could have other information that will help them peice by peice your information to figure things out, and we all don't want that happening I am not trying to be mean it is just for Their Safety I think the military has something called OPSEC here is a link for more info for those that are intrested in reading and learing more about it http://www.defendamerica.mil/articles/a021202b.html
To all of you that have love ones in Iraq, I will make sure to keep you and your love ones in my prayers. My dad was in the Army for 30 years, he retired 25 years ago but spent two tours in Vietnam. God Bless and lots of hugs from someone who simply cares about others.
  • #10
My son in law just deployed on Saturday and my step son has been there since last year. He is hopefully coming home in oct.

I'm trying to get my step daughter to really get busy with shows (she signed in January) so that she has something to take her mind off of him being gone. They were also told to expect the worst. What an awful thing to hear. they have no kids, just animals which are mostly hers--so I think that will help her too.

any and all prayers for everyone over there are appreciated and given by us too!
  • #11
Would it be cheesy to have a "I Need To Have Some Cheering Up & Support" open house? I know that often, I'm not sure what people need or want when they are struggling emotionally - but want to lend my support any way I can, and am willing to do anything they need.....if you threw a party - maybe even a fundraiser for an organization that sends care-packages to deployed troops.....maybe that could help you - and help those who are wondering how to help you! :)
For myself - my brother is a Major in the Marine Corp, and is currently stationed at Quantico - but the chances of him being deployed to Iraq grow stronger every day.....I will be praying peace and safety for your entire family!
  • #12
Filling your calendar is the best 'little' secret of getting through a deployment. My husband hasn't gone anywhere in quite a while, but he was supposed to be gone for most of this year. You are never prepared for these things, no matter how long you knew about it. But we know what we signed on for. Be there for your daughter in law, maybe take her to lunch once a week. Some structure of a weekly date helps you focus on that day each week. Garbage days are a great little counter for those of us who have little secrets to deployments

My intention was to fill my calendar, and as each garbage day comes and goes, he would be one more week closer to coming home. .

Keep yourself busy, stay in contact with your daughter in law, help keep her busy, and commit yourself to being accountable to someone in your life. As long as you are held accountable for doing something small each day to reach your goal, you will be more successful when he comes home.

You can stay in touch with all of us here, just to help keep your chin up. Lots of us understand what it's like!!
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  • #13
Thanks you all!
Hopefully I didn't give too much information tonia. Didn't tell where he's going exactly or how they're getting there, by what route.
My son often reminds me not to give out too much information too.
Tomorrow I've got to get on the phone and also get some mailers out (the mini catalogs).

Oh, also all of you who are wives and your hubby is deployed...my prayers for you all too.

  • #14
To all of you who have family/friends in the military, I just want to say please say thank you to all of them for keeping our country safe. Without them who knows where we'd be.

Kris, I agree with a post above that maybe having your own show to have support for the troops. Maybe have it on Sept 11th or around there. Have your daughter in law join you in any way she can and maybe it'll keep both of your minds free for a couple of weeks.

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ BIG HUGS TO ALL OF YOU}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
  • #15
ihavethetools said:
Thanks you all!
Hopefully I didn't give too much information tonia. Didn't tell where he's going exactly or how they're getting there, by what route.
My son often reminds me not to give out too much information too.
Tomorrow I've got to get on the phone and also get some mailers out (the mini catalogs).

Oh, also all of you who are wives and your hubby is deployed...my prayers for you all too.


I don't think you did; i just was recently reminded by a friend of mine not to say anything and by the commercials they play on tv all the time. So that was fresh on my mind. Good Luck with everything :)
  • #16
I am guessing that would be an AFN commercial? I am so glad I opted out of AFN!!!

Those of you who have never been overseas, AFN is our tv network. The individual shows must give up the right to regular commercials and the monies from that. So we get these silly little public service announcements. OPSEC is one of the big ones here, usually a base commander or some other local official, is on the screen giving the Do's and Don't's. There are also lots of 'Wingman' type commercials to tell everyone to watch out for their wingman, kinda like a buddy system.

Anyway, this is why I refused to get AFN while living overseas!!! I will deal with crappy British TV to not have to see those PSA's. I would give anything to see a Budweiser or Pepsi commercial right now!!! Super Bowl Sunday is always the day I miss commercials the most!!!!
  • #17
I will keep you and your family in our prayers!

Something I learned at conference from Belinda... When you are talking to people and they ask what you're doing, tell them about doing PC. Instead of just saying, "Oh, not much." or "Oh, I'm ok".

My suggestion would be to build on that with your situation. If it were me, I would tell people that I'm trying to stay busy and get more involved with PC because I would go nuts. I really feel for those with family and friends overseas. If someone asks if there is anything they could do to help, take a deep breath and say, "Actually there is. I could really use you help." and ask them to do a show or pass around a catalog.
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  • #18
Great ideas everyone.

Son is doing well. He calls his wife, our daughter in law : ) every other day so far. He tried to call his dad (he's a truck driver...and out on the road) Tuesday evening, but dh's phone acted up .... GRRRR.

I got woke up (notice the time) by my Great Pyrenees bumped my bed when she laid down, so have been up praying for son and his team. And checking out the posts here. Said dog is fast asleep...which is usually the case, lol.

As for keeping busy, yep, it's being a really busy week, including working on getting more bookings in my business, so I can make some money.

  • #19
re: those deployed/military...To all those with friends/loved ones, etc deployed. First of all Thanks to them, they are doing a GREAT job not only for defending our country but for helping the others in their countries too. I also pray for all involved in the wars/services, etc. It's very sad but a GREAT / HONORABLE THING TOO.

I pray for the safe return as well.

From the majority of the Service People I've spoken to, they'd all go back in a heart beat, it's not what we often times hear on the Media. The Media tells us only what they want us to hear. Rarely do we hear of the many positive things that go on. The media only focus' on all the negatives.

If anyone does have some sort of Open House or Fund Raiser's for troops, etc please let us all know how we can help, even if we can only send certificates, checks, small items.


  • #20
I think you may have seen what I became involved with:


Its a great way to support our people overseas.
  • #21
re: Anne
AJPratt said:
I think you may have seen what I became involved with:


Its a great way to support our people overseas.

That's neat Anne:

However, if someone in PC decided to do something, I'd love to send something as where I'm currently working my reg job, I don't get days off, no vacation or holidays either we earn it, but adminstration wants us to cash it in, I take it but not legally. I'm looking for other work now too. Since I owe a 19K loan, a 2500k student loan a brand spankin' new truck and just bought a house a couple of months ago and have chronic medical conditions I can't afford to only do PC right now, would love to give it a try but must get some of my major loans down first!!!! My family is on my case all the time, nothing like being an ADULT, my day job treats me like a young child as do my parents in certain ways. Once I pay off the 19K loan I'd love to only do PC and see where I can go with it!!!!

Now I have the Hugs to send to , but as said earlier I'd love to donate to any of the above ladies/guys if they chose to have some sort of fundraising show!!


Related to Need a Kick in the Pants to Get Consistent? Help Me Book My September!

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Most of our products are dishwasher safe, but we always recommend checking the product care instructions first. Some stoneware and metal products may need to be hand-washed to maintain their quality.

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