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My Amazing October: A Bragging Thread!

In summary, a group of consultants are sharing their success stories and goals for the month. One consultant was initially worried about reaching her sales goal, but her mom surprised her with a large catalog show and she is now on track to achieve her goal. Another consultant is also doing well and plans to give herself a raise once she reaches $20,000 in sales. Another consultant is excited to have a high number of shows this month and have all her show-to-go pieces completed. Lastly, a new consultant is thrilled to have already made over $5000 in sales in just 5 months. Overall, everyone is proud of their achievements and excited for what the rest of the month will bring.
Ok, I know we all like to brag so I figured I could start this new thread as a bragging area for us... I get to start! :)

I am on SS2 and really really want all 3 pieces of the show to go. Things were looking awfully hard at the beginning of this month b/c my sales were 535.70 for August and 754.55 for September making my total for SS1 $1290.25 and I needed $2709.75 by October 1st to gain the 2nd and 3rd pieces. I only had one kitchen show booked (which is this saturday night) and one catalog show booked which was my aunt in pensacola so that made my goal look a little untouchable. I then decided I am going to have my own Halloween Spooktakular party in my house on October 30th. I was still scared b/c 2709.75 is a lot for only 3 shows...that averaged to be at least $900 in commisionable sales each show. Here's the cool part: My mom surprised me b/c she has been having a catalog show at work for a while now and was waiting until she got the show to be really big before she told me...well, she had waited long enough b/c the first few people were wanting to have their orders already...guess what the total was...$1250.00!!!!! I was so amazed!!! I now get my SS2 bonus as well as my 2nd piece of my show to go!!! Now, I only need $1459.75 (a much more realistic goal) which averages to only 486.58 per show for me to get the 3rd piece and my ss plus bonus package!!! I am so happy!!! I also get to be recognized at cluster b/c I had a $1000 show and b/c I will be having some really high sales this month!!! I told my director and she freaked she was so happy for me!! I entered the show as a kitchen show (because it's definitely believable!!) and it's really my first "kitchen" show entered...all the rest were catalog shows so it's pretty cool to have those numbers on my first kitchen show. Now I can keep my head up on the rest of the month as I know I can achieve my goal without a problem now!!! Good luck to the rest of you with your October month!

Sorry this was so long, I'm just really excited!!!
I can't wait to hear some of your bragging stories!!!
Excellent Job Lauren!
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  • #3
Thank You!! :)
Way to go!

This is shaping up to be a pretty good month for me as well. I have submitted almost $2100 in sales so far and have 2 more shows to go.
I am hopefull that I will get another $900 and then I'll have reached the $20,000 mark and give myself a raise. :)
That's Wonderful!I too have had a great three months! In aug I had 1,000 + in sales, but Sept. went sour with 3 cancellations and 1 show $500. I thought, "If I get show-to-go #2 I will be happy". Well once I counted up my shows it turned out to be 9 shows this month :D UNBELIEVEABLE! I have never had so many shows and not once have I felt stressed. I am loving Oct. so far I have had $2,300+ in sales 4 shows plus 5 to go. I wrote "I DID IT!" on my show-to-go chart that tracked my sales and showed everyone at our cluster meeting. This is my biggest month in one year as a consultant! next month I have 4 shows and 1 in dec. I'm hoping for more by the end of the month.

I am so excited :D
Congrats to everyone....

Now its my turn to brag alittle...hehe I'm so excited I just turned in a show tonight that was $1061.32 and all I needed for my 3 piece of the show to go was $1044.16..I was thinking it was going to take me most of the month to get the $1044.16 since I only have 2 shows booked and 2 catalogs shows out..and this was my first party of the month..I'm so excited..I can't wait to see what the rest of the month will bring if its already this exciting! I can't believe this is only my 5th month in the business and I've already turned in over $5000 worth of sales..whats even better is $4000 of it has only been since Aug til now.

thanks for letting me toot my own horn..I called my director but she wasn't home so she got an exciting message on her machine!
Congratulations!Congratulations to everyone! Here's how my sales are going: :) I am in my seventh month and wondered how long I was going to be with PC. PC comes out with such great promotions so it's easy to continue because you want to earn their stuff for free. Every month I have turned in over $1000 in sales but my average each month is around $1500-$1900. I have never turned in more than $2244 in sales for any one month. Well, this month I am at $2966 in sales with just 4 shows!!! My first show this month I turned in $1467 in sales and my second show is at $1010. My two shows after that are barely making $300 but that's okay too. It all adds to where I want to be which is to make my $15k in career sales to get a raise before the end of the year. I really thought the Irresistible Rewards Level 1 was out of reach for me but now I'm aiming to reach that goal. I am at $13,400 in career sales and for my gc for level one, I have 13,900 points so I only need 4600 points to go and I still have 2 months to do it. :D I am so excited! Oh, I also only needed $325 going into October to receive my rolling bag and they shipped it a few days ago! I can't wait to get it and use the whole set!! Thanks for listening and thank you to everyone for sharing their encouraging stories!! :)
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hooray!That is so great for all of you! You are doing fantastic, and it gives us newbies hope... Thank you for sharing all of your encouraging stories! :)
Great job everyone!

Here's my brag. I just submitted a show for $1379 in sales! It's my highest show ever! Plus I've signed 2 new consultants and will probably sign a third next week! I'm at $2250 in sales with only 3 shows turned in! Not bad considering I've had 3 shows reschedule on me this month! But I already have 9 scheduled for next month, plus a catalog show. I really think I should hit the $4000 mark next month. Plus I may be a director by the end of the year! Yippee! :p
  • #10
BragYou guys inspire me. I love to read all the good news.

I had a great SS1 month - almost $2000. I only have 3 shows in October (1 was almost $800) so I'm not doing bad. I will still probably be short for my show to go piece, but I'm not giving up yet. I have a couple of friends doing catelog shows to help me out. I will make my SS2 bonus for sure. My November is REALLY hectic. I have 8 shows in 2 weeks. One of my hostesses told me she was aiming for an $800 show!! I am looking forward to commission and banking enough $$ to get the extra SS bonus.

Boomer Sooner !!

  • #11
AWESOME!!!!! :D I hope you all reach your goals! I truly believe that setting specific goals and letting everyone know about them is how you'll get there. Good luck to you all!
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  • #12
Ok everyone...I see that we all have wonderful things to brag about and I just love that there are people willing to listen!!! Time for me to brag again...
I just had my first real Kitchen show and boy was I nervous!!! I was ready to cry on the way over b/c I was so scared!!! Well, I was expecting 10-15 people..guess how many showed??? 4!!!!!! Only 4...I was bummed, but went on with the show...It was still a great show...so far, the guest sales are up to $516.75!!!! Not bad for 4 people at the show and 2 outside orders...plus, one of the guests will be increasing her order, she just had to leave quickly b/c her baby needed her and she needed to talk to her husband..she has a $41 order, so I'm positive she will at least up it to $50 or more. The host still has more outside orders to add too b/c they were people she didn't talk to until yesterday and they want to order!!! She still has tons more and I know she wants the celebrate plate for free and she wants lots of free products so her goal is at least $800...she really wants $1000, but she is aiming for $800 first!!! I am so glad I had a great first show...I was so scared!!! Currently, I am $1000 away from the last show to go piece, but if she gets her sales up to $1000, plus I still have a catalog show out there and my spooltakular next weekend...I am confident I can get that last piece with ease!!

By the way, my husband did most of the work at the show b/c he didn't want me doing much of anything b/c he didn't want to risk anything happening to the twins, so he was really the one who did all of the selling!! At least I still get to keep my commissions to spend!!!! ;)
  • #13
That's Awesome!Way to go, Lauren! I just left my first official kitchen show, too! Not nearly as many people showed up... only one guest. That's right, ONE guest. :eek: The host and had one $50 outside order, and his mother in-law placed another $50 order, and that is where we were at when I left. On the way home, the host called me with an almost $200 order that a friend who couldn't come dropped off, and when I got home, my sister had her own order and three more from her work to submit on Monday. I went from "the show that didn't" to a respectable $400 show in a matter of 15 minutes! :D

Even though there weren't any bookings, and at first it didn't look like the show would even qualify, I was really proud of myself. I felt really organized and relaxed, and the demo really worked well. I made the Banana Toffee Pizza with a peanut butter cookie crust (sooooo much more yummy!) and showed off a few products. Some how the host and the guest and I started talking about apples and the apcs, so we demo'ed that and then that moved onto potatoes on the apcs, and that moved onto the US&G for making baked french fries so we whipped up a batch, and this was all on the fly! None of that had anything to do with the pizza, but I ended up selling both an apcs and a US&G. I was so proud of myself for being comfortable and going with the flow, and I think that is why everything worked out so well in the end! :p

Anyway, thanks for letting my go on and on-- I am just so proud of my "little show that could"! :p

I think I can, I think I can...
  • #14

When this host gives you all her outside orders, make sure you ask her how it felt to do your job.

A host who gathers a lot of outside orders opens the door to recruiting!
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  • #15
I was already planning to "plant the seed", but it's a little harder b/c she sells Mary Kay!!
  • #16
Way to go!That is great Lauren! It is wonderful that you have such a supporting husband :)

I am so glad you even started this thread, because this has been the best month ever! I made it over $3,000 in sales and earn all three show-to-go, but the second won't come until probably christmas :( (it's on backorder)

When I see this thread and all of the SS's making their goals, it inspires me to keep doing better and to set an example too. I have three possible recruits who want to go to meetings and check it out and ask questions before making a decision. It sure is great!

  • #17
I have to say in July when they announced the show to go pices i thought yeah maybe i will get the 1st one but not the 2nd or 3rd and now i am only 400 away from the 3rd piece YEAH :) Sept was the best month I ever had and i think Oct will be better then Sept i still have about 4 catalog shows out there and one kitchen show tomorrow wish me luck
  • #18
Pumpkin Mini Fluted Pan RecipeHi All. I am new here but wanted to tell you about a recipe I have for the Stoneware Mini-Fluted Pan. It is a pumpkin cake recipe that can be used instead of the plain yellow cake to make pumpkins. It tastes excellent and is great for this time of year! I didn't know where to place or post it so I hope it is seen here. Here goes:

2 C. sugar
2 eggs
1 1/4 C. canned pumpkin
1/4 C. vegetable oil
1/4 tsp. Pantry Double Strength Pure Vanilla Extract
2 tsp. Pantry Cinnamon Plus
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
4 oz. cream cheese, softened
1/2 C. powdered sugar
6-7 tsp. milk

In Classic Batter Bowl, beat sugar, eggs, pumpkin, oil, and vanilla using Small Mix N Scraper. Combine flour, Cinnamon Plus, baking soda, and salt in Small Batter Bowl; add to pumpkin mixture and mix well. Pour into Mini Fluted Pan and Bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes or until cake tester comes out clean. Let cool for 10 minutes. Invert pan onto Stackable Cooling Rack and let completely cool.

Glaze (from Quick Carrot Cake recipe):

In Small Batter Bowl, combine cream cheese, powdered sugar and enough milk to make a thick glaze. Add orange gel food coloring. Spread onto mini cakes and decorate as desired. To make stem, microwave a tootsie roll on High for 5 seconds or just until softened. Form into a stem shape and place in center of cake.

Hope you enjoy it!
  • Thread starter
  • #19
Update On This Month!!Ok, since this is pretty much what I started this thread about, I figured I'd post and update on this month for me..especially b/c this is like the only place I have that I can brag!!!
Well, remember my goal of $2709.75 that I needed in order to get my rolling case (and I would get SS2bonus and a plus bonus in the process)?? Well, guess what?! As of last night, my sales for this month were $2755.16 brining my career sales to $4045.41....I got the case, my ss1 bonus, ss2 bonus, and choice of first plus bonus!!! I had signed my agreement in july, but didn't really start doing much right away..I've had a very successful month, but I have also been having a lot of braxton hicks contractions recently so I kinda have to slow things down again...this month has been my high point and I am extremely excited!!! I will be doing just catalog shows for the next few months, so I am just praying I can get at least one a month and book the kitchen shows when I am ready. Ok...thanks for letting me brag/vent...I hope all of you had great Octobers as well and can't wait to hear all of the success!! Good luck to all!
  • #20
:D Congrats Lauren!!!!! I'm glad to hear you earned your last bag!!!! I just earned mine yesterday too!!!!!! Very excited I sold $2,577 in product which for me is the most I've sold!!!!! I also got 11 bookings this month!!!! Yet again the most I've pulled in in one month!!!! :D

You slow down and take care of those babies. You can put in for leave through HO. I know how bad you want those SS bonuses. I'm just worried about you and those babies!!!!!!! :)
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  • #21
I am SOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!! I have had this one open show this month fro 10/18 which was not closed until two hours ago. I WAS SO CLOSE! I had enough in sales to get the tote but could not get the show closed. Well MIRACLES DO HAPPEN!
My host contacted me this evening and decided to give up on the order she has been holding out for which means I AM GETTING THE Rolling :D TOTE!!!!!! YEAY!!!I too had a great month, earning SS2 plus my first bonus choice plus all three show to go pieces! Plus 375 in the bank until next month...I really want to earn a second bonus choice!
  • #22
My First $1000 show!Good Job Everyone!! Isn't it great when you reach a goal!!!

I too have to brag...I just submitted my first $1000 show tonight!!!! This is the first time she has hosted a PC show, but has been to many shows before. Anyway, she wants to host again in January!!! I am so excited!!!!!! :D :D Just had to share!!
  • #23
All of you are AwesomeWell I'm so excite reading all ya'lls bragging news. I have just completed my SS1 and earned the bonus one, the tool tote, the roasting pan & rack. I need to keep my biz going how do you all get to these 1000 shows and keep the bookings going. I had a total of 4 shows and still have some catalog shows to close. I have only 3 shows booked in nov. So I need SERIOUS help with booking. I would love to have a $1000 plus show. Send me some ideas
my main problem during the show is keeping guest focused on me and when they begin talking I just frustrated and begin to hurry through and cut things short.

So I would love some ideas. Thanks in advance. Way to go everyone :)
  • #24
Sounds like these recent incentives have really lit the fire under some of us. Well, I'm no different! I, in October, had my best month ever and I've been with TPC for a little over a year. I submitted $2360.61 in comm. sales with 9 bookings and I signed my 1st recruit in October! I was able to earn all three pieces of the Show to Go incentive as well! I snaked it through by the skin of my teeth!!! ($4011)!!! But it was enough! :p

I'm kind of bummed that there isn't any incentives for the month of November, I really like when they give me a goal to work towards. :( But I think that my goal for November is to not only have great sales, but to fill my December calendar so I'll be able to earn all of the Spring/Summer new products! ($5000) ;)

This is such a powerful thread. It really is energizing to be able to read about everyones ackomplishments! Thank you for adding it to the page! :)

Nancy Lindsey
  • #25
$2200 Show!!I just had to share my excitement that I closed my first $2000 show! It is amazing! Wish they were all like that! I could use $600 for every show I did!

I need a couple $2000 shows in December to reach the $5000 mark! I am so excited about earning points towards next years trip! WOW!! 5000 points even before the year starts! Anyone have ideas on where next years trip will be? I am hoping Australia!! That would be great!

I just looked at my points for this year and I am still on track for VIENNA!! I can't wait!! I am only 5532 points away for the year!! And I already have $2000 dollars in sales for November!! HERE I COME VIENNA!!

Keep up the good work everyone! I want to hear about everyone earning all their products for free!
  • #26
Wow!A $2000 show, that is AWESOME!!!! Do you have any tips on what all you did?
  • #27
That is amazing Marlene! Congradulations!

My incentive calendar this year shows me possibly earning the 2 night hotel stay. I hope I do get it because that would be a nice accomplishment for me :) My calendar is starting to look nice for December. I am almost booked for November ;) I can't believe it! I hope I can register my Jan calendar before the Dec. deadline just to see the new towels.

Hang in there ladies it will be a fun end of the year to see how we all did :D
  • #28
Host Coach
rayday said:
A $2000 show, that is AWESOME!!!! Do you have any tips on what all you did?

My biggest tip is HOST COACH, HOST COACH, HOST COACH! My host had $800 in orders before I got to the party, 15 guests in attendance, and another $400 in orders after the party! I want this host on my team, she was an awesome seller. I asked her what she thought made her so successful. She told me that she found following up with everyone in person made a huge difference from parties she had in the past.

I also mail out the invitations and have seen a huge difference in my sales and host coaching.
  • #29
I too have started sending out the invites and have noticed a jump in attendence. Sometimes I even personalize them on the computer so I can say whatever I want. Costs more to mail than a post card, but seems to be paying off. I can list what will be on the menu and my website info if someone can't attend but would like to order. I offer my hostess a Season's Best if she gets me her list at least two weeks before the show and an easy opener if she invites at least 40. October was also my biggest month yet (I just started in May) with $2600 in commisionable sales. I made the bonus with $4018!! I didn't think I was going to do it, but did at the very end.
  • #30
Great Thread!I love this thread. Congrats to everyone on all their accomplishments! I have a little bragging to do myself. I have only been with TPC since May and I have already reached my short term goal of buying new living room furniture!! :D
My October was AMAZING, When the Show to go incentive came out there was not a doubt in my mind, I WAS going to earn it all. And I did! I submitted $2384 in sales in October (a personal best) with only three shows, which has helped my show average fly to new heights. I also beat my director in sales for the month by $7.00 so that was a nice little boost. I have 5 shows on the calendar and a Craft Fair booth for November and one of my hosts is Determined to have a $1000 show! And I WILL submit $5,000 in December for the new products. And I only need about $6,000 in sales to earn the level one trip. I'd say not too bad for only doing this for 6 months and I really haven't worked that hard yet! I LOVE THIS JOB!!! :) Long term goal: make enough with PC to quit my 9-5 job.... I am so close to that I can taste it, I just have to submit $6,000 in sales every month! Thanks for letting me brag!
  • #31
Also Excited!!October was my first month as a consultant. My 4th show was a $1280 show. I earned all the show to go's, the ss1, the monthly and two plus bonuses. I had $4800 in commissionable sales!!!!!
I just received my bracelet today. Everyday this week the UPS guy has been here delivering my FREE stuff. I am so excited and so happy I started doing this. I have 11 shows booked for November and 2 catalogs. December is shaping up. I wish everyone lots of luck this season!!! :)
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  • #32
Congratulations on such an awesome first month! I am in my eighth month and just this October I have reached my highest month yet. I turned in $4086 in sales and now I'm only $500 away from my $15k! I'm so excited so now I'm striving to turn in at least $3500 in Nov & Dec so I can reach Level 1 of the Irresistable Rewards Trip!! I'm so happy I started doing this too! Good Luck everyone in December! :D
  • #33
fruit76loop said:
I just had to share my excitement that I closed my first $2000 show! It is amazing! Wish they were all like that! I could use $600 for every show I did!

I need a couple $2000 shows in December to reach the $5000 mark! I am so excited about earning points towards next years trip! WOW!! 5000 points even before the year starts! Anyone have ideas on where next years trip will be? I am hoping Australia!! That would be great!

I just looked at my points for this year and I am still on track for VIENNA!! I can't wait!! I am only 5532 points away for the year!! And I already have $2000 dollars in sales for November!! HERE I COME VIENNA!!

Keep up the good work everyone! I want to hear about everyone earning all their products for free!
That's so cool Marlene!! Way to go! I'm about the same amount of points away for Level 2, so that's what I"m working on. I still have about 5 kitchen shows left in November, 2 in December and about 4-5 catalog shows. It would be my first trip. I can't even imagine Level 3! How in the world did you do that? Good luck to you. I bet you'll make it!!
  • #34
pamperedbecky said:
That's so cool Marlene!! Way to go! I'm about the same amount of points away for Level 2, so that's what I"m working on. I still have about 5 kitchen shows left in November, 2 in December and about 4-5 catalog shows. It would be my first trip. I can't even imagine Level 3! How in the world did you do that? Good luck to you. I bet you'll make it!!


Way to go on Level 2!! That is a huge accomplishment! Did you guys know that less than 10% of consultants even earn Level 1? Amazing isn't it?

But as far as how I am going to Vienna, I set a goal and broke it down into what I would have to do each month. I forgot to tell all of you that I also had my son Peyton on April 19th! :D So I had a baby this year and still earned a level 3 trip! Last year I earned level 2 disney and when Vienna was announced at Leadership, I knew I was going to have to work hard to earn it because of my pregnancy. I set myself a monthly goal and worked hard. I knew I would have to sell like crazy before and after the baby. During double pts I sold $6600 in February and then in March I sold $8000. So, before Peyton was born I was already almost half way there. I knew this fall I had to kick it in the butt so I sold $8800 in September and $6000 in October. My monthly goals were $4000. I even met that goal the month Peyton was born. May I only had $700 in sales from catalog shows and June I had $2500. I knew I would have to work work! I wanted that trip so bad I could taste it! I also promoted to Director this year even with having Peyton! So, I think that little guy is my good luck charm! ;) I tell my team that you can do whatever you want to, if you set your mind to it!

I am so excited to hear about the new incentive trip!! :) Remember ladies, if you want it you have to set goals! And I tell my Director what my monthly as well as long term goals are. This really helps because then she knows if I am slacking! :rolleyes:
  • #35
PampMomof3 said:
Congratulations on such an awesome first month! I am in my eighth month and just this October I have reached my highest month yet. I turned in $4086 in sales and now I'm only $500 away from my $15k! I'm so excited so now I'm striving to turn in at least $3500 in Nov & Dec so I can reach Level 1 of the Irresistable Rewards Trip!! I'm so happy I started doing this too! Good Luck everyone in December! :D
  • #36
lynnguilm said:
October was my first month as a consultant. My 4th show was a $1280 show. I earned all the show to go's, the ss1, the monthly and two plus bonuses. I had $4800 in commissionable sales!!!!!
I just received my bracelet today. Everyday this week the UPS guy has been here delivering my FREE stuff. I am so excited and so happy I started doing this. I have 11 shows booked for November and 2 catalogs. December is shaping up. I wish everyone lots of luck this season!!! :)

WOW you are off to a great start! You now have a foundation for a great business! What a great first month! You have every right to be proud and hold your head up high!!
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  • #37
it sounds like mostly everyone had a great october and is having an even better year!! I love hearing everyone's success stories so kepp them coming!! Congrats to all of you and good luck to those who still have goals set for the year!
  • #38
I am only 1100. away from reaching the level 1 of the irristable rewards. I have 4 parties between now and next Friday. I am gonna choose the gift certificate to a store of my choice and spend it on ME,ME, and ME!!! I never do that so it will be a big treat for me.
  • #39
November is my SS3 month, so I just signed in August. So far I have earned the roasting pan (recruiting promotion), both my SS1 and SS2 bonuses, and one of the banked bonuses. I also earned all 3 Show to Go pieces (bummed my 3rd piece is on backorder, but at least I'll be getting it at some point)!! I had a lot of apprehension about starting this business because I didn't think I'd get far (I did Creative Memories about 7 years ago and it was a flop). I'm already 1/3 of the way to $15,000 in sales.

I also expect to earn my SS3 bonus this month and have 3 bookings so far for December's Sell-a-Thon!

Oh, and I signed one recruit already!! :D
  • #40
That's Great Kristen! Way to go!
  • #41
Everyone is doing so great!!

Marlene, it really goes to show what'll happen when you set goals and put your mind to it! That's amazing that you had a baby this year on top of all that. My daughter recently turned 1 and I have an almost 4 year old son, so I know how hectic that can be! I've been a consultant since my son was 15 months old. It is usually a juggling act, but it's nice to have Pampered Chef to "escape" to sometimes. Last year I earned Level 1 and it included a hectic year much like you're having now. We sold our house, moved twice (lived with my parents temporarily for 2 months - and I kept my business going), built a house and five weeks after moving in, I had my daughter. Craziness!! I'm still amazed what a successful year I had. YOU have even more to be proud of. Wow!

Everyone keep sticking to it!!! I know for me personally, if I don't end up earning the cruise, I KNOW it's possible next year. I didn't really start kicking butt with things until June of this year. I didn't even realize the cruise was possible until about the end of September, so I've really been trying to crank things out since then!
  • #42
Kristen Do ShareI am having an awlful time getting bookings and I need some help to spice things up.

Kristen can you share your "secrets to sucess" you are doing great.
  • #43
Mom4kanda said:
Kristen can you share your "secrets to sucess" you are doing great.
Thanks! I would suggest going back to your List of 100 and asking some of them to host a show for you. Let them know you are trying to meet certain goals and are having a tough time. Sell the idea of easy holiday shopping/entertaining.

I hosted my first PC show last December and one of my guests (didn't know it at the time) was a HUGE PC fan! So she was definitely one person I wanted to have as a host once I joined (I keep trying to recruit her too - she'd be awesome). Her show ended up being over $1000 and two of the bookings from her show have already taken place. She really helped a lot during the show with "selling" the idea of hosting and specific items that she loved. Her enthusiasm helped so much.

I think the key for me (once I have something booked, and that hasn't been super easy for me) is to get your host excited. Talk about all the new stuff, talk about your favorite stuff, find out what they have and cross-sell that way. I try to do this with my hosts before I even step in their door to have the show. This part comes easy for me because I have such a love for the products. I have had 3 hosts who were so determined to get as much free product as possible that they invited 40+ people!

At one of these shows, I broke the group up into teams and had the teams prepare the recipes (I borrowed a lot of products from my host to do this). I got seven bookings out of that show. Granted, none of them have taken place yet (Jan/Feb bookings), so I need to keep on those hosts to ensure they don't cancel. But it proved to me that people are more likely to book when they're having fun.

Sorry this ended up being so long (and I didn't mean to hijack this thread!!), but I hope there's something in here that's useful for you.
  • #44
I'm glad you shared this, Kristen! This is exactly why you've had such a great start to your business. Keep up the good work!
  • #45
Oh and I think it's important to mention that you work full time too!!! :D
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  • #46
PromotionHey everyone!
I haven't really been able to post anything recently as things are really progressing with my twin pregnancy...I now have 3 doctors appointments a week!! Anyways, I have had a bad couple of months as far as sales are concerned b/c I haven't been able to do anything. I had $0 for November and so far $232 for December. I get a little discouraged at times, but in both months I managed to recruit a new consultant! I am now a FUTURE DIRECTOR!!!!! I am so excited as my goal was to promote before January just so I can say that I would have been able to go to conference had I not been pregnant! Ok, enough of my bragging, I want to hear more bragging stories from everyone else!
  • #47
This is my 3rd super starter month and I just recruited 2 consultants. I am now a Future Director!! I am so excited. I earned all my super starter bonuses and 6 plus bonuses, all the show to go's, and was #7 in Sales for 1st month superstarters, #25 in November for 2nd month superstarters. I have over $3500 in sales this month too! My goal for this year is to promote to Director by June and Walk across stage in July!! Good Luck to everyone and have a Wonderful Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!!

  • #48
WOW!!! good for you. Keep up the good work and next year you will be going on a wonderful vacation too!!
  • #49
OK. I'll go next.

As of an hour ago, I have 5 qualified recruits!! When I signed up about 18 months ago, I never dreamed I could become a Director. I didn't even start to recruit til March! See what can happen!?
  • #50
That's awesome, Ann!!! Congratulations! Are you going to Leadership? I'm in the same boat...I NEVER expected this was where things would lead when I started PC. Keep up the great work!
  • #50
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