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Lanyards With "Pampered Chef" on Them

In summary, a member had posted about wanting a Pampered Chef lanyard, and several members discussed the possibility of getting them made. The highest price found was $3 each for a minimum order of 100. Members expressed interest in purchasing 3-10 lanyards each, with options for different colors and clasps. Some members raised concerns about the use of the Pampered Chef logo and suggested contacting HO for approval. Overall, there is interest in purchasing lanyards with the Pampered Chef name and trademark logo.
Gold Member
I was intrigued by a post asking for a Pampered Chef lanyard. I did find a few places where I could get lanyards made with "The Pampered Chef (and R symbol) " printed on them. The highest price I have seen is $3 each however I would have to purchase at least 100. I don't have an extra $300 laying around, but I would be happy to put these together if enough of us want them. Heck, get some for your team for NC or even for an incentive!So, I need to know who is interested and how many you would want. Just reply here, please don't PM me!
Hey, I'm glad someone knows how to get things done!! I would take probably between 5 and 10. I would really like to have one for myself and I'd get one for my director and her director at least! Thanks for being so interested!
  • Thread starter
  • #3
Sure! Do you have a color preference?
I'm interested!
God bless,
  • Thread starter
  • #5
Amanda - how many?
Probably 3. Depending on price, I might take more. At the $3 price it would be 3 though. And color isn't really a big deal to me.
cmdtrgd said:
Sure! Do you have a color preference?

Black with White Embroidery or Cranberry with White Embroidery would probably stand out best; however, I am not going to be very picky!
Yeah, I think something like that would stand out best!
  • Thread starter
  • #9
I'm not sure if it would be embroidered or silk screened. If we can get it embroidered for that price, that is what I'll do. I mainly wanted to see if it was going to be worth my time to look into it more!
  • #10
Either way is okay with me. :) Silk screened would probably be fine too. Thanks for thinking about doing this! I looked up personalized laynyards online after I saw it it being discussed but didn't know who'd have the best quality and stuff. I do think I may have seen some that were a $1 something each but then again not sure what the quality is like. I'm excited! Hope this comes together! Thanks!
God bless,
  • #11
cmdtrgd said:
I'm not sure if it would be embroidered or silk screened. If we can get it embroidered for that price, that is what I'll do. I mainly wanted to see if it was going to be worth my time to look into it more!
Well, either is really fine, I just pictured embroidered.
  • Thread starter
  • #12
Also, there are different typed of clasps - rings and clips are the two that I see the most. Then, there is the easy release or just the cloth....I'll have to do some more research!
  • #13
cmdtrgd said:
Also, there are different typed of clasps - rings and clips are the two that I see the most. Then, there is the easy release or just the cloth....I'll have to do some more research!
Rings are what I had in mind, but either would work. I just really want to have my name badge on one at work! Advertise, advertise, advertise!
  • #14
I like the ring or the little hook one, one website I saw called it a trigger hook. I definitely don't like the clips because you couldn't use it for keys or such.
  • #15
Hi Kate,
I am interested in 2 if that is okay.

Lynn Salvadia
  • #16
I love this idea but I think you should be careful... I do not think it is technically allowed. I just do not want anyone to get into trouble.
  • #17
etteluap70PC said:
I love this idea but I think you should be careful... I do not think it is technically allowed. I just do not want anyone to get into trouble.
I was thinking the same thing. I love the idea but PC is so careful with their brand. I would probably ask if it would be okay first.

If it is allowed I am very interested and would buy 10 to 15.
  • #18
etteluap70PC said:
I love this idea but I think you should be careful... I do not think it is technically allowed. I just do not want anyone to get into trouble.

That's what I was thinking. Merrill is the only vendor that can have our logo. We can't go to another vendor & give them the logo. I would definitely contact HO on that one before you spend the $.
  • #19
But wouldn't it be the same as doing the vista print stuff? I think she's talking about just having The Pampered Chef and then the symbol on them. I thought the actual logo is with the hat. I may be wrong, I'm fairly new as it is but it's seems like it would be the same as using vista print.
  • #20
We could get them printed with just the Pampered Chef name and the trademark logo. It would be like printing your own business cards. As long as we don't give another company the Pampered Chef LOGO, we are okay!
  • #21
I think I would like two for myself (one for my purse, one for my car!). I have some people in my cluster I could check with, too, but my next meeting isn't until the middle of July. When do you plan on ordering them?
  • #22
pamperedtraci said:
We could get them printed with just the Pampered Chef name and the trademark logo. It would be like printing your own business cards. As long as we don't give another company the Pampered Chef LOGO, we are okay!
I would still check. The name "Pampered Chef" is trademarked not just the logo. We can do our own business cards but we must say "Independent (level we are) for (or with) The Pampered Chef". Actually, though, I think that technically we are stretching it with the VP cards too.

I know we can't put the words on a t-shirt that we would want printed or stitched by a company even if it's just for personal use so this is probably the same.
  • #23
Yes but even when we do Vista Print we are not just supposed to put "The Pampered Chef" We are supposed to have your Name independent consultant for... or Our name then Ind Cons. It took a long time for PC to let us use even that in printing materials for ourselves.

I would totally love a lanyard but just don't know if it is "Kosher"
  • #24
I don't use the logo with VistaPrint either. Anything I make as Your Pampered Chef Consultant & my name, etc. I would still check on it 1st before getting them & wearing them at conference. I agree that we need another vendor option & some other items w/logos.
  • #25
stacywhitlow said:
I don't use the logo with VistaPrint either. Anything I make as Your Pampered Chef Consultant & my name, etc. I would still check on it 1st before getting them & wearing them at conference. I agree that we need another vendor option & some other items w/logos.

Exactly.... That's what I do as well and I agree. The company that would do the printing could get huge fines as well.
  • Thread starter
  • #26
I will be checking with HO on the printing of the name "The Pampered Chef" and the registered or trademarked symbol after it. I am not using the chef's hat or logo or anything like that. I did just check online about the policies and didn't find anything against doing something like this.
  • #27
I agree to check with HO. Last year my upline director wanted to make some t-shirts and have The Pampered Chef on them some where. HO wouldn't let her do that even though she was an upper level director and I would be taking care of the order myself.
  • #28
If they say no I would ask them to point out where exactly in the policies it says it is not allowed. I was reading it over too and although I found a few lines that "could" apply to this situation it was not verry clear. HO needs to spell things out better if they expect people to follow the rules.
  • Thread starter
  • #29
I know I can't use the logo or tagline, but I also know we can use "The Pampered Chef" as long as there is a registered or trademarked character after...not sure which one. I also know we can't use the font. But, I'm not looking to use that stuff.
  • #30
cmdtrgd said:
I know I can't use the logo or tagline, but I also know we can use "The Pampered Chef" as long as there is a registered or trademarked character after...not sure which one. I also know we can't use the font. But, I'm not looking to use that stuff.

That's my piont... It is a bit unclear. I read and re-read the policies and it is a bit of a grey area.

The only thing I found is where it says we can not on anything we print be identified as "The Pampered Chef" It must say Ind. Consultant.

But that's it.
  • #31
So... what if the lanyard said "Independent Consultant for The Pampered Chef (R)"? Or is that too many letters?
  • #32
BethCooks4U said:
So... what if the lanyard said "Independent Consultant for The Pampered Chef (R)"? Or is that too many letters?

I would say from what I've read that should be ok unless HO were to pull the "Merrill is our ONLY liscensed vendor" card.

Those Policies are so dang hard to figure out sometimes!
  • #33
I know. Such a PITA! I wish we had other vendor options. I realize that PC is just trying to uphold a certain standard (& I think they should) but I think we need a little more leeway with some logo items.
  • #34
When I started only Directors and above (or maybe it was upper level directors only) could use the logo at all! I made myself business cards with the logo and my director had a fit and said I couldn't use them - but then said "well, use those but don't make any more". Point is, at least we can use it on things we create ourselves.

I do know, though, we can't make shirts with even the words Pampered Chef on it because I asked a sales manager (I think Susie Lite but it could have been Jan or someone else - it's been a while) if I could make some for conference last year and she said no. No words, no logo, only something generic for the individual team. Even if I totally made it in my own house. She said it would not be allowed at conference. She said to buy the logo shirt from Merill and have it individualized. That's why I commented on this thread.
  • #35
If HO okays either version (the company name or the independent consultant one), I'd go for at least 5, maybe 10.

Thanks for looking into this. I'm amazed PC hasn't offered this before.
  • #36
If they don't okay them, then we should all call and request them... if HO gets enough requests, maybe it is something they'll look into offering.
  • #37
I'd like 5 please!
  • Thread starter
  • #38
Okay, here's the deal. A lanyard is considered a "promotional item" which is only available through Merrill. The rep I spoke with in Career Solutions said she loved the idea and would pass along the idea. I will also be sending it via email to Merrill and the Solution Center. Sorry!
  • #39
cmdtrgd said:
Okay, here's the deal. A lanyard is considered a "promotional item" which is only available through Merrill. The rep I spoke with in Career Solutions said she loved the idea and would pass along the idea. I will also be sending it via email to Merrill and the Solution Center. Sorry!


I just noticed this thread, and was hoping to go in with all of you!

Thanks for checking...hopefully they (Merrill or PC) will come out with these for us and not charge something crazy!

  • #40
cmdtrgd said:
Okay, here's the deal. A lanyard is considered a "promotional item" which is only available through Merrill. The rep I spoke with in Career Solutions said she loved the idea and would pass along the idea. I will also be sending it via email to Merrill and the Solution Center. Sorry!

Darn! ...that's what I thought they'd say though.
  • #41
Bummer..... Let's come up with a list of things we want from merrill and email HO like we did with the pink HWC stuff? Can't hurt right?
  • Thread starter
  • #42
When I email my suggestion in (and please do the same - the more suggestions the faster they will look into it!) I will let them know I easily could have had 100 made for $3 or less each. Hopefully that will give them an idea of what we are willing to pay.
  • #43
cmdtrgd said:
When I email my suggestion in (and please do the same - the more suggestions the faster they will look into it!) I will let them know I easily could have had 100 made for $3 or less each. Hopefully that will give them an idea of what we are willing to pay.


Thanks for looking into it for all of us, sorry it didn't work out...

  • #44
cmdtrgd said:
When I email my suggestion in (and please do the same - the more suggestions the faster they will look into it!) I will let them know I easily could have had 100 made for $3 or less each. Hopefully that will give them an idea of what we are willing to pay.

Instead of saying that you had to have 100 made to get the $3 price point say you could have gotten them for $3 each. :p
  • #45
One thing to remember is that they are offering lanyards as a incentive at conference. They may not want to make them a normal part of the promotional products since if you really want one, you should try to earn one.
  • #46
wadesgirl said:
One thing to remember is that they are offering lanyards as a incentive at conference. They may not want to make them a normal part of the promotional products since if you really want one, you should try to earn one.

That's what I was thinking too
  • #47
wadesgirl said:
One thing to remember is that they are offering lanyards as a incentive at conference. They may not want to make them a normal part of the promotional products since if you really want one, you should try to earn one.

But those are special - showing that the person earned them through our giving programs. Plain "TPC" ones would be more generic...
  • #48
BethCooks4U said:
But those are special - showing that the person earned them through our giving programs. Plain "TPC" ones would be more generic...
I know but if they aren't going to make them for us, then there is at least a way to earn one.
  • Thread starter
  • #49
I also mentioned (nicely) that I HATE the font that Merrill is using because it is so difficult to read quickly...maybe we'll get something that will catch peoples' eyes! Oh, and the $3 each with 100 orders....basically I was going to tell them that people were willing to spend $3 and I easily got enough people interested for at least 100 lanyards.

Related to Lanyards With "Pampered Chef" on Them

1. How much do lanyards with "Pampered Chef" on them cost?

The highest price for a Pampered Chef lanyard is $3 each, but a minimum purchase of 100 is required. This would equal a total cost of $300.

2. Where can I purchase lanyards with "Pampered Chef" on them?

You can find lanyards with "Pampered Chef" printed on them at various online retailers or through Pampered Chef consultants.

3. Are these lanyards only for Pampered Chef consultants?

No, anyone can purchase and use a lanyard with "Pampered Chef" on them. They are commonly used for promotional purposes or as a team incentive.

4. Can I customize the design or color of the lanyard?

Some retailers may offer customization options for lanyards with "Pampered Chef" on them, but it would depend on the specific seller. It's best to check with them directly for any customization options.

5. How do I place an order for Pampered Chef lanyards?

If you are interested in purchasing a Pampered Chef lanyard, you can reach out to the seller or retailer directly to inquire about their ordering process. Prices and minimum purchase requirements may vary, so it's best to confirm with the seller before placing an order.

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