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Maximizing Bookings with Attractive Host Gifts: Your Suggestions Welcome!

In summary, the consultant at Partylite shows walks away with at least two bookings per show, because of her Host Booking Gift program. The idea of offering an extra $15 product bonus and just adding it onto the host order and paying next to nothing for it is a good idea.
Silver Member
Ok, so I've done two PartyLite shows and I have been to a few. At each show I watch the consultant walk away with at least two bookings per show because of their Host Booking Gift program. I mean, not to knock her at all, but she doesn't have to do anything to get these shows! She's gotten 5 shows off of me!!!

I know there has been a lot of discussion on this, but I was thinking about making a flyer with Booking Gifts (higher end products) on it and doing it like PL does... the host gets the gift after the shows are held. I know I could incur some extra cost, but think about it... If I get 3 shows out of it, wouldn't it be worth giving a bonus?

if you like the idea, what should I offer?
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Offer an extra $15 product bonus and just add it onto the host order and pay next to nothing for it!
Use the stoneware sale, order sm oval bakers. I have booked about 5 shows using that item as incentive.
Great idea!
I'd love to see what you come up with. I think you may be onto something here....Ann
Great IdeaI think you should offer some of the new products coming out. Something that isn't on the host special for the month but something that would definitely appeal to any PC customer.

How about some of the NEW SA pieces with dots! The Coffee and more cups are so pretty!

Some of the NEW SA stands!

Salad choppers!! I saw these at my cluster meeting and they are cool!

New colored knives!!

There is so much you can offer and they will definitely be a good reason to book a show!!

Debbie :D
I did this to get my Feb. full and offered a piece of lower priced stoneware ($15-19 reg. price) then ofcourse take off the 20% sale plus whatever the hostess will have as her % taken off! So I was thinking about doing it for March but haven't decided what to offer yet that is cost effective for me?

Anymore uncostly gift ideas?
Wouldn't it be cool if PC offered us a few products each season that we could offer exclusively to hosts? I think that would be a great incentive to book a show since that would be the only way to get those particular products!
I personally don't like how you have to be a "Host" to get certain items - that really bothers me about Partylite. It's like saying "YOU MUST HOST". I like how we offer everything to everyone - I mean if you have enough money to buy it, why can't you - why aren't you allowed?!? I didn't like when the did the 8qt stainless steel mixing bowl last year. I know I could have sold them to past customers who had them and I plan to send that out come May!

Ann, it wouldn't hurt to try it. But at the Partylite shows I've attended the guests complain saying "4 bookings, yeah right!" And around here, I have never seen anyone hit even the 2 booking level.

Just my opinion!
  • #10
Just from reading the other posts - I think there is some confusion.....Ann, what I understand you to be saying is that the consultant is offering the original host a special gift, when there are X number of shows booked and held from her show....is that correct?
IF so, than I would make it something special too.....like an 8' skillet, or the new Trifle Bowl.....if it's based on 3 bookings, after the host discount, that would avg. less than $10 per show booked. (does that make sense?)...maybe even offer a selection of products within a certain price range, and promote it as just another way that PC continues to offer hosts a great host program.
  • #11
Hmm, what about the new spring products (select items) on a flyer first come fist serve say for (March bookings) you book it and pick 1 item? Gives them a feeling of urgency to book now to get that 1 item they want on the flyer?

Or taking some of those item pics putting them in an envelope as a mystery book to look idea.. sorry just thinkin out loud...
  • Thread starter
  • #12
Yes, Becky, you are correct!

Heather: Maybe I will do a special where the Host Gets X and the New Host gets X.

Joanne: You are right... I would just love to buy some of the Host items from PL. But in this area, that PL consultant has cleaned up. She's got 2 or 3 from each show I've attended. I always felt they laid on the guilt "For Susie to get X she needs 3 friends to help her out." But now I see that people don't feel guilty and they feel like they really are helping out their friend!
  • #13
This has me thinking....I usually get 1-2 bookings per show, but would love to have 2-3 per show.....maybe something like this would help that.....possibly have 2 levels of gifts - one for 2 bookings and one for 3 bookings.....hmmmm - is that what you were thinking too?
  • #14
I have offered people a 25% discount from me for a full year if they booked a show. I have had lots of people take me up on this and have a show but only a couple have actually called me during the year to use this extra 25%.
  • #15
Nicki, how do you fit that into your demo? What do you say to offer that to guests? That's not a bad idea and I might give it a try. I'm might even give that a try when making CCC's. I really want the level 2 trip this year.
  • #16
rebeccastt said:
Wouldn't it be cool if PC offered us a few products each season that we could offer exclusively to hosts? I think that would be a great incentive to book a show since that would be the only way to get those particular products!

Maybe you can keep some retiring products for just that, Rebecca!

Also, I heard the idea....just to build excitement...where you wrap a gift, including ribbon. When you get one booking, they take the ribbon off, unwrap with 2nd booking, and get to keep the item with the 3rd booking.

I do like the idea of the host getting the item only when the shows are completed.

Close to My Heart also does host only stamp sets. Sure, it's great to be able to BUY them, but if you REALLY want the current theme, you have a huge incentive to book or even do a catalogue show.
  • #17
I have heard about someone using Stoneware as the prize, after the hosts gets 3 bookings from freinds and family and all shows close they choose their piece. They said it really worked.
  • #18
Stoneware Bar Pan Family.....First Show - you'll give them Small Bar Pan Free

Second Show - you'll give them Medium Bar Pan Free

Thirds Show - you'll give them the Large Bar Pan Free

My only concern is, what if 2nd or 3rd show, are barely shows??

Then you're out what'd make.

  • #19
One person I know made business cards like coffee punch cards that say, "Attend 10 shows with me and get $X free merchandise". You could do one that says book 2 shows with me in 1 year and attend 5 shows and get $X free merchandise" or some variant of that....
  • #20
rebeccastt said:
Wouldn't it be cool if PC offered us a few products each season that we could offer exclusively to hosts? I think that would be a great incentive to book a show since that would be the only way to get those particular products!

We had a few of these a couple years ago. For me, they didn't generate any bookings, but they probably worked better for others. Of course, it could have been the products themselves.
  • #21
Here, I made a sample - it's kind of crude - no PC logos or anything but if anyone wants to play with it and try it.


  • Sample PC Incentive Card.doc
    43.5 KB · Views: 378
  • #22
About the Host only specials, while I think it's a cool incentive like the HWC cups and plates, however I had alot of people complain that they wanted to buy them and not do a show. And no one was interested in the 8qt bowl. So I don't know?
  • #23
Bookings Gift certificateHere is one I just did...Not sure I like it. I'm not very computer savvy...just a template I found online. I will fill in with $25 gift certificate (only redeamable through me) I will also keep the left hand side to file to keep track of when it is redeamable.


  • Bookings Gift Certificate.doc
    128 KB · Views: 691
  • #24
heat123 said:
About the Host only specials, while I think it's a cool incentive like the HWC cups and plates, however I had alot of people complain that they wanted to buy them and not do a show. And no one was interested in the 8qt bowl. So I don't know?
Even before those, there were some things that were host only. The Entertaining Set (SA), Large Square Platter, Chillzanne Cooler, Serving Bowls (those lovely striped ones that are on the outlet now - they were $80!). I had people asking to buy them, especially the Entertaining Set, but they were never willing to host a show in order to get them.
  • #25
Last month i put on all my catalogs.. on the front
Book a show with me in February and recieve FREE at your show your choice of
* small bar pan*
* small round stone*
* medium round stone*
* loaf pan *

I add it on to there show at the end with the stones being on sale at 20% off plus the host discount it costs next to nothing !

I have 4 shows booked in Februaury from just the few catalogs i had out !
Might not be much but hey it is a start !!!
  • #26
janetupnorth said:
Here, I made a sample - it's kind of crude - no PC logos or anything but if anyone wants to play with it and try it.

I like this...but what about having a number of boxes and say....attending a show is 1 box, each $50 in individual orders (not at a show) is 1 box and having a show is 2 or 3...would that work?
  • #27
I think I am going to try the book to look boxes- I have valentines ones for my V-day show (so it will go well with the theme). And I am going to pick $10 and under products from the new line to stick in the boxes. Hand them out to every guest with their folders and tell them they cannot open and redeem unless they book a show and will be given at their show. I have never done it this way so will see how it goes? Hopefully I get some extra bookings for March!
  • #28
Yes, you could just fill the right side with boxes and have a point system to fill them.
  • #29
I tend to average between 3-6 bookings per show (usually about 1/3 of the group), and I think it's because I serioulsy promote how much FUN it is to host a party, and how GREAT the host rewards program is. I don't think I have ever given away a product to host a show... maybe a "free cooking show" (I buy ingredients) for filling a certain date in close.
I dunno, I'm more of the "use whatcha got" kinda gal these days... I like using and maximizing the company's promotions and benefits. KWIM?
  • #30
Pampered Laura said:
I tend to average between 3-6 bookings per show (usually about 1/3 of the group), and I think it's because I serioulsy promote how much FUN it is to host a party, and how GREAT the host rewards program is. I don't think I have ever given away a product to host a show... maybe a "free cooking show" (I buy ingredients) for filling a certain date in close.
I dunno, I'm more of the "use whatcha got" kinda gal these days... I like using and maximizing the company's promotions and benefits. KWIM?

I wish I could observe one of your shows! My director is great, but you sound like you have some fantastic ideas!
  • #31
What about the booking benefit that PC offers? If you can get the host motivated to receive those specials, it would be like partylite's deal only PC pays for it and we won't have to keep track of it!

This line always works: "Who here wants to be (current host's name)'s BEST FRIEND? Because not only do you get the (bla bla bla), but she does as well. She is really looking forward to the bla bla special, so we really need friends to fill dates in ________and _______."
  • #32
Paige Dixon said:
What about the booking benefit that PC offers? If you can get the host motivated to receive those specials, it would be like partylite's deal only PC pays for it and we won't have to keep track of it!

This line always works: "Who here wants to be (current host's name)'s BEST FRIEND? Because not only do you get the (bla bla bla), but she does as well. She is really looking forward to the bla bla special, so we really need friends to fill dates in ________and _______."
That's a good one Paige, I may have to borrow part of it!
  • Thread starter
  • #33
Pampered Laura said:
I tend to average between 3-6 bookings per show (usually about 1/3 of the group), and I think it's because I serioulsy promote how much FUN it is to host a party, and how GREAT the host rewards program is. I don't think I have ever given away a product to host a show... maybe a "free cooking show" (I buy ingredients) for filling a certain date in close.
I dunno, I'm more of the "use whatcha got" kinda gal these days... I like using and maximizing the company's promotions and benefits. KWIM?
You're probably a lot more fun than me! LOL I am getting one per show, but that's it.
  • #34
...And you can tell them you have 'such and such' date reserved especially for them and if they hold on their original date, they will get the extra bonus gift (whatever bonus idea you choose from this thread). And our 'it's showtime' also says this date is reserved for you, so you could show them and reinforce it when going over it.

  • #35
AJPratt said:
You're probably a lot more fun than me! LOL I am getting one per show, but that's it.

I think some of it is location.......I am told all the time how great, fun, informative,etc..., etc...., etc....my shows are, and I make it VERY easy to host - I mail the invites, I do the shopping. I tell the hosts their only jobs are to make
some reminder calls,provide some paper products and beverages, and clean their house (and that's optional!), and leave the rest up to me. However, because of the economy here, bookings across the board are down (not just me), and my director told me that in this area, there are actually more consultants quitting than there are joining (Stats from HO). So Ann - if you are facing some of the same challenges that I am, sometimes going that extra mile is what will make or break you! I figure I'll win just by not giving up when it's hard to keep going!
  • #36
What about a pink ribbon pin if they book and hold their show in May? If you could find them for a few dollars you could wear one and give each host one at her show.
  • #37
Show Booking CouponI printed out labels and stuck them on the back of my business cards and placed them in the folders and bring them to my shows. I have been doing this and getting a ton of bookings. I offer $20 extra host benefits (so they can pick what they want) if they book a show that night and the coupon expires the day of their show. No reschedules. Unless an emergency of course. It seems to be working for me especially when I don't get the bookings. They like the choice of spending cash. I also print out the font on the labels in the colors of the season. So cranberry and eggplant was for fall and now green and lavender.

  • #38
ChefBeckyD said:
I think some of it is location.......I am told all the time how great, fun, informative,etc..., etc...., etc....my shows are, and I make it VERY easy to host - I mail the invites, I do the shopping. I tell the hosts their only jobs are to make
some reminder calls,provide some paper products and beverages, and clean their house (and that's optional!), and leave the rest up to me. However, because of the economy here, bookings across the board are down (not just me), and my director told me that in this area, there are actually more consultants quitting than there are joining (Stats from HO). So Ann - if you are facing some of the same challenges that I am, sometimes going that extra mile is what will make or break you! I figure I'll win just by not giving up when it's hard to keep going!

You should come here- the economy is GREAT! Blue collar workers everywhere here are making white collar income! The thing is, they're more SPENDERS than the white collar workers. Follow the oil and gas...
  • #39
JoyfulChef said:
I printed out labels and stuck them on the back of my business cards and placed them in the folders and bring them to my shows. I have been doing this and getting a ton of bookings. I offer $20 extra host benefits (so they can pick what they want) if they book a show that night and the coupon expires the day of their show. No reschedules. Unless an emergency of course. It seems to be working for me especially when I don't get the bookings. They like the choice of spending cash. I also print out the font on the labels in the colors of the season. So cranberry and eggplant was for fall and now green and lavender.


Nice idea Joy...
  • #40
Joy, if they don't book a show that night, can they still use the coupon if they book a show later?
  • #41
Paige Dixon said:
You should come here- the economy is GREAT! Blue collar workers everywhere here are making white collar income! The thing is, they're more SPENDERS than the white collar workers. Follow the oil and gas...

It's all cyclical....7-8 yrs ago we had the best economy, lowest unemployment, etc.......it'll happen again, and I'll still be here plugging away, so my business will be that much better because I didn't quit when it was tougher!:D
  • Thread starter
  • #42
I like how PL has a gift or a dollar credit.
  • #43
I give a home made gift certificate for $10 off her next order for any hosts that helps be to book another show that is only redemable if the show happens. Two shows, two gift certificates.

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