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Lake Effect Snow Warning...again

In summary, the conversation revolves around the extreme winter weather they are experiencing, including heavy snowfall and freezing temperatures. They discuss the effects of global warming and how it can be blamed for any problem or event. They also mention personal experiences with the snow, such as school closures and driving conditions. One person even jokes about using global warming as an excuse for their weight gain.
I'm telling you. We get more snow on the lakeshore than 45 minutes east. Just check out the radar. If my kids have one more snow day off from school.....
Awww...yep, there were flurries here today so it was bound to come your way.
We're got high (COLD!) winds now, the temp is in one digit but the wind chill is minus two digits.It's freezin' all my digits.
My parents are supposed to be on the first flight in from Minneapolis tomorrow morning, on their way from Las Vegas.

When I talked to my mom tonight, my dad was winning at the poker table. I told her that was a good thing, because they'd need the money to rent a car and hotel room in Minne tomorrow because they sure weren't landing here :)

And I have another friend stuck in Denver...he was supposed to be home 10 hours ago, but he'll be home at 1:07 am, and then he has to drive to Battle Creek (about an hour on a good weather day). He then has to get up and teach in the morning. Yeesh. Glad I'm not him :)

Seriously, though. I'm about to just go off on a cloud or two. I'm over it. It's been almost 90 inches, spread out since about Thanksgiving. I know that's the definition of winter, but somebody call Al Gore! I want my global warming back!!

(and yes, I know that all of this snow is a direct result of the increased temperature of Lake Michigan, attributed to global warming, whatever the cause -- cyclical, cow farts, me taking too many car trips to McDonalds, whatever. But that's small consolation when I'm shoveling global warming out of the driveway.)
You don't need the disclaimer. Everyone knows that if we have lots of snow, it's because of global warming. If we have less than normal snow, it's because of global warming. If the apple crop if poor, it's because of global warming. If the apple crop is terrific, it's because of global warming. If there are lots of tornadoes in a year, it's because of global warming. If there aren't any tornadoes in a year, it's because of global warming. If the banana crop is bad, it's because of global warming. If the banana crop is good, it's because of global warming. If the temperatures in the UP are higher than normal next summer, it's because of global warming. If the temperatures in the UP are lower than normal next summer, it's because of global warming. Whatever the problem is, it's because of global warming.
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
You don't need the disclaimer. Everyone knows that if we have lots of snow, it's because of global warming. If we have less than normal snow, it's because of global warming. If the apple crop if poor, it's because of global warming. If the apple crop is terrific, it's because of global warming. If there are lots of tornadoes in a year, it's because of global warming. If there aren't any tornadoes in a year, it's because of global warming. If the banana crop is bad, it's because of global warming. If the banana crop is good, it's because of global warming. If the temperatures in the UP are higher than normal next summer, it's because of global warming. If the temperatures in the UP are lower than normal next summer, it's because of global warming.

Whatever the problem is, it's because of global warming.

Ok then, I'm blaming my newly discovered leak in my roof and my husband's bad habits on it too! LOL :D :D
We get Lake Effect here too....I am in Ny off of Lake Ontario...some people don't even know what it is...THAT amazes me.....everyone should drive through lake effect just ONce in thrie life!! :D
It's snowing here right now....again - Lake Effect, of course. EVERYTHING is closed today, except Jenison Schools....I think that has more to do with the fact that we are out of snow days, and mid-winter break (which I don't remember ever having when I was a kid!) starts on Thursday. I hope I have a show tonight. It's supposed to snow until 3pm, then we get a reprieve of a few hours, and then the lake effect is supposed to start again tonight. I'm just hoping the time between 6-9 is clear!:D

Oh - and I always find it particularly amusing that the colder than normal temps we've been having are also blamed on Global Warming....

Do you think I can blame my inability to lose weight on global warming? I would really like to use that instead of my lack of exercise and self-control....:D :D :D
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
You don't need the disclaimer. Everyone knows that if we have lots of snow, it's because of global warming. If we have less than normal snow, it's because of global warming. If the apple crop if poor, it's because of global warming. If the apple crop is terrific, it's because of global warming. If there are lots of tornadoes in a year, it's because of global warming. If there aren't any tornadoes in a year, it's because of global warming. If the banana crop is bad, it's because of global warming. If the banana crop is good, it's because of global warming. If the temperatures in the UP are higher than normal next summer, it's because of global warming. If the temperatures in the UP are lower than normal next summer, it's because of global warming.

Whatever the problem is, it's because of global warming.

We have the same thinking on this issue!

At least you have the lake affect excuse, what's the excuse in my area? It's been snowing like crazy since November. I don't remember a winter this bad in a long time. But my family that lives an hour away has had it worse. For every 1" we get here, they've got 2". One weekend it snowed more than 24" in 36 hours! And that was after 10" a couple days before!
  • #10
The sun goes through a well-documented 11 year cycle of storms that, at their peak, cause tremendous interference with any kind of RF transmissions, including radio, television, and everything else that is broadcast into the atmosphere.The earth seems to go through cycles, too, even Winter weather. I don't have the charts in front of me, but it seems that every 10-15 years, we have a winter with record, or near record, snow falls and/or cold. You may recall from your history books that the Battle of the Bulge was fought during one of Europe's worst winters. Wisconsin had an awful winter in 1947, another one in 1972-73, 1978-79, and now this winter. In the 80's, warm winds off the Pacific, that were called El Niño back then, gave us several record warm winters in a row.
  • #11
I hear ya on the LE snow SAE! I am in West Michigan as well. I was glad to see that my sons school was up and running this morning. Just a few more months of this cold stuff then we can switch to saying that it is too humid out there (which I will take any day over all that white stuff). We'll just have to :D and bear it for now.
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  • #12
Yes, my kids are home. Again. Believe it or not, the sun is shining through my window right into my eyes, as I type. BUT, it's also snowing! I really don't like letting my kids play the Wii all day long, or most of the day, but what in the world else are they to be doing. It's a little too cold and windy to go sledding on the open lot at the end of the street. We played Scrabble, twice. We shoveled - three times total. Each of my two boys had one turn. I took a grocery shopping trip with one son. I let them make their own lunch while I made PC calls. I'm actually thinking we could use some homework, but they had winter break Friday and Monday. NO homework. THEN, I forgot about guitar lessons, which could have killed another hour. My Tuesday schedule was so off because I didn't have to pick my son up from school and take him there. UGH! I thought I was doing so well forcing them to play Scrabble. (It's a fun, faster way to play. No board.)
Now, I hear we may get even more snow tonight. I think I'll e-mail the teachers and ask for homework!
Oh, and I'm totally with you, KG, on the Global Warming thing. And yes Becky, because of the stay inside weather, you CAN blame your weight on global warming.
  • #13
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
You don't need the disclaimer. Everyone knows that if we have lots of snow, it's because of global warming. If we have less than normal snow, it's because of global warming. If the apple crop if poor, it's because of global warming. If the apple crop is terrific, it's because of global warming. If there are lots of tornadoes in a year, it's because of global warming. If there aren't any tornadoes in a year, it's because of global warming. If the banana crop is bad, it's because of global warming. If the banana crop is good, it's because of global warming. If the temperatures in the UP are higher than normal next summer, it's because of global warming. If the temperatures in the UP are lower than normal next summer, it's because of global warming.

Whatever the problem is, it's because of global warming.

The Furry Guy and I tent camp. When we first married over 20 years ago, we would put down a tarp, then our sleeping bag. A few years later we added a thick comforter between the tarp and the sleeping bag. Several years after that we added a thin mattress between the tarp and the comforter. Now we put down a tarp, a nice thick air mattress, then our sleeping bag. You see, the ground is much harder now than it was 20 years ago. We blame global warming. :rolleyes:
  • #14
Yes, I know about the ground having gotten harder, I remember camping with just a sleeping bag and a tent years ago.While I like the list of things you put between you and the ground, I've gone even further.I put down a credit card at the check-in counter at the Holiday Inn or Marriott Fairfield Inn.
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  • #15
Now we are under another warning. Haven't heard the time frame or the inches, yet.
I'm making that cheeseburger salad recipe for dinner. Salad for dinner means I can then bake something chocolate later. This is necessary because I keep seeing the thread about Dove Chocolate! Craving, craving, craving.

Here we go: Snow warning, 2-6" snow, especially by the lakeshore, in effect until sometime in the day tomorrow. Isolated higher amounts. Zero windchills. 10-15 mph winds. Currently we are at 16 by me. But, we should get a little sun the next few days.
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  • #16
Just thought I'd update everyone while I'm feeling sorry for myself about this. I'd like to know what happens in Alaska when it snows even more than this. Does school get canceled? (Sorry, the following is in all caps. I copied and pasted. I added my own bold.)




  • #17
I am sorry to hear about you all being snowy, yesterday we had temps as high as 70 in the am and today was about 50. I would love a snow day in VA maybe if we don't have one this school year, they'll give em back to us(wishful thinking)
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  • #18
I think this is our 6th snow day.
  • #19
FYI windchill warning for my area so that means 40-50 below windchill until 12:00 PM tomorrow. all this talk about global warming and we get this winter, tons of snow and cold.
  • Thread starter
  • #20
poohritz said:
FYI windchill warning for my area so that means 40-50 below windchill until 12:00 PM tomorrow. all this talk about global warming and we get this winter, tons of snow and cold.
That is too cold. I wouldn't even attempt to shovel in that stuff.
  • #21
You don't go out in weather like that unless you have to. Exposed skin freezes in as little as 5 Min. so you have to be careful in weather like this, and plug in the car so it starts in the morning.
  • #22
lisa717 said:
We get Lake Effect here too....I am in Ny off of Lake Ontario...some people don't even know what it is...THAT amazes me.....everyone should drive through lake effect just ONce in thrie life!! :D
I agree, Lisa! Today I drove back from Buffalo to 100 miles north of Syracuse (home) and as Lisa knows, that route hugs Lake Erie and then Lake Ontario (for a 4 hour drive). Luckily, we only had about 20 miles to drive through lake effect. It wasn't the worst I have driven through but my parents who are in their 70's were with me and I think it scared the stuffing out of them.

For those of you who have never driven through it just put a white sheet over the windshield of your vehicle when you are driving through 2 to 6 inches of snow. You can slow down to about 15 mph but watch out for the idiots that just have to pass you! Then throw a second white sheet over your windshiled to simulate the snow they kick up as they pass you! You may wear Depends while simulating your drive through lake effect snow!:eek:
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  • #23
I pretty much only drove east to west and back twice, today. There was some snow dust that caused the white outs, but that didn't happen too much. Roads were just a sheet of packed down snow/ice.
  • #24
It is so nerve wracking...glad you made it safe and sound!
  • #25
I just got home from a show 10 minutes ago, and am too wired to go to bed. The roads were awful, and what would normally be a 30 minute drive, was over an hour - both ways!:eek: :cry: I intended to be at the show at 6:15, and gave myself 15 minutes extra, and still didn't make it there until 6:45. I thought for sure the show would be canceled, but she was initially expecting 24 guests, so although some canceled, 12 actually made it. CRAZY! Sales are at $850 with 2 bookings - so in a way it was worth it - but I hated the drive! NEVER, in 5 years of PC, have I had this many issues with winter weather.

And JAE - there is a definite line of bad weather. It was horrible here, but I was driving out towards Ada, and when I got past 131, it was much better - I could actually see the roads, and didn't have the white-out conditions as much.

I think I need some chocolate to calm my nerves! I sure hope there isn't a snow day tomorrow - Micah really needs to go to school. He is getting Cabin Fever - today we painted, colored, cooked, made a blanket tent, cut out paper shapes, watched a video.....but even he was getting bored. Tomorrow we will have to go shopping just to get out of the house!
  • #26
baychef said:
I agree, Lisa! Today I drove back from Buffalo to 100 miles north of Syracuse (home) and as Lisa knows, that route hugs Lake Erie and then Lake Ontario (for a 4 hour drive). Luckily, we only had about 20 miles to drive through lake effect. It wasn't the worst I have driven through but my parents who are in their 70's were with me and I think it scared the stuffing out of them.

For those of you who have never driven through it just put a white sheet over the windshield of your vehicle when you are driving through 2 to 6 inches of snow. You can slow down to about 15 mph but watch out for the idiots that just have to pass you! Then throw a second white sheet over your windshiled to simulate the snow they kick up as they pass you! You may wear Depends while simulating your drive through lake effect snow!:eek:

Note: To those of you who are new SUV owners...yes, your four wheel drive will start you faster and get you out of a snowbank. It might even track better in snow than my poor little old sedan.

But you can't stop any faster than I can. Go ahead and race past me. I'll wave at you, stuck in the ditch, when I drive past you in a few minutes.
  • #27
baychef said:
I agree, Lisa! Today I drove back from Buffalo to 100 miles north of Syracuse (home) and as Lisa knows, that route hugs Lake Erie and then Lake Ontario (for a 4 hour drive). Luckily, we only had about 20 miles to drive through lake effect. It wasn't the worst I have driven through but my parents who are in their 70's were with me and I think it scared the stuffing out of them.

For those of you who have never driven through it just put a white sheet over the windshield of your vehicle when you are driving through 2 to 6 inches of snow. You can slow down to about 15 mph but watch out for the idiots that just have to pass you! Then throw a second white sheet over your windshiled to simulate the snow they kick up as they pass you! You may wear Depends while simulating your drive through lake effect snow!:eek:

Wow! You just described my trip to and from my show tonight!:cry:
  • Thread starter
  • #28
Great show, Becky! You'll forget about the stressful driving soon, but you'll be loving that commission.
I'm having chocolate right now. Cherry cordial Hershey Kisses.
School really needs to happen tomorrow. Everyone has cabin fever and will be out and about anyway. I was surprised by how many people were not out and about, today. I got through Meijer checkout so quick, and I shopped at the mall for a new winter coat. Parked at the first space and no waiting for other cars while driving through the parking lot.
  • #29
ChefBeckyD said:
I think I need some chocolate to calm my nerves!

See, if it wasn't for all this global warming causing massive snow storms (there's irony for ya!) you wouldn't be consuming the chocolate. Yep, you can blame it on global warming.

I'm going to blame my dessert eating on it, too. While we aren't having really bad weather... ummm... what was my excuse again? Oh yeah, I need chocolate (and an extra cupcake and ice cream) because I'm so worried about all of you staying safe. See... global warming again!
  • #30
JAE said:
Great show, Becky! You'll forget about the stressful driving soon, but you'll be loving that commission.
I'm having chocolate right now. Cherry cordial Hershey Kisses.
School really needs to happen tomorrow. Everyone has cabin fever and will be out and about anyway. I was surprised by how many people were not out and about, today. I got through Meijer checkout so quick, and I shopped at the mall for a new winter coat. Parked at the first space and no waiting for other cars while driving through the parking lot.
That bolded statement is why any shows that hold in the next couple of weeks will be well-attended. I mentioned that at a meeting last night, and I really hope it holds true.
  • #31
katie0128 said:
See, if it wasn't for all this global warming causing massive snow storms (there's irony for ya!) you wouldn't be consuming the chocolate. Yep, you can blame it on global warming.

I'm going to blame my dessert eating on it, too. While we aren't having really bad weather... ummm... what was my excuse again? Oh yeah, I need chocolate (and an extra cupcake and ice cream) because I'm so worried about all of you staying safe. See... global warming again!

Thanks for your concern Katie!:D
  • #32
chefann said:
That bolded statement is why any shows that hold in the next couple of weeks will be well-attended. I mentioned that at a meeting last night, and I really hope it holds true.

Yes, I think that is why, even though everything in the area was closed, I still had 12 people at the show last night! I think some of them would have spent the night, just for a reason to get out of the house for something fun! They kept talking about being able to eat and be without kids for an evening.

They were so much fun. I passed around the new rubs, starting with the Greek Rub, and they started asking if it came with a Greek to do the rubbing.....then, it continued on - they wanted Niko to come with the Greek Rub, and Paolo with the Chipotle.......it all went downhill from there - but we laughed alot!

Anyway - Yippee! There is school today! The Lake Effect Snow is supposed to begin again this evening, and continue into tomorrow - now I just have to hope that the weather doesn't mean my show tomorrow gets canceled!
  • #33
ChefBeckyD said:
They were so much fun. I passed around the new rubs, starting with the Greek Rub, and they started asking if it came with a Greek to do the rubbing.....then, it continued on - they wanted Niko to come with the Greek Rub, and Paolo with the Chipotle.......it all went downhill from there - but we laughed alot!
That does sound like a fun group! Some people get upset when guests start joking around like that, or playing with things instead of paying attention. But I think it's an indication that they're having a good time. And those are the shows that are more likely to generate bookings.
  • #34
chefann said:
That does sound like a fun group! Some people get upset when guests start joking around like that, or playing with things instead of paying attention. But I think it's an indication that they're having a good time. And those are the shows that are more likely to generate bookings.

You are so right Ann!
I tend to just join right in when things get silly......and I'll bring them back around by saying something like "oh, wait a minute.....I think I'm supposed to be doing a demo here.....where was I?" If I can stop what I'm doing and joke around and have fun with them for a couple minutes - it's more fun and less stress, and they are more likely to book! This was a group of ladies who didn't need to book for the free stuff - I got bookings because they had fun!
  • #35
By the way it's negative 9 with negative 28 windchill here! Where's my global warming???
  • #36
You're helping to warm me up!
  • #37
I am reminded of something funny I overheard a few weeks ago.

I was in the security line at the Miami airport, which, of couse, was about an hour and 45 minutes long (which was unfortunate, since my flight was only an hour from when I started in the line), and snaked outside of the confines of security around the airport, in the walkways, and generally everywhere else that got in someone's way. There had to be at least 200 people in line.

Those of you who have flown out of Miami will understand.

Some woman walked by, and in her cute little southern debutante accent said, "My goodness. This looks like the checkout line at the Piggly Wiggly the last time it snowed."

  • #38
Well, I think the "global warming" snow storm got lost and made it's way to Cincinnati last night! I'm not sure what the offical measurement is, but we had about 3 inches of snow at our house this morning... and of course schools were cancelled:( . And of course, Wednesdays are my day off, so I had all three critters at home with me... and of course, I needed to run a bunch of errands, so it took about three times as long. Oh well. At least by the time we went out at noon, the roadways were clear... just kinda wet, but not icy anymore!
  • #39
We've had SUNSHINE today....beautiful wonderful sunshine!:sing: :sing: :sing:
  • #40
ChefBeckyD said:
Thanks for your concern Katie!:D

Anything for you, Becky!

ChefBeckyD said:
We've had SUNSHINE today....beautiful wonderful sunshine!

Great! Now I don't have an excuse to be worried about you guys and munch on chocolate!:grumpy:
  • #41
katie0128 said:
Anything for you, Becky!

Great! Now I don't have an excuse to be worried about you guys and munch on chocolate!:grumpy:

Check back tomorrow Katie - you may have an excuse again!:)
  • Thread starter
  • #42
Well, we had such a beautiful day, today! I only take my boys to school on Wednesday mornings, and I really don't like doing it. But, the sun rise was amazing at 7:40 am this morning. The snow was covering everything and it wasn't dirty, yet. I was totally gushing about how even though the snow gets me down, God makes it so beautiful. And "this is the day that the Lord has made" blah, blah, blah. My kids didn't even mind. They thought it looked cool outside too. Then we were able to end the night with the Lunar Eclipse. We watched American Idol and ran outside when it was over to see the moon. So, again, I gushed about how God gave us an awesome sunrise to begin the day and an awesome moon to end the day. The sun and clear skies just make me happy! Of course, having the kids in school all day helps an awful lot.
  • #43
JAE said:
Well, we had such a beautiful day, today! I only take my boys to school on Wednesday mornings, and I really don't like doing it. But, the sun rise was amazing at 7:40 am this morning. The snow was covering everything and it wasn't dirty, yet. I was totally gushing about how even though the snow gets me down, God makes it so beautiful. And "this is the day that the Lord has made" blah, blah, blah. My kids didn't even mind. They thought it looked cool outside too. Then we were able to end the night with the Lunar Eclipse. We watched American Idol and ran outside when it was over to see the moon. So, again, I gushed about how God gave us an awesome sunrise to begin the day and an awesome moon to end the day. The sun and clear skies just make me happy! Of course, having the kids in school all day helps an awful lot.

Yesterday was a beautiful day - from beginning til end! More sun today - and the weekend looks gorgeous! We are going sledding!
  • Thread starter
  • #44
Have fun sledding! I have a show, and I'm glad the snow isn't supposed to bother us.
Yesterday I bought a new pair of mittens (50% off) and ear warmers (also 50% off). Bought a new Columbia coat two days ago (50% off). Next, I need new boots and my kids might appreciate if I get some snow pants because they always want me to go sledding. I don't have proper winter clothing. I think I would tolerate the cold if I had appropriate warm clothing. I told my kids that they may not ever borrow these mittens. They can wear a mismatched pair instead.
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  • #46
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Good luck with that rule. ;)
I know! I always feel bad that their hands are going to be cold because Mom's aren't supposed to let their kids' hands be cold. But, I seriously have to have these mittens for myself. My fingers just won't stay warm in gloves and they turn numb and stay that way for a long time after I'm inside. Since I do most of the shoveling around here, I have to have warm mittens. I'll let you know how it goes.:)
  • #47
I just rescheduled my show for tonight because we are suppose to get a mix of snow and ice tonight and into tomorrow. The show was going to take me an hour and a half to get there and I didn't want to take a chance of not being able to get home.
  • #48
We're currently experiencing white-out conditions. Lovely.
  • #49
Gotta Love It (not)
baychef said:
I agree, Lisa! Today I drove back from Buffalo to 100 miles north of Syracuse (home) and as Lisa knows, that route hugs Lake Erie and then Lake Ontario (for a 4 hour drive). Luckily, we only had about 20 miles to drive through lake effect. It wasn't the worst I have driven through but my parents who are in their 70's were with me and I think it scared the stuffing out of them.

For those of you who have never driven through it just put a white sheet over the windshield of your vehicle when you are driving through 2 to 6 inches of snow. You can slow down to about 15 mph but watch out for the idiots that just have to pass you! Then throw a second white sheet over your windshiled to simulate the snow they kick up as they pass you! You may wear Depends while simulating your drive through lake effect snow!:eek:

Ever notice it's "too bad" to get to work but never to bad to leave it? I hate LE. I have grip marks on my steering wheel and a nose impression on the windshield!:yuck:
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  • #50
Sorry you all are getting the bad weather. It's just cold here and the skin on my fingers is cracking, stinging, itching, and bleeding. My new mittens are helping a little, but I keep re-opening my wounds. Stay safe and warm.
<h2>1. Why do we get more snow on the lakeshore than 45 minutes east?</h2><p>The phenomenon of "lake effect snow" occurs when cold, dry air passes over the relatively warm waters of the Great Lakes. This causes the air to pick up moisture and create heavy snowfall as it moves inland. The closer the area is to the lake, the more snow it will receive.</p><h2>2. How can I check the radar to see if my area will be affected by lake effect snow?</h2><p>You can check the radar by using a weather app or website that shows radar images. Look for areas with a band of heavy snow extending from the lakeshore inland. This is a good indication that the area is experiencing lake effect snow.</p><h2>3. Will my kids have another snow day from school due to lake effect snow?</h2><p>Snow days are determined by the local school district, taking into account the safety of students and staff. While lake effect snow can certainly cause school closures, it ultimately depends on the severity and timing of the snowfall. You should stay updated with your local school district for any announcements.</p><h2>4. Is lake effect snow dangerous?</h2><p>Like any other snowstorm, lake effect snow can be dangerous if proper precautions are not taken. Heavy snowfall can reduce visibility and make driving difficult. It can also lead to power outages and school closures. It's important to stay informed and prepared for any potential hazards.</p><h2>5. Can anything be done to prevent lake effect snow?</h2><p>Lake effect snow is a natural weather phenomenon that cannot be prevented. However, efforts have been made to mitigate its effects, such as building snow fences to prevent snowdrifts on roads and using salt to melt snow and ice on roads. Ultimately, the best way to deal with lake effect snow is to stay informed and prepared for its impact.</p>

Related to Lake Effect Snow Warning...again

1. Why do we get more snow on the lakeshore than 45 minutes east?

The phenomenon of "lake effect snow" occurs when cold, dry air passes over the relatively warm waters of the Great Lakes. This causes the air to pick up moisture and create heavy snowfall as it moves inland. The closer the area is to the lake, the more snow it will receive.

2. How can I check the radar to see if my area will be affected by lake effect snow?

You can check the radar by using a weather app or website that shows radar images. Look for areas with a band of heavy snow extending from the lakeshore inland. This is a good indication that the area is experiencing lake effect snow.

3. Will my kids have another snow day from school due to lake effect snow?

Snow days are determined by the local school district, taking into account the safety of students and staff. While lake effect snow can certainly cause school closures, it ultimately depends on the severity and timing of the snowfall. You should stay updated with your local school district for any announcements.

4. Is lake effect snow dangerous?

Like any other snowstorm, lake effect snow can be dangerous if proper precautions are not taken. Heavy snowfall can reduce visibility and make driving difficult. It can also lead to power outages and school closures. It's important to stay informed and prepared for any potential hazards.

5. Can anything be done to prevent lake effect snow?

Lake effect snow is a natural weather phenomenon that cannot be prevented. However, efforts have been made to mitigate its effects, such as building snow fences to prevent snowdrifts on roads and using salt to melt snow and ice on roads. Ultimately, the best way to deal with lake effect snow is to stay informed and prepared for its impact.

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