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Is My Neighbor Still Interested in Hosting a Fundraising Party?

In summary, the neighbor never paid for the order and didn't show up to the open house show. The neighbor also said she was interested in having a fundraising party for the Make a Wish Foundation with another one of my neighbors. The neighbor never called back, so the customer left multiple messages. If the customer doesn't hear back from the neighbor within the next day, they will be returning the products to the company.
I hosted an Open House show in my home for my entire neighborhood in Jan (it was my first official show as a consultant). One of my neighbors couldn't come but called me and wanted to place an order. She said she would stop by the next day with a check, but she didn't.

She didn't order very much (about $25) so I went ahead and placed the order anyway. The order came in almost a month ago and I called her and left a message about her products. She never called me back. So I called her again and left a message with her husband. She never called me back. So about two weeks after the first call I called again and her husband again took a message and she never called me back (this was five days ago).

Now, she also said she was interested in having a fundraising party for the Make a Wish Foundation with another one of my neighbors. And I know she has a daughter with a heart defect who is very ill. I don't want to be a pest about it, but I am starting to get a little ticked off. Does she want the stuff she ordered or not? Does she want to book a show or not? I just want her to call me back. I have thought about just walking over to her house and knocking on the door, but is that too much?
Sorry you've had to experience this but it will definitely help you decide whether you will pay for orders in the future. Call her back, leave a message that you know life can get very busy and that you understand PC is probably not her top priority right now. However, you need to wrap up this party so if you don't hear back from her within the next day( or whatever time period you choose) that you will be returning the products to the company. Be sure to tell her to have a great day (and mean it!) It helps to be smiling while you say all of this.
PC is your business, not hers. If she has a sick child, kitchen tools may be the last thing on her mind.

Good luck with all of this!
That's too bad. In the future, you'll probably reconsider fronting the money. If you are ever in this situation again, return and refund the items before the 30 day mark.

For this specific case, if you do decide to return the items you'll still lose out on the shipping. Do you tend to see her on a regular basis? Were you friendly and in touch before PC? What messages are you leaving with the husband? How friendly are you two? If you visited and were friends before, I would go over to her home. If not, try and meet her when she's coming home if possible. If you feel uncomfortable doing that or heading to her home, then go with your gut and don't do it. =)

I'd leave one more message stating to the machine or husband, "Hi, just calling to let you know that I am really needing that check you mentioned for your order. Could you come on over and drop it off tomorrow before or after work? I know you're busy and I hate that I have to bug you, but I used my personal money to order your item. I know you're going to love your X and it's sitting over here lonely and neglected wanting to meet you. If there's a problem or need some more time, just let me know so I can be on the same page. Feel free to shoot me a text or email if it's easier for you. I hope all is well and I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Take care!"

Related to Is My Neighbor Still Interested in Hosting a Fundraising Party?

1. Why won't my customer return my calls?

There could be multiple reasons why a customer is not returning your calls. They may be busy, have changed their contact information, or simply do not want to engage with your business at the moment. It's important to stay persistent but also respectful of their boundaries.

2. How many times should I try calling a customer who won't respond?

It's recommended to try at least three times before moving on to other methods of communication. If a customer still does not respond after three attempts, you may want to consider sending an email or reaching out through social media.

3. What should I do if my customer continues to ignore my calls?

If your customer is consistently not responding to your calls, it may be time to reassess your communication strategy. Consider reaching out through different channels or finding a more convenient time to contact them. It's also important to evaluate the value of your product or service to the customer and make sure you are providing a solution that meets their needs.

4. How can I improve my chances of getting a call back from a customer?

To increase the likelihood of a customer returning your call, make sure to leave a clear and concise voicemail with a specific reason for your call. You can also try sending a follow-up email or text message. Building rapport and maintaining a positive relationship with your customer can also make them more likely to engage with your business.

5. Is it appropriate to leave multiple voicemails for a customer who won't return my calls?

While it's important to be persistent in trying to reach a customer, it's also important to respect their time and privacy. If you have left multiple voicemails without a response, it may be best to try a different method of communication or wait for the customer to reach out to you. Continuously bombarding a customer with voicemails may come across as pushy and could potentially harm the relationship.

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