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Director Motivating Team to Reach New SAT Goals

In summary, the new SAT is causing some negative attitudes on the chefsuccess forum. However, Colleen has found a way to impress upon her team how great a company this is by booking more shows and reaching her goal of 11 shows.
Gold Member
On the chefsuccess forum there are some bad attitudes about the new SAT. I know that I cannot change they way they feel, because I have no impact on them. I am not someone they know, however this has caused me to think about my own team. How do I impress upon my team how great a company this is that gives us stuff for free for just doing our business? The $1500 mark is very attainable. I used to reach this every SAT as a part timer. I do get tired of tell them if I could do it and you can too. I think they get tired of hearing from me as well.

I have a lot of part timers and they too grumgle that the SAT is not attainable.

Any helpful tips are appreciated.
I know, I was reading too, and I thought..OMG--PICK UP THE PHONE!!! Sheesh
I'm not on CS so what's the bad attitude? The levels too high and unattainable?It all boils down to how badly we want it. I have a $1k bill that I want to pay off by the end of the month. Two weeks ago I had 2 October shows. Now I have 7. I have a show tonight and one on Monday and I am BOOKING AT THE SHOW. If they ask me how far out they can book, I am now saying 3 months. I'm not going to keep chasing people and spending time on the phone. Plus, booking in sooner has yielded me much better attendance. Everyone knows what they are doing in the next 2-3 weeks... no one knows what they are doing in December. And I tell them that.My goal is 11 October shows!!!! (I'll get 2 tonight and 2 on Monday and I'll be there!!!)
WOO HOO Colleen! You go girl!

It's all about there not being a new product for a 2 show level. Attitudes people!
That's awesome Colleen!
bethcooks4u said:
WOO HOO Colleen! You go girl!

It's all about there not being a new product for a 2 show level. Attitudes people!

BUT if they do 2 shows in Nov they get the apron!

Again, it so doesn't matter. They'd rather gripe than work! :yuck:
It's just a very few with bad attitudes - and those are the ones who seem to ooze negativity all the time anyway. You can change your screen name, but you can't change who you are. :rolleyes:

My only concern is that negativity breeds negativity. Stay positive, and ignore the ranting as much as possible.
Great job Colleen!and I'm sure you can guess who the complainer is. Read over half her posts and you'll find her spewing negativity.
  • Thread starter
  • #9
I just posted a very scathing reply. I normally do not do things like that, but I was so teed off with her attitude. It seems that she is constantly posting negative comments on the board and it does not really help anything. I know I should have left well enough alone, but I just couldn’t take it any more. Have some consultants on this board too and I just don’t want stuff like this seeping into their commitment. I am sorry to you all directors if it was inappropriate to write my last remark. I promised myself I will no longer look at that thread or post a reply!
  • #10
cookingwithlove said:
I just posted a very scathing reply. I normally do not do things like that, but I was so teed off with her attitude. It seems that she is constantly posting negative comments on the board and it does not really help anything. I know I should have left well enough alone, but I just couldn’t take it any more. Have some consultants on this board too and I just don’t want stuff like this seeping into their commitment. I am sorry to you all directors if it was inappropriate to write my last remark. I promised myself I will no longer look at that thread or post a reply!

No worries (although I'd secretly LOVE to know what you wrote!). And don't expect anything to change... she's been that way for as long as I can remember. She's a professional whiner.

Kudos on standing up for positivity thought!!!!! :D
  • #11
cookingwithlove said:
I just posted a very scathing reply. I normally do not do things like that, but I was so teed off with her attitude. It seems that she is constantly posting negative comments on the board and it does not really help anything. I know I should have left well enough alone, but I just couldn’t take it any more. Have some consultants on this board too and I just don’t want stuff like this seeping into their commitment. I am sorry to you all directors if it was inappropriate to write my last remark. I promised myself I will no longer look at that thread or post a reply!

Wendy - I went and read what you wrote. You just said what we've all thought.

I was done with the thread, but I had to go back to see your reply. NOW I'm done. :)
  • #13
Yes Wendy! It was a GREAT post and well said.
  • #14
Wendy, my reply was meant to be general and not directed at anyone in particular. I read the entire thread in one sitting and came away with a feeling of unease at how she had been spoken to. And I can't really point to one particular statement just the culmination of them all. That is where my reply was coming from. I just wanted to be sure my intent was clear. It is so easy to be misconstrued online (even when trying to explain or be explicit).
  • Thread starter
  • #15
Chef Kearns, It takes a lot to offend me, I have 5 brother. I am fine with whatever you wrote. I am not reading the post anymore.
  • #16
So... this thread is listed under "Motivation".

Let's use it to brainstorm ideas on how to motivate our teams to have better attitudes and find the rainbow in what they might think of as a disappointment.

What can we say?


Well, I'll ask them what excites them about the promotions or which promotion most excites them.

If someone complains about "losing out" because of the change I'll focus on the fact that change keeps things fresh and then draw them back to what they can earn and especially the paycheck right before the holidays.

Other ideas?
  • Thread starter
  • #17
New attitudeActually the orginal intend of my first post was to help me brainstorm ways to keep my team motivated with the SAT and not get discouraged.
  • #18
Maybe offer an incentive for top month & top show? I give 15 PC$ each month to the person(s) who reach that goal each each month. I recongnize "who's gone green", "look who's traing" & do a cluster update weekly. Then once a month I do the cluster recognition too. They get $15 PC for promoting to SC, $25 PC for promoting to TL and $50 PC for promoting to D. Anyone who does $1,500 in the month gets a popcorn bucket (microwave bags & 2 sodas).

Not every member of my team achieves SAT levels every month, but a lot of them could win it several times a year if it was a monthly option. And my part-timers are included in that group! ;)

Part time, doesn't have to mean part-time paychecks. :)

ETA: Sorry about all the typos! I did that on the iPhone with my toddler wiggling beside me. I was having a ROUGH time!!! LOL
  • #19
I was thinking of doing a "happy dance" recognition at my meetings--just to keep it light. HAven't decided what we'll dance about yet, though....
  • #20
In the past I have spent a lot of money on incentives and most of my team doesn't do any different with or without them - they aren't carrot people for the most part.

Now I do give a gift for special things like recruiting, $1K shows, things like that but mostly I do stand up recognition and they get hearts (cut from construction paper) that they are responsible to keep up with. I was planning to do an auction with them at my Dec meeting but one person has many more than anyone else and she'll give them away (against my rules but she's done it in the past - she's too nice) so the whole purpose is lost AND I don't know how to do an auction anyway. So now I need to come up with a better idea for them to spend the hearts. Looking for a fun way that they can use them. Maybe give them a $ value or have products marked with value= x hearts. That one consultant will give hers to others to get higher valued things they want. That doesn't give the others the incentive to do more. I have talked with her about it but like I said, she's giving.

I plan to give them products I have on hand as their prizes. Help!
  • #21
That's a cute idea. I would allow her to give her hearts away....if it brings her pleasure to be generous, then she is still benefitting. She earned them and so she can either get something awesome for herself, or she can donate them to another.

I'd try and see what she really wants and start the price near the amount of hearts she's earned. Maybe list all the items at a certain heart level and allow them to outbid themselves. You could also give certificates to her and your top performers in a pretty frame?
  • #22
Nanisu said:
I was thinking of doing a "happy dance" recognition at my meetings--just to keep it light. HAven't decided what we'll dance about yet, though....


It's hard to be sure that everyone can get recognized without fawning over the top performers!

Let me know what you come up with. Right now, I have everyone who worked stand up and we give each other a round of applause. I'm hoping that eventually we'll also do the "for those who went to $750, $1250, etc".

Then I highlight who hit the sales or recruiting incentives...who worked their biz with training, went green by the 15th....grew their team, etc.
  • #23
I stopped doing the incentives and gifts. The reason why is that it either didn't inspire them or some (boo!) would cheat and earn it and not deserve it. That part was probably my fault because on some of them I used the honor system. All I do is a certificate of achievement I print on my computer with their stats. They are happy with it.
  • #24
Jolie_paradoxe said:
That's a cute idea. I would allow her to give her hearts away....if it brings her pleasure to be generous, then she is still benefitting. She earned them and so she can either get something awesome for herself, or she can donate them to another.

I'd try and see what she really wants and start the price near the amount of hearts she's earned. Maybe list all the items at a certain heart level and allow them to outbid themselves. You could also give certificates to her and your top performers in a pretty frame?

I agree to a point but I want the others to want to earn them too. If they know she'll share they'll just do what they do and not stretch themselves.
  • #25
Oh yes, I totally agree with you. I would rather she pick some things she earned and give them as holiday gifts to friends and family. Tough thing is that it's hard to point it out without offending someone or looking like the bad guy. That's why I was suggesting you find a carrot she likes and price it accordingly! lol Then she might be tempted to use the hearts for herself.

Or what if you write the names of the recruits who earned the heart and indicate on the heart and to the team before the auction that the hearts are non-transferable? For those already earned, you can ask them to give you the hearts so you can jot down the name. Mention at the next team mtg and via email that the hearts will be redeemed at such and such meeting for XX prizes. That "hearts are non transferable and so they should start earning them now....you can earn them by XX and XX and XX. There's still plenty of time to rack up those hearts!"

What do you think? Would that work?

My teammates are all carrot junkies and wouldn't give their tickets away! lol
  • #26
Would you mind emailing me that certificate Colleen? I'd like to do something like that for the end of the year. [email protected]

  • #27
Jolie_paradoxe said:
Oh yes, I totally agree with you. I would rather she pick some things she earned and give them as holiday gifts to friends and family. Tough thing is that it's hard to point it out without offending someone or looking like the bad guy. That's why I was suggesting you find a carrot she likes and price it accordingly! lol Then she might be tempted to use the hearts for herself.

Or what if you write the names of the recruits who earned the heart and indicate on the heart and to the team before the auction that the hearts are non-transferable? For those already earned, you can ask them to give you the hearts so you can jot down the name. Mention at the next team mtg and via email that the hearts will be redeemed at such and such meeting for XX prizes. That "hearts are non transferable and so they should start earning them now....you can earn them by XX and XX and XX. There's still plenty of time to rack up those hearts!"

What do you think? Would that work?

My teammates are all carrot junkies and wouldn't give their tickets away! lol

Actually, I make them write their name on the hearts as they earn them and stated that they are non-transferable but when I've done similar things in the past she has taken what a friend wants and hands it to her so I know that won't work with her. Whatever. It's her prize to do with as she chooses. I just want the others to EARN it too. I think I'll talk with her again about it and see what we can work out.
  • #28
Jolie_paradoxe said:
Would you mind emailing me that certificate Colleen? I'd like to do something like that for the end of the year. [email protected]


Can you post it here Colleen??
  • #29
I can attach them here... I print the border first and then print the certificate. I supposed I could have inserted a text box and done it all at once, but I didn't so it's 2 documents! :pOn a side note, at conference once we were taught that it's not the gift that matters, it's the recognition that they get. So it doesn't really matter what we give, it just matters that we recognize them for what they do.


  • certificate outline cooking.doc
    61 KB · Views: 232
  • Certificate of Achievement.doc
    26 KB · Views: 238
  • #30
Ugh....ok that's annoying then. She should respect your rules. Sounds like you have done what can be done, and you're right it's not fair and it's disrespectful to you.
  • #31
Thanks Colleen! I forget we can post docs here! lol

I really appreciate you sharing!
  • #32
Jolie_paradoxe said:
Ugh....ok that's annoying then. She should respect your rules. Sounds like you have done what can be done, and you're right it's not fair and it's disrespectful to you.

I won't be doing this kind of thing next year but not sure what I'll do. Maybe certificates and forgo gifty things except for big deals like recruiting.

I want to motivate people to be green every month but so far they do what they will do...

Oh well, I do have new blood in the group and more coming so hopefully the dynamic will change...
  • #33
finley1991 said:
I can attach them here... I print the border first and then print the certificate. I supposed I could have inserted a text box and done it all at once, but I didn't so it's 2 documents! :p

On a side note, at conference once we were taught that it's not the gift that matters, it's the recognition that they get. So it doesn't really matter what we give, it just matters that we recognize them for what they do.

Yes, it's the MOMENT, not the MEMENTO.
  • #34
It will make a difference....the excitement of my new recruits and their stats have reinspired more than a couple of my more seasoned recruits. One who had "lost her mojo" just signed 2. 2 others who are mostly inactive have decided they want coaching calls AND came to the meeting! Let's hope this happens with your team too.
  • #35
bethcooks4u said:
I want to motivate people to be green every month but so far they do what they will do...

I send out a weekly recognition report using the Consultant Connection tools. One of the news items has a picture of the sexy green M&M and under it I list who is Green by 15.

If I miss putting someone's name on the list, they DEFINITELY let me know! They just want the recognition!!!

Here is my other thought on this... we shouldn't have to spend the $$ WE EARN on stuff for THEM! They can earn enough *stuff* from HO through the incentives we run. Our only job is to offer recognition. If they want *stuff* they can step it up and earn it from HO.

I don't mean for that to sound harsh, but we work hard for the $$ we earn! Our overrides are a bonus we earn because we've work hard for our titles. It's not extra $$ to use to make them feel good.
  • #36
DebbieJ said:
Yes, it's the MOMENT, not the MEMENTO.

Thanks Deb! I couldn't remember that quote! You're the best!!!!
  • #37
Now if we could only get them to see that we really do invest lots of time and energy for their success and thus that money IS for us. :D

I agree and offer 1-2 prizes per meeting and it's an all encompassing drawing for those who worked their biz in one way or another. For the bigger price tkt items....I make them WORK for it. They want extras? So do I! Extra, bigger items for EXTRA bigger efforts! he he

Though I'm considering offering a big prize for anyone who promotes to D in 30 days. What do y'all think?
  • #38
Jolie_paradoxe said:
Though I'm considering offering a big prize for anyone who promotes to D in 30 days. What do y'all think?

Sounds like a good idea! But you want to stress to them that they need to go wide AND deep with extras, not just the bare minimum. My AD was doing her own little weekly calls for the girls in her downline who wanted to promote to Director. The first on got there super quick, but lost it super quick too. It's more important to have a solid foundation than a temporary one. ;)
  • #39
Most definitely. We did an opportunity event today and she got another strong lead, plus her recruiter got another teammate and another strong lead. I already explained the annoying nail biting when she's only got the bare minimum. We're telling her team that they need to be TL's...The new D has an SC and TL line, and another who is about to become SC.
  • #40
Sheila said:
Sounds like a good idea! But you want to stress to them that they need to go wide AND deep with extras, not just the bare minimum. My AD was doing her own little weekly calls for the girls in her downline who wanted to promote to Director. The first on got there super quick, but lost it super quick too. It's more important to have a solid foundation than a temporary one. ;)

Oh God can I attest to this!! I have seen this happen! And I am experiencing this myself! Colleen, thank you so much for the certificate. I am trying to rebuild a stronger personal team and my budget is watertight right now!

Also, I have been expressing my troubles on DC and I want to thank all of you for your support. The GREAT news is...we maintained AD this past month so I did not lose my title!!!

But I too realize that I have to change many things and one is my reactions to the obstacles I face in my business...real or perceived so this is not an emotional rollercoaster for me.

Great news is that I have just recruited a barnburner!! I just need to get recruiting into her routine! One of my changes is to hold a second meeting in an area that I am gaining consultants in.

:party:Also...today it was proven to me that business IS everywhere!! I went to the dump and a woman saw my stickers on my van. She needs a 15 inch pizza stone so I will be ordering it and delivering it to her. (and I got out of recycling and doing the trash bag as my boyfriend got stuck with it while I made my sale!!! HA!:devil:)

Again, I owe much to all of you for helping me through the rough spots and hope I can be there for all of you as well!
  • #41
Glad to see that the biz and plans are going better Ann! It's hard to ride that rollercoaster and I think that it's hard when you have to give some of the control over to others. I am SUPER excited that you maintained AD!! WHOOO WHOOO!!

Hopefully it'll become second nature as she learns the ropes and you will not have to worry as much. Focusing on your personal team will also only help you make mas dinero!! Rooting for you from a distance! Congrats!
  • Thread starter
  • #42
My team has managed to stay green, but not until the last day of the month. It is very stressful and can be an emotional roller coaster. One of the things I started doing this month is I give $1 scratch it cards to anybody who is green by the 15th. I also started a monthly "Team Party Day". It is Oct 12th this month but in November it is the 3rd. I encourage all of them to work that day and I am planning on small "prizes" for those who submit their show first, highest sales, highest bookings, most leads. To qualify, you have to have the party submitted by the 15th. It can be frustrating relying on others for your business to grow. I find it most frustrating, because I cannot always find what motivates them. They really need to want it and do it for themselves, but if a little incentive works, then I am up for trying.
  • #43
cookingwithlove said:
My team has managed to stay green, but not until the last day of the month. It is very stressful and can be an emotional roller coaster. One of the things I started doing this month is I give $1 scratch it cards to anybody who is green by the 15th. I also started a monthly "Team Party Day". It is Oct 12th this month but in November it is the 3rd. I encourage all of them to work that day and I am planning on small "prizes" for those who submit their show first, highest sales, highest bookings, most leads. To qualify, you have to have the party submitted by the 15th. It can be frustrating relying on others for your business to grow. I find it most frustrating, because I cannot always find what motivates them. They really need to want it and do it for themselves, but if a little incentive works, then I am up for trying.

Love these ideas! Thanks for sharing!
  • #44
I give 15 PC Dollars for highest month, 15 for highest show for the month and do a Blue Dot drawing, but I hadn't thought about doing a Green by the 15th drawing! :)
  • #45
Nanisu said:
I was thinking of doing a "happy dance" recognition at my meetings--just to keep it light. HAven't decided what we'll dance about yet, though....

We do a monthly "Active Dance" at our Cluster meetings. If you were active the month before, you stand and dance. Then, everyone is asked who plans to be active THIS month and they stand and dance. Everyone loves it even if they hate to dance. This gives recognition to even the very part timers or someone who may have just had a child or some other challenge and isn't the top seller or recruiter.

Related to Motivating Team to Reach New SAT Goals

1. How do I impress upon my team the value of working for Pampered Chef?

One way to motivate your team is to remind them of the perks and benefits that come with working for Pampered Chef. This includes receiving free products for doing business, which can save them money and improve their own cooking experiences. You can also highlight the company's positive reputation and values, and share success stories of other consultants who have reached the $1500 mark.

2. How can I motivate my team to reach new SAT goals?

Motivation can come from setting achievable goals and celebrating when those goals are reached. You can also offer incentives or rewards for reaching certain milestones, such as a bonus or free product. Additionally, providing support and resources for your team to improve their sales and recruiting skills can help them feel more confident and motivated to succeed.

3. How can I address negative attitudes about the new SAT?

It's important to acknowledge and address any negative attitudes about the new SAT, but also remind your team that it's ultimately up to them to decide how they feel about it. Encourage them to focus on the positive aspects of the new SAT and how it can benefit their business. You can also offer tips and strategies for adapting to the changes and finding success.

4. How do I handle grumblings from part timers about the SAT being unattainable?

It's important to listen to your team's concerns and frustrations, but also remind them that the SAT is achievable with hard work and determination. Share your own success story and offer advice on how they can improve their sales and recruiting efforts. You can also offer support and guidance to help them reach their goals.

5. What are some helpful tips for motivating my team?

Some tips for motivating your team include setting clear and achievable goals, providing support and resources, offering incentives and rewards, and celebrating successes. It's also important to communicate openly and listen to your team's concerns and ideas. Remember to lead by example and stay positive and enthusiastic about the business.

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