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Is it time to quit with PC after all these screw ups?

In summary, Becky is having a lot of problems with PC and would like to quit. She has had issues with packages not arriving, cracked ovens, and missing items. She has also had trouble getting help from her upline.
Well, I am seriously thinking about calling it quits with PC already. I am sad to say it because I really wanted this to work out. I have had so many issues with PC that I cant even count anymore. Today I was baking little cakes in the prep bowls. Oven at 350degrees and when I took them out, one had cake oozed out the side.:confused: I noticed it was cracked all the way down. This came just 15 minutes after I got off the phone with HO about another adjustment I had to make. My 10" skillet has tiny scratches all over the bottom of it from my nylon spatula! Now I have to send it back and wait forever for a new one to come. I use this almost every day. And the final frustration was the packages I got today.

1st thing is a fed ex issue I think. I was supposed to get 9 boxes delivered today. All the tracking numbers state today as a delivery, however, 2 boxes did not make it today. Ofcourse the 2 missing were the 2 main ones that had almost everything in them. I was counting on delivering this stuff tommorrow, but doesn't look like that will be happening.

2nd- In the box I did get I am missing 3 of the guest specials, 1 -12 or more buying guest special, 1 charter host gift. And a collapsable bowl. All of these things say they are supposed to be included in the boxes I got.

To top it off, No one has ever gotten back to me about my 30 day extension! I got an aknowledgement email, but thats it. It has been a week now. I called the supervisor and everything.
Sorry this was so long, and thanks to those who made it through my MAJOR vent. I just don't think I can handle much more of this. I want to have faith that this will not keep happening, but it seems like it will. HO must think I am psycho by now. I know I sure wouldn't believe a consultant who was calling every day for adjustments.

So in order to quit, do I just go inactive? I guess I should finish up my shows on my calendar first though.
Super confused and frustrated:cry:
Becky - Please don't give up yet...you have TRULY had an unusual bit of events.I would call HO again and talk to a supervisor...and/or ask your upline director for some contacts and talk through all these issues. They need to be addressed and something is awry!!!! I truly have never heard of this many issues to one person!
I am so sorry for ALL your troubles Becky. I do not blame you for wanting to give up.

Right now we are ALL having problems with adjustments and things, not just you. I am sure you have seen the many thread about itSo, I suggest you hang in there a few more months and then evaluate what you should do.

I can honsestly say in the 2 years I have been with PC, this is the most aggravation I have had with them. I think it is just some changes that need to be made at HO.

Pray and seek God's guidance for your directions. He will not lead you astray.

Definitely keep the shows you have on calendar even if you decide to not continue. It would not be fair to the host for you to cancel them. And during them you may get some great responses and change your mind.
Becky, who is your upline? Call her and she can help you.
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  • #5
upline? I dont know what an upline is. Is that my director?
I agree with Debbie... you need to get someone involved who is higher up in the chain. Contact your upline.
Yes, your highest up director. Look on your commission check and you'll see who that is.

Sorry to hear you've had all these problems. It's HIGHLY unusual so don't give up. Just look at it as you're getting all these hassles out of the way at the beginning!
Forgive me for not remembering, but do you have a supportive director or advanced director that is aware of your circumstances and is providing assistance. Otherwise, please note the other postings on here that are testifying to a unusual period of backlogs (and such) on the service side.
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  • #9
not sure what they can do that I can not with a supervisor. But I will give it a try.
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  • #10
I only speak to my Director at meetings. She is over an hour away from me and we don't chat on the phone, so she has no idea whats been happening. I think i should start keeping a log of all the calls I had to make to HO and why.
  • #11
I'm sorry...Becky, I'm so sorry that you are feeling this way. I too have had several issues, even more than you-

I wish I had something encouraging to say. I know that it is rare- and what happened to you and me is considered a fluke compared to what is right with the company. PC still has quite a few wonderful qualities, and I do belive that although you and I have had quite a few things happen to us that were unfavorable- as a whole PC is still a wonderful company! Better than most DS companies!

I would suggest to maybe have your Director call HO in an effort to help you out with your issues or go to her/him for advice as to what is happening with you. It also wouldn't hurt to get your Regional Sales Manager involved. That person can be a wonderful resource in getting issues resolved. Your director should know who that person is and have their email address/phone number.

No new consultant should have to deal with these issues alone. Get some reinforcement! :)

Best of luck- I truly hope it will all work out for you!:eek:

I wish you the best of luck
  • #12
It's her responsibility to be helping you get your business going. Call her and tell her what you've been going through and ask for her help.
  • #13
janetupnorth said:
Becky -

Please don't give up yet...you have TRULY had an unusual bit of events.

I would call HO again and talk to a supervisor...and/or ask your upline director for some contacts and talk through all these issues. They need to be addressed and something is awry!!!! I truly have never heard of this many issues to one person!
That's because I never shared what happened with me...:eek:
  • #14
Kitchen Diva said:
[/B]That's because I never shared what happened with me...:eek:

Well, you done went and made me curious now!:blushing:
  • #15
Becky0216 said:
upline? I dont know what an upline is. Is that my director?
Yes, your director is in your upline, and her director is in her upline, and that director has a director...

I do agree with everyone else- to give PC a chance to rectify what has gone wrong since you've started.

If there weren't about 3-4 other issues that were going on- which made it so that I needed to hang up my apron, I would have stuck it out and would have given PC a chance to fix the issues I was having and did have. :)

Hang in there, feel free to Private Message me if you just want to cry, scream, vent or whatever.

Again- I really do have to believe since you don't hear of many issues (until recently) that this is the exception, not the rule to how things go for consultants. If it was...there wouldn't be a compnay.

Call your director- she is paid to help you! ;)
  • #17
I'm sorry that you're experiencing this trouble. I promise you these troubles are not something that will continue.
You need to call your director. Make a habit of talking to her on a weekly basis, at least thru e-mail.
  • #18
Kitchen Diva said:
It also wouldn't hurt to get your Regional Sales Manager involved. That person can be a wonderful resource in getting issues resolved. Your director should know who that person is and have their email address/phone number.

No new consultant should have to deal with these issues alone. Get some reinforcement! :)

I think this is the biggest point those of us who keep reffering you to your director are trying to make. It is your director's job to help you get started and take care of issues for you. It should not matter that you only see her at meetings and that she is far away. My director is over 7 hrs away and she would be all over this and get my Advanced director in on it too. You should not be gealing with this alone! Sometimes an upper leveldirector can get closer to the root of a problem.

I would definetly be keeping track of all your calls, when what and who you are speaking with.

good luck!
  • #19
I second what Paulette said! :)
  • #20
Becky0216 said:
not sure what they can do that I can not with a supervisor. But I will give it a try.
You would be surprised at what an Advanced Director can get done. Especially if HO is thinking "here's this crazy new consultant again!":D

Please don't give up yet. PC is such a great company to work for, I really think that you won't regret it if you stay on. I agree with Becky, you are just getting all of these hassles out of the way now!
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  • #21
thanks for the support everyone. I just got off the phone with a very nice rep at HO. She did all my adjustments for me and transferred me to a supervisor. I had to leave a message. I did call my upline as well. Left message for her too.
If quitting just means I go inactive, then I will finish out my shows i have booked and see how things are looking by then. If things are better, I will give PC another chance. I have shows booked through June right now, so that gives PC time to make things right.
Now if only i can find a better way to get my skillet replaced without having to wait so long for the adjustment.........
  • #22
"Change your attitute and perspective and life and luck will change for you"

A friend once told me that. I truely believe that, and it is like "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. What you put out in the universe you create!

I have read your many troublesome posts about "how HO did this" etc, but you are attracting the negative energy like that.

Try sending out positive messages into the universe "HO will grant me an extension due to an extreme circumstance".

I sincerely believe that your level of thinking changes your destiny!

(I won't go into it all now, but my DH's aunt is always so sick because all she does is complain and feel sorry for herself and wants pity. We are all so sick of her behavior and if she just took care of herself and was just a spec optimistic...she could be on her way to feeling normal again).

Please give it a try. It is a little hookey at first, but it does work wonders.
  • #23
Don't give up. I've had more issues in the past week then in the entire 3 1/2 years I've been w/PC. I do believe they go in cycles. Trust me it will improve.

I'm just very thankful PC is so good about returns. My Mom used to work for Target and they were great about returns too - not any more! People would take advantage of them. Now you can't take anything back w/o a receipt more then 1 time a year! I just hope PC doesn't change their policy!
  • #24
Becky0216 said:
Now if only i can find a better way to get my skillet replaced without having to wait so long for the adjustment.........

Tell them you are a consultant, you need it for your shows, please send a replacement first. They'll do it.
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  • #25
Deb, I asked them to provide replacement first, but they said they wont. I can try again I guess.
  • #26
See if you can call the same rep back that help you tonight and ask that person.
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  • #27
Katie, I actually did ask her. And she was super nice, but still said they wont do it.
  • #28
Hmmm....I have them send stuff to me first all the time. *shrug*
  • #29
DebbieJ said:
Hmmm....I have them send stuff to me first all the time. *shrug*

Me too...if I bought it, they ALWAYS send it first and then I send mine back.

The ONLY time they don't is when a customer bought it...

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  • #30
Maybe they are being cautious with me because over all the adjustments I have done. I am on the phone with HO again, so I will see what they say
  • #31
Becky0216 said:
Katie, I actually did ask her. And she was super nice, but still said they wont do it.

Becky0216 said:
Maybe they are being cautious with me because over all the adjustments I have done. I am on the phone with HO again, so I will see what they say

As frustrating as a "No" is, sometimes it is a bit easier to deal with when someone that is nice and helpful says it. Amazing what some good customer service can do in an unpleasant situation. Let us know what HO says after you talk to them tonight.
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  • #32
I talked to another rep and she aploogized and said they would rush the skillet to me. So I should have it saturday. She saw that I have already sold 5 sets of cookwear in 30 days and said they would rather have me sell more by having me display the whole set, then having to explain why there is a piece missing.
Thanks for all your help. Hopefully this is the end of my issues.
  • #33
Becky I PM'ed you, I hope it helps...
  • #34
Becky0216 said:
I talked to another rep and she aploogized and said they would rush the skillet to me. So I should have it saturday. She saw that I have already sold 5 sets of cookwear in 30 days and said they would rather have me sell more by having me display the whole set, then having to explain why there is a piece missing.
Thanks for all your help. Hopefully this is the end of my issues.

YIPPEE!!! Happy dance time!
  • #35
Becky0216 said:
I talked to another rep and she aploogized and said they would rush the skillet to me. So I should have it saturday. She saw that I have already sold 5 sets of cookwear in 30 days and said they would rather have me sell more by having me display the whole set, then having to explain why there is a piece missing.
Thanks for all your help. Hopefully this is the end of my issues.

Wonderful Becky - if you don't get the answer you want, ask for a Supervisor each time.

Like any other company, PC has to constantly hire and train so agents will make mistakes.

PC is WONDERFUL at taking care of its consultants and that should have happened to begin with! :)

I'm so glad she apologized and hope you sincerely accept it.

I've dealt with other DS companies and not because I sell PC but from a business perspective can truly say we work for a GREAT COMPANY. I've had issues beyond belief with some other unmentioned DS companies and they didn't care about customer service like PC does!

You are going to do GREAT now and in the future with PC and I think you'll really love it!
  • #36
Becky- I'm glad that things are working out! Try to keep a positive attitude through all this and you won't get so discouraged. It's the only thing that kept me from going crazy when I was going through my issues... My sense of humor, this board and my positive attitude.

  • #37
She saw that I have already sold 5 sets of cookwear in 30 days and said they would rather have me sell more by having me display the whole set, then having to explain why there is a piece missing.

Thank goodness!
One of my recruits has horrible FedEx in her neighborhood. She has seen them throw boxes over her fence rather than open the gate and put them on her porch.

At only 5 shows, with 4 of them needing adjustments (after 30 days, and HO asking for returns, so she has to pay shipping back since she didn't know what to do no PC in her home), she was thinking about quitting.

I hope I turned her around. The last order had 2 broken things but we got it sorted quickly with HO.

It seems a lot of my stuff has broken (that weird circle masher, HWC mugs, prep bowls,etc) or rusted (salad choppers)...but they are usually good about consultants getting replacements.
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Related to Is it time to quit with PC after all these screw ups?

1. What are some common reasons for considering quitting Pampered Chef?

Some common reasons for considering quitting Pampered Chef include dissatisfaction with products or customer service, difficulty making sales or reaching goals, and personal or financial reasons.

2. How can I handle product defects or issues with my Pampered Chef items?

If you encounter a product defect or issue with your Pampered Chef items, you can contact customer service for a replacement or refund. You may also be able to return the item to your consultant for a replacement or exchange.

3. What should I do if I am missing items from my Pampered Chef order?

If you are missing items from your Pampered Chef order, you should contact customer service to report the issue. They can assist you in getting the missing items or offer a refund or replacement.

4. How can I handle a delayed or incorrect delivery from Pampered Chef?

If you experience a delayed or incorrect delivery from Pampered Chef, you can contact customer service to report the issue. They can assist you in resolving the problem and ensure that your order is delivered to you correctly and on time.

5. What is the process for quitting Pampered Chef?

If you decide to quit Pampered Chef, you can simply go inactive by not placing any more orders or hosting any more shows. You may also choose to finish up any shows on your calendar before going inactive. It is important to communicate your decision to your consultant and any customers or hosts you have scheduled before going inactive.

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