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Is Your Team Meeting Sales Goals for January?

In summary, the team is missing money and not submitting anything. One person has turned in a show, but the rest of the team is not doing anything. The Director package is not guaranteed, depending on how much money the team turns in.
Gold Member
Hi guys! I'm curious my team is seriously MISSING!! There is not $1 that has been submitted by them at all. Most of them are not returning my phone calls or any email. I'll be lucky to b paid as a senior consultant this month. Well, what do ya do? :)

On the upside, I have over $3100 in so i earned the tote and rolling tote and scored some triple points so I'm almost at 6k for the month. Stoked about that! I also just signed my 2nd recruit in 3 days so that's exciting too!! And one of them is thinking about going to Spring Launch next week which that would make #6 for me going so 7 including me! :) Just wish they would turn something in!!

So, how is your team doing?
big fat $0 from my team as well. I do know that two of them have shows this weekend and my newest recruit (signed monday) has a show for Feb 5th. She can't go to Spring Launch cuz ours is full.
pampmomof3 said:
Hi guys! I'm curious my team is seriously MISSING!! There is not $1 that has been submitted by them at all. Most of them are not returning my phone calls or any email. I'll be lucky to b paid as a senior consultant this month. Well, what do ya do? :)

On the upside, I have over $3100 in so i earned the tote and rolling tote and scored some triple points so I'm almost at 6k for the month. Stoked about that! I also just signed my 2nd recruit in 3 days so that's exciting too!! And one of them is thinking about going to Spring Launch next week which that would make #6 for me going so 7 including me! :) Just wish they would turn something in!!

So, how is your team doing?

You know I thought you were taking about MY team at first!! Only 2 people have turned in anything and it looks like I will be beating my best with over $6000 in sales too! I talked to a few director around here and they are experienceing the same too. I REALLY hope that Feb turns around. I 'm excited about the spring launch and hope that lights a fire under a few hineys!!!;)
We are actually at $4k and I'm hoping one of my consultants (the one who didn't come through for me before) turns in another $20 to get to $150 and her consultant turns in her show she did last Friday so I get paid as a director. Personally I did okay and am looking forward to an awesome Feb!!!
I won't be paid as a Director this month. My sales suck and I haven't heard from my team. Only one gal has done anything. She's planning on promoting to Director. No one else has done a darn thing! They were supposed to ship the Spring products in January in which case I would be a Director, but if they ship in Feb then I wouldn't be. My concern is WILL I GET MY SPRING DIRECTOR PACKAGE or not?!!!
Chef Kearns said:
I won't be paid as a Director this month. My sales suck and I haven't heard from my team. Only one gal has done anything. She's planning on promoting to Director. No one else has done a darn thing! They were supposed to ship the Spring products in January in which case I would be a Director, but if they ship in Feb then I wouldn't be. My concern is WILL I GET MY SPRING DIRECTOR PACKAGE or not?!!!

I was under the impression that it is what our title is in January, not what we were paid as ... can someone confirm this?
My team was excited about the Kick off and then pretty much disappeared for a while. One has actually turned in a show, two have good shows to submit and a few are 'working on something' ... sigh ... I'm "working on" getting PAID for what I do! I love my team and I just don't know what I'm doing wrong but I don't like that they feel so comfortable taking the month off. My own month is near 3k now, NO WHERE near what I want. but I am working with my team to try really hard to at least be active this month. Some others in our cluster are experiencing the same things with their teams... any wisdom out there on this? Some long term people say they have never seen a January with such low activity. I'm pumping them all up for Feb and praying that the Spring Launch will really inspire the 6 on my team that are going and I hope it's infectious to the rest of the team!
My team is doing pretty well ($4700 so far), but I doubt I'll be paid as a Director. Only one SC line out of 3 is active and unless someone surprises me, I don't expect one of my other SC's to have either of her 2 consultants submit anything. But I could be surprised. We shall see!!

My sales will probably only be about $2000 so I'm bummed I didn't get that rolling tote. Oh well. You win some, you lose some!:)
If you are a director in TITLE in February, you get the spring product director benefit package.I'm at $3700 with more orders coming in and a few more live shows to close. I have one active, and her recruit will be active. I have another gal with half a catalog show (and she is going through a rough personal time, so this is AWESOME for her!) and I'm helping with a straggling order or two for her. Her recruit will probably have a catalog show submitted under her name by me. So, that gives me the two SC's. Have another gal working on collecting orders and my newest consultant's kick off show is Friday and she also has a catty going - both closing and submitting on Sunday. So, if everything goes to plan, I'll be paid as a director - WOOHOO! It's those darn 250 extra points that really makes it for me! That and the dots rolling case. Last week at this time I only had about $1600 in sales. Did three shows in a 17 hour period and got another $1800, so far! Even got a $1000 show from a 10am Saturday spot!
  • #10
woohoo!! With the show I'm turning in tonight I'll surpass $3000 for the month, so I'll get the rolling tote!
  • #11
I'll end up with over $4000 in personal sales and my Team should be around that, too.

However, I probably won't be paid as a Director this month (really wanted the extra pay -- we are getting ready for a $5k remodel in the kitchen!)....I added 1 indirect recruit and may have 1 signing with myself this month -- we have 2 coming on board next month, too.

Feeling like the tortoise and not the hare -- or the little engine that could...I think I can, I think I can...
  • #12
Way to go, guys! I know, it's a bummer about this "paid as" thing because I've personally recruited 2 this month who have a very good chance of qualifying in 30 days and possibly another one will sign by the 31st, if not hopefully shortly into February. BUT I need some more SCs!! There's a couple potentials out there, so if they come on board, it'll at least start the year off on a good note!
  • #13
My team is pretty much MIA too. Two people have turned in $2000 between them though. I won't be paid as director even though I have 4 SC's - none are working this month. Personally I have $2600 including one that is still open so far and 2 MIA hosts - one did the show but no one ordered yet and she isn't returning my calls. The other is a 1/31 show and she also is MIA - she's an hour away and I won't go if she doesn't pick up the phone - will we close that day anyway?! I am so bummed that I probably won't be getting the rolling tote. :cry: I wanted it so bad to relieve some of my carrying. Maybe my open show will surprise me and my show from last week will get orders and I'll still make it. Gotta have hope! :pray:
  • #14
My team is MIA too! So frustrating :( On the bright side - 2 of my inactives are submitting shows - one in Jan and one in first week of Feb, so that makes me happy. I've pretty much decided January is a wash and I'm focusing on Feb now.
  • #15
I know my NE has been sending out a LOT of "how to be active" stuff in the past week and has alluded to the fact that sales are down. Sounds like it is a company wide issue. Let's see what comes out of it. I have 26 people in my org going to spring launch and a lot of people working this month. So I should be paid as my title.
  • #16
My director just sent me an email with the title "January sucks" LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!
  • #17
quiverfull7 said:
I was under the impression that it is what our title is in January, not what we were paid as ... can someone confirm this?

My director told me (and I'm not sure if this is correct or not since we all seem to hear different things) that you need to hold the title of D the month they are shipped in order to receive them. BUT, I think there was something in the weekly bites a while back about it being January because I remember thinking my D gave me contradictory info...

I guess that doesn't help much... maybe a call to HO would be best for clarification Sandra! :pray:
  • #18
My Jan is lame too....lined up nicely, but too many resched's....I just submitted my 1st show of the month on Tues! :bugeye: I did not earn either of the totes, and my own personal sales will be a little over 2K.

I didn't think I'd be getting paid as D this month, but it looks like the team is submitting....it all started posting Monday....we'll be hitting the 4K, have 5 active lines...it's the SC requirements that kill me! :sick: On paper, I have 4 SC lines, but every month I find myself scrambling and encouraginG...trying to get 2 active lines!

One indirect just submitted a show, but her recruiter has not....she's supposedly submitting today....which means I'll still need another SC line to do so. One other indirect thinks she may be able to squeeze out a show! lol

So, fingers crossed!:pray:
  • #19
YAY! Just got an e-mail from an inactive that she's got a show to turn in! Woot! :party:
  • #20
Yup my team is MIA too!!!! I'll have well over $3K in sales but only 2 of my team members have anything to put in.....so frustrating!!!

I just signed a new recruit & of course that's not going to help @ the moment....I still need to SC.....sounds like we are all in the same boat!

we can do it for February :)
  • #21
WOW, glad to know I'm not the only one with a team that is MIA. I sent messages, got a response from a few. Most said they had something near the end of the month. But as of today, I have 1 consultant who submitted a show.
My own sales are down this month. Had 2 shows cancel and a catalog host who won't return a call or email.
I guess we all just have to turn Feb. into a GREAT month.
  • #22
  • #23
I was seriously worrying that I had completely lost my mojo... and my team as well. Until last week... ZERO active consultants. We will qualify this month.. by the skin of our teeth... but what scares me right now is that my organization sales are at 10,000, and I know three more will be submitting sales, but I have 2 cooking shows this weekend that will possibly make all the difference.
My director said the same thing... most are in this boat ( she is an SED and has an extensive director team...)
Feb is looking good though. Arrrggghhhhhhhhhhhhh
  • #24
my team sales are $976!!! BUT I have heard from them so that is good...seems like they are all waiting to submit...so there are at least 4 or 5 shows still be sent in from them....
  • #25
finley1991 said:
YAY! Just got an e-mail from an inactive that she's got a show to turn in! Woot! :party:

Don't you just love those happy surprises? Great news!
  • #26
At this point I am "green" but if a few more don't get their shows in, I will have my first month being paid as a Team Leader...not the direction I am looking to go in!!!:bugeye:

Since my mood is a bit on the poopie side, I am not going to spew any negativity!! But I can think it!!:D
  • #27
LOL Ann....think and plot away!
  • #28
Unless someone surprises me, I'm going to have to cheer on gal on just to be paid at TL. I had hoped that one other one was going to submit on Sun but she isn't so unless the above mentioned gal AND her recruit submit, I won't throw a show on the other line's line because it won't matter. sigh.... I[m afraid I'm right there with Ann E with the "sort of poopy" attitude today! I should get myself out of the way and just ask God to surprise me ... let me go do that! Right now! :)
  • #29
Hmmm.....I wonder with all of us getting paid so like TL's this month (me included) how the uppers are doing? Anyone hear of Advanceds and Seniors losing their titles? It's scary!

Nothing we can't fix, though!
  • #30
I had to cancel my shows tonight and tomorrow. One turned into a catalog... it is with a host whose normal group spends pretty good $$. We are wrapping it up tomorrow night. My other show rescheduled for February. That makes # 10 cooking so Feb should be a good month.
My organizational sales will be all right and TG I have enough active. But, like I said, my SED said there are a lot struggling this month. ugh.
  • #31
My SED has said to me more than once "I hate January" and she is NEVER negative.
  • #32
my team sales have been horrible this month also. I have also been really slow and I hate it. I have been getting discouraged cause everytime I get on the phone I keep getting told no. I am still working on getting my calendar up and going. I do have a new recruit signing up before the end of the month, and I am doing a bridal show at the end of Feb. My team wont call me back either.
  • #33
I am an AD and it is coming down to the wire for my directors. I have more than enough org sales and personal cluster sales but the SC line structure is hard this month. You all realize PC saves a lot of money with this paid as structure now!!
  • #34
pcjenni said:
I am an AD and it is coming down to the wire for my directors. I have more than enough org sales and personal cluster sales but the SC line structure is hard this month. You all realize PC saves a lot of money with this paid as structure now! !

Don't get me started.
  • #35
So it is now official, I just have one SC team with both submitting. As far as personal sales, I haven't totally given up getting to $3K but it's not looking good. Sunday's show isn't happening at all so there's no hope there... One host won't get back to me so I'm thinking she doesn't have orders to add to the $105 so far and the other host only had 2 people she was still checking with. We'll see - just need these two shows to add $324.50 to their shows. Urrggg!

Gotta share the story of the cancelled Sunday show:
This was a rescheduled (twice) show. Host was thinking of signing. She totally blows off phone messages - even told me her daughter gets upset that she doesn't answer/return calls - and now says that she is having trouble with her email. Well, I did finally catch her last night when I tried to call. "Hi, this is Beth Brigham." Her response?: "Oh, hi. I'm glad I got in touch with you." HELLO?!?:confused: I called YOU! Well, she cancelled because she had made plans to have granddaughters' birthday party Sunday instead. Um, when were you going to tell me? I love that people don't realize that maybe WE could have made other plans if we knew we weren't working. lol Now she says she'll make it a catty show. I'm not expecting anything and I will not waste my time calling for the orders more than once or twice.
  • #36
I called my director last night and she said she heard sales were down for the whole company in Jan. It has definitly been a slow month.
  • #37
hmmm....this month will be my personal best in almost 12 months! I decided to re-dedicate myself to my personal business and let the chips fall where they may.

I will be at around $4500 which I haven't done in MANY months.
  • #38
This is a personal best for me! Woohoo! Now I have to salvage February with only one show on the calendar....anyhoo...$4300 personal, just got a call from a consultant who is submitting tomorrow which makes SC line one, SC line two will happen if I have to help with an order or two, new consultant submitting two tomorrow with me and just waiting to hear back from my 4th line...again, I'll help if needed. I have never gotten past $4000 but once, and it was just barely. I have lots of people who booked shows, but not on the calendar yet. Figure I'll make calls while hanging out in Sacramento Monday - I get in around 11, and I still don't have a place to stay, so anyone wanna let me crash on their couch or add me to their room?
  • #39
Great sales for you, Kate! As far as keeping our status, I can't be "helping" my consultants with their sales. It makes them lazy and not strive to make their goals (most don't have any!). I can see the point -- just not on board with it right now -- it ticks me off when my team doesn't want to do their job.

Also, I have decided to change the way I recruit. I tell everyone that I speak to that I am looking for energetic, self motivated people who would like to build a business with minimal investment.
  • #40
jwpamp said:
Great sales for you, Kate! As far as keeping our status, I can't be "helping" my consultants with their sales. It makes them lazy and not strive to make their goals (most don't have any!). I can see the point -- just not on board with it right now -- it ticks me off when my team doesn't want to do their job.

Also, I have decided to change the way I recruit. I tell everyone that I speak to that I am looking for energetic, self motivated people who would like to build a business with minimal investment.

I love your new recruiting line! Thank you for sharing it!
  • #41
This is a personal worst for me. I am only at 3700.00 in sales this month. Those 2 shows I had to reschedule really hurt this month. Oh well.. can't control the weather.
  • #42
ChefLisa said:
I love your new recruiting line! Thank you for sharing it!

Me too!!!

At my last show I said that we are looking for part-time consultants as well as those interested in management positions. I had one mark that she was interested in management. I have an appointment to call her tomorrow!
  • #43
I love those lines too. I have considered helping my consultants so that I can be paid as director but I just can't get past the fact that if they just put in a LITTLE effort they'd already be there. $150 is not that much for Pete's sake.
  • #44
Janice - great words! I have some people on my team with health issues and work issues that I know are working hard. They are keeping in contact with me and get so close (ie. $135 in sales is where one is) and just can't get past that. We're working closely, and I don't want them to be discouraged. I also pampered a handful of businesses this month and have a few straggling orders, so it works for THIS month.
  • Thread starter
  • #45
Not sure if this will help any of you, but this is what I just sent to my team:

Hi team!! Well today is the last day of the month and wanted to give you a few reminders!! Today is the last day to be in the drawing for the Pampered Chef Games! They are holding the drawing on Friday but all shows need to be submitted by TONIGHT!!
Here is more information on it:

Do you have something that you’re turning in today? Andrea and I are the only ones who submitted something thus far but it’s not too late to get paid next Monday! So round up $150 in orders and get those in by midnight!  I also know that Robert had a $1000 show + 6 bookings YESTERDAY that he’s submitting today! Great Job Robert!! He did that show in his home so yes, his girlfriend and him will be getting all kinds of awesome products for FREE! $323 worth!!

If you are submitting something today, will you please call me or email me asap so I know what’s going on? I’m sorry I’ve been MIA, I’ve been dealing with coming to terms with my mom and sister leaving due to the military to Hawaii. I know, great place to visit but when someone is so close, it’s hard to say goodbye and I did that this morning. So now I’m focusing back on my business and on YOU!

Which brings me to tell you that I’m interested in holding a Step Up Class. I would like to know how many of you are interested in Stepping UP your Businesses ?? Here’s a little insight of what the class entails:

PLEASE let me know if you’d like to participate and let me know if you are submitting something this month. I’m home all day cleaning up after the going away party last night.

Thanks so much for your response,
  • #46
jwpamp said:
Also, I have decided to change the way I recruit. I tell everyone that I speak to that I am looking for energetic, self motivated people who would like to build a business with minimal investment.

I totally need to use this and get on the ball getting some fresh blood on my team.
Maybe it would help if I really concentrated on my business first.
  • #47
jwpamp said:
hmmm....this month will be my personal best in almost 12 months! I decided to re-dedicate myself to my personal business and let the chips fall where they may.

I will be at around $4500 which I haven't done in MANY months.

Last fall, when my team didn't respond to anything I tried, my disaster with the Step Up Program, and demoting to TL, I focused solely on my biz. I didn't contact them (read: babysit) and focused only on me and my biz. I had my 2nd best month ever in October and beat that in November.

Since then, it's been all about me. I finally repromoted Jan 1st and it looks like (but again, still waiting on the 2 I am always waiting on to submit tonight) I will get paid as a D this month.

AND for the first time EVER, I have 8 cooking shows booked in Feb... 2 each week. I'm so proud of myself and need to coach my hiney off to make sure they all hold and are awesome! I have 3 more dates I'm hoping to fill and am going to promote the heck out of them at my 2 shows this week!

I'm excited to be so excited again about my biz! And I can't wait until our Spring Launch Thursday... it's just getting better!!!!! :D
  • Thread starter
  • #48
WOW Colleen! That's FANTASTIC news!! Way to focus on yourself!! GREAT JOB!!
  • #49
Yeah, I've been holding my own biz together and haven't communicated with my team much. I send out emails and leave voicemails and and no one ever responds anyway!
  • #50
Colleen, that is great news!! I am so happy with my business (even though I will be paid as a TL this month), my sales are higher than any one month all of 2009 --

I submitted $5460 in sales this month -- woo-hoo!
<h2>1. How do I motivate my team to meet sales goals for January?</h2><p>Motivating your team can be challenging, especially during a slower sales period. One way to motivate them is by setting smaller, achievable goals and offering incentives for reaching them. This can help boost morale and encourage team members to push harder. Also, try to lead by example and show your team that you are dedicated to meeting goals as well.</p><h2>2. What should I do if my team is not meeting their sales goals for January?</h2><p>If your team is not meeting their sales goals, it's important to address the issue as soon as possible. First, try to have a conversation with each team member individually to understand any challenges they may be facing. Next, come up with a plan together to increase sales, such as hosting a virtual party or offering discounts to customers. Don't forget to offer support and encouragement to your team during this time.</p><h2>3. How can I communicate with my team if they are not responding to my calls or emails?</h2><p>If your team is not responding to your calls or emails, try reaching out through other methods such as text messaging or social media. You can also try scheduling a team meeting or conference call to discuss sales goals and address any concerns. It's important to be persistent and find ways to communicate effectively with your team.</p><h2>4. What can I do if my team is not submitting any sales for the month of January?</h2><p>If your team is not submitting any sales, it's important to address the issue and find out why. Have open and honest conversations with your team members to understand any challenges they may be facing. Offer support and resources to help them increase sales, such as product training or marketing materials. You can also set consequences for not meeting sales goals, such as not being eligible for incentives or rewards.</p><h2>5. How can I celebrate and recognize my team's successes during a slow sales period?</h2><p>Even during a slow sales period, it's important to celebrate and recognize your team's successes. You can do this by highlighting top performers on your team's social media pages or in team meetings. Offer small rewards or incentives for reaching smaller goals. Most importantly, show your team that you appreciate their hard work and dedication, and encourage them to keep pushing towards their goals.</p>

Related to Is Your Team Meeting Sales Goals for January?

1. How do I motivate my team to meet sales goals for January?

Motivating your team can be challenging, especially during a slower sales period. One way to motivate them is by setting smaller, achievable goals and offering incentives for reaching them. This can help boost morale and encourage team members to push harder. Also, try to lead by example and show your team that you are dedicated to meeting goals as well.

2. What should I do if my team is not meeting their sales goals for January?

If your team is not meeting their sales goals, it's important to address the issue as soon as possible. First, try to have a conversation with each team member individually to understand any challenges they may be facing. Next, come up with a plan together to increase sales, such as hosting a virtual party or offering discounts to customers. Don't forget to offer support and encouragement to your team during this time.

3. How can I communicate with my team if they are not responding to my calls or emails?

If your team is not responding to your calls or emails, try reaching out through other methods such as text messaging or social media. You can also try scheduling a team meeting or conference call to discuss sales goals and address any concerns. It's important to be persistent and find ways to communicate effectively with your team.

4. What can I do if my team is not submitting any sales for the month of January?

If your team is not submitting any sales, it's important to address the issue and find out why. Have open and honest conversations with your team members to understand any challenges they may be facing. Offer support and resources to help them increase sales, such as product training or marketing materials. You can also set consequences for not meeting sales goals, such as not being eligible for incentives or rewards.

5. How can I celebrate and recognize my team's successes during a slow sales period?

Even during a slow sales period, it's important to celebrate and recognize your team's successes. You can do this by highlighting top performers on your team's social media pages or in team meetings. Offer small rewards or incentives for reaching smaller goals. Most importantly, show your team that you appreciate their hard work and dedication, and encourage them to keep pushing towards their goals.

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