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Maybe Just an Itty-Bitty Prayer for Me?

Our dear friend Diane has been offered a full-time job working from home that will pay 6-7 times more than her current income. She is excited about this opportunity as it combines her degrees, technical background, and customer service skills. She has been praying for this since last September and is hoping that God's timing is now. Please join in praying for wisdom and guidance for Diane as she enters this new chapter. Congratulations, Diane!
Gold Member
I know that there are a lot of situations that are much more dire than mine, but if you could say a quick prayer for me I'd really appreciate it. I HAVE to go back to work full-time. It was always in the plan that I'd go back once the kids were in school, and come September, they will both be in school all day. Without boring you all to death with details, financially there's no way we can "make it" on just his income and my PC income any longer.

I have been in talks with an ex-coworker about getting back into my career (looooong story; haven't talked to him in 7 years and he called me out of the blue last September). I got a phone call this morning - it looks like I am in the final preparations of heading back to work full-time. Here's the best part. I'd be working from home. Wait - here's really the best part - I'd be making 6 -7 times what I'm grossing with PC :eek: (Won't leave PC, though - love it too much :love: ). It would help us to reach financial freedom much sooner than we had hoped - maybe we could actually go on a vacation?? (We haven't been on a week-long vacation since 1993!)

Please just help me pray that this works out. I've been applying for other jobs and just never felt in my heart that any of those jobs were meant for me. This job combines my degrees, technical background and customer service skills, and I'd be spearheading a new department. It is SO ME I can just taste it. I've been praying for this since last September and haven't said a word to anyone except my DH and a few C S friends. I knew it would be in God's timing, and man, I hope His timing is now!

Thank you!
Diane I will certainly pray for you! I'm so excited for you that this job will be something you like, and is something that utilizes all of your skills, talent and experience and schooling!

I've been struggling with applying for jobs I DO NOT want- because I need to get a job quickly...so I think it's great that even though going back to work FT is not what you are excited about- but you at least get to go back and do something you'll really like, and running a department which is always fun!

Prayer for wisdom and guidance are coming your way! Congrats on the job! :)
Praying that it all works out...(...and slightly curious about the details and your background - fill us in more when you are able to share more!)
janetupnorth said:
Praying that it all works out...

(...and slightly curious about the details and your background - fill us in more when you are able to share more!)

skip the curious, I'm just plain nosey- so feel free to share more details when you can! :) (don't hate me because I'm nosey) :blushing: :D
Oh Diane - prayers and fingers and toes are all crossed for you! What a wonderful opportunity!!! Keep us all posted!
Kitchen Diva said:
skip the curious, I'm just plain nosey- so feel free to share more details when you can! :) (don't hate me because I'm nosey) :blushing: :D

Kacey - I'm with you... I'm just nosey as well!
Praying for you that this will bring awesome opportunities for you to do great things!!!
I know you will....you are such an angel!!!
Sending prayers your way!
OH HOW COOL!!!!!!!! God is so busy! :) I pray that every detail falls in place and it's everything you hope for and more!
  • #10
Congratulations! You can strike a balance with your PC business and your new career! It is sometimes tough but there are many of us out here doing the same thing.

I get so pumped up about PC but then have to curtail it because of family or career obligations. It all balances out and striking that balance is a fine art! Many of us are here as your safety net if you need us for help!:chef:
  • Thread starter
  • #11
Thank you! I promise I'll type up the details when I get back tonight, but I also promise you that you'll be bored to tears!

I have to go hunt for a lost hermit crab and then get ready for my show. Maybe you could all tack on a little prayer for the little lost fella? I have NO idea where he is. One of the neighbor kids forgot to put him away yesterday. How far can they go????
  • #12
umm... further than you want to know ... watch where you step!
  • #13
We had a hermit crab missing for 2 weeks!!! AND we found him alive!! Check closets and corners!!
  • #14
PamperedDor said:
We had a hermit crab missing for 2 weeks!!! AND we found him alive!! Check closets and corners!!


Who would think missing hermit crabs would be a shared issue among PC consultants! :D :p
  • #15
How about this hermit crab story...He was our first hermit crab brought home after a trip to the beach with my grandfather. You can imagine how happy my mom was when I showed her what I brought home :) We'd had him for a year or so and we look in his cage and think the poor guy has died. He's soft, won't move, out of his shell...so we do what all kids do, we buried him. My mom dug the whole, placed him in a small box, and had a nice little "service" for our little guy. So my mom is telling her friend a couple days later that we all want a new hermit crab since ours died...her friend asks, "Are you sure he wasn't molting". So mom pulls out the handy dandy book we bought on hermit crabs, and yep, looks as though our little guy was molting. It's the middle of July and we have buried the poor thing ALIVE. My mom heads out (quite upset, but trying not to show it) and digs him up. After two days in the hot, humid, VA summers buried less than six inches under ground, our hermit crab was still alive. He was put back in his cage and when we came down the next morning, he'd found a new shell. He never left that shell until the day he died (in the shell). I think he was scared of what we might do to him if he decided to "grow" anymore. Moral of the story...if you have a Hermit Crab, make sure he really smells (therefore is truly dead) before you bury him :)
  • #16
Diane, I realized my hermit crab story completely hijacked this thread (totally not on purpose :)). I just wanted to let you know that I'll be praying for you and this new adventure you are about to embark (or reembark) on. I really hope it all works out exactly how you want it too!! Can't wait to hear what it is you'll actually be doing!!
  • #17

I pray that this new position becomes yours and is as good of a fit as it sounds like it is! Keep us posted! (You know...the nosey ones! lol)


Your story is so funny! Glad you had a nice ending to burying your poor hermit crab alive!!
  • #18
GOOD LUCK, I hope it all works out :)
  • #19
OMG Jennifer, that story is too funny! I have a frog story, but I won't hijack this thread until Diane tells us more about her job and her background...
  • #20
Diane, I hope it works out for you! Give us the details when you can!
  • Thread starter
  • #21
Nuthin' wrong with a hermit crab hijack!Hijack away - never a problem on Chef Success! I loved hearing the hermit crab stories - I can't believe Jennifer's was still alive! We still haven't found "Oreo" yet, but I'm hoping he's still alive somewhere. It makes me so sad to think he might be stuck and I can't find him :(.

OK, the long boring details (grab a cup of coffee).

A little background - my degrees are in biology and chemistry, master's in management. In my pre-mommy life I was a technical support manager and then left that company to become an OEM (original equipment manufacturer) and inside sales manager. Both companies manufactured analytical instrumentation for waste and drinking water, as well as a few other applications (one was lab insrumentation, the other field instrumentation). I was also a technical writer and qualified internal ISO 9002 auditor at both jobs. Both companies got bought out (by the same company) - one closed, one moved. I quit the second job when Elyse was 6 months old; I quit because of a promotion. The promotion involved 75% travel, and I just couldn't do that. That was when I was introduced to PC - YAY!

So, this past September I got a call out of the blue from a former co-worker (from the first company) I'll call John. We hadn't talked 7 years, but we were best buds and whining partners :angel: for the 3 years we worked together. When our company closed, he moved to North Carolina. He took a job with another analytical instrumentation company and has since been promoted to National Sales Manager; he and his wife moved back to Wisconsin and he telecommutes (as do almost all the employees). John told me the company was lacking a technical support department and wanted me to spearhead the program. I was mostly interested, as it involved working from home, even though it was a little earlier than I planned as I still did have one child at home (mostly). He said he'd have a proposal in two weeks. It didn't happen... the owner decided to buy 3 companies so they had to switch their focus for a little bit. I stayed in touch with John on a weekly basis as there was still mutual interest in my employment. Last month, John switched positions within the company, so I thought that lead was shot. (On a really good side note, though, John and I have rekindled our friendship so regardless of what happens, it's nice to have that friendship back.)

When I found "the lead was shot" I started applying for jobs, and was finding that NOTHING fit what I think we need - money's not enough, hours are "inconvenient", etc. Mostly just excuses because plain and simple, I don't want to be at an office job! There's not much in my area of expertise around here, so I was starting to resign myself to taking a part-time job and just REALLY stepping up my PC schedule (I already do 6-8 shows a month, and am finding that to be too much. I'm gone too many evenings for my comfort level already, between PC and all the other stuff we all deal with).

Still with me? Yesterday morning, I get a phone call from "Steve", with the same company for which John works. I knew the name as soon as I saw the Caller ID (Steve called from his home). When Steve was hired last month to replace John, John passed my name along. Well, Steve used to be one of my reps!!! He is extremely interested in hiring me; it was so great to talk to him because he just really liked me. He just really made me feel good - he said he knew they needed me and that I could help fix the company's support reputation (he agreed with John saying there was just no support at all). He isn't interviewing anyone else - the job is mine. Here's the big question, though. WHEN????? The way he talked yesterday morning was that it was going to happen in the next few days/weeks. I got an e-mail from him this morning thanking me for taking the time to talk to him (now that's a reverse of what I'd expect) and that he will try very hard to get me on board.

So yesterday I'm feeling great, now today I feel like I'm kind of in the same boat I was before he called. Yes, I know that if/when this happens the job is mine, but I'm tired of the wait (and yes, I really do believe it's all in God's hands, and it will work out as it should, but I am not known for my patience!) As I mentioned in my first note, money is extremely tight (as in we had Ramen noodles two evenings in a row for supper!). It doesn't help that my DH and I had to charge TWO FUNERALS on our charge card (I'll save that for another day...) I've pumped up my business (and I'm only a recruit away from promoting), so that should get us through September. If nothing happens by mid-July I'm going to have to start hitting the pavement again, but this job is what I really want!

If you made it this far, thank you for reading! I owe you a cup of coffee.

Just another day in the boring life of Diane. LOL!

Back to hermie hunting!
  • #22
dianevill said:
Hijack away - never a problem on Chef Success! I loved hearing the hermit crab stories - I can't believe Jennifer's was still alive! We still haven't found "Oreo" yet, but I'm hoping he's still alive somewhere. It makes me so sad to think he might be stuck and I can't find him :(.

OK, the long boring details (grab a cup of coffee).

A little background - my degrees are in biology and chemistry, master's in management. In my pre-mommy life I was a technical support manager and then left that company to become an OEM (original equipment manufacturer) and inside sales manager. Both companies manufactured analytical instrumentation for waste and drinking water, as well as a few other applications (one was lab insrumentation, the other field instrumentation). I was also a technical writer and qualified internal ISO 9002 auditor at both jobs. Both companies got bought out (by the same company) - one closed, one moved. I quit the second job when Elyse was 6 months old; I quit because of a promotion. The promotion involved 75% travel, and I just couldn't do that. That was when I was introduced to PC - YAY!

So, this past September I got a call out of the blue from a former co-worker (from the first company) I'll call John. We hadn't talked 7 years, but we were best buds and whining partners :angel: for the 3 years we worked together. When our company closed, he moved to North Carolina. He took a job with another analytical instrumentation company and has since been promoted to National Sales Manager; he and his wife moved back to Wisconsin and he telecommutes (as do almost all the employees). John told me the company was lacking a technical support department and wanted me to spearhead the program. I was mostly interested, as it involved working from home, even though it was a little earlier than I planned as I still did have one child at home (mostly). He said he'd have a proposal in two weeks. It didn't happen... the owner decided to buy 3 companies so they had to switch their focus for a little bit. I stayed in touch with John on a weekly basis as there was still mutual interest in my employment. Last month, John switched positions within the company, so I thought that lead was shot. (On a really good side note, though, John and I have rekindled our friendship so regardless of what happens, it's nice to have that friendship back.)

When I found "the lead was shot" I started applying for jobs, and was finding that NOTHING fit what I think we need - money's not enough, hours are "inconvenient", etc. Mostly just excuses because plain and simple, I don't want to be at an office job! There's not much in my area of expertise around here, so I was starting to resign myself to taking a part-time job and just REALLY stepping up my PC schedule (I already do 6-8 shows a month, and am finding that to be too much. I'm gone too many evenings for my comfort level already, between PC and all the other stuff we all deal with).

Still with me? Yesterday morning, I get a phone call from "Steve", with the same company for which John works. I knew the name as soon as I saw the Caller ID (Steve called from his home). When Steve was hired last month to replace John, John passed my name along. Well, Steve used to be one of my reps!!! He is extremely interested in hiring me; it was so great to talk to him because he just really liked me. He just really made me feel good - he said he knew they needed me and that I could help fix the company's support reputation (he agreed with John saying there was just no support at all). He isn't interviewing anyone else - the job is mine. Here's the big question, though. WHEN????? The way he talked yesterday morning was that it was going to happen in the next few days/weeks. I got an e-mail from him this morning thanking me for taking the time to talk to him (now that's a reverse of what I'd expect) and that he will try very hard to get me on board.

So yesterday I'm feeling great, now today I feel like I'm kind of in the same boat I was before he called. Yes, I know that if/when this happens the job is mine, but I'm tired of the wait (and yes, I really do believe it's all in God's hands, and it will work out as it should, but I am not known for my patience!) As I mentioned in my first note, money is extremely tight (as in we had Ramen noodles two evenings in a row for supper!). It doesn't help that my DH and I had to charge TWO FUNERALS on our charge card (I'll save that for another day...) I've pumped up my business (and I'm only a recruit away from promoting), so that should get us through September. If nothing happens by mid-July I'm going to have to start hitting the pavement again, but this job is what I really want!

If you made it this far, thank you for reading! I owe you a cup of coffee.

Just another day in the boring life of Diane. LOL!

Back to hermie hunting!

No Diane, VERY interesting to me...my undergrads are in Industrial Engineering and Management Systems and my Master's in Technology Management...and I'm from Racine so very interesting.

I had originally wanted to go into Chemical Engineering...

I hope this works out for you - we'll keep praying!!!! I would LOVE to work from home, but no can do up here at this time!

Good luck finding hermie...
  • #23
Wow Diane! Yer purty smart! :) I know it will all work out and they'll be calling you soon once they figure out what they need to do. My DH says that every civiillian company he's worked for has meetings to have meetings to decide what they are going to do and then hold another meeting to talk more about it... LOL
  • #24
I agree with Janet - I think that sounds very interesting! And the extra info not only calms my curiosity, it also helps me know how to pray for you!

I was drinking a cup of coffee though, while I read it!:D
  • Thread starter
  • #25
ChefBeckyD said:
I agree with Janet - I think that sounds very interesting! And the extra info not only calms my curiosity, it also helps me know how to pray for you!

I was drinking a cup of coffee though, while I read it!:D

Too bad you're in a different wave, I would've made up for the coffee!

The work is very interesting to me, although I'd much more prefer working with something like chocolate rather than waste water! (Well, at least I won't be tempted to indulge in the product being tested!)

Thank you all for the support. And thanks for the compliment, Kacey. My 7 year old wouldn't agree with you. Moms know nothing, you know. LOL!
  • #26
dianevill said:
Too bad you're in a different wave, I would've made up for the coffee!

The work is very interesting to me, although I'd much more prefer working with something like chocolate rather than waste water! (Well, at least I won't be tempted to indulge in the product being tested!)

Thank you all for the support. And thanks for the compliment, Kacey. My 7 year old wouldn't agree with you. Moms know nothing, you know. LOL!

I'll have to let my 7 year old play with your 7 year old - mine still thinks mom is pretty smart. (Not that she always listens to mom though...) :rolleyes:
  • Thread starter
  • #27
janetupnorth said:
I'll have to let my 7 year old play with your 7 year old - mine still thinks mom is pretty smart. (Not that she always listens to mom though...) :rolleyes:

Send her my way!
  • #28
dianevill said:
Send her my way!
We'll be down in July! :)Actually, just send your daughter up to Fort next year when she is 8 years old!
  • Thread starter
  • #29
She'll be eight this summer. Close enough?
  • #30
dianevill said:
She'll be eight this summer. Close enough?

Actually yes, depending on when she turns 8 - kids camp starts at age 8 and in June. ...don't know how full we are this year - I find out 2 days before when I have to do medical registration - until then I don't worry myself with it.

Check out Fort Wilderness - Stronghold of Christian Adventure sometime...
  • #31
You tell your DD Miss Diane that she is right...her Momma is very smart!

And I agree, I'd rather work with chocolate than chocolate colored water! LOL But whatever floats your boat. :)

Keep us informed on the events leading to your start date!
  • #32
Diane, that sounds great. I pray it all works out for you. I would love to find a job that I could do at home and actually use my degree. Best of luck to you!
  • #33
"Code Brown" "Code Brown"(That's what we call the medical calls with chocolate colored water....)
  • Thread starter
  • #34
janetupnorth said:
Actually yes, depending on when she turns 8 - kids camp starts at age 8 and in June. ...don't know how full we are this year - I find out 2 days before when I have to do medical registration - until then I don't worry myself with it.

Check out Fort Wilderness - Stronghold of Christian Adventure sometime...

She'll be eight in August, so too late (and to be honest, as "dumb" as I am, she's still a momma's girl, so more than a couple of days away from me would be heck on her. Or maybe it's the other way around!)
  • #35
dianevill said:
She'll be eight in August, so too late (and to be honest, as "dumb" as I am, she's still a momma's girl, so more than a couple of days away from me would be heck on her. Or maybe it's the other way around!)

Sammie just turned 7 in May, cousin turns 8 in November so they can't go until next year.

We have moms that come volunteer in the kitchen while their kids are at Outpost (a mile or so away) so you are around if need be...

The kids usually are so busy they do GREAT! The parents are the ones with issues - LOL!

I live 3 miles from the camp and it will be hard to let my daughter go!
  • #36
That would be so awesome if you can actually still work from home, & using your degree! (& having to pay for 2 funerals...ouch, that would put any of us in money issues)
The dream job would definately be working with chocolate daily wouldn't it?:thumbup: We're taking our Girl Scout troop on an overnight trip tomorrow to Great Wolf Lodge in KC....and stopping along the way to tour the Russell Stover's Chocolate Factory--yum!

Keep us updated!
  • Thread starter
  • #37
Just wanted to update you on one of the hijack portions of this thread. We FOUND the hermit crab, alive! My daughter found it in her shoe. The hermie must've traveled quite a way, because Elyse's shoes are in the back hallway (outside shoes, so they don't go in her room), and Oreo got out in an upstairs bedroom across the house. Must have been a long trip down the stairs:eek: .
  • #38
Wow, Diane! I'm glad you found your little crab. I'll definitely keep this job opportunity in prayer. And, truly, your story wasn't boring. You are obviously an intelligent and talented woman. I trust that you will find a position that utilizes your skills in a way that works well for you.
  • Thread starter
  • #39
Thank you, Rae, and everyone!

There are still no new developments, at least on that front, but I did have a phone interview this morning with the associate prinicipal at my children's school (DD's school right now, DS and DD's school next year). I applied for a job as an admin. assistant to the principal (way back in March, so I assumed I wasn't even considered, but this morning the assoc. principal told me they couldn't hire anyone until the current woman officially resigned so they waited to interview), and I'm in the running. I'm a little torn right now, as it would be great to get into the "school", but it is a full-time year round position so I'd have to utilize day care. The pay is about half of what the other job would be, but the benefits would be awesome, esp. since it's full-time (and the fact that I'd be near my kids is appealing).

So many things and what-if's are going through my mind right now that I'm not really focused. I guess I'm just going to let them both play out and see what happens (I hate to think this, but what if NEITHER of them pan out - then I'm back at square one). I know God will lead me in the right direction.

Thanks again for your prayers and responses - it really means a lot that you took time to read and post!
  • #40
dianevill said:
Thank you, Rae, and everyone!

There are still no new developments, at least on that front, but I did have a phone interview this morning with the associate prinicipal at my children's school (DD's school right now, DS and DD's school next year). I applied for a job as an admin. assistant to the principal (way back in March, so I assumed I wasn't even considered, but this morning the assoc. principal told me they couldn't hire anyone until the current woman officially resigned so they waited to interview), and I'm in the running. I'm a little torn right now, as it would be great to get into the "school", but it is a full-time year round position so I'd have to utilize day care. The pay is about half of what the other job would be, but the benefits would be awesome, esp. since it's full-time (and the fact that I'd be near my kids is appealing).

So many things and what-if's are going through my mind right now that I'm not really focused. I guess I'm just going to let them both play out and see what happens (I hate to think this, but what if NEITHER of them pan out - then I'm back at square one). I know God will lead me in the right direction.
Thanks again for your prayers and responses - it really means a lot that you took time to read and post!

I hear you Diane! DH and I feel the exact same way with every possible lead or idea that comes up. The one exception is that with both of us unemployed, we don't have time on our side- so we HAVE to rely on God and expect to fully hear HIS direction because time is of the essense for us and so much rides on us making wise decisions and getting jobs fast!

I will continue to pray for you to have wisdom and clarity through all of this! :)

BTW- I'm happy you found your little hermit crab! :)
  • #41
Yeah for the hermit crab! ...and the rest will work out - keep us posted!
  • #42
Ditto what Janet said!:)
  • Thread starter
  • #43

I have to shout - I GOT THE JOB - the one I really wanted. YAHOOOOOOOO! I start on June 16th. I am very excited and am looking forward to this new phase in my life :D.

I got an "official call" on Tuesday, and signed the paperwork yesterday. I also got a phone call from the school on Tuesday for an interview on Wednesday (for the admin job), but that call came about an hour after the "official call", so it all worked out (as it always does, thanks to Him!).

Thanks again to everyone for their thoughts and prayers. I appreciate all the private messages and e-mails, too!
  • #44
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :sing: :) :sing:
  • #45
dianevill said:

I have to shout - I GOT THE JOB - the one I really wanted. YAHOOOOOOOO! I start on June 16th. I am very excited and am looking forward to this new phase in my life :D.

I got an "official call" on Tuesday, and signed the paperwork yesterday. I also got a phone call from the school on Tuesday for an interview on Wednesday (for the admin job), but that call came about an hour after the "official call", so it all worked out (as it always does, thanks to Him!).

Thanks again to everyone for their thoughts and prayers. I appreciate all the private messages and e-mails, too!

WHOHOO! Yeah Diane! Enjoy! (...and if you ever need some assistance...just yell... ;) )
  • #46
Wonderful Diane!:)
  • #48
Diane - I am so happy for you! Congratulations!
  • #49
Wooo hoooo!!!!! Congratulations!

Related to Maybe Just an Itty-Bitty Prayer for Me?

1. How did you get back in touch with your former coworker after 7 years?

I received a phone call out of the blue from my former coworker last September.

2. What type of work will you be doing if this opportunity works out?

I will be working from home, combining my degrees, technical background, and customer service skills to spearhead a new department.

3. Are you planning on leaving Pampered Chef if this opportunity works out?

No, I love my job at Pampered Chef and will continue working with them while also pursuing this new opportunity.

4. How long has it been since you've been on a week-long vacation?

The last time I went on a week-long vacation was in 1993.

5. How long have you been praying for this opportunity?

I have been praying for this opportunity since last September.

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