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Is High Turnover in Direct Sales Normal?

In summary, my recruiter is quitting PC after only 9 months and my director is also quitting. I love going to my meetings, but it is getting really expensive to travel for them.
I just got an email from my recruiter. She is quitting PC after only 9 months. I have to say I am not suprised. But then at the end of her email she let me know my Director is also quitting. :eek: Really I never met the girl. I have been going to her Directors meetings because my director was so new. But I did sign under the idea that I was eventually going to be going to closer cluster meetings. My director is 25 minutes from me and the current cluster meetings I go to are 1 hr 15 minutes away. I love going to my meetings but it is getting really expensive. I almost don't want to find a hospitality because I get alot out of my meetings and love the girls there. There an older crowd, but have been in the business for a long time.

guess i am just frustrated that this is happening. If some of you remember my drama with signing (recruiter didn't give me my first show, but then wanted to fight for me to sign with her) you will know how annoyed I decided to sign with this girl. Everything told me not to, but I did anyway. And because of that I am without my recruiter and director now and must always travel far for meetings other than hospitality.
Is it real common for people to step down from PC? My DH said maybe it is a hint of how the business is. If people are quitting, maybe it is not so great. DH has always been a supporter and now I think he is having doubts. He is even doubting NC even though he is who finally gave me the push to go.
I thought I was doing so well , but so far had 2 possible recruits, that were at almost 100% ready, walk away. I want to think I will do better as I am doing this longer.

Sorry so long, I am just at a loss.
I remember you talking about her in the first place. She didn't really sound committed to this business. There are alot of successful consultants out there.
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  • #3
wadesgirl said:
I remember you talking about her in the first place. She didn't really sound committed to this business. There are alot of successful consultants out there.
yeah, so why was I so stupid to sign under her? I almost felt disloyal to not sign under the only PC consultant I knew.
Becky0216 said:
yeah, so why was I so stupid to sign under her? I almost felt disloyal to not sign under the only PC consultant I knew.

Not stupid....manipulated & made to feel guilty. Which is why she is leaving and you are not.
Wait till some of the others chime in... Amanda, Coleen, Carolyn, Beth...
The list goes on.
Those are all respected and successful consultants that did not have stellar support (I am being gracious ;) )

You have a great group of us here that will help and support you and help you to find a new team to hang with. Do you know who you are going to roll up to?
Maybe she can help you.
(If you weren't 2 and 1/2 hours away I would love to take you!!)
Chin up, you will do great!
  • Thread starter
  • #5
I know who my new Director is. I have been going to her meetings all along. I was expecting to attend closer meetings withing my first 2 months, but it never happened.
I have to say I am glad i have this board.
Hang in there, people are going to come and some are going to go, believe me no one knows that better than I do. Lost FD 3 times. I don't go to my directors meetings , bc we don't get along. I have a wonderful hospitality director and some of my cluster mates that don't go to our directors meetings have our own meetings, (even though we don't get paid for it), but believe me it's been so much better. This business is what you make of it, you'll see after NC. Since we have been holding our own meetings our sales, recruit leads and motivation has all improved. This site is a Godsend, there is so much information we could all probably do well without a meeting, just this forum helps!!!!
Chin up and cheer up!! I understand your frustration but this is YOUR business and you shouldn't look at their stepping down as what the business really is. They could have stepped down for multiple reasons, personal, medical, etc. Right before I promoted to director, my director resigned after 9 years because she graduated w/her college degree and she wanted to concentrate on being a guidance counsleor and a mother. I guess the moral of what I'm trying to say is while it's great to have somebody there for ya that's close by, you can still have a successful business w/out them. Think about it this way, look at all those customers you've gained! Ask both of them for their customer list!!!

Good luck!
Think of it as probably being the best for your business. Pampered Chef is an opportunity anyone can try and as a result some people are just not cut out for it which it sounds like is the case for your recruiter and director.

There are many of us who have been doing this for a long time with lots of success (everyone defines success in different ways). I have been a consultant for 6 years - it's the longest time I've even had the same job. And I still love it and have no intentions of leaving any time soon.

As far as driving to your meeting is concerned. I know it's hard to justify gas prices but consider it a great investment in your business. You have done great so far and between your monthly meetings and NC you will learn skills that will grow you so much - and I can guarantee that some of the future recruit leads WILL stick (not all but a good percentage of them) once you have a better handle on the business.

I just listened to a tape that Nancy Jo Ryan did where she pointed out this about gas prices:

Gas is about $4 per gallon. The government is now giving us 50.5 cents per mile deduction if we log our business mileage. Doing the math (it's Nancy Jo's not mine). Say your car gets 20 MPG. At 50.5 cents/mile that's $10.10 deduction per gallon. Now we don't get a $10.10 refund but my DH figured out the additional amount we get off our taxes actually becomes about $4 per gallon. So it virtually costs nothing in gas to do our business.
How do you feel about your new director?
  • #10
Don't take the "woe is me" approach. Things happen for a reason. You can't control what others do. Take charge...let this change HELP your business NOT hinder it.

Afterall---it is YOUR business. If YOU want to be successful...make it work! Do what you need to do! Prove others wrong, just do it!

Good Luck.
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  • #11
I like my director. She is such a nice woman. She has always acted as my director. She always calls to see how I am doing or just to praise me. She sends me little notes in the mail about how good I am doing. I get alot of positive reinforcement from her. I am actually really happy she is my Director now. I just don't like the drive. I get a whole 13mpg in my car.
I Love PC and want to stick with it, just worried I will not succeed. I am not as outgoing as most of you are. I can't get comfortable with approaching people or even with different cooking show formats.
  • #12
This could be the best thing that ever happened to you!!

ASAP call Home Office to find out who is now your upline director. Then call that director to introduce yourself. Let her know that you want to succeed in this business and you would appreciate all the help, direction and training to build your business that she can offer. If she does not have any directors in the area then ask her to call HO for hospitality meetings. Your success builds her business. By taking the first step you are being proactive and it will change your business for the best.

If by some chance you roll up to someone that doesn't care to help you then call HO and get hospitality yourself.

Good Luck and think of this as a Wahoo because it is definately not a boo hoo:)
  • #13
Oops! didn't read that you knew your director. Still, call her, get to know her and let her know what you want!
  • #14
Becky0216 said:
I like my director. She is such a nice woman. She has always acted as my director. She always calls to see how I am doing or just to praise me. She sends me little notes in the mail about how good I am doing. I get alot of positive reinforcement from her. I am actually really happy she is my Director now. I just don't like the drive. I get a whole 13mpg in my car.
I Love PC and want to stick with it, just worried I will not succeed. I am not as outgoing as most of you are. I can't get comfortable with approaching people or even with different cooking show formats.

I go to a cluster meeting that meets in Shillington - that should be closer to you. I'm not sure what needs to be done but ask your new director if you can attend the meetings there. They're a great group. I love the gal who runs the meetings - she's got many PC years under her belt and is a good source of support and info.
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  • #15
wow, shillington is roughly 20 minutes from me. That would be so much better. If I go to a hospitality, must I stay there for good? I don't want to yoyo from cluster meetings, but don't want to write off my cluster for good if that makes sense. I know my D will be very sad to see me go. Does my D still keep me and get credit for me?
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  • #16
Lisa, are you going to NC?
  • #17
Becky0216 said:
wow, shillington is roughly 20 minutes from me. That would be so much better. If I go to a hospitality, must I stay there for good? I don't want to yoyo from cluster meetings, but don't want to write off my cluster for good if that makes sense. I know my D will be very sad to see me go. Does my D still keep me and get credit for me?
Your director would not lose you. She is your director no matter what. The other director would be your hospitality director. She gets no financial benefit from you but she does get what you bring to her meetings. Most directors warmly welcome hospitality and from what was said about her group it sounds like she'd be a good one.

You do not have to stay with any hospitality director. In fact, you are not required to attend any meeting. BUT consultants who DO attend a monthly meeting are more likely to have higher sales and advance and grow their businesses than those that dont - same with NC.
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  • #18
what do you mean financial benefit? I didn't know anyone got money for attendees at meetings. And what does it mean that the hospitality gets what I bring to meetings? So my sales for that month count toward her cluster??
  • #19
Becky0216 said:
wow, shillington is roughly 20 minutes from me. That would be so much better. If I go to a hospitality, must I stay there for good? I don't want to yoyo from cluster meetings, but don't want to write off my cluster for good if that makes sense. I know my D will be very sad to see me go. Does my D still keep me and get credit for me?

I honestly don't know how it all works. I know I got invited to the cluster meetings there cuz my director doesn't do them (too busy I guess) but have no idea if that's just how my director does it or what.
  • #20
Becky0216 said:
Lisa, are you going to NC?

No... it conflicted with our vaca plans... and was way more $ than our budget could handle.
  • #21
Becky0216 said:
what do you mean financial benefit? I didn't know anyone got money for attendees at meetings. And what does it mean that the hospitality gets what I bring to meetings? So my sales for that month count toward her cluster??
Your director gets overrides for your sales. That does not change if you go to hospitality meetings.

Hospitality gets the benefits of your enthusiasm and example which often excites members of her own team. Your sales do not count toward her cluster.
  • #21
Becky0216 said:
what do you mean financial benefit? I didn't know anyone got money for attendees at meetings. And what does it mean that the hospitality gets what I bring to meetings? So my sales for that month count toward her cluster??

The financial benefit Beth was referrring to isn't for attending meetings. (It's the standard director override and credit for your sales...that goes to your director, not your HD.) As for your hospitality director getting what you bring to her meetings, Beth is talking about you, your ideas, your thoughts, your motivation. :)
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  • #22
Beth, Thank you for the info.
Lisa- I almost didn't go to conference because of $. guess I bit the bullet and decided to try it once. Thanks for helping as well. Maybe I will end up meeting you one day:)
  • #23
Koolotus said:
Not stupid....manipulated & made to feel guilty. Which is why she is leaving and you are not.
Wait till some of the others chime in... Amanda, Coleen, Carolyn, Beth...
The list goes on.
Those are all respected and successful consultants that did not have stellar support (I am being gracious ;) )

You have a great group of us here that will help and support you and help you to find a new team to hang with. Do you know who you are going to roll up to?
Maybe she can help you.
(If you weren't 2 and 1/2 hours away I would love to take you!!)
Chin up, you will do great!
I had crappy support and continued on. However recently chose to go inactive because of said crappy support and crappy people behind the crappy support and a crappy family situation. :) I however still love Pampered Chef and believe in it with all my heart. Maybe you could read the book that Doris wrote or the one her DH wrote- I feel that maybe those will inspire you and help get you out of that mental funk that these people and the not so favorable situations have put you in.

I'm sorry that this had to happen to you. I truly understand that you feel like you are left high and dry.- Try to get what support you can from those of us here. And please know that once my year of inactivity is up- I'll be signing under a fabulous director with a fabulous cluster and will be one of the top people in my new cluster like I was in my old one.

I think that people quitting this business is more a testiment of their own shortcomings and level of commitment to things than it is a testiment of whether or not PC is a good business. A wise person once told me that you get out of life what you put into it. It's not PC's fault, it is the individuals "faults" if you will... IMHO.
  • #24
Kitchen Diva said:
I had crappy support and continued on. However recently chose to go inactive because of said crappy support and crappy people behind the crappy support and a crappy family situation. :) I however still love Pampered Chef and believe in it with all my heart. Maybe you could read the book that Doris wrote or the one her DH wrote- I feel that maybe those will inspire you and help get you out of that mental funk that these people and the not so favorable situations have put you in.

I'm sorry that this had to happen to you. I truly understand that you feel like you are left high and dry.- Try to get what support you can from those of us here. And please know that once my year of inactivity is up- I'll be signing under a fabulous director with a fabulous cluster and will be one of the top people in my new cluster like I was in my old one.

I think that people quitting this business is more a testiment of their own shortcomings and level of commitment to things than it is a testiment of whether or not PC is a good business. A wise person once told me that you get out of life what you put into it. It's not PC's fault, it is the individuals "faults" if you will... IMHO.

Sorry if this is way off, but why go inactive? If you've found another great director and support, why not go there for hospitality and keep growing your business?
  • #25
amy07 said:
Sorry if this is way off, but why go inactive? If you've found another great director and support, why not go there for hospitality and keep growing your business?

Because the director I have is unethical and immoral and I refuse to let any money I earn in this business go to her (she gets overrides off my business)

I have not found my new director yet, but when I do- I will sign up under that person. In addition with all the crazy family situations that are going on here at home I felt that in combination to the stuff that my director was doing and the family situations that going inactive was what was best for me at this time.

I would rather lose out on my career sales than let my director and her director (who is just as unethical and dishonest as my director) earn one PENNY off of my sales.

I know it seems slightly counterproductive, and for reasons I'm not willing to get into on here- it was the best thing. I prayed about it, discussed it with a few people on here, asked advice, and prayed some more. I did what was right for me, and the second time around I'll be wiser! :)
  • #26
amy07 said:
Sorry if this is way off, but why go inactive? If you've found another great director and support, why not go there for hospitality and keep growing your business?

Because of the people I'm considering to have as my next director are all out of state, too! :) The closest one is over 1000 miles away. :)
  • #27

dang lenght requirement
  • #28
amy07 said:

dang lenght requirement
Which is why most of my posts are lengthy! :) LOL

Sorry if I confused you a little. After reading that post again I can see how I sort of contradict myself about people quitting because of their own short comings and lack of commitment- I said that as more of an encouragment to Becky, so she would understand that it's more than likey the people not the business.

In my case it was the people in the business that helped move me towards the difficult decision to put this on hold for a year. It's already been 3 months and I'm going a little crazy! I may need medication to get me through the next 9! :)
  • #29
From my understanding, D get certain amount of money for the # of consultants in their cluster group to spend on things such as food for the meeting, business supplies, etc. Your hospitality D won't be able to count you in their cluster count. But she will get the pleasure of hearing your ideas and info. that you share at the meetings.
  • #30
sorry....didn't realize that there was another page to this thread
  • #31
Kitchen Diva said:
Because of the people I'm considering to have as my next director are all out of state, too! :) The closest one is over 1000 miles away. :)

Aww, I'm sad...I'm closer than that! :cry:
  • #32
Becky - I'm sorry this happened to you and like many said, it is for the better! Your business started great, keep it going. I hope your new upline is great!I remember MANY of us would have loved to have you join us, but since you were already talking to someone even if she wasn't the best, ethically, she should be the one to sign you. We can't (or shouldn't) steal recruits!!!!Ask your new director to get hospitality for you if her meetings are too far away.
  • #33
janetupnorth said:
Aww, I'm sad...I'm closer than that! :cry:
Oh, I'm more than 1000 miles away (I think?) Maybe I should get in on the bidding war for Kacey...LMAO! hmmmm, what's the going incentive right now? LOL
  • #34
Kitchen Diva said:
Which is why most of my posts are lengthy! :) LOL

Sorry if I confused you a little. After reading that post again I can see how I sort of contradict myself about people quitting because of their own short comings and lack of commitment- I said that as more of an encouragment to Becky, so she would understand that it's more than likey the people not the business.

In my case it was the people in the business that helped move me towards the difficult decision to put this on hold for a year. It's already been 3 months and I'm going a little crazy! I may need medication to get me through the next 9! :)

You'll be fine.....and SO prepared this next time!! LOL!!
  • #35
pamperedlinda said:
Oh, I'm more than 1000 miles away (I think?) Maybe I should get in on the bidding war for Kacey...LMAO! hmmmm, what's the going incentive right now? LOL

Something about teaching her to make sweet tea and something with biscuits or gravy or fried or something! LOL!! But hey y'all...I made sweet tea last night for the first time and EVERYONE said it was wonderful!! I need to work on some other southern specialties so I can say I am transplant! :love:
  • #36
erinyourpclady said:
Something about teaching her to make sweet tea and something with biscuits or gravy or fried or something! LOL!! But hey y'all...I made sweet tea last night for the first time and EVERYONE said it was wonderful!! I need to work on some other southern specialties so I can say I am transplant! :love:
too funny!

Hey, I can make awesome jam & preserves! Strawberry, Peach, Fig, Pear, Apple Butter, Orange Marmalade.....goes great with biscuits!
Or, how about some Fried Green Tomatoes?! Yummo!
  • #37
I'm making Strawberry-Kiwi Jam this morning. Oops . . . Um . . . Sorry to hear about your recruiter & director. Just remind your DH that turnover is really high in direct sales. That's not a reflection on PC. It's just a fact of life.

Related to Is High Turnover in Direct Sales Normal?

1. Is high turnover in direct sales normal?

High turnover in direct sales is not uncommon. Many people are attracted to the flexible schedule and potential for high earnings in direct sales, but it can also be a challenging and competitive industry. As such, it is not unusual for individuals to try it out and then decide it is not the right fit for them.

2. Why did my recruiter quit after only 9 months?

There could be a variety of reasons why your recruiter decided to leave Pampered Chef. It could be personal reasons, such as a change in family circumstances or a new job opportunity. It could also be related to their experience with the company or their own personal success in the business.

3. Is it common for people to step down from Pampered Chef?

Like any job or business opportunity, there will always be individuals who decide to leave for various reasons. However, Pampered Chef has been in business for over 40 years and has a large network of successful consultants, so there are certainly many people who have found success and fulfillment in the company.

4. Should I be concerned about my own success in Pampered Chef?

Your success in Pampered Chef will depend on your own dedication, hard work, and ability to build a strong network of customers and recruits. While it can be discouraging to see others leave the company, it is important to focus on your own goals and continue to learn and grow in your business.

5. How can I make the most out of my Pampered Chef experience?

To make the most out of your Pampered Chef experience, it is important to attend meetings and trainings, stay connected with your upline and fellow consultants, and consistently work on growing your business. Don't be afraid to ask for help or advice, and always stay positive and motivated. Remember, success in direct sales takes time and effort, so keep at it and don't get discouraged.

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