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Mixed Feelings on Bin Laden's Death: Closure for Some, Retaliation Feared

In summary, I am relieved that this manhunt is over, but I am also concerned because it seems like this could be the start of another cycle of violence.
Gold Member
I have mixed feelings on this one. I find it hard to celebrate the untimely death of any person, but at the same time I know that a LOT of people who were affected by the 9-11 bombings really needed to hear this news to get closure.

I also expect that there will be retaliation on our country after tonight's announcement. :(

I hope that those who needed closure, were able to get it with tonight's news. I hope that those serving in the "zone" and all of our law enforcement officials here in the US are safe & on higher alert. And I hope that our citizens here in the US and those visiting/living abroad stay safe!
Amen!!! I agree.
Ding dong! The witch is dead!
Which old witch?
The wicked witch!
Ding, dong, the Wicked Witch is dead!

He's gone where the goblins go
Below - below - below. Yo-ho, let's open up and sing and ring the bells out.

Ding Dong' the merry-oh, sing it high, sing it low.
Let them know The Wicked Witch is dead!
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Ding dong! The witch is dead!
Which old witch?
The wicked witch!
Ding, dong, the Wicked Witch is dead!

He's gone where the goblins go
Below - below - below. Yo-ho, let's open up and sing and ring the bells out.

Ding Dong' the merry-oh, sing it high, sing it low.
Let them know The Wicked Witch is dead!

Too funny!!

I am also worried about retaliation Sheila. I hope it doesn't happen and I hope this doesn't make things harder on our troops in Aphganistan
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  • #5
kittychef said:
... I hope this doesn't make things harder on our troops in Aphganistan

Amen! I wouldn't want to see any of our troops suffer the retaliation, but I have to say that my nephew is in "the zone" right now which makes me even more scared that something might happen! He left 3 weeks after his first child was born & is only a few weeks into his 1 year assignment. I'd really LOVE to see him make it home to his wife & daughter!!!
Please be safe all our troops here and abroad!!!!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY! You all have the ugliest jobs, but the most important job of protecting us! Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers during this time of unrest and uncertainty! Thank you again for the unashamed service that you provide for us.
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Ding dong! The witch is dead!
Which old witch?
The wicked witch!
Ding, dong, the Wicked Witch is dead!

He's gone where the goblins go
Below - below - below. Yo-ho, let's open up and sing and ring the bells out.

Ding Dong' the merry-oh, sing it high, sing it low.
Let them know The Wicked Witch is dead!

I had that running through my head last night! I feel badly because, like Sheila, I find it hard to celebrate the death of anyone, but I couldn't keep myself from humming the tune!
It will be interesting to see what happens next. There must be others next in line after Bin Laden that will pick up where he left off. :(Just heard this morning that our downtown has evacuated an area around one of the main parking garages. There is supposedly a credible bomb threat. County offices had to evacuate. Not sure if it's coincidence or what.
You all know that some sort of retaliation will be coming. I too have mixed emotions about this. Personally, I would have rather seen him brought out alive. Killing even in this instance is well, kind of like stooping to their level. My aunt, lost two second cousins in that horrific event. I have not spoken with her so I do not know how she feels. I know I feel a sense of closure for her but it is an incomplete closure. We are not rid of them. And only God knows what they will do. We have not been able to figure out in the last what now, 18 years since the first WTC attack in 93. So who knows what is coming. Pat thinks they may not do anything. Why? Because all the sudden there is a seat of very high power in their world open for the taking. He thinks they may fight amongst themselves for a while first to gain that control. Plus, there is a second in command who is, supposedly, not well liked by BL's followers. He is considered weak. Yes, this is good news with some major reservations. Let's just pray our military stays safe.
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  • #10
First off, let me say I'm glad this man hunt is over after 10 years... and that victims of 9/11 can finally have some peace and closure... but my husband brought up an interesting point this morning:

What if he's not dead? It could be a government conspiracy and we would never know because his body was burried at sea in accodance with Islamic law. I don't want to see pictures of what looks like a crime scene with blood stains on a carpet, I want to see hard evidence that he is in fact dead... like his body. It all just seems a little fishy that they would immediately throw his body in the ocean. And it's all too convenient that he was hiding in plain sight for 10 years but all of a sudden it's time to start thinking of elections and bam, we find him and exterminate him.

I know some of you have said it's hard to celebrate an untimely death of a person. Humans generally believe that all humans are basically good, but he was not one a good person. And we just killed him, point blank? Well "double tapped" him? What happened to due process? The Latin phrase "lex talionis" comes to mind...
  • #11
I believe there was a tape made by him and his regime some 8 years ago. He point blank said he would never be taken alive. He got his wish. As far as a conspiracy theory, well, I guess we will never know will we. I wish someone could answer this for me as I have heard two different things about the burial of Islamic people. I know we have a large Islamic population here in Milwaukee, I do not ever recall hearing of their bodies being shipped east or west to the oceans. So... that said where is that tradition coming from? Then I had heard during high school in world history that in true Islamic tradition it says that within three days, the body is to be wrapped properly and sent to the bottom of the sea. So who knows.
I guess it says a lot about our country though when some of its population even thinks that a conspiracy was created here to get votes. I find that almost as disturbing as Bin Laden himself and sad. I have nothing if I can not believe in the country in which I choose to live. I could go some where else if I am not satisfied. If it means I am shoving my head up my rear end, so be it. Again, that is my choice. If it means I live an illusion, so be it. I choose that. If I can say that I am happy enough with the status quo, so be it. Again, my choice.
  • #12
NooraK said:
I had that running through my head last night! I feel badly because, like Sheila, I find it hard to celebrate the death of anyone, but I couldn't keep myself from humming the tune!

Same here. I even heard my daughter humming it on the way out the door this morning. I had to let the kids know that a very evil person was dead and that it was hard not to feel happy about someone's death.

My hunch on the burial at sea is to remove the possibility of a shrine, mass revolt at a burial, or any other opportunity for violence. It is a bit surprising that there isn't a body for proof. I expect photos/video of his body to come out along with the DNA proof. The US would not risk making a mistake on this one.
  • #13
pampered1224 said:
I guess it says a lot about our country though when some of its population even thinks that a conspiracy was created here to get votes. I find that almost as disturbing as Bin Laden himself and sad. [/B].

I did not say I believed what I said... I said it to provoke thought. Do you believe everything our governement tells us? Yes, we are supposed to put our trust in our governemt, yet we have had cover ups and conspiracies for as long as this country has been around.

And I had a whole thing written, but thought better of posting it as to not start anything, so I deleted it.

But, you might want to think about what is sad in this country... and it's not that the idea of a conspiracy to create votes. That's politics.
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  • #14
We got up, had breakfast & turned on cartoons for the kids. I haven't heard the news yet this morning about the burial at sea.But as for not taking him alive, they did say that a firefight ensued and no Americans were injured. I suspect they went in like all entry teams, with the desire to end the situation with the least amount of injuries/casualties as possible. The last thing any person on an entry team wants is to be involved in a firefight. Their goal is to get in with the element of surprise & control the situation while they still have the shock & awe factor. There's a LOT of paperwork involved when a weapon is discharged and debriefings to verify that the discharge was valid. If it were to come out that it was an unjustified shooting, someone would be facing a court martial/charges.And if they wanted to do a conspiracy, I don't think Obama would have waited over 7 months to do it! He said he got intel back in what, September? I was shocked to hear that it took him THAT long to get his intel confirmed and react. I'm surprised that Bin Laden didn't change locations during that time!
  • #15
Clinton: Bin Laden death shows 'you cannot defeat us' - CNN.com

It says there are pictures of the body, but no decision on whether they will be released. In thinking about the burial at sea, it makese sense, could you imagine the headaches a burial site would cause? It also says the operation was designed to kill him, not take him alive.
  • #16
Not sure about the quick-burial. It certainly won't deter any retaliation actions which will likely happen somewhere....because that's how the terrorists think.
And I don't honestly think he's been the head of the organization- not REALLY anyway, for a long time now. I think there was already someone else in that position, and even if there wasn't, it will have already been filled with someone with just as big of an axe to grind and more fuel for his fire now that OBL is presumably dead.The extremists use whatever they can as a reason. Should be interesting.
Am I suspicious of the situation with the burial...yes, a little. But thinking about it from a political votes grab....would it really be?? The elections are a year and a half away. Americans seem to have short-term memory as it is. And with the other "change" we've gotten closer to home, I don't see how this would result in many votes being swayed. The military and CIA/intelligence groups did the work. Obama just gave the blessing.
  • #17
This is what I heard on the news this morning: There are pictures but they will not be released yet. The reason for the quick burial is because NO country would accept his body. According to Islamic Law, a body must receive burial within 24 hours of passing away. This is why he was buried at sea. That is another way of avoiding a shrine or a place of worship. Where his body was buried at sea will also not be disclosed. As for how he was killed, there were orders to 'double tap' him and everyone in his presence. Double tapping is to shoot in the head, twice in case they are wearing suicide vests. They also were able to obtain computer hard drives before the 'hit' which may be useful in their investigations. I also fear for retaliation.... Does anyone remember what sort of retaliation came about after Saddam was hanged? or after his sons were killed? I don't remember.
  • #18
I also have mixed feelings. I am glad that this mission is finished but it just means that another mission will begin. We are cheering as they cheered on 9/11, there is just something about that that bothers me. I cannot help to think about the increased threat level we are now at (including the fact that the media released the location of the Seals & their base participating in this) and the new mission we are to undertake. Also, while this man was a threat he was still a man, someone's son, father, husband and I cannot help to feel for his family. I am glad that the threat is gone but is it?
  • #19
I'm struggling with the fact that another human being is dead as well. However, I know in my heart that he couldn't have been taken alive. This is a man who is entirely too powerful in his world and he would always find a way to have some sort of connection to the outside. Even if he didn't, just the fact that he was alive would be all his followers would need to continue in his stead. Who knows what will happen now. I'm praying for no retaliation but of course, I understand the need for high alerts.
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  • #20
Seeing our country gloat bothers me too.My heart goes out to the entry team for the concerns & worries that they had before during & after the event. Please remember that taking the life of another is not something that's easy. Unfortunately, I can say that from personal experience. :( I didn't have to make the "them or me" decision, but I know several people who have had to make that decision in the line of duty and pull the trigger and it can really be a hard reality psychologically. It will take lots of time and counseling for them to try to move past this event. Watching our nation celebrate will not give them comfort. I have a personal friend who was THANKED for killing a bank robber in a shootout. Those thanks were so much harder for him to take while he was coming to terms with what he was forced to do. It was like rubbing salt in his wound.When the media gets wind of the names of the entry team, they WILL be broadcasting them. If you know or encounter one of the shooters, please express your sorrow that they had to be there and your happiness that they came home safe. Please don't congratulate them on the outcome.
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  • #21
Oh, no! He did a martyr tape with a message to his followers and the government is going to release it to the media? Seriously??? :(Edited to ad: Oh, wait! I thought they were saying it was recovered in the raid. But the AP is saying that it's something that's circulating among al-Qaida's media pipeline ... http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5goImUTnFgQHITWZJdbpPLB6lngWA?docId=ec68f068e92f4c649eb81332d190b7e6
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  • #22
CNN is getting requests to NOT play it! LOL
  • #23
Sheila said:
Seeing our country gloat bothers me too.

My heart goes out to the entry team for the concerns & worries that they had before during & after the event. Please remember that taking the life of another is not something that's easy. Unfortunately, I can say that from personal experience. :( I didn't have to make the "them or me" decision, but I know several people who have had to make that decision in the line of duty and pull the trigger and it can really be a hard reality psychologically. It will take lots of time and counseling for them to try to move past this event. Watching our nation celebrate will not give them comfort. I have a personal friend who was THANKED for killing a bank robber in a shootout. Those thanks were so much harder for him to take while he was coming to terms with what he was forced to do. It was like rubbing salt in his wound.

When the media gets wind of the names of the entry team, they WILL be broadcasting them. If you know or encounter one of the shooters, please express your sorrow that they had to be there and your happiness that they came home safe. Please don't congratulate them on the outcome.

Thank you for your great insight Sheila.
  • #24
I completely understand that one Sheila. My next door neighbor, he is I think about 25, wife, two kids and one tour of duty in Afganistan and two in Iraq. He was forced to kill several of the Taliban men that attacked their supply convoy. I do not and can not wrap my head around Collin as a killer. I DID NOT tell him that it was a great thing he did either. I knew better. I could just see it in his face. He has been home for over a year. That look is very much still there. I also know it wakes him up at night. I can see the lights go on and he paces. It hurt him something awful to have to do that. So you are correct. You can thank them for their bravery, you can thank them for serving for the rest of us. Just never thank them for killing someone. It just is not right. It rubs everything the wrong way that we stand for as human beings to kill. I don't know if this is right but I feel about OBL like it is no different than death row. There are those who can never feel the sympathy or remorse needed to reform. I certainly believe he was one of them. So with a sadness in my heart for the men who had to do it and the men who fell, that I can say I am satisfied with that outcome. I truly believe it was meant to be. After all, he was the one who set that path for himself.
Oh and about the conspiracy theory thing, I am a very self protective person. I know that our government has its faults and its secrets. I am not that naive. I am just not that willing to let it get to me. I figure this, they could have sold our country to China and as long as it does not interfere with my life, I ain't gonna think about it. I got enough worries. I ain't gonna worry about something that I can only speculate on. I know a couple of people who live their lives so worried about the JFK cover up and what happened with Nixon is always happening in our government that they forget to look at the good stuff. That is no way to live. And I am not going there. I want to be happy not worried about someone else is doing and what they may have covered up. I respect your hubby bringing it up though. I am sure it crossed a few million peoples minds. I just think it is coincidence. and as far as the timing goes, Collin informed me that it took almost three months for the plan to get SH in Iraq to go into effect. Remember they knew exactly where he was though. There is a lot more to it than just pin pointing someone like that and going to get them.
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  • #25
Another Cheffer posted this on Facebook, and it summed up the way I've been feeling about all of this. Not a cause for celebration, but a time to reflect and take stock...

...Faced with the death of a man, a Christian does not rejoice in anything, but reflects the serious responsibility of everyone before God and man, and hopes and pledges that every event is an opportunity for further growth not of hatred, but of peace.--STATEMENT BY THE DIRECTOR OF THE HOLY SEE PRESS OFFICE, P. FEDERICO LOMBARDI, S.I. (Vatican)
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  • #26
You're welcome Noora!Becky, I saw a preacher's post that he was happy over the news. :rolleyes: I know him. He's a good guy. But I was sad to see him make that statement for everyone to see. :(
  • #27
KitchenGuy, this is the version I was singing (literally, with Dunkin Donuts Munchkins in hand:Ding Dong, Bin Laden's Dead
The Navy Seals have shot him dead
Ding Dong, the terrorist is dead!
But you have to understand that in my line of work, there is a lot of "gallows humor" and it was a very long, emotionally exhausting night that started with me, the lone person still in the office, recalling the front page, and ended with three bosses and two fellow reporters coming in to be part of it.The next day, as I had some time to process it, my thoughts turned to two friends who are bound for Afghanistan. Will this make their service harder?And as I sat in repair shop after repair shop, person after person expressed doubt that he was even dead and certainty that the next bad guy would rise up.

Related to Mixed Feelings on Bin Laden's Death: Closure for Some, Retaliation Feared

1. What are "mixed feelings" about Bin Laden's death?

"Mixed feelings" refer to the conflicting emotions and reactions that people have towards the news of Bin Laden's death. Some feel a sense of closure and justice, while others fear potential retaliation and further violence.

2. How does this news provide closure for some people?

For those who lost loved ones in the 9/11 attacks or other acts of terrorism, Bin Laden's death may bring a sense of closure and relief knowing that the mastermind behind these tragedies has been brought to justice.

3. Why do some people fear retaliation after Bin Laden's death?

Bin Laden's death may fuel anger and desire for revenge among his supporters and followers. There is also concern that his death could spark further violence from extremist groups.

4. What are some potential consequences of Bin Laden's death?

Some analysts believe that his death could lead to a power struggle within terrorist organizations and potentially weaken their operations. It could also lead to increased security measures and tensions in certain regions.

5. How can we address these mixed feelings and potential retaliation?

It is important to remember that everyone processes and reacts to news differently. It is also crucial to continue working towards peace and understanding, rather than responding with more violence. Increased security measures and vigilance can also help mitigate potential retaliation.

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